~forty two~
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Oh how Jeno felt conflicted.
His very being was at war with itself as he stared at his roommates at the canteen table. He was pretending not to have seen them in the kitchen that morning, feeling it was best to let them sort everything out. But he didn't think it would work this quick or quite this way.
Renjun was happily sitting between Jaemin and Haechan at the end of the table, all three in deep conversation while as always, Chenle and Jisung sat opposite him.
"I get deja vu every time I look at you," Jisung muttered while picking at his noodles, "It's depressing."
Jeno pouted, "And all this time I thought we were starting to get along."
"I'm sorry to have mislead you-" the younger was cut off with a gentle elbow to the chest by the ginger beside him.
"Don't worry Jeno, we know how tough your life is," Chenle beamed.
"Aw, jeez guys," he cooed sarcastically, "I'm feeling the love!"
"You're a disgrace to all lovers out there," Jisung continued to layer the guilt onto the older's shoulders. "If this was a drama, people would stop watching out of pity and frustration."
"Don't be so mean!" Chenle hissed, though his words were deflected of the pinkette as if he wore titanium.
Jeno knew he was right though, underneath the painful way of putting it. He was a disgrace to romance. Sitting here idly, watching two boys he knew he liked suddenly squished up together without him.
He should've been doing something about it. But what? How could he possibly step in now?
"If I'm reading your thoughts correct," Chenle began, taking a bite out of his role, "Then you're wondering how to get them back."
"This isn't a revenge scheme, Chenle! I'm not plotting their deaths-"
"No, no, not like that you idiot! I meant get them back with you. You want them to accept you again."
"They never stopped....."
"Still feels that way," Jisung added, looking over at Renjun who was trying to throw a raisin up and catch it in his mouth, only for Jaemin to dive over and inhale it instead. "You've been benched, my friend."
"So you are my friend?"
"Don't get cosy!"
The Chinese interrupted them again, "God, conversations with you two are like maze chases. Always losing track. What I wanted to say to you, Jeno, is that it's now or never. They aren't getting any younger, and eventually, depending on how long you take, they may move on."
"But-" Jeno gasped, "They're the ones pushing me. I've always been more docile...."
"Then grow a pair-" Jisung was once again smacked over the back of the head.
"Ignore him, he's getting the silent treatment from now until the end of the day."
"Chenle," Jisung whined, "That's not fair!"
Jeno watched quietly as the young pair acted like an old married couple. He envied it more than anything, the security they had in one title. Boyfriends.
But was he himself ready to take a step anywhere near that zone? It would be like exploring a new country.....wild.
"Please don't ignore me~" the youngest pleaded while making the single most cutest face the world had ever seen. Even Jeno couldn't have denied those little pouty lips and sparkly eyes.
"Then stop being so forward," the older chuckled, pinching his cheeks.
I want that, Jeno thought, finally. He really, really did.
Switching his sights to the other three boys at the other end of the table, he felt more content with his mindset now.
All he had to do, was say 'we should all give this a go'. The worst that could happen was that one of them said 'no', or the whole thing didn't work and they ended it quickly.
But those were two little thorns on what could possibly be a big and beautiful rose of a relationship.
Was he willing to risk it?
Yes. Yes he was.
"Oh yeah," Renjun suddenly stopped giggling for a moment and grabbed Jaemin's arm. "I forgot to tell you guys something." He then looked at Jeno and frowned, noticing he already had his attention. "Were you watching me, young man?"
Jeno blushed, waving his hands dismissively, "Nope! Absolutely not."
God, this is why you're so annoying! He then scolded his oblivious nature.
"Okay," the oldest shrugged, "Anyway, I'm having a friend over tomorrow. He's the boy I learned sign language for."
"Deaf?" Jaemin arched his brow curiously, having heard much about the teen already.
"Mmm. Don't scare him off, either of you. Jeno is so awkward it's embarrassing and Jaemin kills people with his eyes."
"I do not!" The blonde huffed, voice slightly cracking.
"Yeah, you do. And stop overusing your vocal cords. Last thing we need is you damaging them."
"Am I really that awkward?" Jeno asked innocently, lower lip trembling when he realised he was embarrassing.
"Aw, no," Renjun quickly noticed his mistake, "I mean, just a little.....you're not good with people at all."
"You're embarrassing," Jisung reiterated the previous statement, and yet again had his chest elbowed by the shorter beside him.
"I'm sorry...." Jeno apologised, and Jaemin clapped loudly and slowly for Renjun, congratulating him on hurting the boy's feeling.
"And we thought Jeno was oblivious," Haechan sighed, mildly amused by the distruction caused by his friend's loose lips.
Renjun wandered around the table to Jeno and pulled him into a soft hug. "I didn't mean to come off so mean. You aren't embarrassing, Jeno, I promise."
"People are staring...." the younger pointed out.
"Let them. It doesn't bother me in the slightest."
The younger then leaned his head back into Renjun's chest. "I have something to tell you both tonight."
The Chinese looked taken aback at first, "Is this about.....?"
"Mmm. It is."
"Okay," he grinned, sweeping his hand over the younger's fringe, exposing his forehead before wandering back to his seat.
Now or never, Jeno reminded himself. There was no time like the present.
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