The last battle
Arnold POV
Naku words trouble my heart. I never imagine bearing so much responsibility from being the chosen-one. I wanted to help the green-eyes from La Sombras rage and at the same time I wanted to flee from San Lorenzo with Helga and my father and never return. However, what I wanted didn't matter, according to Naku the prophecy had to be fulfill at all cost. Was a five-hundred-year-old prophecy still true to today? Maybe the prophecy and the chosen-one legacy wasn't true. Could all be just a myth?
"Do you doubt yourself?" asked Naku.
I gazed at him in silence with so many questions and uncertainty in my heart that I couldn't think clearly. "I don't know what to believe." I replied.
"The eagle spirit believes in you and at the end it doesn't matter what you believe, for you are destine to rise volcano-child."
"Naku what if I chose to follow another path and...."
Naku place his hand on my shoulder and said. "All the choices you made from the beginning, leads to who you are now and no matter what you chose, at the end, it was destined to happen."
His words brought chills to my heart. I gasped trying to breathe and comprehend everything that was rushing through my mind. Naku looked up at me and said, "Rest Arnold and regained your strength, for once La Sombra comes you'll be ready for him." Those were the last words Naku said to me that night. I returned to the table where Helga, my father and Jorge were eating and having a good time as they chat and laughed. I sat between Helga and my father and tried to eat and enjoy their conversation even if my mind was confounded by everything Naku had said.
That night after the celebration, I struggle to relax and eventually, I fell sleep. In a blink of an eye I was walking inside a volcanic cave, the walls showed evidence of being created by flowing lava long ago. I continued to walk in to the dark mysterious tube knowing what I was searching for. The cave split many times in to different directions, but I never hesitated, for I knew the way. At the end of the dark tube I saw it, I pile of large stones pressed together against the wall. I stepped closer to the stones knowing which grained rock was the powerful emerald underneath. I stepped closer to the large rock and as I was about to touch it, I heard an evil laughter that awoken me in to cold sweat.
I opened my eyes wide and sat on the bed panting, feeling the chilling sweat on my back and my forehead. I was feeling agonizing weight on my shoulders, so many lives dependent on me and I didn't know if I could help anyone. I didn't know how I was going to return the large spiritual statue back from La Sombras mansion, much less how to stop La Sombra for good. I saw Helga sleeping peacefully next to me and I knew I couldn't let her down. I had to find my inner strength to get her out of the jungle so that we could be happy together, like I promised her.
I walked out the temple that night, it must have been three or four in the morning. I climb up a golden pyramid and sat at the very top gazing at the bright round moon. The eagle landed next to me, as if it knew I needed guidance. "You must know about the prophecy Harpy. If only you could talk to tell me what really happened to the chosen-one and what I should do." The eagle bowed its head almost telling me to touch it. The moment I placed my hand on its head. I was taken back in time.
The jungle of san Lorenzo looked larger from the sky. I was again soaring through the air as if I was the eagle, gazing at the jungle from above. I saw Yeh cocone den the chosen-one, he was a young man around my age and had in his hands a large green emerald. I knew it was the powerful lost trapiche rock, the rarest of its kind. He was taking the emerald deep inside a volcano's cave to hide it from evil. The next thing I saw, was that same young man crying next to a grave and I knew the person he was mourning for was his wife. Suddenly the volcano erupted, exploding hot lava with force though out the land. The smoke and gases spread quickly making it difficult for people and animals to escape. The chosen-one ran towards the volcano and stood still between the lava and the entrance of the green-eye village. "I won't let my people die!" he said.
At that moment the magma flowed through the land like a horrible red monster devouring everything on its path. The chosen-one remain still and touch the ground with his hands making the earth shake uncontrollably.
His eyes glowed bright green as he released all his power on the flowing lava, forcing nature itself to stopped completely. I could feel the force in his body as if I was him, my mind couldn't handle the power and the horrible pain I felt in my heart from losing the woman I loved. I was no longer the eagle, I had turned in to Yeh cocone den . The fiery energy flowed through my body consuming everything in me, my memories, my fears and my heart. I saw how the chosen-one stopped the lava completely and at the end, he let himself go, turning his body in to dust and becoming one with the forest.
I opened my eyes and stared at the eagle in shocked. I saw the mistake Yeh cocone den made as he let go of his body turning in to ashes. I couldn't let that happen to me, I believed the prophecy now, I knew who I was, and I was not going to make the same mistake by giving up myself to the power of the rock. First, I had to find the lost rock and learn to control its power so that I could be ready to face La Sombra and his man and end this once and for all.**
Arnold knew the way to the volcanic cave and was determined to find it. He back down the pyramid and headed towards the end of the city and continued walking in to the jungle, suddenly he heard a voice he recognized.
"Arnold, wait!" It was Arnold's father.
"Dad what are you doing here?"
"Where're you going son?"
"I couldn't sleep well, I been thinking about what Naku said about the prophecy first I was feeling unsure about everything, but after I had a vision about the past, I know what I must do."
"What past?" asked Miles as he continued walking along Arnold.
"I saw the chosen-one from one hundred years ago and..... I know what I must do."
"What's your plan?" asked Miles.
"I'm going to find the large powerful rock and face its power before something horrible happens."
"What do you mean horrible?"
"Dad, Naku said La sombra will come and if I'm not ready he will destroy everything. I can't risk losing Helga or you, and the green-eyes people depend on me. I can't just rest and wait for la Sombra to come for us again. I will end La Sombras rage before he kills us all, like he did with mom. I won't let him hurt anyone ever again."
"But Naku said the prophecy will help you defeat La Sombra."
"Dad, the prophecy only tells me what mistakes the chosen-one did in the past! The harpy eagle gave me the vision so that I could learn from it and to believe in it. I saw how the chosen-one let the sorrow in his heart weaken him, allowing the energy of the rock to consumed him till he died."
"You mean Yeh cocone den died because of the power?"
"Yes dad...his body was consumed by the power of the rock and the wind took his ashes."
Miles stopped walking and placed his hand on Arnold's shoulders. "That's not going to happen to you son! What happen to the chosen-one hundred years ago doesn't necessarily means it will happen again!"
Arnold signed in distress "It might, if I'm not careful. I need to bare the power of the rock carefully and not let the strong energy consumed me."
"I didn't know that part of the prophecy son, I only knew the chosen-one gave his life at the end, but I never imagine the energy had taken his life."
"All power comes with a price Dad, and I'm afraid of losing everything that's important to me and never coming home."
Miles embraced his son with tears in his eyes "I won't let that happen son! I promised, I won't leave you ever again and we'll pull through and you and Helga will return home."
"Not just us dad, you too need to come home, my grandparents need you as well."
"Your right Arnold will come home, all of us."
Arnold and Miles walked a short distance from the green-eye city in to the sleeping volcano's cave. However, there wasn't a cave only a block path with rocks and vegetation.
"Are you sure this is the right mountain?" Asked Miles.
Arnold stood in front of the block path and moved a large branch that was blocking a well known symbol. "Yes Dad, this is the entrance to the cave, look...the green-eye symbol."
"But if the entrance is block how are we going to...." The moment Miles said that Arnold placed his hand on the green-eye symbol and the rocks moved allowing a secret passage though the cave. "Oh, I see now." Said Miles with his eyes wide seeing the secret entrance appearing.
"Come on dad follow me..." said Arnold has they walked inside the pitch-black cave together.
"How are we going to know where we're going?" said Miles as he tried to walk along Arnold in to the dark tunnel.
"The cave is full of green light crystals further down, I'll place my hand on the wall and the crystals will illuminate the cave."
"How do you know the crystal will light up the cave?" Miles wondered.
"Because......I created this cave many life time's ago."
"uhm......That's amazing son."
Arnold placed his hand on the wall and the green crystals on the surface began to illumine the cave. The pitch-black cave had turn in to a magical mysterious passage to finding the all-powerful emerald rock. Just like Arnold's dream the cave split many ways, Arnold continued to walk in the path he knew will direct him to the lost powerful rock. At the end of the path and just like his dream there were many grained rocks all different sizes piled up together against the wall.
"Is one of those rocks the powerful trapiche rock?" asked Miles confounded by what was in front of his eyes.
"Yes Dad, the powerful rock is a large rare emerald and it's underneath the grained surface."
"Do you know which rock is the emerald, son?"
Arnold walked towards the pile of rock and kneel next to them, he carefully placed his hands over them and knew which grained rock was the one. He grabbed it and carefully pick it up. "I found it Dad."
Miles opened his mouth in amazement "All my years I wonder how the all-powerful rock look like and......I never imagine it look so....grimy."
"This is the large emerald Dad, the chosen-one from one years ago hid it so that it would look like a plain rock, but the beauty and the power is underneath the rough."
"Do you feel anything by touching it right now?"
"No Dad, I know this is the rock but, I don't feel any power from it, unlike the eye of the forest rock, when I first held it, I could feel the pebble on fire. This, is different."
"Maybe you have to remove the grained surface son to have access to the power." Suggested Miles.
"Yeah, maybe. Let's head back and I'll figure it out on the way."
Back at the green-eye city, Helga was sleeping peacefully inside the temple when she heard a large explosion and screaming. She opened her eyes and saw Arnold gone. "Crimity where is he?" she said with fear in her eyes. She got up and put on her old clothing and walked out the temple. The green-eye man where defending the city with spears, knives and bows and arrows. La Sombra had arrived at the city with hundred-armed man. Helga saw how the woman and children ran from the path of La Sombra trying to get away. She ran towards the children and began hidden them inside the temple.
Naku gave the order to protect the city and the princess Atzimba Tonatiuh-Yolotl . He ran towards Helga and warned her "Your majesty, you can't be out on the open you must hide inside your temple, now!"
"I can't just hide while I see woman and children running for their lives...I need to try to help them..."
"No princess, you must hide!"
"Do you know where's Arnold!?" she asked in panic.
"No, I'm go, hide I'll tell my warriors to protect you at all cost!" Naku headed towards the danger and left Helga to hide.
"I can't believe you Arnold...why did you leave me!!AAAAAAARRRRRRRRRNNOOOOOOOLD!!!"she screamed his name at the top of her lungs.
Arnold and Miles were heading towards the exit of the cave. "What was that?" asked Arnold.
"What son I didn't hear anything."
"I thought I heard......Oh no! Helga is in danger. Come on Dad we must go!!" Arnold ran with Miles and left the cave. The eagle was perched on a rock outside the entrance. "Harpy go with Helga!" Arnold gave the order, the eagle opened its large wings and flew towards the city.
Helga was about to ran towards a temple when three man snatched her. She tried to defend herself, but they were too strong for her. "Nooooo......let me go." One of the men slapped her hard a crossed her face almost knocking her down. The three man took her to La Sombra who was being protected by more armed man.
"Finally, I have you in possession." Said La sombra to Helga's face has she was being held down by two strong man "Now, where's your boyfriend!" he asked.
Helga lifted her head slowly, stared at this eyes and spit on his face. La sombra wiped her spit in discuss and gave the order "Strike her!" One of the men slapped her on her face. "Again!" He demanded once again. The man strike Helga on her mouth, making her lip bleed and her face swell with redness.
"I'm going to ask you again blondie, where is Arnold!?" asked La Sombra. Helga could barely keep her head up , suddenly from up in the sky the eagle tried to attack La Sombra.
"Keep that devil eagle away from me!!" Said La Sombra in fury. The arm man began firing their weapons keeping the eagle at bay. "My patients in running out! I'll ask one more time! WHERE'S ARNOLD!!!!"
"I....dont know." She answer with a fragile voice. "Punch her in the stomach." Said La Sombra as he turned around.
Helga screamed "NOOOOOO.......please anywhere but, there!!!!" she emplored with tears in her eyes.
La sombra walked towards her and lifted her chin. "You don't want my man to strike you in your stomach, now why is that.....are you pregnant?" he asked with his vicious dark eyes.
Helga's eyes widened in terror revealing her worst fear. "You are pregnant.....aren't you bitch." He said with a cold heartless voice. "I'll beat that baby out of you....if you don't tell me where he is."
"He left....I don't know where he is!!!" she said crying. "Please don't hurt my body." she implored with her tiring breath. "Slapped her again!!!!" he ordered, after she was hit again La Sombra took his fancy knife out of his pocket and slashed her arm. Helga screamed in agonizing pain. "Oh come on, don't exaggerate it's just a long skin cut. Its not like I cut your arm."
Helga was about to faith when La Sombra splashed water on her face, "Hey witch....don't be fainting on me, I need you awake and bloody for Arnold."
"Why, are you, doing this?" she mumbled with her fragile voice.
"For power witch and for that, I'll kill anyone who gets in my way and once Arnold gives me the powerful stone it will be over for him."
"He, will never....give you the stone." She said with tears in her eyes.
"He will.....after he sees you." He assured her with an evil smile.
Notas autor:
Hello everyone thank you for your patience.
I'll post part two to this chapter in one more week after that I'll post the last chapter by the end of this month and this story will be officially over. 😔 But I'm expecting for the end to be a great one. 😁
Thank you for following my story this year and leave me a comment.
Thank you 🙋🏻♀️
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