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It was Friday, and preparations for the upcoming event were well underway. The open night was the following Wednesday, so each club and class were trying their best to be cooperative. Of course, the juniors were under the most pressure.
"Ugh, it's crooked," Chenle groaned, standing beside Renjun as they watched the backstage committee of the drama club set up the beautifully crafted background.
"It's not finished yet," Renjun informed the orange haired younger. "Don't worry just yet."
Chenle nodded to himself, "I'm supposed to worry though. You're in your final year right? A senior?"
"Yeah...I'm a third year," he nodded .
Both watched as the poor club members tried their best with the heavy lifting.
"You should grab a strong looking senior to help them," the youngest finally sighed, patting Renjun's shoulder and walking away. The pair didn't know each other well, only from shows were Chenle was happy to sing with the choir.
Renjun massaged his temples, trying to take deep breaths. He was quite tired from barking instructions to the second years, and his patience for the slow progress was wearing thin.
"Hey! We've just dropped a massive vat of paint over here!" Some girl cried. She raced out from behind the black curtains covering the theatre's backstage passages.
Again, the oldest released a weary moan. It had been two days of this carry on and he was almost ready to throw in the towel.
"We're going to need to buy more. The backdrop isn't finished and the paint is wasted," someone else panicked.
"I'll go," Renjun volunteered, "Everyone just focus on cleaning up and completing the setting. It's not even like we're acting this time guys. How hard could this be?"
They all gave him an apologetic look, hating to disappoint their tolerant senior. Renjun was the one who pulled the drama club to its feet from almost collapsing after all.
"I'll ask the school for some money to replace the paint, so I'll be back in about half an hour or forty five minutes. Okay?" He clarified. There were head nods and verbal agreements, so he walked out of the school theatre quite satisfied and wandered towards the principle's office.
"You have to be kidding me," Jeno whined, glaring at the pitiful juniors who had asked him for a favour. He himself was a second year and should've been more accommodating for the younger students. But he wasn't by nature.
The half empty boxes both held spoke loud and clear. "Please?" They begged, "The supply shop is only down the road, and the school already gave us money. We just need to top up a few things...."
The dark haired male inwardly screamed. He was hungry, tired and felt like slamming his head against a wall. A fifteen minute walk was not what he needed at that moment.
"Fine," he relented in the end, rolling his eyes as the younger pair blinked excitedly.
"Thank you! Here's the money!" They handed him the cash, and he eyed it longingly. Jeno was no thief, and he would never dream of stealing anything....especially money. But that didn't make it any less appealing.
"Yeah yeah, go and take a break," he sighed, watching as the two boys giggled and wandered away, whispering with small blushes on their cheeks.
Was I ever that innocent? He often wondered things like that to himself.
Shoving the paper money into his pocket along with his hands, he didn't bother retrieving his coat and just walked out of the busy classroom. Since classes were momentarily on hold, nobody questioned his leaving.
Jaemin wandered down the street at a slow pace. He had earbuds in his ears and was using his fingers to tap along to the drum rhythm on invisible drums as he moved his head to the tune.
It was a warm day like any other, and he was dressed in a short sleeved shirt, three quarter length denim shorts and a baseball cap. His blonde hair was peeking out from beneath the cap, and the lollipop resting in his mouth was slowly disappearing with time.
He spotted the all-sorts shop ahead, gradually making his way towards it. It was about half two in the afternoon, and unfortunately the teen had skipped lunch and found himself a little hungry.
His phone vibrated so he pulled it out of his pocket, checking the text message he had received. It was his mother;
Once you've got your things, come home quickly so I can make you dinner and go out
He nodded to himself, picking up his pace and stopping outside the glass door with posters and advertisements up.
Jaemin pushed it open, entering the familiar place and taking in the wonderful scent of paper, new paints, random objects and the sight of such an organised area.
He was specifically looking for art supplies, since he had run out at home. Painting was a little hobby of his that he didn't share with anyone, keeping it to himself most of the time.
As he reached up to a particularly high shelf, he felt his arm strain slightly in the process. He frowned, trying harder but ultimately sacrificing good balance.
It was was fine until someone else stumbled out beside him and collapsed down on the younger, knocking him sideways.
Jaemin gasped airily, no real noise coming out. He landed flat on his back with another boy on top of him. What surprised him most though wasn't the fact that he had been ploughed down....but how light the guy really was considering his size.
"Ow," the older groaned, sitting up and feeling his face only inches from Jaemin's.
Jaemin, however, couldn't say anything. Instead he watched the dark haired boy carefully, rather intrigued by his unusual weight, handsome face and distant expression.
Both sat up properly, facing each other still. "I'm sorry," he apologised, "I think I was pushed...."
"Woah, oh my god!" Another ravenette yelped while turning the corner to view both boys on the floor. "I did not mean to trip over that box. I'm so sorry.....hang on," he stopped, glancing at the taller of the two, "Are you that senior from a couple of days ago?"
Jeno, recognising Renjun as well bit the wall of his cheek. "Yeah. Why are you here?"
"Well why are you here?"
"I asked first."
Jaemin rolled his eyes, tugging Jeno's shoulder and typing something out on his phone. It read;
Aren't you going to help me up?
Jeno squinted at his bluntness, also curious as to why he wouldn't just say what he wanted to say.
Renjun watched the exchange with equal confusion. "Oh, uh....should I give you both a hand?"
He leaned down to pull Jeno up, and then the younger pulled the blonde up quickly. His arm shook from the lack of strength, though he hid it and cleared his throat.
"Well," the taller started, "What do we do now?"
Jaemin smirked, admiring Jeno as he spoke. There was something irresistible about him that lured him in.
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