Chapter Seven.
Each time Armaan would talk to Inaya's cousin Yusuf would get angry and this didn't go unnoticed by Asim couldn't say anything because his sister already told him not to.
Inaya had explained what happened between Yusuf and Armaan before they started university.
"Morning students, today is the day that I will be choosing you according to your ranks as partners," the professor explains but almost all the students in the room start to groan. "Yes, I know that almost all of you don't want this but this will have to happen as the marks at the end of the project will be added to the final grade of the first year," he added.
He then started calling out names with their ranks to hand them their projects. Each had a different project from the others.
On the papers, there's a list to choose from. They can either make a mould of an organ or present how the other organ functions in the body.
"Okay, now that everyone has their copy of what should be done. You can discuss and you will have a month to finish your projects and then you will need to discuss who will be representing," the professor added while writing something on the board. "If you need help, you know where to find me but for now, I suggest we get to the topic of today," he added continuing to write on the board.
Both Armaan and Yusuf looked at each other and knew that they had no choice but to do the project as it was half of their grade.
I wish I could work with someone else but beggars can't be choosers, right?
As the professor continued teaching the class, Yusuf knew that one way or another Armaan would know who he was to her.
He needed advice from someone and the only person he could go to was Aunt Hayat who was also Armaan's grandmother.
But the main question is how will he talk to her when she is always with her husband as he never lets her out of her sight.
This coming weekend Yusuf was heading home to visit his parents and sister because it was time for him to tell them about what has been happening in school in the months he has been in.
At the end of the class, the students got together to start on their projects so that they could have time to mould or even represent how the organs work.
Yusuf approached Armaan who wanted to avoid him but could not because of the project.
"We will meet at the library to mold the organ that we picked..."
"I know but the library wouldn't be good because we would need somewhere we can discuss without the librarian telling us off," Yusuf explains to Armaan.
She knew that he was right about that but she didnt want to spend time with him.
"How about we meet at the university hall, where there are many people and we could discuss and no one would tell us to keep quiet," Armaan suggested to Yusuf. This surprised him more than anything. "I will not meet you alone because..."
"Yes, I understand and I will respect whatever you want," Yusuf assures Armaan with a smile on her face.
He knows that the university hall would be the safest for the two of them and this assignment was almost 25% of their final first-semester grade.
"Okay, when are you free?" Armaan asks him while looking at her phone trying to find the calender.
"How about after class? We can finish the model and then write the report tomorrow In shaa Allah?" Yusuf suggests to her.
"Okay, thats a great idea. I will see you there then. Excuse me."
Before Yusuf could even say anything else, Armaan walked away from him.
I need to tell her the truth about who I am. But will she accept or reject me? Emad was right about me being jealous of someone taking Armaan away from me. I know that I am the one who stopped all communications but it is because of our family's past. My Mamma tried to hurt her Uncle and Aunt's family and almost broke them apart.
"I know what you are thinking, but I did give you that advice when a few days ago..."
A voice says making Yusuf turn around to see his best friend who has a sad smile on his face. Emad knows that Yusuf wanted to tell Armaan who he is to her but he is scared of the reaction that she will have.
"But there's that fear..."
"Rejecting you? Getting mad?" Emad says to him.
"Yes, I am scared of that and her father's rage when he finds out about me. Emad, I need to tell her but how will I do it when maybe she hates me for ghosting her for almost three years?" Yusuf asks his best friend.
"I will give you the same advice that I always give you. Tell her now before she knows from someone else because Yusuf, she will hate you for that," Emad advices Yusuf who knew what his best friend meant by his statement.
"I will tell her in two days in shaa Allah. But for now, I need to get to class and so do you. And then I need to go to the university hall to meet Armaan, to discuss our assignment," Yusuf says walking away from Emad.
Sometimes I wish you could just tell her who you are, Yusuf because you are hurting yourself when you lie. And when the truth comes out, she will be more hurt because YOU lied to her. Only Allah knows what will happen if she knows who you are.
The truth will set you free, but the main question is who will be hurt more when it comes out? The one who lied or the one who is being lied to? Lying will always hurt anyone and everyone in your life whether they are friends or even family. Never lie to someone you love.
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