Return 2 (FrostNova x Male Doctor)
A/N: So after however long (I seriously don't remember hahaha) here is the much awaited part two of Return! I hope y'all enjoy!
Years Later . . .
Here lies Patriot.
The longer she stared at the strip of those words, the more her head began to ache. A new batch of flowers had just been placed down, replacing the old as her gaze remained fixated. The hand holding hers tightened its grip the longer she stared. Doctor Y/N just wanted set her to know he was there. It was a small comfort, though it did not remove the immense sadness hitting her whenever they came here.
"What are you thinking about?" He quiet question had her sighing.
"Like you even need to ask. I, it's hard to believe he's really gone."
So much had happened while she was in comatose. Some would argue it was too much, the world forgot her and moved on with no slowing in its step. But Y/N said otherwise. He told her how her sacrifice hurt him, how it made him all the more determined to take the next risk towards peace.
"I know he wasn't your real Father but, he really did love you."
She shook her head. "A part of me thought him a fool. Taking an Infected girl in, someone with no real future besides an early grave . . ."
He touched her arm, right where the upper arm reached the elbow. People said that the elbow was supposedly the least sensitive part of the body, but as far as she had been concerned -back in those early days- everything was just about as insensitive as it got due to her Oripathy. Now she found herself feeling every sensation with a sense of gratefulness. The blind yearned to see, the deaf yearned to hear, and then there were those who desired a voice . . . but touch, that was something most individuals took for granted. For them it was just there. But this had not been the case for her. So she relished in the cool touch of his ungloved fingers —an off day allowing him to go without the leather padding— how marvelous it was to be able to be cold instead of being the embodiment of it.
"I don't think he took that into consideration at all."
The fingertip trailed past her elbow. There more fingers joined at her skin, traveling down until they reached her hand. She readily intertwined her fingers with his even as his other hand came to a rest stop over her stomach. The bump there should have been yet another impossibility with the short life she was meant to have.
"If anything, he saw you as a kindred spirit, someone who had lost so much just like him. He wanted to connect with, someone who understood the loneliness he went to. He had been a Father before and I'm sure the desire to have family again was all that mattered to him. Patriot wanted to love someone and you needed to be loved the same way any child needs to be loved by a parent. As the saying goes: what once was can be again. You could have a loving Father and he could be a parent to a loving daughter."
FrostNova laughed then, a small sparkling snowflake appearing in her vision. Even after the cure seeped into her veins she retained her powers. The below subzero temperatures that had nearly killed Blaze, Amiya, GreyThroat and him back in the underground tunnels were a struggle to conjure, but frozen ice stakes and the like were no problem and freezing the very air was possible should she try hard enough. The small cloud over her head caused more flakes to fall. Y/N chuckled, she knew a look of wonder was on his face as he watched each snowflake fall down.
"I don't know if loving was there right description for either of us."
"Maybe not always, but you can't deny how you cared for each other." He told her, pressing a kiss to the side of her head. With Y/N's heat right up behind her, pressing close, his breath ghosting against her skin to send those pleasing shivers down her spine.
"I-I suppose you're right." FrostNova leaned back to kiss his cheek.
His smile was blinding when she retreated. "Course I am. And I'm sure you'll be just as loving to our little one someday." And the way those eyes drifted down . . . she knew the gesture well. It had been every intent to keep the gender of their first born a surprise. Well, a surprise to everyone except . . .
She let out an exhale, eyelids slipping shut before fluttering open again. Today was for celebrating. A baby shower was waiting for them back at base. And while her Father's remains were not really here in the physical sense, FrostNova could almost feel him there watching the two of them with the most content smile he could give.
And it was with this in mind she told him the gender of their first child, the world feeling all the more bright with each syllable escaping her.
Y/N: Was a pregnancy originally in the plans? Nah, but this is what happens when I let my imagination run wild lol. Seriously, FrostNova was such wasted potential, but what can you do? I think a Manticore shot will be up next, but stay tuned regardless. And let me know what y'all think in the comments and remember to vote!
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