"I'm simply saying that as soon as we walk into that compartment, they're going to ask questions about who gave you that hickey." Hemera points out once again, laughing and poking my neck where the hickey is. "Or you can tell me who it was, and I'll tell them to shove off, being the good friend that I am."
"They won't care," I snort as I push her arm away from my neck. "And oh gee, thank you Hemera, you're always so charming."
I roll my eyes sarcastically because she wouldn't tell them to shove off, even if I did tell her. Hemera wants to know the name as much as they will.
We turn the corner and enter the compartment and Blaise immediately begins to laugh when he sees the huge hickey on my neck. Glad I can always count on Blaise to be subtle.
"Curling iron burn you this morning?" He laughs a little too much at his joke, slapping his knee as we throw our trunks on the top plates. "Or let me guess, a mosquito bite?"
Hemera laughs with him as she sits across from him by the window, both of them turning anxiously toward me. They have those wide eyes on their faces, waiting for an answer, but they would do too much when and if I tell them.
I ignore them and laugh sarcastically at Blaise's stupid joke as I throw myself tired between Pansy and Hemera. I've always hated getting up so early to catch the train, especially living in a Muggle area, it's harder to get to the platform. It's tiring, to say the least.
Still ignoring the looks, I open the book on my knees raised to my chest, taking a deep sigh as I start to read so I can get through the long train journey; which always results in Draco giving me crap or annoying Hemera with his disgusting talks about sex with girls.
Speaking of the devil, I wonder where he is. He's never late.
"So, are you going to tell us who it was?" Blaise asks, pushing my book down with his finger and smiling at me. "Please!"
I suppose I should say it now, or I will never hear the end of their begging and snarky comments.
"Fred Weasley." I smile as I slam the book shut. "Very good in bed I must say."
"You shouldn't brag about being such a slut." Interrupts a deep, emotionless voice, I need not identify.
I know who it is.
I turn around with anger on my face and see Draco standing at the entrance of the compartment, dressed in his black suit as usual. He tosses his trunk on the wooden slab above Blaise's head before he casually throws himself on the seat next to Blaise. I feel uncomfortable as he's scolding me with a look of disgust on his face.
Of course, some things never change.
"Fine." I give him a sarcastic smile and lean back in my seat without breaking eye contact. "It does take one to know after all."
He rolls his eyes and ignores me, reaching into his school bag and taking out a medium-sized, glass bottle of Fire Whiskey. He gives the bottle a swirl, mixing the liquid inside to make the taste stronger, before taking a sip and handing it to Blaise.
I can't say I'm worried, but it's eleven o'clock in the morning and he's got half a finished bottle of liqueur with him and he looks awful. Does this mean he's been drinking since before he even got here?
"Say Malfoy, who in this compartment would you want to shag?" asks Blaise, handing Hemera an almost empty bottle.
Draco smiles at Pansy and slides his hand on her thigh, but she pushes his hand away with a scoff. She's too busy practicing spells in her seat to pay attention to Draco's idiocy, let alone flame his ego.
"Pansy, of course," He smiles and lets out a huff before leaning back in his seat. "There is never another answer."
Hemera hands me the bottle of Fire Whiskey and I wasn't even going to drink it, but Draco Malfoy snatches it from my hand and hands it to Pansy. My hand stays in the air, my fingers tightening into a fist at his unbelievable behavior before I place my hand back on my knees.
"I don't want your bloody mud blood lips to touch my bottle." His face turns red with rage, and his lips press together in an angry expression. "It's disgusting enough just to look at you!"
"Don't be ridiculous!" I scoff and kick his leg, somehow doing that seemed right but now I realize that was downright childish. "I don't want my lips to be where yours have been either! Who knows what I might catch?"
"Can we have just one quiet train ride where you're not on each other's ass, arguing?" Pansy sighs and wipes the alcohol residue off her lips with the back of her hand before handing over a now empty bottle to Draco. "It's annoying and completely spoils the mood."
I scoff loudly and lean my head against the wall, closing my eyes, hoping that when I open them, the train will already have arrived at Hogwarts. But a girl can only dream of such a short train ride.
"All right, why not, Alison? Blaise asks, continuing his question from earlier " Or lovely Hemera here?"
"I don't fuck filthy mud bloods," Draco snarls, purposely stepping on my foot. "And Hemera, no offense, you're lovely, but just not my type."
I open my eyes and look at him, scolding him as he drinks another bottle of Fire Whiskey, his face not cringing for a second at the taste. Hemera shrugs beside me, showing how little, she cares what Draco has to say about her.
"That's great because I'd rather scream anyone else's name than yours, it makes me sick." I blurt out, pursing my lips at him. "It's disgusting."
Hemera bursts into a sharp chuckle and his head whips in her direction, scolding her for even smiling at his humiliation. He's not used to someone talking back to him, especially not me. I'm even surprised at how much I've said so far.
He turns to me and shoots me a wicked smile as he slides his tongue on the inside of his cheek, thinking carefully of his next words to me.
"I could have any girl in this school screaming my name." He rests his elbows on his knees, his broad body leaning forward. "Now why the fuck would I care if you're not one of them? Just the thought of you naked makes me sick to my stomach."
I feel a lump in my throat as anger surges through my veins, but when I open my mouth to say something, I'm immediately cut off.
"Anyway!" Hemera interrupts loudly, clapping her hands together to get out attention. "Let's talk about new boys and girls this year and possible new cheerleaders."
I lean back in my seat, my heart practically beating out of my chest with anger. His eyes remain on mine, burning with rage, but I slowly shift my eyes to Hemera to avoid anything else happening, I'm already drained out and it's been less than an hour.
Hemera and I have been on the cheerleading team since our third year when cheerleaders were brought to Hogwarts; every time Slytherin plays, we do our performances and cheer them on. Hemera and I did it just for the outfits if we're being honest. A pleated white skirt that's super short and a Slytherin Quidditch jumper that fits snug around our breasts, I mean, it drives guys crazy.
"I hope there are new cheerleader leaders because I'm getting bored of having the same ones in my bed." Draco sighs, kicking his legs up on the small opening between Pansy and me.
Blaise lets out a chuckle and pats Draco on the back, congratulating him. It's obnoxious how boys congratulate each other on such disgusting things. It's barbaric.
"Don't you ever get tired of hearing yourself talk?" Hemera asks, reaching over me and pinching his legs so he can move them.
He pushes drops his feet to the ground, and leans over to pull her hair, with furrowed eyebrows and red cheeks.
"I like the sound of my voice." He smirks back and shrugs his shoulders. "It's like music to everyone's ears."
"I'm going to get sweets." I scoff, changing the subject and making everyone turn their attention away from Draco.
I get off my seat and start rummaging around for money out of my trunk, trying to keep my balance on the moving train. I shove my money inside the pocket of my jumper and hurry outside to catch the trolly lady.
As I walk down the narrow corridor, I see someone in a compartment sitting alone, reading a book. He sits with his legs outstretched, his back leaning against the window with a perfect view of the outside. He's missing out on the view he could be having in front of him while he reads.
Curiosity overwhelms me and I open the door—trying not to make a noise—seeing how long it takes for what looks like a new boy to notice that I'm standing there. I cross my arms across my chest and lean against the railing of the sliding door, scanning the cover of the book he's so lost in reading.
"Newton Scamander," I interrupt, reading aloud the name of the author.
The boy jumps up slightly, shutting the book and revealing his face and I feel my cheeks blush. I admire him in shock at how hot he is, and he reads. He doesn't look real, he's so... handsome.
He has this silky brunette hair that splits down the middle, cheekbones so sharp that they should belong to a dead person and these gorgeous green eyes. And if that wasn't enough, he is wearing school robes and still looks amazing!
"Hey." His voice is deep and hoarse, sending down my spine. "Did you need a place to sit?"
He moves aside, and I just shake my head, trying to get a single word out.
"N-No, I just walked past and saw you here alone," I'm smiling and tilting my head to the side like a child. "New to Hogwarts? I mean- Duh the uncolored robes, of course, right."
Come on Alison, don't be stupid!
"I just moved here, Max." He speaks, and I nod my head, smiling at him; I just get lost in his beautiful features. "That's my name, are you going to tell me yours?"
I laugh, and I snap back into focus with embarrassment written all over my face. I feel my cheeks become redder and start to hurt so much from how hard I'm smiling.
"Oh! Yes, I'm Alison," I laugh softly, biting my lip as I step back toward the compartment door. "It was nice to meet you, Max. I-uh, I got to go but I'll see you around."
I step out of the compartment, screaming internally as I try to catch my breath. I groan quietly, feeling embarrassed at how stupid I made myself look in front of someone like him. My hand still shakes as I return inside the compartment, sitting down with a small smile on my lips.
"I thought you were going to buy some sweets? I'm starving!" Blaise whines and slaps his thighs like a baby. "I had already eaten my last box of chips and had to do it without ketchup!"
"She was too far away," I lie, replaying the image of Max in my head as I lean toward Hemera and whisper in her ear, "I've just seen the hottest guy."
"Where?" She inhales, closing her book on her lap, and turns to me; Always ready to talk about a guy.
"In the compartment right next to ours," I smile and widen my eyes to show my excitement. "I'm telling you Hems, he's like a walking doll."
We both giggle and stop laughing when Draco spoils the mood by putting a Polaroid of a naked girl in our faces. There's a date written on the white slab dated a week ago which makes it all much worse knowing this was recent.
"I think I might start a collection, maybe rank them from best to worst." He laughs, shaking the picture in everyone's faces.
"It's so fucking disgusting!" I scoff, pushing the image away from me. "Would you like someone to do this to you?"
"Don't fucking touch me ever again!" He spat and pushed me back with force, my body hitting the wall. He continues talking, completely ignoring how he just made me hit my head. "You're just jealous because you know you'd be ranked last."
"Learn how to fucking respect girls!" Hemera rages and pushes him off me. "You need help Draco!"
He pushes her away, as his fists are clenched tightly and his face is filled with anger. The thought that came to my mind next would have made me want to puke a few months ago; at this moment I can only imagine him running his fingers over my naked body and him smiling cheekily behind the camera, taking one of these pictures of me.
Never in a million years would I have felt this way about Draco Malfoy.
And then he talks and I'm hating him again.
"Oh, she's a girl?" Draco mocks and scrunches his nose. "What a scary little thing, I would've never noticed. I thought girls were supposed to be hot"
"And I thought guys were supposed to have bigger dicks?" I huff, giving him a sarcastic smile. He's always bragging about how big his dick is but truth be told I think he's lying. "I guess that was a lie."
"I'm not going to argue with you," he scoffs, rolling his eyes, and yet he continues to argue. " There's a reason I have girls lining up for this dick."
"No, you don't." Hemera laughs, holding her stomach, as she laughs harder. "You slept with like four girls, big deal. The rest of them just make out with you."
He turns to her, widening his nostrils, and his face turns red with embarrassment.
Draco Malfoy, a body count of 4? I would never have guessed it since he's always with girls; It can't be as good as he describes then if they're just making out with him.
I laugh and he scolds me. "You shouldn't laugh either, I have more than you."
"I don't know." I mock him, raising my hands and shrugging my shoulders. "I'm a slut."
"At least you admit it," he leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "While we're on the topic of you pointing things out, how about the fact that you shouldn't be in Slytherin or even at this school!"
"Enough, Draco!" Hemera pushes him back into place, and that's when Draco and I realize how close our faces were.
I sit back and turn away from Draco as he smiles at me sarcastically, irritating me more. He takes his eyes off me and drinks the rest of the Fire Whiskey sitting next to him. I wish it was legal to kill people sometimes because this unforgivable curse would slip off my tongue like water.
"It's a little bit over the line." Blaise mumbles, looking at Draco who throws the empty bottle on the floor.
Hemera picks it up from the floor and with the help of her wand, breaks it and turns it into water droplets. Nothing strange from her since she loves the Earth and hates littering.
"So now you're protecting her too?" Draco growls, getting all up in Blaise's face and puffing out his chest. "What have I done to you?"
"I'm just saying..." Blaise pushes Draco away and rolls his eyes. "That you always end up being so rude with her, and when she walked in, she was fine until you walked in."
"She causes it." He seethes. "I only give respect to pureblood."
I roll my eyes and rest my head on Hemera's shoulder as she places her hand on my cheek, comforting me. I'll never really know the whole situation regarding the state of pure or dirty blood; I guess it's because I didn't grow up in the wizarding world, but if I were pureblood, I wouldn't be as big a bitch as Draco. I only wish I wasn't offended by him. Just Once.
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