⚔️The Swordsman⚔️
A big thank you to moonkissedgirl for making the amazing cover! Also sorry it took me so long to publish this story. 😅
Las Vegas, Nevada
McCarran Quarantine Camp
Man over PA: Attention detainees of Las Vegas McCarran quarantine camp. This facility is in an active evacuation. Board the shuttle bus for Barstow. Have your current temporary health clearance card to present to officials as you board the shuttle. Remainder, shuttles will be leaving every 15 minutes.
(Cut to Geeta telling Kate that if anything happens to her in the next few days, make sure that her kids make it to Barstow.)
Kate: What do you mean? What could happen?
Geeta: [sighs]
(She looks over at some people.)
Geeta: You know them, don't you?
(Imagine the Swordsman in the chair sitting next to her, doing this...)
Geeta: The coyote. And the swordsman.
Kate: Geeta, that is not an option.
Geeta: [whispering] Kate, they help people get in, crack a slot machine, slip back out. Before anyone even knows, you're gone. That money is our ticket out of here, or we'll be trapped in Barstow forever. Listen, these guards, they don't give a shit. But for five grand, I can buy my way out, me and my kids. I have to get the kids out by Friday, and I will do whatever it takes to protect my family.
Kate: Geeta, people that go in there, they don't always come back.
Geeta: Just forget it.
(Burt hears them arguing & harasses them.)
Geeta: What were you thinking? Do you know how easy it would be for him to make you disappear? All he has to say is that you dropped a degree, and nobody would question it, nobody.
Kate: I know, I'm...
Geeta: You know?
Kate: I just...He...Look, it doesn't matter. I'm sorry. I just...
Geeta: [sniffles]
Kate: I need you to promise me that you're not gonna do anything stupid. Geeta, it's...it's not worth the risk.
Geeta: No, you're right. I won't. I promise. Okay? Thanks.
(She walks away as Kate looks back at the Coyote and the Swordsman.)
Days Later
(Geeta & two other women walk into the Coyote & Swordsman room where they see her sleeping with a gun. Geeta wakes up resulting in her aiming the gun frantically at her.)
Geeta: Hey. Please! Hey. Hey. You're the coyote, right?
(The Swordsman appears behind them.)
Swordsman: Apologies. I'm always telling her not to sleep with her guns.
Geeta: And you must be the swordsman. Take us in please.
(They take another look at the three women.)
Geeta: Please.
Las Vegas McCarran Quarantine Center
(Kate drives her father and his crew into the quarantine center where she introduces them to...)
(Imagine the Swordsman standing next to the Coyote.)
Kate: Meet your coyote and her swordsman.
Maria: Does coyote girl and sword boy have names?
Lilly: Lilly, but "coyote" sounds cool.
(Y/N): (Y/N), but since I have a kanata, "swordsman" just makes sense.
(Lilly shakes Maria's hand as does Y/N.)
Lilly: You can just call us by our actual names if you want.
Kate: All right, I'll leave you guys to it. I'll meet you outside Barstow in 24 hours. Okay?
Scott: Okay.
(She walks away.)
Kate: Try not to get nuked or murdered by the undead.
(As Kate is walking by tents, she overhears Geeta's kids crying & they tell her that she's gone. Kate storms back to her dad's crew.)
Scott: Hey.
Kate: What did you do?
Lilly: What do you mean?
(Y/N sees this causing him to walk up to Kate while pulling out his katana & holding it up against Kate's throat.)
Like this:
(Y/N): Oh, you stupid bitch.
Kate: *spits in (Y/N)'s face*
(With his free hand, he wipes the spit off his face.)
(Y/N): [sighs] I just cleaned her too. Oh well.
(Just as he's about to slash Kate's throat, Maria pulls her away.)
(Y/N): *puts his katana away* You better thank her for saving your life.
(He turns around & helps Lilly up.)
Scott: What the hell's going on? The hell are you doing?
Kate: The two of you took her in. You took in Geeta.
Lilly: Yeah. We took her in. Her and two others.
Kate: [gasps]
Lilly: We take a lot of people in.
(Y/N): It's kind of our thing.
Lilly: They need that money to get out of here. You know that.
Kate: She didn't come back.
Lilly: Well, not everyone does.
(Y/N): Shit happens.
Lilly: She has two kids!
(Y/N): [groans]
Lilly: She didn't tell us that.
Kate: [scoffs]
Lilly: Listen, if we knew she had kids, we wouldn't have taken her.
Kate: Did either of you see her die?
Lilly: No. They went ahead. We...
(Y/N): We hung back.
Lilly: They never came out. We're sorry. We waited, Kate, as long as we could, but at the end of the day--
(Kate looks at her father.)
Kate: I'm coming with you.
(Y/N): Of course she is.
Scott: No, you're not.
Kate: Yes, I am.
Scott: We're not having this conversation. You're not coming.
Kate: There are two kids whose mother is lost in there. Two kids that I help look out for. I have to find her.
Scott: Well, tell us what she looks like. We'll look out for her.
Kate: You think I trust you to do that?
Scott: Kate! You're not coming!
Kate: I'm not asking you! I'm telling you what's gonna happen.
(Scott pulls aside to try to convince to stay but she tells him that she'll just sneak in after him where she'll probably die. Scott eventually agrees to bring Kate along but not before she agrees to his terms.)
Scott: Guys, this is Kate, newest member of the team.
(Y/N): Yeah, we met. She spat in my face.
Kate: *glares*
(Y/N): Un-fucking-believable.
(Lilly cups Y/N's face.)
Lilly: Hey. Hey. Look at me. You know I can take a punch. I'm okay. All right?
(Y/N): All right.
(Pan over to Burt being "helpful" to some quarantinees.)
Burt: That's the last bus. Go, Speedy Gonzales! Arriba.
(Lilly watches this as Burt makes his way towards them.)
Lilly: We're gonna need one more guy.
(Y/N looks back at Burt.)
(Y/N): Hell no.
Scott: For what?
Lilly: You don't know what it's like in there. Not anymore.
Scott: The team's big enough--
Lilly: Trust me. We need another person.
Burt: What the hell's going on here?
(She walks up to Burt.)
Lilly: You want to make 20 grand?
Burt: Twenty thousand dollars? Yeah, I'll make 20 fucking grand.
(Scott tells his daughter to watch the f-bombs whilst Burt picks up Vanderohe's chainsaw & tells Kate if she gets scared to stay close to him.)
(Y/N): Prick.
(Vanderohe takes his chainsaw back & tells Burt to carry some gas cans, not to touch his chainsaw again, & not to talk to Kate again. Cut to Lilly & Y/N opening up a container to Las Vegas with everyone following them.)
Lilly: There they are, the shamblers.
(Y/N): What's left of them.
Dieter: [sighs] What happened to them exactly?
Lilly: What's it look like? Weren't smart enough to get out of the sun. You should see what happens when it rains. For a few hours, they all come back to life.
Dieter: Oh, Scheisse!
(Y/N): Scheisse indeed.
Dieter: (Y/N), was it?
(Y/N): Uh?
Dieter: All you brought with you is that katana, correct?
(Y/N): Yeah. What about it?
Dieter: Wouldn't it be better to have a gun like the rest of us?
(Y/N): [chuckles] What are you going to do when a zombie's coming to bite your face off and you're out of bullets?
Dieter: Ah. I see your point.
(Y/N): Chainsaw gets it.
Vanderohe: Yeah. Right. I have a gun on me.
(Y/N): Oh. Well, I'm pretty good with this thing. Take my word for it.
Dieter: Gladly!
(Martin catches up to Lilly.)
Martin: Hey, you're Lilly, right? You sure know your way around here.
Lilly: Well, what's it to you?
Martin: Well, maybe a lot. How much you know about how these things operate?
Lilly: Everything there is.
Martin: Same goes for your boyfriend back there?
Lilly: Yup.
Martin: Hmm.
Lilly: Why?
Martin: [chuckles] Good to know.
(They walk amongst a bunch of vehicles.)
Dieter: Wow, was ist das?
Chambers: Holy shit. What is all this?
Kate: What happened here?
Lilly: Where the police and military finally fell. Vegas' last stand.
(Growling is heard prompting everyone to hide behind some cars. A zombie tiger walks out.)
Dieter: What is this?
Lilly: Valentine.
Martin: Valentine?
Martin: It's a goddamn zombie tiger. That's crossing the line.
(Y/N): It is Vegas. Well, it was.
(Valentine wonders off as Lilly tells everyone that it's clear.)
Guzman: The hell was that?
Lilly: She was one of Siegfried and Roy's.
(Y/N): You can assume what happened to the others once she turned.
Lilly: She guards the beginning of their territory.
Maria: Is there another way around?
Lilly: Not really.
(She looks over at Burt.)
Lilly: Hey, Cummings. Let me see your gun for a second.
Burt: What? No shot.
Lilly: Just for a second.
(She walks up to him.)
Lilly: I like it. It's beautiful.
Burt: It's reliable too.
Lilly: Oh, yeah?
Burt: Yeah.
Lilly: Can I touch it?
Burt: You wanna touch it?
Lilly: Yeah.
Burt: What about Mr. Katana?
Lilly: Don't worry about him. A girl's gotta have some muscle especially in a place like this.
Burt: Muscle, huh?
(Y/N): I'm going to cut his head off.
(He hands Lilly his gun.)
Burt: Just for a second.
Lilly: Just for a second.
Burt: Hmm.
(Lilly shoots Burt in the leg.)
Lilly: I would say I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that, but I'd be lying.
(Y/N): That's my girl.
Maria: What are you talking about?
Dieter: What the hell is she doing?
Burt: She just shot me. Shoot her!
(She begins tying Burt up.)
Lilly: They'll know we're here. They won't care so long as we play by their rules. If we wanna go further, we have to make a trade.
Maria: Trade? Really?
Burt: No trade!
(Y/N): Sorry, bro.
Lilly: Yes. An offering to show our subservience.
Maria: What are you talking about? They don't think. If they come, we kill them.
Burt: Shoot this bitch!
(Y/N takes out his katana & stabs Burt in his other leg.)
Burt: [shouts] What the fuck?!
(Y/N): [sighs] You don't understand.
Lilly: They're not what you think they are.
Burt: Shoot her in the face and then him!
(Lilly kicks him a bit.)
Burt: [screaming]
Lilly: We're not talking about shamblers here. You're right. They don't think. They just move and eat. But we're talking about the other ones.
Vanderohe: The alphas.
Lilly: Yes. They're smarter. They're faster. They're organized. Straight out of your fucking nightmares.
(Y/N): I wish I could say she was exaggerating.
Burt: Please.
(Y/N): Would you shut up?
Lilly: You all keep talking about the city like it's a prison. It's not. It's their kingdom. They won't mind us poking around the outside so long as we play by their rules. We're moving into the heart of it now.
Burt: Please. I have a mother. I love her.
Lilly: Well, everyone has a mom, you cunt, but not everyone is an abuser lording power over quarantined women.
Burt: [sobbing] She's lying! That's not true.
Lilly: Shut your mouth. I've seen what you've done to those women.
(Y/N kneels down to Burt.)
(Y/N): You're a pretty sick dude.
Burt: (Y/N), please--
(Lilly kicks him some more.)
Lilly: You fucking rapist.
Burt: Oh my God! That's not true at all.
Burt: Oh, fuck, no! No!
Lilly: She's coming.
(Y/N): I suggest we get back behind those cars.
Burt: Who's coming? What's coming?
(Lilly & Y/N walk back.)
Dieter: She? Who's she?
Burt: No, please. We bonded. Please.
(Everyone eventually walks back with them.)
Burt: No. No, no, no. Don't trust them.
(An alpha zombie & a shambler come to investigate the noise.)
Guzman: What the...
(The alpha woman zombie looks over Burt.)
Burt: What...what the fuck?
(The male alpha takes Burt away with the female alpha following him. Kate gets on top of a car & watches the alphas drag Burt away with binoculars.)
Scott: You ever seen her kill anyone?
Lilly: Couple times.
Scott: They ever come back?
(Y/N): As shamblers.
Lilly: My theory, this started with one of them, an original. Whoever that is, if he bites you--
Vanderohe: Then you become an alpha.
Lilly: Exactly.
Kate: Looks like they're taking him to the Olympus.
Peters: Good. Now we know where not to go.
Lilly: We've never really figured out exactly how it works. All I know is they take you in there, and you come out like one of them, one of the fast ones.
Kate: So, they're taking him there to turn him?
(Y/N): Yes.
Kate: Scott, that could be where Geeta is.
Scott: Kate, we've already talked about this.
(Kate hands her father the binoculars annoyingly.)
Chambers: So, the shithead buys us passage, and we keep going?
(Y/N): You're all smarter than you look.
Lilly: Well, yeah. The shithead buys us some goodwill, but we're not about to flaunt it by walking on their streets.
(Y/N): If we want to go further, we go indoors.
Lilly: Allez, let's go.
(The leader alpha zombie bites Burt on the arm as we cut back to the crew indoors where Dieter almost walks into a shambler.)
Dieter: [screams]
(Y/N pulls him back.)
(Y/N): [whispers] Whoa, buddy. You tryin' to get us all killed?
Lilly: [whispers] Don't touch them.
(She lowers Scott's gun.)
Lilly: Don't shine the light in their eyes. We've seen this before. They're hibernating.
(Y/N): Like bears.
Guzman: If we can't see them, how are we supposed to move forward?
Scott: I'll mark us a path.
(Scott lays down glow sticks that everyone uses to follow him. Martin tosses one of the glow sticks in the middle of some shamblers to hopefully get Chambers killed because she's onto him. It works as she wakes up the shamblers around her & opens fire. Scott's crew open fire as well as the shamblers around wake up from the noise. Y/N's even able to slice a shambler in half with his katana. Chambers is about to escape the room but Martin locks the door on her.)
Lilly: This way!
(They all follow Lilly as Guzman realizes Chambers isn't with them.)
Guzman: Where's Chambers?
Martin: She was right behind me.
Guzman: What happened? What did you do?
Martin: I didn't do anything. She just started shooting. I wasn't close to her.
Guzman: Bullshit! She was back there with you! I know she was!
Martin: Buddy...
Guzman: What the fuck happened?
(Chambers hops out of a window shooting shamblers around her.)
Martin: She's gone! Come on. Leave her! She's dead!
(The shamblers overwhelm Chambers & start biting her. Guzman shoots the fuel on her back which blows her up & the shamblers around her.)
Scott: Guz, come on. Let's go. Guzman. Guz! She's gone. We gotta move. Come on, move!
(They make it into the casino.)
Kate: Lilly. (Y/N). There's no way Geeta's alive, right? I mean, look at these things.
(Y/N): There's a chance she's still alive. It may be a very small chance but there's still a chance.
Lilly: Don't be so sure. (Y/N) and I brought a guy in once. Lost sight of him. Had to leave him. We thought he was dead. Then three days later, he came walking back out.
Kate: What happened to him?
(Y/N): Said they took him to the Olympus.
Lilly: Shoved him in a room with two other people. The leader, he came for them one by one. If our guy hadn't escaped, he would have been next.
Kate: So that's a pretty common theme for you guys? Leaving people behind.
(Y/N): I'm starting to reconsider slicing your fucking throat.
Lilly: Do you think we enjoy having to leave people? We're doing what we can to make things right.
(They find another set of the vault's blueprints meaning that Tanaka had other teams here before them.)
Scott: Peters, get up to the roof. Get that chopper running as fast as possible. Cruz, go with her.
Maria: She talks too much.
Peters: Look, I'm excited to see my friends again, okay? Sue me.
Martin: Me, the coyote, and the swordsman will do a perimeter check, board up the doors.
Scott: Yeah. Kate and I are gonna find the generators.
Martin: Backup gennie's on the third-floor roof. That's gonna be your safer bet.
Scott: Third-floor roof. Got it. Van, get Dieter down to the vault. Take Guzman with you.
Vanderohe: Roger that.
Martin: Dieter, access card for the outer doors to the safe and service elevators. It's by the cashiers windows that way.
(He fake hands Dieter a card.)
Martin: [chuckles] That one's mine. I got another one.
(He actually hands Dieter a card this time.)
Scott: All right. Everybody knows what they're doing. Let's get it done.
Martin: Yes, sir.
(Cut to Martin, Lilly, & Y/N outside where they see Valentine roaming.)
Martin: I really hate that tiger. It's perverse. What was it? Guilt finally get the better of you two? One too many out there to die?
Lilly: Matter of fact, yes, it has.
(Y/N): Wherever she goes, I go.
Martin: How sweet. That mom Kate's looking for, did you shoot her in the leg too?
(He looks over at Y/N.)
Martin: Or maybe you cut her Achilles tendon with that sword of yours?
(Y/N): Never cut one of those before. Perhaps I'll start with yours.
Lilly: No, we just lost her. We've never left anyone we didn't have to or who didn't deserve it. You have no idea what either of us have seen in those camps. What those people have to do to survive. At least within these walls, the rules are clear. You don't see them fucking each other over.
(Y/N): Couldn't have said it any better myself.
Lilly: If you screw us...two between the eyes.
Martin: Two? Why two?
Lilly: The second one's just for fun.
(Y/N): This kinda goes without saying but if you hurt her, I'm gonna cut your head off.
Martin: Your sword is that sharp?
(Y/N): You better hope you don't get to find out.
(Lilly fires her gun up into the sky.)
Martin: Ah! Shit! What happens now?
Lilly: We wait.
(Maria & Peters reach the chopper. Scott & Kate have a heart to heart. Vanderohe, Guzman, & Dieter reach the safe. Cut back outside with Martin, Lilly, & Y/N where the alpha female & male alpha walk out in front of them.)
Alpha Female: [screeches]
Martin: [chuckles softly] Amazing.
(The zombies drop down & stare at Martin.)
Martin: Hey, sweetheart.
(The female alpha charges at Martin who fires a rope at her which ties her up prompting the male alpha to charge at him as well. Martin shoots at the zombie but misses & ends up with the zombie holding him down on top of a hood of a car, trying to bite him.)
Martin: Get off me!
(Lilly shoots the zombie in the head.)
Martin: [gasping]
Lilly: You okay?
Martin: Yeah. Yeah.
(Y/N): No "Thank you"?
(They walk over to the captured alpha female.)
Lilly: Good luck.
(Y/N): With...whatever you're doing.
(They walk slightly away from Martin.)
Lilly: Your katana's getting dirty.
(Y/N): [sighs] I know. I just cleaned it too.
Lilly: When all of this is over, I'll clean it for you.
(Y/N): You're gonna clean my sword?
Lilly: Un esprit si sale.
("Un esprit si sale" is "Such a dirty mind" in French.)
(Y/N): I love it when you speak French.
(Their conversation is ended by the alpha female's screaming.)
Lilly: What are you doing?
(Imagine Y/N next to Lilly.)
(Martin slices her head off.)
(Y/N): Holy shit!
Lilly: You said you just need a vial of her blood.
Martin: Well, forget blood.
(He holds up her head.)
Martin: You know how much the whole head of one of these things is worth to my boss, to the government? Mwah! In the right hands, this is the power to make more of them. The power to control your own zombie army. That's the ultimate WMD.
Lilly: This isn't what we agreed to.
Martin: Well, you want your deal or not? Huh?
(Y/N): [groans]
Martin: That's what I thought.
(He puts the alpha female's head in a bag.)
Martin: So you two keep your goddamn mouths shut.
Lilly: Okay, we need to go.
Martin: Why? They gonna come looking for her if she doesn't radio back to base.
Lilly: Her death cry. They'll have heard it. Once they find her body, our trade is off.
Martin: What are they gonna do?
Lilly: I don't know.
(Y/N): Probably kill us all.
(Cut to the crew, minus Peters, Vanderohe, & Dieter, watching the news.)
Newscaster: The decision came down to the wire, but ultimately the president caved to the pressures to move the date of the bombing off the holiday. This marked a reversal of his earlier position that dropping the nuke on the Fourth would be, quote, "Really cool and the ultimate fireworks show," and quote, "Actually kind of patriotic if you think about it." Due to fears that mounting anger from humanitarian groups would cause the bombing to be postponed indefinitely, the administration has made the dramatic choice to not postpone the bombing but rather to move it up by a full 24 hours.
Maria: [scoffs] The fuck?
Newscaster: The scheduled drop time now coming at sunset tonight.
Martin: Mother of God.
(Y/N): Perfect. Just perfect.
Maria: It's insane.
Martin: Think that kid has that safe opened yet?
Guzman: Better get out of here.
(The crew checks up on Dieter & Scott breaks Dieter's concentration.)
Dieter: You see this? The four locks? You know what that is?
Scott: No.
Dieter: No, or course not. It's a rotating randomization mechanism, right, Mr. Vanderohe?
Vanderohe: Affirmative.
Dieter: Yeah. You, Mr. Sausagefinger...You just made me mess up, and now we're back to ground zero. If you mess it up again, it locks forever. You understand? Forever.
Maria: Okay, how long will it take you to open it?
Dieter: [sighs] Okay.
(He sets his watch.)
Dieter: Thirty minutes.
Maria: Okay.
Dieter: Thirty minutes of silence.
Scott: You got it.
Dieter: Silencio. [softly] Of silence. Okay. Mr. Vanderohe, can you please keep your team quiet? I need to concentrate. Thank you.
(The leader alpha zombie finds the alpha female's body. Scott & Kate find the fire egress where Kate uses a corpse's hand to hold open the hatch. They return to the crew who's putting some money into bags.)
(Y/N): [laughs]
Scott: How much we got in the cart?
Martin: I'd say 200 grand, easy.
Guzman: Imagine what's in the safe.
Lilly: Check this out.
(She throws a stack of cash to Scott who catches it.)
(Y/N): With my cut, I'm gonna buy you a ring.
Lilly: I already told you that you don't need to buy me a ring.
(Y/N): [mumbles] I'm going to buy you one anyway.
Lilly: J'ai entendu cela.
("J'ai entendu cela" is "I heard that" in French.)
(Lilly kisses Y/N.)
(Y/N): *smiles*
(The leader zombie makes his way back to Olympus as Dieter...)
Dieter: Guys, I've...[clears throat] I've done it. I've done it.
Vanderohe: Wait, what? You did it? Like...like, "did it" did it?
(The crew makes their way towards the safe.)
Vanderohe: [chuckles] He did it.
(Lilly compares the weight of the cash scanner to the alpha female's head.)
Dieter: Mr. Vanderohe, would you do me the honor?
(Vanderohe unlocks the door & Dieter opens the door revealing all the money. The crew celebrates.)
Scott: All right, come on. Let's go, guys. We got about 20 minutes before this place is dust. Let's pack this shit up and go.
Dieter: Yeah.
Scott: Hey, Vanny, where's your head at now, bud?
Vanderohe: It's in a good place, Scott. It's in a good fucking place.
(They start packing stacks of cash into bags as the leader takes the alpha female's body back, sets it down, rips it open & takes out a dead zombie fetus. Scott & Maria have a heart to heart then Scott realizes Kate isn't with them. It's revealed that she's hiding in a car in front of the Olympus as the leader alpha heads towards the casino with a bunch of zombies behind him. He reaches the casino & sends the zombies & Valentine to it. Cut to Scott realizing where Kate went.)
Maria: I'm coming with you.
Scott: No, you're not.
Maria: I'm not gonna let you go out there alone.
Scott: Thank you.
(Maria light touches his face as the elevator opens revealing a bunch of zombies inside. One which grabs her &...)
(Scott begins killing the zombies in front of him but one starts dodging his knife but he eventually kills that zombie by throwing it into a wall which smashes the back of its head. Scott looks down at Maria's body.)
Martin: This way out!
(They follow Martin as Lilly pulls Scott with them & grabs the chainsaw. Vanderohe & Dieter back to the money.)
Martin: Guzman, cover this corner.
(Martin climbs up the fire egress but locks the hatch on Lilly.)
Lilly: Hey, what are you doing?
Martin: Whoo!
Lilly: Martin, let us out of here.
Martin: [chuckling] Oh, my God, I got you twice. I got you twice. Slow learner. Tanaka doesn't give a shit about the money though, I'm sure he would've liked the katana. What's in this bag is worth ten times what's in that vault. Okay, I'm gonna go kill that dumbass pilot, now that she's fixed the chopper, fly myself out of here. Au revoir. [chuckles] Moron.
Lilly: Let us out of here!
(The leader walks towards Vanderohe & Dieter as some zombies make their way to the rest of the crew.)
(Y/N): Try not to hit me.
Guzman: I'll definitely try!
(Y/N charges at the zombies coming towards them & starts slicing limbs off as Guzman fires his gun. Scott hands the chainsaw to Lilly who starts cutting through the opposite wall. The leader alpha & Vanderohe fight with the leader alpha who handles him quite easily. He's about to bite Vanderohe before Dieter hits the back of his head, pushes Vanderohe into the safe, & closes it as the leader alpha pulls him out. All Vanderohe can do is say no.)
Guzman: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): *cuts a zombie's head off* What?!
Guzman: Get over here!
(Y/N): Why?
(Guzman shows him the grenade in his hand.)
(Y/N): Oh!
(He runs back to the crew.)
Guzman: Fire in the hole!
(Lilly cuts the hole through the wall. Martin opens the bag to see the cash scanner instead of the alpha female's head.)
Martin: Damn it!
(Valentine appears behind him, roughs him up a bit, &...)
(Cut to Scott, Guzman, Lilly, & Y/N in a dark room next to the gambling area where three zombies go by.)
Scott: All right. We'll make a run for that elevator. Get up to the roof. Don't stop for anything. [exhales sharply]
(They exit the room where a zombie screeches & alerts the other zombies of their presence. Scott fires upon the zombies behind them.)
Scott: Fuck!
(He throws a poker table at the zombies. He continues to shoot the zombies but one of them jumps on his back.)
(But Y/N stabs the zombie through its mouth, killing it.)
Scott: Thanks.
(Y/N): *while running back* Don't mention it!
(Guzman & Lilly shoot zombies as they run by, Y/N slashes each one that gets close enough to him, & Scott runs across poker tables to catch up with them. Guzman gets bit.)
(Scott clears out some zombies then sees the bite on Guzman's arm, as does Lilly & Y/N. Guzman decides to pull all of the pins of the grenades on his chest. Zombies begin to pile on top of him as he blows himself up. Scott, Lilly, & Y/N enter an elevator playing "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me".)
Scott, Lilly, & (Y/N): [panting]
(Kate is roaming around Olympus, looking for Geeta where we see a zombie Burt. Cut to Scott, Lilly, & Y/N on the roof with Peters in the chopper.)
Scott: Peters! What the hell?
Peters: Give me 30 seconds.
(The leader alpha comes through a door behind them. Scoot shoots at him while Y/N swings blood off his katana & gets ready to swing while Lilly takes out the alpha female's head & holds a gun to it.)
Scott: What the hell is that?
Lilly: The head of his queen. Martin said he'd let everyone out of the camps if we helped him. If we didn't say anything. Liar!
(Y/N): Should've seen it coming.
Peters: Goddamn it! Come on!
Scott: Come on. Let's go. Let's go.
Lilly: I know what I'm doing. Just go!
Leader Alpha: [snarls]
Lilly: (Y/N), you too.
(Y/N): Absolutely not. Fuck that.
Lilly: Do you trust me?
(Y/N): [groans] Yes.
Lilly: Then go! I'm right behind you. I'll hold him. Go! Now! Go!
(Scott runs to the chopper as does Y/N reluctantly.)
Leader Alpha: [growls]
Lilly: That's right, motherfucker. One more step, and I'll blow her head off.
(Scott & Y/N are now on the chopper.)
Lilly: Well, more off.
Peters: What are we doing?
Lilly: Just go!
(Y/N): No!
Scott: Let's go!
(Y/N pulls out his katana.)
(Y/N): Scott, I will cut you down where you stand so Peters, don't even think about taking off!
Peters: Uh...
(Peters begins taking off anyway which draws Lilly's attention.)
(Also the leader alpha's attention. The leader alpha throws a pipe at Lilly which goes through her shoulder & impales her to a wall.)
Lilly: [grunting]
(Y/N): NO!
(Y/N jumps out of the chopper.)
(As he lands, he rolls slightly across the roof. As he's doing this however, Lilly drops the alpha female's head off the roof before the leader alpha can catch it. The alpha female's head splats as soon as it hits the ground. The chopper flies away.)
Leader Alpha: [screeches]
(Y/N): [panting] Hey, asshole!
(The leader alpha turns his head.)
(Y/N): Step away from my girl.
Lilly: You...should've stayed on the helicopter.
(Y/N): Probably.
Leader Alpha: [growls]
(Y/N): [softly] Okay. So, kill the super zombie and save my girl. Sounds easy enough.
(The leader alpha charges at Y/N.)
(Y/N): Let's go!
Leader Alpha: [screeches]
(The leader alpha leaps at Y/N but he rolls away before the leader alpha lands on him.)
(Y/N): Ah!
(The two walk up to each. Once close enough, Y/N swings his katana but the leader alpha easily dodges. The leader alpha swings wildly & Y/N is barely able to dodge his swing.)
(Y/N): Fuck!
(The leader alpha is able to kick Y/N in the stomach.)
(Y/N): [yelps]
(Which sends him into a wall.)
(Y/N): [grunts, coughs blood]
Lilly: (Y/N)!
Leader Alpha: [screeches]
(Y/N, on wobbly legs, stands up. The leader alpha charges at him once again but this time...)
Leader Alpha: [growls painfully]
(Y/N's able to slash across the leader alpha's chest.)
(Y/N): [deep breath]
(This time Y/N charges at the leader alpha. The leader alpha attempts to slash Y/N with his finger nails but he slides under his arm & is now behind the leader alpha.)
Leader Alpha: [yelps]
(He slashes across the leader alpha's back.)
(Y/N): [yells]
(Y/N goes to stab the leader alpha's neck but he turns around & steps to the side.)
(Y/N's katana goes through the leader alpha's shoulder.)
(Y/N): Come on!
(He attempts to pull the katana out but the leader alpha grabs onto the katana despite his hands starting to bleed.)
(Y/N): Let go!
(Y/N begins to pull his katana desperately to no avail. When suddenly...)
(The leader alpha snaps the katana blade in two.)
(Y/N): Wha--
(Before Y/N can comprehend what just happened, the leader alpha stomps Y/N's leg which breaks it.)
(Y/N): [screams]
Lilly: (Y/N)!
(The leader alpha pulls the piece of katana still in his shoulder.)
Leader Alpha: [light screeches]
(The leader alpha grabs Y/N by the back of neck & lifts him up.)
(Y/N): [panting] My fucking leg!
(He walks towards the impaled Lilly & slowly lifts Y/N up in front of her.)
(Y/N): *teary eyed* Okay. I...I know where this is going.
Lilly: (Y/N)...?
(Y/N): Lilly. I...I love--
(Before he can finish his sentence, the leader alpha breaks Y/N's neck, killing him.)
(He drops Y/N's body.)
Lilly: [softly] I love you too.
(The leader alpha walks up to Lilly & she accepts her fate.)
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