I'm aro/ace
I opened the car door and stepped out onto the sidewalk. It was a bright sunny fall day. "Bye Aunt Cassie," I said closing the car door she smiled at me. "Have fun at school!" She yelled out the window well driving away. I laughed. I turned to face the big building in front and smiled. It had been ten months scenes the school exploded. A lot had changed. Callaghan went to jail.
Thank god.
I can't believe I trusted that guy. Abigail was going to take over the school in her father's place when she got out of the hospital in a few months. The city had been rebuilt after what happened. We had to make Fred a new suit because he broke his. It was made to look more like the rest of the teams but still had the fire that shot out of the hands and retractable claws for climbing.
As for Tadashi... He is doing great! After the fire, he got knocked out in a coma. The chance of him waking up was almost none and the doctors said that if he did he wouldn't be the same. Lies. He woke up three months ago and is fine just a few scars on his arms. We are even making him a suit so he can join the team. When I was recovering from the explosion in the hospital Aunt Cassie and became friends with the nurses who took care of me and Tadashi. They now get free food and drinks at the cafe.
I walked on the sort of long sidewalk up to the school. There were colored leaves falling everywhere and I mean everywhere. A few even fell in my hair. Talk about annoying. I looked around and saw a few people talking.They then turned and looked at me then started to whisper again. I rolled my eyes. Being fourteen and going to college wasn't easy. I walked up to the entrance and looked up at the school. A few birds flew across the sky overhead. I stood there for a second then agitated my backpack I took a breath and walked in. I was really nervous for my first day of college. More than I should be. Why? Well, I am Aro/Ace and haven't told anyone yet. I plan on telling them today. I just don't know what they will think. I swear if someone says I just haven't found the right person yet I am going to explode. I'm Aro/Ace, not Demi. I was so busy thinking I didn't realize that it was almost time for class. The bell rang making me jump and scream a bit. I heard a laugh from behind me. "I will put a snake in your bed," I said turning around to see Tadashi laughing so hard he was holding his stomach. "Don't care." He said through laughs. I forget. He likes snakes. "Fine then. I will put a spider in your bed." I said crossing my arms and smirking. He stopped laughing immediately a look of horror flashed across his face for a second. One thing you should know about Tadashi. He has arachnophobia. Not just scream and run from a spider, like most people. But really really scared of them. I remember a time when I was six when we went to the zoo. A zoo keeper was showing some animals. One of them was a Goliath birdeater tarantula. When the zoo keeper asked if he wanted to hold it he fainted.
I still like to tease him about it. "You wouldn't?" He asked crossing his arms. I shrugged with a smile. I never really would put a spider in his bed but it was still fun to mess with him. The bell rang for a second time. "Attention all students, please make your way to class." a voice announced loudly through the speakers.
"Come on... Nerd." Tadashi said walking past me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and ran after him. "Looks who's talking," I said walking backward in front of him. He chuckled took off his new hat and shoved it on my head covering my eyes. "Hay!" I yelled then took off the hat to see that Tadashi had run past me. I started to run after him. He was really fast but was still healing from the coma and wasn't as fast as he used to be. We ran right and left and right again almost knocking down people. I had caught up with Tadashi. "On your left!" I yelled running past him he smirked and ran after him. After a few seconds, he had caught up with me. He ran past making sure to push me back a little. "Punk!" He yelled running past. I chuckled and ran after him again. I was getting a little tired. I ran up to him so we were now side by side. "Jerk," I said smirking he looked back at me. I turned left into the nerd lab winning the race.
Because Tadashi looked back at me, he didn't see the glass door and ran into it, falling to the floor. "Ow!" Me, Wasabi, Fred, GoGo, and Honey Lemon started laughing. Honey Lemon walked out of the lab followed by the rest of us and over to Tadashi. She held out her hand. "Are you ok?" She asked Tadashi looked up at her from where he was on the floor. He had one hand over his nose. He took his hand away from his face and we could see there was blood on it. He had run into the wall so fast he got a nosebleed from it. "My guess. No." Tadashi said with a little chuckle and wiped his hand off on his pants before taking Honey Lemon's hand. She helped him to his feet then Baymax walked out. "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. I was alerted to the need for medical attention when you said ow. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked Tadashi smirked. "Physical or emotional?" He asked I put my hands over my mouth to stop myself from laughing.
The others didn't get the joke but I did. It had become a running gag after I first met Baymax. Baymaxs didn't seem to get the joke and asked again. "I'm fine Baymax I just have a nosebleed." Tadashi said Baymax raised one hand and said. "So he admits it." Everyone burst out laughing. "Hiro, what have you been teaching him?" Tadashi asked turning to me arms crossed, but I could tell he was trying not to laugh. "Nothing. He must have seen one of those crim shows Aunt Cassie watches." I said still laughing to the point it hurt. Tadashi sighed and we all walked into the nerd lab. Tadashi sat down on his chair by his desk and Baymax to care of him. "You really need to be more careful. You are still weak from the coma." Baymax finished helping Tadashi. "Yes, Aunt Cass," Tadashi said sarcastically Byamax once again didn't get the joke. "My name is Baymax." Baymax informed us I was sitting in my chair and facepalmed. "Brother, you are a good eventer but you need to teach him sarcasm." I said he nodded in agreement. "Well, what do you think of school so far?" Wasabi asked walking over to me I spun around in my chair. "I will tell you at the end of the day," I said Wasabi then remember then I just started school today. "Really?" GoGo asked crossing her arms and blowing her bubble gum. "She is right." Honey Lemon said rolling around already getting to work on something. Gogo had been teaching her how to rollerskate and now she weres bright pink rollerskates to get around faster.
I had been working for a few hours. I was trying to make a hoverboard. Yeah, go on laugh. It was going to use magnets to lift off then ground only by six inches. It would have small rockets built into the back witch taping your foot twice would turn it on. To move you would have to lean which way you wanted it to go. It would have to have a special track it would race on. Then the bell rang. I jumped again making my friends laugh a little. I rolled my eyes. I put down the torch I was holding and took off my welding mask.
"It's lunch." Honey Lemon said well rolling over to me covered in pink power. I chuckled. She loved pink. She brushed herself off, but some of the power fell into my hair making me sneeze. "What is in that?" I asked shaking my head making a pink dust cloud. She opened her mouth to speak but Tadashi cut her off. "Better tell him later. We don't want to miss lunch." Tadashi said everyone nodded. "Bal. Cafeteria food. " I said scrunching up my nose. "It's not that bad," Wasabi said walking over to me. I glanced up at him. "Ok, some of it is," Wasabi said seeing the look I was giving him. "Yeah, but it's free," Fred said walking out the door. GoGo rolled her eyes and blew her gum before walking out. She might seem mean but she is really cool when you get to know her. Like the sister I never had. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I had a sister. But then I remember that then I would have to share even more of my room.
We walked into the Cafeteria and it went quiet. Everyone looked at me. I can see why. I am fourteen and in college. That doesn't happen every day. I put my hood up and pulled the strings on my hoodie to make it so people couldn't see my face that much. I could see Tadashi looking at me out of the corner of my eye. "I don't like people," I muttered he shrugged. "You will meet someone you like one day." He said I rolled my eyes. That was never going to happen. Ever. We walked over to the Cafeteria lady and she gave us our food. I gave her a quick nod and a smile before walking over to a table where my friends were. I sat down and started to eat. It wasn't that bad. I was eating and listening to my friends talk. "Hay Hiro," Fred said I looked up at him. "What was your old school like," He asked I shrugged. "It was ok. Nothing really happened there. I just kept my head down. Ya know?" I said then took another bit of my food. "Did you have any friends?" Honey Lemon asked I shook my head. "No. Not many or any people want to be friends with a kid like me. Most of the other kids just avoided me." I said a little sad. Until I met the Honey Lemon GoGo Fred and Wasabi the only friend I had was Tadashi. And Mochi.
Stupid cat.
"There lose," Tadashi said ruffling my hair. I swated his hands away. "Stop. You are messing up my hair" I said then fixed my hair the other laughed. "Have you looked in a mirror?" Tadashi said I huffed. My hair was always messy. "He is right. You and GoGo have the same hair." Fred said then got hit upside the head by a mad GoGo. "Ow!" GoGo smirked making me chuckle.
It was the end of the school day we were walking home. It was night the only lights out were the street lights and that of a few stars. It was really cold. I noticed that Honey Lemon was wearing Tadashi's jacket. I'm starting to think they are together. Witch is great. But why the hell wouldn't he tell me?! I'm his brother for god sakes! I know he won't hurt but if he does I might just put him back in a coma. Well, I won't but GoGo will. "Where are we going again?" Wasabi asked Fred turned around and started walking backward so he could talk to Wasabi. "To my house. Tadashi hasn't been there so I thought we could show him." Fred said then turned the right way around. "That's right you haven't been there," GoGo said Tadashi nodded. After ten minutes of walking, we made it to Fred's house. "Wait you live here?" Tadashi asked shocked Fred nodded and walked over to the door. "Hay Heathcliff," Fred said smiling then walking in. We all followed behind him. Baymax stopped turned to Heathcliff and gave him a fistbump. This happened every time we came here. I don't know how Heathcliff wasn't wireded out that a giant marshmallow gave him a fistbump.
We walked into Fred's room. "Your place is big." Tadashi said walking in. Fred nodded and flopped down on a beanbag. I walked over and sat down on the big red couch in the middle of his room. Everyone was kind of doing their own thing. Fred and GoGo were playing video games. GoGo was clearly winning. Tadashi and Honey Lemon were talking. And Wasabi well... He was dusting. He can be such a neat freak.
I was zoned out. I do that a lot. I was thinking about how to tell them. And what would they think? Tadashi is fine with the LGBTQIA+ community. Once at our old school when he still went there he stood up for this gay kid that was getting bullied. It ended up with him in detention, but he said he would do it again. Wasabi was really nice and I don't think he would care too much about me being Aro/Ace. Fred. He probably doesn't know what that is. I really didn't want to have to explain myself, but it is Fred I am talking about. I know GoGo is fine with the LGBTQIA+ community as well. Still nervous though. Honey Lemon would probably be happy, but of course, she is always happy. Then someone waved a hand in front of my face. I snapped back to reality to see Tadashi.
"Hiro you there?" He asked I nodded. "Yeah. Just zoned out. Again." I said he nodded. He knows I did this a lot. Mostly when I am thinking. "What were you thinking about?" He asked sitting in front of me on a red stool. "Nothing." I said he raised a brow at me. We have known each other for so long we could read each other like a book. "What is it?" He asked I rolled my eyes. "It's nothing." I said facing away from him. Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and looked over at us. GoGo walked over to me. "What's up, Hiro? You seem a little on edge." GoGo said I sighed. "I said it's nothing." I said Tadashi stood up. "Ok, then. You heard him it's nothing." Tadashi said then started to walk away. Next thing I knew he grabbed me by my ankles and was holding me upside down. "Tadashi! Stop!" I yelled but he just started to shake me. My friends were laughing at what was going on. "Tadashi! Knock it off!" I yelled but he didn't seem to hear me. "Nope." He said I huffed and crossed my arms. "Please?" I asked he shook his head. "Tell me what's wrong." He said I sighed. He was really stubborn so the only way to get him to stop was to tell him. And the rest of my friends.
"Fine. Just put me down first so I don't pass out." I said he nodded and set me back down on the couch. I sat up and straightened out my hoodie. Everyone gathered around to see what I was going to say. God, I'm scared. "Um.. well... I ah... I wanted to tell you guys something. I just don't know how you will react." I said nervously. Tadashi looked at me as if he was trying to figure out what I was going to say. "Go on. We are your friends. You can trust us." Tadashi said with a smile everyone nodded. I calmed down a little. "Um... Well... I'm Aro/Ace. Surprise." I said with a more than nervous chuckle.
"You win." Tadashi said as he reached into his pocket took out some money and handed it to GoGo who was behind him smirking. "Pay up. I told you" GoGo said and Fred Wasabi and Honey Lemon handed her some money. "What the hack is going on here?!" I asked a little more than shocked. GoGo counted the money before putting it in her back pocket. "We made a bet." GoGo said then blew her gum. "Ok, ok. Um... Why?" I asked Honey Lemon walked over to me. "Well, a few months ago we made a bet that you might be Aro/Ace. GoGo was the one that thought you were." Honey Lemon said like it was obvious. I looked over at GoGo who gave me a nod. "How?" "I wasn't that obvious was I?" I asked she shook her head. "I know a fellow ace when I see one." GoGo said calmly everyone looked at her shocked. Even me. "Wait. what?!" I asked she picked up the strand of her hair that was purple.
"Not going to lie I thought you were lesbian." Wasabi said promptly getting punched in the arm by GoGo. "Ow!" "That hurt." Wasabi said makeing GoGo smile. "Well, it's getting late me and Hiro have to get back home before Aunt Cassie comes over here and drags us out by our ears." Tadashi said making me laugh. I stood up still laughing a little. "He is right. She is probably stress eating by now." I said he nodded. I was going to walk out the door when Fred Wasabi GoGo and Honey Lemon tackled me in a hug so tight I couldn't breathe. "He needs air guys." Tadashi said chuckling uncrossing his arms to pull them off of me. I gasped for air and then caught my breath. "Sorry, Hiro." Honey Lemon said with a smile I nodded. I would have said it's fine but I was still trying to get my breath back. After a bit, I could breathe and I said bye.
We were walking out of Fred's house and over to Tadashi's motorcycle. ( Baymax carried it over well we walked. Don't ask it's a long story. ) Tadashi gave me a light nudge I looked up at him. "I'm proud of you." He said making me smile. "Thanks," I said looking down at the ground. He picked up a helmet and put it on me before putting one on him. We hopped on the bike and he turned the key. "When are you going to tell Aunt Cass?" He asked I shook my head. "No why! That was scary enough!" I said he chuckled and shook his head. " Fine then. I will tell her." Tadashi said looking back at me with a grin and we drove away. "Don't you dare!"
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