Hi Jongdae, hope your day is going ok. We got a bit of time to read some messages from family so since I got some extra time I just wanted to send you a message now. I will be back on later if you like we can talk then , Minseok
I quickly reply
Hi Minseok, I'm sorry I missed your message. I am just in the door from work. I would like to talk later if you're up for it, anyway hope your day was ok, talk soon, Jongdae.
I send the message and make sure I am logged into it on my phone too so I don't miss any more messages. I pause and think should I really be this easy to contact, won't I sound desperate and come across as if I'm never off this sight. He will probably think I have no life at all.
Pounding on the door
"Chen chennie chen" . I hear Baek through my door making me huff as I unlock it as he pounces in like an excited child. "I'm going to go have a shower now so we can get ready for the Parrrrrtaaaaeeee" He bounces out of my room just as quickly and all I can do is laugh at him. I bet he is being like this because he just kissed Kai on the landing outside. Should I tease him about it or wait to use it at a later time. I hear the music get higher and I fall on my bed. This is going to be a long ass night I huff as my bedroom is shaking from the beat of the music they are playing next door..
I get up and dig through my wardrobe for clothes to wear under my yellow raincoat. I settled for a pair of denim jeans, a white shirt and a pair of black Vans. I place them on my bed and grab a towel heading into the sitting room waiting for Baek to be finished. A half hour has passed by and Baek is doing god knows what in the bathroom. I decide to tidy up a bit around the apartment while he is busy because I know tomorrow there is going to be a lot of sore heads in this building and the slightest noise will cause a war. I wash and put away dishes and clean off the counter in our kitchen seeing the overflowing bin. Laughing when I see it I realise Baek didn't even bring the bin out, so what trash did he bring out earlier. The lying little shit, I grab the bin tying the handles together as I head out our apartment past party central and throw the trash into the garbage shoot. Returning to head back to my apartment I see the door to Kai and Chanyeol's open. "Hey gorgeous" I laugh up as I see Chanyeol winking at me walking out half dressed looking towards the lift.
"Hey Chanyeol" I keep walking past as he shouts after me. "You're coming tonight right, I might have a nice guy for you tonight Chen" he winks again as I open my apartment door. "I don't need a man thanks, I already have one". I hurry inside closing the door, my heart pounding in my chest. "Why the hell did I tell him that?" I rub my face with my hands, annoyed with myself.
"Hey, shower is all yours" Baek shouts as he walks into his bedroom naked after forgetting his towel again and dripping water all along the floor. "I so need a new room mate" I head over to the sofa and grab my towel as I hurry into the shower.
Stepping in, the heat of the water is so nice and I finally have a bit of peace and quiet as there is no music playing now for some strange reason but I am grateful. My peace is soon ruined as Baek barges into the bathroom wanting to brush his teeth. "BAEK CAN'T YOU WAIT TO DO THAT AFTER I FINISH MY SHOWER?" I shout at him, making him laugh. "Sorry Chen but I need to do it". I huff and finish my shower stepping out wrapping the towel around me.
"I'm in such a good mood" He says smiling as he brushes his teeth checking them in the mirror. I leave the bathroom to get dressed not wanting to hear that sort of conversation about what I witnessed outside on the landing earlier.
Ping ping
I hear my phone and I feel like my stomach is going to fall out my butt. I hurry over to it and slide it open to see a notification from the Army page. I sit on the bed with my heart pounding in my chest as I see a message from Minseok.
Hey Jongdae, I hope you had a good day at work and didn't work too hard.
I fall back on to my back on the bed all excited that I even let out a little scream of excitement . I wait for like a millisecond before I reply.
Hi Minseok, my day was good, not too busy, glad this week is over. How was your day?
I wait all excited as I spot those three dots under my message meaning he is writing back. I smile and bite my lip waiting patiently to reply .
Oh hey, I thought you would have been out with friends with it being Friday. My day was good, I'm also grateful that it's Friday as our training is over.
" This will probably sound weird but I don't go out much"
"Oh Jongdae you should go out, enjoy life a little"
"Well, I was invited to my neighbours costume party tonight, I don't really want to go but if I don't they will just keeping coming in annoying me, so it's best I just go as we live on the same floor"
"AH you have to go then, I can't remember the last party I was at, I kinda wished I had a big one before I left"
"Maybe you can have one when you get out"
"Yeah, maybe I will and you can maybe come along to it"
I scream out like a little girl by reading his message
"Yeah maybe if your nice to me I will grace you with my presence lol "
As soon as I send the message I totally regret it , grace him with my presence, who do I think I am, Baek? I wait and hold my breath till I see him typing.
"I wouldn't mind you gracing me with your Presence , you are rather cute"
I scream out loud again and fall off my bed laughing as I hit my butt off the floor. He called me cute, he called me cute, I get up and dance around my room. I know this is the second time he called me cute after seeing my picture but he was just being polite then, but this time feels different like he meant it.
" You think I'm cute?"
"Yeah if you remember, I called you cute before"
I find myself blushing at his words
"Yes I remember"
"I bet your blushing now"
I bite my bottom lip nervous what more I should tell him
"Maybe I am"
"Oh, let me change the subject then, what are you wearing tonight?"
"Oh just a towel"
"I meant to the party, but it's nice to know your just wearing a towel while talking to me lol"
I cover my face and blush like hell, getting off the floor I jump onto my bed grabbing a pillow placing it over my mouth. I scream into it feeling rather stupid. A few minutes have passed and I haven't replied.
"Are you still there or have I scared you away?"
"Jongdae, I'm sorry I should have wrote it better"
"I have to go, hopefully we can talk again, and if you go to the party I hope you have fun.
"Goodnight Jongdae"
I watch as the little green light over his name disappears showing he is now offline. I fall back onto my bed feeling rather pissed off and embarrassed that, that just happened. I let out a massive scream making Baek pound on my door.
"Are you watching porn in there before we go out, you naughty boy" I get up off the bed and unlock the door as I see him standing in his vampire costume.
"Are you ok? you have been screaming?" he says as he checks himself in my full length mirror. "I'm fine I was just killing a spider, now get out so I can get ready" I push him out closing the door as I look at my laptop on the bed. "How the hell can I make this right".
❤️C ❤️
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