Chapter Three.
Orientation and Meeting Fahd aka Yusuf.
"Armaan, are you ready?" her best friend Inaya asks her. It was Fajr prayer and they would usually pray together ever since they moved in together in the same university.
"Yeah, I am. I am just nervous about today's class. And I am grateful that I passed but there's this thing that keeps tormenting me," Armaan says to her friend. "Yesterday you told me that he is here and he might be in the same class as me. But I can't let that affect me because this has always been my dream," she added, placing her prayer mat alongside Inaya's to start praying.
I am sorry, Aru. I hope you will see him for yourself and you two will work out everything and maybe move on in the future.
The two girls started praying and after they were done, they took their Qurans and started reading together as they usually would.
But Inaya was too nervous about what would happen if Armaan saw Yusuf sitting next to her in class.
I hope that everything will work out in the end.
Armaan couldn't believe that she was number two because she didn't think she would make it. But her parents knew that their daughter was intelligent and knew what she wanted to be in the future.
A doctor.
A surgeon.
After their Quran recitation, both the girls go to their respective bedrooms to keep their prayer mats plus their Qurans.
"Inaya, breakfast or nap?" Armaan asks her friend.
They both received their schedules through their emails yesterday and that's how they know what time their classes were. Inaya had early morning classes two days a week while Armaan had early morning classes almost the entire week.
But the first day for the girls would be orientation and getting to know their professors and their classmates.
"Both," Inaya answered her friend with a grin on her face. "I don't want to go to orientation but we need to because of the books and to get to know our professor, "she added looking at Armaan who couldn't help but giggle at her friend's expression.
Armaan looked at the clock that was facing them and knew they still had almost one and a half hours to go.
"Ina, we still have time. You rest while I make breakfast and yes, I will keep a plate for you in the microwave when you wake up," Armaan tells her friend who gave her a grateful smile.
"Thank you and tomorrow will be my turn to make breakfast," Inaya answered. She then hugged her friend and walked inside her room to take the most needed nap that she wanted.
After finishing making breakfast and eating it, Armaan switched on her laptop and looked at her email just to see if he had sent her an email. But she was again disappointed.
Why did I do this again? Always disappoint myself because I know that this will happen again and again no matter how many times I try to refresh the page. Armaan, you need to stop this and let him go.
Armaan quietly closed her laptop and shook her head to get all the thought of him. Inaya watched as her best friend tried to be strong even though she couldn't.
Each time, Inaya would see unshed tears in her best friend's eyes because of Yusuf who ghosted her on her eighteenth birthday.
Meanwhile, Yusuf and Emad have been trying to think about the outcome if Armaan ever found out about him being in the same class as her.
"She will hate me..."
"Yusuf, one way or another you need to tell her who you are. And you need to stop ignoring her," Emad says, cutting him off knowing that whatever Armaan would do will hurt her more than Yusuf. "But that's something you need to get over and let her know who you are," he added leaving their dorm to get to his orientation class.
Emad Ahmed knew that if he didn't leave their dorm, he would have argued with Yusuf and he didn't want that. Especially when they met each other on their first day of school while he was in Spain where his family relocated.
Emad Ahmed walked into his class but his mind was with his friend Yusuf who was still in their dorm room.
As soon as Emad Ahmed took a seat in class, he looked at the door to see Inaya walking in. He raised his hand but she took a seat elsewhere because he would not stop himself from teasing her.
In the other class, Yusuf decided that it was time for him to get his act together and maybe just maybe explain to Armaan who he is but as soon as he saw her talking to some guy, he immediately knew that he might have lost the right to her heart.
"Come on, the professors aren't that bad. It is just the orientation day plus we have a few more semesters then we will decide if the professors are good or not?" Armaan tells her seatmate who just smiled at her.
"Armaan, what you said is true but we should also consider that they won't be lenient with us and we should also know that we will be ranked in our numbers. So you are number two and you will sit with number one," Asim added, smiling knowing that he was right.
Asim is Inaya's older twin brother who would do anything for his sister except when their stepmother is involved. That's when he will have to accept the things to come in their lives. It might change for the good or the worse but Allah knows best.
As they finished their talk, the first professor came inside with a bunch of papers and started handing them out to the students.
"These papers are for you to always have as they are your courses and also your partners for the rest of the entire semester. And now, I will call each number so that you will know where to sit for the rest of the course," the professor tells them as he starts with number one making Yusuf stand up and walk to where he was supposed to be.
Armaan looked at him and wondered why Allah put them together. But she didn't want to say anything on the first day. So she just took a seat beside Yusuf.
"Hey, my name is Faiz," Yusuf says lying to her. Faiz is his father's name because he didn't want to use his name.
"Asalam Aleikum, Armaan," she answered, making his eyes widen, surprising him, thinking she would be arrogant.
She is the same Armaan as she was as a kid. She hasn't changed a bit, yet here I am lying to her because I can't be with her even if it's just friends. She and I can't be friends no matter what Emad Ahmed says to me. There are many reasons as to why we can't be friends, one important one is the involvement of my mother in her aunt's life. My mother almost ruined her uncle Azuu's family because of some revenge.
I am sorry, Aru.
"I guess we are partners, but remember that I can't and I don't want to do all the work by myself. If you are busy, then let me know before anything else," Armaan said to Yusuf who couldn't believe his ears. "Deal?" she added, waiting for his answer.
"Yes, deal. Sure," Yusuf agrees with her.
This is going to be a long course of medical work. And I hope he won't slow me down. If he does I will always ask the professors to switch partners because I can't fail at subjects to achieve my dreams. This is for you mamma and you too dad plus my twin siblings who might need some motivation from their older sister.
Destiny works in many ways, we either accept what's coming or change it but we do have a choice in everything that we do in our lives. We are the ones who take the steps to where we want to go or who we want to be.
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