Chapter 84 Givers And Takers
The television is shattered.
The entire coffee table has been lifted and thrown across the room.
It took two bodyguards and a psychiatrist to restrain me before any more damage could be done.
Screams and cries and profanities spew out of my mouth as I fight off everyone.
A shot was given in my upper left arm.
The entire courtroom gasps. Even Colton West looks a little surprised at his win. James remains stunned, like he didn't process the jail sentence. He's going to prison for one year. I don't care if the cameras are on me, I begin to cry for my friend. The courtroom is in an uproar and tears from James's sisters, friends, and the nurses. Seven of those twelve jurors agree that James should follow the state law and serve time. SEVEN. ONE person made that decision final.
Addison's eyes are wide, unable to accept losing this case. She has never lost a case. She doesn't know how to react.
"Order!" Judge Capriotti bangs the gavel for the commotion in the room to cease. "Order in the court!"
Everyone sits down and gives the judge some of our attention. The rest is on the fact that James is going to prison. James Gallo. A man who never does anything wrong. A genuinely caring, loving man will be behind bars with a bunch of felons. A disabled man who won't have anyone to help him.
Trisha is beyond herself. She can't hold in her cries no more than James's sisters, but it forced to quiet down.
"Mr. Gallo. We have rules and laws for a reason. You are aware of this son." The judge looks at him with empathy as James cries silently. Maggie has jumped up to put her front paws on his lap, but he doesn't pet his dog. He is frozen in shock. He won't even have his dog with him, will he? That alone is going to kill him. "The jury's votes on your sentence with a seven/ five vote to abide by the laws of California." He sighs heavily.
There's a long pause where the judge stares at James before speaking again.
"I can not, in good conscience, agree with the jury's verdict."
The room is now silent. All reporters, cameramen, and people of the court are frozen. What the hell is happening? I don't understand.
My heart is pounding so loud I almost can't hear anything but the repeated drumming in my ear. Jonah's hand is on my shoulder. I'm holding Trisha's hand so tight I am most likely breaking bones.
"I am filing a motion for a continuance."
Colton jumps up. "What? Your Honor!" He bursts.
"Mr. West, have a seat, or I will hold you in contempt." Judge Capriotti takes off his wire rimmed glasses and rubs his eyes. He shakes his head again and puts his glasses back on.
"Mr. Gallo." He can tell James has no idea what's happening. "Filing a motion for a continuance is when a judge needs more time to respond. I do not agree with the jury's decision and have the right to decline the verdict. But a punishment still needs to be set for your offense. I need to review the case further so we will have a recess until further notice. I am, on the record," He looks at the woman typing feverishly to keep up with the transcription. "Filing for a continuance. We will resume trial at 3 pm unless further time is needed. The court is adjourned."
Judge Capriotti bangs the gavel loudly, grabs his folders, and quickly exits the room before half the room can even stand.
"What the hell is happening?" I bolt out of the booth with a scolding look towards our lawyer.
"It means he doesn't agree with the verdict, so he is coming up with his own sentence. This is good news, Mr. Hollan."
"Good NEWS? GOOD NEWS!?" I yell right as Evan stands in front of me and leans down to my ear.
"Eyes and ears everywhere, Nate. Cameras are all focused on you now."
"I don't give a fuck! That jury thinks James would survive in prison? Are they fucking kidding me?!"
"Escort him out. Quickly... before they do. Hurry." Addison glances at the courtroom guards now noticing the commotion and against my will Evan and three of my own security take me out the side door and into the holding room before reporters can get to me. My heart is skipping beats left and right and I notice Jonah is following behind. for medical reasons, I'm sure.
I lay on the couch completely numb. Every once in a while, I'm able to open my eyes, half conscious. I see that maintenance kid, Lucas, in the apartment along with two other men. They are cleaning up the mess from the shattered TV. While they are doing that, Jeremy and Mike are carrying in another, smaller TV and mounting it on the wall to continue watching the trial.
But it's over. There's nothing more to watch.
James was sentenced to one year in prison. He's going to jail. My best friend.
"He's going to jail and you're standing here fucking free." I murmur with slurred speech, looking at Jeremy. I feel Paul's hand brushing my hair away from my face. "You fucking raped me, yet-"
"PAUL!" Jeremy whips his head and glares at me and then Paul. Paul looks at me and shakes his head whispering something to me, but I couldn't hear what it was. Probably to shut the hell up about the rape because other people are in the room.
"What did she just say?" The maintenance kid, Lucas, stops sweeping up the floor and turns to me.
"She's heavily sedated." Jeremy shrugs trying to make light of it. No. You can't make light of it. Everything I have ever loved has been taken from me. I try to sit up but it's no use. My body is now made of heavy bricks. I can't move but feel tears falling down my face.
"Moretti, be quiet."
I begin to spiral out a little, even under the sedation. My eyes dart around the room and panic sets in.
Jeremy notices right away, stops what he is doing and comes over to me.
"Hey... Julia. Focus on me. Hey." He kneels down in front of me and studies my face. I lay on the couch and cry so hard I begin to hyperventilate again. "Is the room shifting again?"
I nod in anger, feeling my tears well up as I give in and look up at the doctor. "Everything's spinning too fast."
"Ok." Jeremy pays no attention to anyone else in the room. He sits me up on the couch and places my feet flat on the ground. He takes both my hands in his. I can't handle him being so close but need help. The spinning is making me nauseous. "Remember the 'Fixation Technique'?"
I nod. My body feels completely numb and heavy from the sedative, but my mania is so bad it's breaking through, so the whole room spins around me. It's an awful feeling.
"It will help lessen the effects of these spins. Keeping your eyes open, stare at something in the room. Anything at all." Jeremy waits for me to look straight ahead at the door. I focus on the door handle, of all things. Just like I did the first time he taught me about this technique. Once he sees me staring at it, he continues.
"Good. Sit upright and firmly press your feet down on the floor, just like you're doing right now."
I nod, hating that what he is doing is working. Because it's Jeremy.
"Now, slowly blink a few times. Remember, if you stare for too long, or keep your eyes closed for an extended period of time, it will worsen."
I do as the doctor says and the room slowly stops moving. My focus becomes clearer.
Then I cry. Because it worked. Because Jeremy helped me out of my episode. Out of my panic attack. Again.
"I hate you so much!" I cry out, still looking at the doorknob.
"I know you do." He whispers back so only I can hear him. "I know.."
I try to stay awake while I cry but the sedative takes over. I try to focus my eyes on Paul. Paul sees I can't keep my eyes open and makes his way over. He can tell I'm nervous to fall asleep with Jeremy right here. I feel paralyzed. Once I see Paul sit on the couch next to me, letting Jeremy know he is watching his every move, I close my eyes and drift off.
I'm safe.
James hasn't said one word. We sit in the holding room waiting for Addison. We will be here for a while because we have to wait for things to die down outside. James is in a deep shock. The kind Julia goes into. He stares ahead in silence with tears streaming down his face.
"Is he ok??" Trisha cries as Casey sits with James on the couch.
"He's in shock. He will be ok, though."
"What does any of this even mean?!" I flinch in irritation at the stabbing pain in my chest. "And where the hell is Addison?"
"Nate. Sit down." Jonah and Evan both say simultaneously. I do as they say and sit at the table next to Trisha, but my knee bounces nervously. Maggie jumps up on the couch to be with James and no one tells her otherwise right now.
Addison walks in holding her briefcase and a bunch of folders. I bolt up and get in her face.
"I don't fucking pay you to lose! I don't fucking pay you to send him to JAIL!" I say through gritted teeth.
"Someone control him." She rolls her eyes unaffected as Evan harshly pulls me away and pushes me back into my chair. I'm so wound up. "You're already all over the news for your outburst in the courtroom."
Addison sits down and puts her long hair in a low, loose ponytail before looking down at a bunch of documents.
"This is good news." She looks at unresponsive James, frowns at his lack of reaction and turns to me. "I know that was shocking to hear.,,the jury siding with West. But they don't have the final say." Addison begins. "I have a feeling they only sided with Colton to abide by the state laws. They were scared. They know the laws are put in place for a reason and they are trying to follow them. I don't want to put false hope in anyone, but the judge obviously doesn't agree with James serving time in prison."
"So, what happens now?" Jonah asks, his hand on the back of his neck while pacing the small room.
"We wait. We wait as long as we need to wait. If the judge is ready, then at 3pm we go back into the courtroom. If he needs to prolong the continuance, it could be days."
"I need a fucking drink." I mutter and rub the back of my neck.
"No... you don't. You need to stop drawing attention. The reporters are eating this shit up, Mr. Hollan. Listen, James." She talks to James, and he look at her but says nothing. "You are a giver. You contribute and do good deeds for others without expecting anything in return. Colton West? He's a taker. He's going to try to get as much out of you as possible to make this case look like he won. Whether it be jail time or a lump sum of money to shut his client up and make her feel like he accomplished something. Now it's out of his hands. He should have taken the plea bargain right from the beginning and now he's kicking himself for not doing so."
I know what Addison is saying now. Before this even went to trial we tried to settle with the prosecution. I pretty much offered up my life's worth in the form of money to keep James from stepping foot into a courtroom. But they denied the offer. They became too greedy. They wanted to take more. They wanted to take his freedom.
"This is good news. It means that maybe, just MAYBE the judge doesn't want you to serve time in prison. Maybe he will lessen the time. Or maybe he will come up with something not involving incarceration."
"So what would his punishment be then?" I ask, now beginning to calm down a little more.
"Could be anything. Could be a huge fine, or maybe house arrest for the amount of time sentenced to prison. Either way, you are convicted of reckless driving. That will permanently be on your record. That won't go away. But and I hate to sound insensitive here but, you are on disability and cannot work so it's not like that is going to affect you getting a job."
James frowns. He is still holding hope for a full recovery, isn't he? The poor guy.
"Wait, house arrest?? Seriously?" Trisha asks in a worried way. "We were gonna go on tour. We we-"
"Trisha. Shut up." I snap. "I couldn't give two fucks about tour right now. This is someone's life! Shit," I look down at my lit up phone to see Paul is calling. "It's Paul."
Paul is ratting me out while I lay on the couch in and out of consciousness. The tv has been cleaned up and Jeremy had one taken out of a vacant apartment to put in it's place so they can continue watching the trial. The cleaners and maintenance kid are gone and Mike had to go to his afternoon session. Jeremy has left to go get my chart to document everything.
"I know I've said it before, but this was a bad one boss." Paul tells Nate everything. The TV, the tantrum, everything. I'm so sedated. I watch him pacing and talking but the only emotion I can show is a tear that rolls down my cheek.
When Paul notices he walks over and sits on the empty spot of the couch near my stomach where my legs curl up. He lifts his thumb to my cheek while talking and swipes away a tear with eyes full of sympathy.
Because I'm bipolar I will always struggle. I will always end up needing sedation. I will always be detoxing. I will always be like this, won't I?
More tears fall yet I can't move. Paul ends the phone call when he sees this, knowing I can hear him and understand him fully.
"The judge didn't agree with the Jury. You were too busy in your own world to hear this. He filed for a continuance, meaning he needs more time before he makes a final verdict. Gallo may not go to jail, ok? We need to stay positive."
I try to nod but have no idea if I really did or not. Paul puts a hand on my cheek just for a moment and gives me a look I've never seen before. It's a sad look but a look like he understands.
"I'm going to make sure you're fine, ok Moretti? I will be right here to take care of you."
I close my eyes and fall asleep again.
I feel hands lift me up and at first, I begin to panic internally, thinking it is Jeremy or someone taking advantage of me in some way. This dose of medicine was too much. Or maybe it's a reaction from having back-to-back injections, I'm not sure, but I can barely open my eyes. When I do, I see it's Paul who is lifting me up and my panic disappears. He carries me to my bedroom and gently lays me down. It's dark outside. It's late.
"Paul... This medicine..." My speech is slurred.
"I know. Your body isn't used to such big doses in these injections." I watch Paul untie my sneakers and take them off.
"If he... if he ever were to give me this.... and... you're not-" I try to form a complete sentence, but my thoughts are slurred just as much as my speech. Paul studies my face before he realizes what I'm trying to say.
"That's why you can NEVER be alone with him. I hear what you're trying to say, Moretti. If he were to inject you with this size of a dose and no one is here to protect you.... you wouldn't be able to fight it off. I hear you, ok?" He assures me he understands where I'm going with this, and I feel a tear slip from the corner of my eye before Paul swipes it away. "I'm here to protect you. You will never be alone with him."
I nod and try to keep my eyes open. Paul is about to climb into bed on his side but then second guesses it.
"Moretti. You're pretty sedated. I can't tell if this is ok. Do you want me to sleep in the living room, tonight?" He wants confirmation before he lays in bed.
"Stay." I nod, letting him know I don't want him to go in the other room. Paul has been sleeping in the same bed as me since the start. When he doesn't, I end up dragging him in here due to night terrors anyways, so he ends up in my bed regardless. I'm not trying to fool around, and he knows that now. He knows I just get scared sleeping alone these days.
"Ple-please don't leave me.... Not like this." I close my eyes again. God what dose did Jeremy inject in me? I'm really out of it. Was I that bad?
I force my eyes open again to see Paul undress down to his boxer briefs but then put a pair of sweatpants on which is something he always does, though I know when he sleeps alone he wears just his underwear like James and Nate. He does this out of respect for me.
I close my eyes again and feel him get under the covers.
"Prison. He's... yet Jere-..."I mumble but can't manage to finish my sentence now. "And he" Another tear falls. "The doors. Are they...?"
"Yes. All doors are locked. He can't get in. Julia, you are safe." Paul wraps his arm around me and pulls me up against his body like I need him to. I cry and hold on to his arm tightly.
"You're safe."
I'm safe.
I close my eyes again and fall asleep.
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