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"Sir, it's the same issue as last time," Jeno explained to the principal, clasping his hands over his stomach to subconsciously settle the nervous feeling.
The older man sat back in his chair, eyeing his pupil wearily and trying not to show the pity he had for him. "If this is a continuous issue with not only extra curricular activities and school trips, but problems at home as well....perhaps it's time your mother and I had a chat again."
Jeno flinched, the mere mention of her making him want to cry. "That won't be necessary Sir. Its just until I get a proper job and can help her out."
The principal raised his brows, "Does that imply you're already working?"
Panicking, the brunette shook his head perhaps a little too enthusiastically and tried to cover up his mistake. He seemed to be making quite a lot of them recently. "N-no Sir. I meant a real job. As in, after high school I want to skip college and actually work, not part time."
Sighing, the man massaged his temples. "You're grades aren't deplorable you know? With them, you could get into a decent college. They aren't particularly outstanding, but they aren't terrible either."
Jeno nodded meekly, "Honestly, it's more effort than its worth. I probably shouldn't say that to an educational leader....but I don't think I can do it."
"If it's a financial issue, think about a scholarship. I'm sure you know incredibly intelligent people that you can negotiate with to bring your grades up to straight A's. Yes?"
Not wanting to battle him on it, the teen just nodded and was dismissed. Somehow amidst all that, he got himself out of the school trip like he did every other year it arrived.
He wandered down the halls towards the canteen, brushing past people on his way until he passed through the double doors being held open.
It was business as usual for everyone else. Different tables held different people, some messing around and others studying. This was usually the time he'd sneak off outside and sit under a tree to sleep or something.
He couldn't do that now with two persistent boys constantly with him.
"Did you not see me waving?" A familiar voice questioned, snapping Jeno from his daydream. The taller looked at the source of noise who had obviously just come over.
"Oh, sorry Renjun. I was spacing out...."
"Yeah, I know you were. Why else would I dramatically role my eyes and walk over to you to personally drag you to our table?"
"......I didn't see that either..."
The shorter sighed, shaking his head and taking Jeno's hand. He tugged him gently towards the said table which happened to be occupied by more than Jaemin this time.
"Hey," Chenle waved, tapping the seat beside him for the older to sit down.
Jeno complied, sliding in and looking across from him at Jaemin who was pouting. He slid his phone across the white table to him.
'You always sit with me. Why Chenle this time?"
Rolling his eyes, Jeno pushed the phone back towards the owner and scoffed. "I can talk to you better this way, Dumbass. Besides, Chenle offered."
The orange haired male beside him smiled, "I just assumed you wouldn't mind."
Jisung, beside him, finally made his presence known by passing Jeno a bottle of water. "They gave me one too many. Take it."
The brunette frowned, taking it from him cautiously and wondering why the younger chose him over anyone else.
"Oh right, I wanted to tell you something Jeno," Chenle hastily changed conversation with excitement, "There's another event coming up."
"It's the second year's turn to organise it," Jisung added.
Renjun beamed, leaning in and asking, "What's it for? I love summer events."
"'I'm pretty sure it's a treasure hunt. The only reason we were told was because we're on the committee. We get to help the second years if they're struggling."
Jaemin tilted his head, typing something before showing everyone, 'But the last event was like, a month ago. How often are they?'
"Not too often," Renjun responded. "It just so happens that summer is our busiest season due to our good weather."
"So what's this treasure hunt about?" Jeno finally asked. "Is it a lot of work? 'Cause I don't want tons of people from my year asking me for instructions. I should've remembered to scratch my name off that bloody list...."
"Still as grumpy as ever," Jisung sighed, leaning backwards so that he and Jeno could speak behind Chenle rather than over him.
"I'm not grumpy," the older hissed, "I just prefer the comfort of normality."
"Grumpy," Renjun coughed under his breath.
"Wow, lets all gang up on Jeno," Chenle stated sarcastically, "It's who he is. Leave him alone."
Thankful for the support, Jeno jokingly hugged the orange haired junior. Chenle laughing and finding the strange open behaviour refreshing and pleasant on someone who was always so down.
Jaemin and Jisung however, didn't find it quite so amusing. "People are staring," Jisung snapped, trying to pull his friend away. "Quit being all weird!"
Jaemin scowled, kicking Jeno's ankle, eliciting a pained groan from the older.
"What the hell you two? It's literally a joke. He's the only one who's nice to me," Jeno winced, retracting from the smaller boy.
"See, they were joking!" Renjun quickly added a little too forcefully. "Now the joke's over, so everyone relax."
Jeno wondered what he had done to cause such a stiff atmosphere. He had seen plenty of friends hug each other and jokingly mess around. Perhaps he had misread those situations? It wasn't as though he had tons of experience with 'friends'.
Jisung tugged Jeno's sleeve, wanting to talk to him behind Chenle again. Once the older sat back to see him, all he saw was Jisung mouth 'mine' while pointing at the boy between them.
Raising his hands in mock surrender, the brunette mouthed 'I wasn't stealing him'.
"Stop being all secretive back there," Renjun called, "I can see you both."
Jaemin fidgeted with his fingers under the table. Wanting to waste no time before taking action, he quickly composed a message and showed Renjun, who nodded in agreement, and then handed it to Jeno.
Jeno read over it briefly before a somewhat surprised feeling flooded his chest. The text read; 'I want you both to come over on Friday for the night. And no Jeno, you can't refuse'.
He agreed anyway, not seeing any particular problem with it. As long as they didn't see his house, then all was good, right?
Jaemin took the phone back, smiling excitedly before starting to eat.
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