Chapter Twenty
Melody POV
I sobbed uncontrollably into the crease of my fathers neck, wailing at the grimness as to what I'm going to do tomorrow.
"Maybe you should seriously rethink doing this. I'm concerned for you Mel." Daddy wrapped his arms around me tightly.
"No!" I cried harder. "I-I have too. I'm-I'm the only one who can-can g-get close enough!" I sobbed harder, hiccuping my words.
"'re upset because you feel you have to take down Aro yourself, but you're also upset because you don't want anyone else to do it?" He tried picking apart my confusing mindset.
"Yes." I pouted, my tears slowing down slightly.
"You sound just as ridiculous as your mother." He laughed slightly.
"She says I'm more like you, and that Ren is more like her." I wiped tears away.
"Very true." He chuckled softly, moving me back slightly so he could wipe away the remaining tears, he kissed both of my tear stained cheeks quickly.
"You're much too stubborn for your own good like me." He smirked.
"Or...I'm a little too aware of my fate for my own good like you." I smirked my copy-cat smirk of his.
"Aware of fate? Me?" He scoffed. "Please, I'm as blind as a bat when it comes to that. Do you think I honestly had an idea that my existence would play out like this?" He laughed.
"Like what?" I asked softly, knowing he was about to prove my point.
"First and foremost, find the love of my life in a human teenaged girl, nearly getting her killed multiple times before she, for some strange reason, agreed to marry me. Then having human-vampire twins, which we thought impossible, and not knowing about one of the twins until her sixteenth birthday. Now I'm helping my lost daughter kill the man who kidnapped her, who just happens to be the king of the Volturi!" He cried in frustration.
"Exactly my point. You're aware of the course your fate has brought you. Aware of your wife and children, aware of your family, aware of what comes in the future." I smiled.
"Oh I see, one of your philosophy concepts." He chuckled, messing with my wildly curly hair.
"Come here." He sighed, pulling me up from the sofa slightly and draping me across him, pulling me tightly into his arms in a very fatherly embrace. "I love you so incredibly much Melody, I don't care what happens between us, I will love you till I no longer exist on this earth. Hell, I'll probably still love you in Hell too." He chuckled darkly and I hit his arm playfully. "I'm proud of you. Of your commitment and want to make the world better, even if it means ending those you've cared about in the past and possibly present."
"Welcome home mia figlia piccola!" Aro welcome "his little daughter" home.
Yeah, a "little daughter" that was about to stab a knife in his back.
So far the plan was working, I called Aro last night after my talk with daddy and told him all about how I didn't want to be around the Cullens anymore and I wanted to come home and he bought it easily. Right now, just after I've entered the castle, my father and other vampires aiding my fight are moving swiftly through the back of the castle.
"Hello papà! I've missed you!" I exclaimed, forcing a smile onto my face.
"Come here, give me a hug sweet girl!" He laughed and hugged me tightly.
I hugged him back as tight as I possibly could. I hugged my caring father, the father I had known for sixteen years of my life.
I was hugging him goodbye.
Aro Volturi is no longer the same father he was to me. He is my kidnapper, who I happened to think of as a father in my delusional state, and I can no longer keep fooling myself that he's the same man I used to love so dearly. This is my goodbye to him.
"Papà?" I softly called his attention, still wrapped tightly in his arms, as I heard the first of the heavy footsteps approaching.
"Yes sweet girl?" He coed.
"I'm so sorry." I sobbed, tears escaping my green eyes.
He pulled back in worry just as the large doors to the thrown room burst opened. He looked at me with a pained expression, he knew what was happening, but he didn't want to accept it.
I slipped the large syringe I had hidden in the side of my backpack out and quickly stabbed it deeply into his frozen heart.
He gasped in pain as I pushed the venom into his system. A minuet hadn't passed yet when he slumped forward, falling into my arms. I sat on the ground and cradled his head in my lap, silent tears streamed down my cheeks as the Volturi surrendered to my army.
"Melody?" Nahuel shook my shoulder slightly, and smiled sadly at me when I turned to face him, stricken with grief.
I stood slowly and calmly, reached down, and took Aros' Volturi crest, in the style of a silver pendant, and put it around my own neck.
"I am Elizabeth Melody Masen, stolen daughter of Aro Volturi, I hence claim my crown and title of leader of the Volturi clan." I addressed the room of submissive, and slightly hopeful looking, vampires.
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