~twenty eight~
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A few days passed, and the preparations for the three teens to move in together were underway. The apartment was nice, with two bedrooms, a decent kitchen, two bathrooms and a living room.
Getting extremely excited over these things had pushed one important event out of their minds.
The treasure hunt.
"Crap! That's this week?!" Jeno hissed, earning a nudge from Jaemin to calm down. The brunette hadn't even realised he was skipping helping his year.
Chenle sighed as he and Jisung stood behind Renjun, Jaemin and Jeno in the canteen line. "Look, it's not a big deal. They're working out in the forest behind the school when the last class ends today. Help them set everything up then."
Jaemin groaned, not actually having spared a single word after his angry outburst a few days prior. He shook his head like he didn't want to stay back after school.
Renjun thought for a moment, "I should probably help since I'm on the events committee. I've been rather preoccupied as well lately."
This caused the blonde to hang out of Renjun's arm and beg him in sign language not to do it. He wanted to hang out with one of them after class.
'Don't be selfish,' Renjun said with his hands, 'Don't you want to help your year make something fun happen?'
Jeno massaged his temples, "It's fine if he doesn't want to join us. But I personally have to, since I'm on the committee and it's my year. Are you coming too, Chenle?"
Jaemin scowled, glaring at Chenle like an angered puppy and folding his arms with a pout. Jisung, noticing this attitude stepped in front of Chenle while he and Jeno chatted, giving the older an equally deathly glare.
After a few seconds of acting like kids, Renjun finally pulled Jaemin into a head lock and apologised to Jisung quickly before ruffling the blonde's hair.
"Stop being a brat already. Ever since we got ice cream, you've been super tetchy lately!"
Jeno turned to them, "What's up?"
"Nothing," the older shook his head, "But I think I need to teach this dumbass a lesson or two in manners." Renjun then released Jaemin who started hitting his shoulder grumpily. "How about I start with how impolite it is to glare at people? Hm?" The Chinese grabbed the taller's shoulders, not letting height get in the way.
Jisung sighed, waving off Chenle's questioning gaze. The students around them were wondering what the commotion was, and Jeno buried his face in his hands.
"Let the earth swallow me whole...."
"I'll join you," Jisung murmured.
It was finally their turn to grab lunch from the canteen, so each of them stopped bickering for a few minutes to take a tray. Jaemin got Jeno his lunch this time, giving Chenle one last pissed off glance before wandering back to a table.
The orange haired teen pouted, looking up at Jeno while waiting for his tray. "I don't think Jaemin likes me....."
"He's just a little bit.....protective?" The older frowned while trying to think of the right terminology for the younger's silly behaviour.
"Well Chenle doesn't like you like that," Jisung butted in, "Tell him that."
"I don't think that's the issue-" Jeno tried, but Renjun cleared his throat and interrupted him.
"We'll talk to him. Don't worry..."
Quickly grabbing the tray of food, the oldest then turned on his heels to follow Jaemin back to their seat.
Chenle raised his hands, completely baffled by the whole situation, "Okay, I'm lost. Have I missed something? Who don't I like, and who am I fighting with?"
"You aren't fighting with anyone," Jisung rolled his eyes, "Plus you have me. You don't need anyone else."
"Okay Jaemin, we need you to snap out of it. Why are you acting like a twelve year old?" Renjun slammed his tray down on the table.
In truth, the oldest had been a little bit angered by Jisung bringing up Chenle possibly liking Jeno. It connected a few dots for him as to what Jaemin was feeling, and so they may have had something in common.
"Why are you mad at me?!" Jaemin signed, "Tell me you don't like the way that guy flirts with Jeno!"
Renjun groaned, slumping down into a chair opposite the blonde and signing back, "Chenle's taken, Idiot. Jisung has literally been all over him since we first met them. Also, Jeno is oblivious anyway. What I want to know, is what's your problem?"
Jaemin looked back at the queue for a moment, watching as the other three started to wander back with food. The way Jeno was smiling for once.....made his heart hurt in a good way.
"I don't know....." he lied, having come up with the conclusion that he liked the older. But Jeno had made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to ruin the friendship all three had.
The older shook his head in defeat, having summed it up for himself anyway. He knew heart eyes when he saw them. Of course, he and Jaemin would run into a problem eventually....since they both liked the same guy.
"Okay, have we sorted out the bad mood problem?" Jeno asked while sitting down beside Jaemin. He faced the blonde, poking his cheek and trying to lighten his mood. The younger blushed at the feeling of his attention, glancing up at Renjun who looked like he had been stabbed.
Sorry, the taller thought to himself, only one can play this game.
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