The Devil Comes Knocking
(Y/N) stirred from his sleep, feeling as if he had slept for weeks. Eyes slowly opening, he noticed he was dressed in some standard Arkham prison jump suit, and it was actually quite clean. Rubbing his eyes, (Y/N) could see he was still laying on the flower though it was opened, and could see into the open floor from before, with Poison Ivy standing off the side, pulling the red Arkham jacket over her body, positioning it from before, (Y/N) managed to catch a quick glimpse off her breasts before they sealed up again. Like before, only one metal latch keeping the jacket covering her breasts. Upon seeing that he was awake, Ivy smiled at (Y/N).
"Awake are we?" she asked, hands flowing through her hair, all behind her shoulder like before.
"So that wasn't a dream?" (Y/N) chuckled, standing up from the large flower. His legs wobbled slightly, it took a split second to get his balance back. Looks like she had done more to him than he thought. As he stood up completely, the orange jumpsuit was tight on him, especially around his chest and abs area. Guess she wanted something to look at as well. "I'm guessing you enjoyed as much I did?" he asked with arms crossed and a smug grin.
"You could say that" Ivy then moved to the centre of the room, one foot in front of the other in an elegant manner. "I do suppose a deals a deal" she finished as (Y/N) grew bigger. This was quite the deal, a mind blowing experience, to blow someones mind with a weapon. "Warren White and some of his men are in the underground sewers, setting up something against the base of a Tyger security wall. They could be trying an escape".
Seems Shark was trying to jump ship with a decent sized crew and that Prometheus mercenary. Looks like it was simple enough to get your hands on military grade weapons, Penguin, Joker, Two Face, now even Shark. What type of prison is this?
"Any chance you can tell me where exactly?" he hoping she tell him at least. Sewers were large, could take him hours or even days to find where exactly they were stationed.
"Head over to the man hole near the Tyger door on the east side, you'll find some his men there" she answered, with a smile. "I'm sure you could find the big bad from there".
(Y/N) walked across the room, walking passed Ivy and towards the door that wasn't covered by plant life. The two keeping eye contact and grins which displayed similar messages, no regrets from (Y/N).
"Thank you for this" he turned his head to look at Ivy. Thinking of not only the interaction the two underwent, or the information, but the dream (Y/N) had. He had seen a different side of himself, his old ways, new ways, and work to be done after Shark is taken care of. "It was...." he had think for a moment of the correct phrase. "....An experience" he smiled. Could be taken either way, though Ivy thought of the obvious inclination.
"If you ever need your toes curled" Ivy's voice was back to that of a seductress once again. "I'll be around" she then blew (Y/N) a kiss. Ivy began to walk back to the flower, an obvious sway to her hips which caused her ass to look ever so enticing.
(Y/N) bit his lower lip with narrowed eyes. Though his mission over-ruled his lower region, he had one thing to take care of. Then, the world is his oyster.
After the little 'incident' involving Poison Ivy, (Y/N) readied himself. He was under equipped, out of time, out of weapons, but if what she said was true. It was now, or never. The date was December 21st some time in the night, through the numerous down times and tasks he's had to undergo for the freaks of this city, he had spent more time than he had anticipated. Realising he would need some better gear, he retuned to one place where he knew where he would be able to find some equipment. The GCPD, from memory there were some Tyger creates around that area, and hopefully if Penguin hadn't raided everything, there were some scraps. At this point his green Prometheus costume were nothing but rags, damp, bloodied, and sticking to him painfully. Basically unbearable.
For hopefully one of the hopefully last times, he journeyed across Arkham City. As he did so however, he noticed there were an increased number of Tyger helicopters in the air. All patrolling the City with orange jump suits all cheering and yelling at the choppers. Off in the distance he could spot a number of thugs were appeared to be unconscious, badly beaten with leg badly twisted. There was only one person in Gotham who beat crooks that bad; The Dark Knight. He was here, somewhere in Arkham City. Though as long as Batman stayed away from (Y/N), he wouldn't be a problem.
Nearing GCPD he could see the same thing, a load of knocked out thugs badly beaten. The only difference being is that these were affiliated with a gang, more specially Joker's Gang. All dressed in silly clown costumes and masks, looking ridiculous. These were of no consequence, all that mattered were whether were in these Tyger Crates. And by the looks of things, Penguin had already got to them. All of them had been tipped over, looted, some even burnt. The bird man had gotten his hands on some heavy weapons that's for sure. There was however, one crate left the large one which seemed almost untouched. Carefully walking over, in case it was a trap. (Y/N) managed to pull open the heavy steel doors to reveal a suit, what seemed like a special suit contained in a glass case, with 'TYGER' over the glass. It seemed to be armour, all parts joined together un unison, dark blue, with bronze shoulder pads and other bronze areas.
(Y/N) could only stare in amazement, the mask matched that of a skull with a blue dome on top. Grabbing a nearby metal pipe, (Y/N) busted open the glass case, shattering it and stepping back covering his face from the glass. Using both hands he took the helmet off and stared at it. Seemed whatever God existed out there had answered his prayers.
Moments later, the vigilante stepped out, triumphant and proud at his find. His new high-tech suit giving off a powerful aura.
His rifle he had carried throughout all of Arkham City strapped to his back, (Y/N) set out, ready to end this. Whatever Tyger and Strange were experimenting on with this suit, was amazing. Just be jumping from rooftop to rooftop he felt energised, powerful, the blood pumping through his veins like never before. (Y/N) had no idea if this was because the armour, his new outlook on life, or the mind blowing experience with Ivy. Whatever it was, (Y/N) felt for the first time in his life, alive. Crouching atop a rooftop he spotted what could only be Sharks men, carrying supplies and passing them to each other through an open manhole. Each crate was by the looks of things, full of explosives, with the men looking less than happy.
"As soon as we get these things loaded up we're outta here" one remarked, grabbing a wooden crate with both hands by the side and passing it to the man with his head and arms sticking out of the manhole.
"Yeah, I'm hitting up every Bank I can find" the sticking out head joined in taking the crate and stepping down into the manhole out of sight.
Behind his new skull mask, (Y/N) smirked. Whatever Shark had planned must be to blow a hole and escape Arkham City with his crew and Prometheus in-tow. Reaching for his back, (Y/N) pulled out his standard rifle and aimed down the sight for the men on the street. Quick pull of the trigger and one fell to the ground, alerting the others. Though they didn't pull out any weapons, only raising their fists insinuating that they weren't armed.
Lambs to the slaughter
Another quick pull of the trigger and another bullet flying out of the rifle and lodging itself within one mans throat. The thug held his neck as blood poured from the newly created wound, looking at the blood in shock before collapsing to the ground. The third and final man raised his arms in an attempt to try and surrender.
"P-please I give up, I-I'll walk away" he pleaded to the mysterious shooter.
Though behind his mask, (Y/N) held his smirk at the helpless thug. Said thug began to walk away, taking the lack of gunshots as a allowance to keep his life. (Y/N) waited until the very last second and then BANG! a clean shot in the back of the head.
"Not who I am anymore" (Y/N) reaffirmed, moving the rifle and once again strapping it to his back. Just as he was about to leap down, his right hand swung a bit too far and hit the bronze pad on his left wrist. Jumping in surprise as the bronze pad flipped out to reveal a small grappling hook was shown, (Y/N) could only stare in surprise and curiosity. Making a fist in his left hand, the grappling hook then fired, locking into a nearby wall. (Y/N) looked from his wrist to the locked grappling hook and then back to his wrist. "This is some experimental tech" he remarked and stopped making a fist. As he did so, the grappling hook unlocked and flew back into the slot it originated from with, ready again for use. Using his right hand (Y/N) closed the slot, reopened it, then closed it once more just to make sure he was seeing it. "Experimental indeed" he repeated.
(Y/N) walked towards the manhole, but not before looting one of the downed men's crates and picking up a grenade.
"Hey, what's going on up there?" the man from before asked, beginning to climb the ladder once again. Without saying a word (Y/N) before the manhole and waited for a brief moment. "What the fuck?" the manhole thug asked looking up at (Y/N). Tilting his head slightly, (Y/N) kicked the thug in the head causing him to fall back down the manhole alerting the other thugs down there. Then as they all gathered together, (Y/N) pulled the pin and dropped the grenade. Screams echoed but were then silenced by the explosion of the grenade. Waiting a few seconds as more explosions were created with a domino effect, (Y/N) then leaped down into the manhole and landed, the entire area scorched. Some of the crates survived as the explosives within weren't primed, though others weren't so lucky. There were around half a dozen men, sorehead and burnt, with one or two barley hanging on to dear life and using one arm to crawl away. They would die soon enough, but it would be agony.
(Y/N) walked up to one of the barley alive men and crouched;
"Tell me where's your boss taking these things?" he asked coyly, taking off the mask to look the burnt man in the eyes. The man's eyes were barley open, though he didn't say a word. "I'll get you help" (Y/N) added hoping to sway the goon.
"East" the thug barley managed to whisper, sounded as if it pained him to even speak. "East" he repeated once again, desperately hoping for the pain to stop.
"Thanks" (Y/N) replied, firing a shot from the rifle into mans head ending his life. (Y/N) then began to walk away from the lot of charred corpses, contempt he knew exactly where to go.
As predicted, the sewers were disgusting. A strong smell of waste, rats and other animals scattering about, all looking for food or clean water. Pipes were corroded and rusty, water spewing from them making semi-large puddles of god knows what. Though as he made his way east, it seemed things were improving slightly for (Y/N). Thrown away, food packagings littering the ground and were fresh enough that rats were feasting of whatever was left. Chocolate, water, all sorts of random food was about, leaving a trail. To who? (Y/N) could only guess it was Shark, or one of his men at least. Soon enough however, he heard them, voices, of rather unhappy men.
"You know much longer we gonna be logging this stuff?" a rough male voice asked, clearly by how low the voice was he was a smoker.
"Boss said we just need enough to blast through the door, then we're home free straight into Gotham" another male voice answered. Seems like they were planning an escape, something to do with blasting a hole into freedom. "No one even gonna know we're outta here" the thug remarked. (Y/N) made sure to stay out of sight, staying in the shadows and behind corners. Trailing the two through tunnels, and passing several large bodies of water. (Y/N) swore at one point he saw something large move in the water, must be an alligator or something, do they have those in Gotham?
But the thugs soon walked up to a metal gate, where a few others thugs were waiting. Unlike the ones from before, some of these were armed. Two assault rifles, one shotgun, and three handguns, with four other goons armed with baseball bats and metal pipes.
"Sorry for being late ladies" the smoker thug said, slightly cheery.
"The boss is gonna lose his shit if you guys are late again, he's getting anxious" the shotgun wielding thug commented just as the two carrying the explosives passed through the metal barred gate. (Y/N) moved his foot slightly, which was a mistake as he accidentally kicked a piece of metal which slid across the floor, alerting the thugs.
"What was that?" one of the rifle wielding thugs asked, raising his weapon and activating a flashlight attached to the gun.
"Probably just a rat" one remarked
"Yeah no, with all the stuff going on I'm gonna go check it out"
Panic soon took hold of (Y/N). With just a simple assault rifle, he had little chance of winning this fire fight. The thug was now stepping out, with one of the pipe guys following him as back up. Maybe there was something he could do, maybe this suit had something special. He began pressing against the chest, hoping to find one of those compartments like with the grappling hook. He pressed against the bronze part on his chest with his right hand and then;
What seemed to be a triangle holder flipped out. With the end of the triangle extending to create a long barrel which was flat towards the end. He could feel his index finger resting on a trigger, as he let his grip falter on it to test it, the weapon folded back up though (Y/N) gripped it tightly to fold it out. Hitting the opposite side of his chest, an identical weapon folded out. (Y/N) starred at the dual weapons for a moment, mesmerised by what this suit could do.
"Aw hell yeah" he whispered to himself. He guest the armour could take a few bullets, though he didn't want to test that theory fully. Looking out from cover he pulled the trigger of the left weapon, at the armed thug and Jesus. The projectile fired was powerful, so powerful it blew a part of the thugs clean off. Spraying blood and parts of his brain all over the second thug, the corpse dropping to the ground while shocking everyone who watched including (Y/N).
"Holy shit" one of the thugs swore, alarmed and on edge.
(Y/N) looked at the weapons, then back to the group of thugs with wide eyes and fear. Smiling behind his mask, (Y/N) proceeded to pull the triggers again. Firing shot after shot, cutting down and blowing pieces off several thugs bodies. Blood spewing everywhere, it was a massacre. A few of thugs fired bullets, but it seemed the armour was strong enough it could take it. Though (Y/N) did notice a few bullets almost pierced the armour, so it wasn't indestructible. As one thing charged (Y/N) with a bat, (Y/N) bashed his face with the barrel of the weapon and stuffed the end into the thugs face then
His entire head was blown clean off, shocking (Y/N) slightly and causing the four remaining thugs raise arms to tell (Y/N) they surrendered. Faces quivering with one looking as if he was going to burst down. (Y/N) placed the left weapon back onto his chest, though keeping the right one aimed at them.
"I'm not gonna kill you" he said, trying to show sympathy to the group. "Is your boss through there?" he asked, pouting his gun towards the gate. One thug nodded, though still a strong sense of fear on his face. "Okay, any other thugs back there?", again another thug shook his head to say 'no'. (Y/N) stepped to the side, "You can leave". The four thugs looked at one another then back to (Y/N). "Go on" he waved the gun trying to hurry them along.
The remaining thugs quickly walked past (Y/N) and hurried along. He wasn't going to kill them, they were scarred enough. Plus they were gonna run into burnt thugs from earlier, that should scare them straight. Placing the gun back onto his chest, (Y/N) walked through the gate. A few more metres, past another corner. (Y/N) could see them, Great White Shark and Prometheus. Talking with one another, in front a large metal door with the Tyger logo on it. It seemed it was thick, and a few explosives were planted on it though only a handful, no where near enough to blow through the door.
"Your men seem in a hurry to escape Mr White" Prometheus stated with crossed arms, looking up and down the door. He had his large police baton on his back, and (Y/N) could see his old green mask attached to his enemies hip as a trophy.
"We all are" Shark nodded. "This City is hell, as soon as we escape into Gotham, the entire underworld will be ready for the taking. With you as my enforcer, and me at the top, we'll be unstoppable" Shark said while imagining the possibilities.
"Now that the presenter is dealt with" Prometheus spoke up, still thinking of his victory. "I will be able to test my combat prowess against the Dark Knight, and ascend as a true bringer of justice" Prometheus talked about himself, like he was a God.
"Well" (Y/N) spoke up, removing his mask and stepping out to get their attention. "Isn't this noice and cozy", smugness clear in his voice. This people thought he was dead, it was the appropriate attitude to have.
"You?" Shark snarled through his monstrous teeth.
"How?" Prometheus asked as well, pulling out his weapon as both faced (Y/N).
"If you're going to kill someone, make sure you see a body" (Y/N) remarked. "Number one rule of killing"
"Prometheus" Shark ordered his henchman.
(Y/N) put his new helmet back on and grabbed the weapon on his left chest piece. Ready for a fight. Firing a blast from the gun, it had a clear impact on the knight themed villain, as his charge staggered and blow parts of his armour off. (Y/N) quickly folded the gun up and placed it back up, time to put this experimental armour to the test. Prometheus swung his baton down with great strength. Dodging to the side, the baton barley touched his left shoulder pad. Feeling empowered, (Y/N) brought his fist and uppercut Prometheus, bashing him back with blood dripping from his mouth.
"Come on" (Y/N) taunted at his adversary. The tables had turned, (Y/N) was on the taunting one this time. "I would call you the pretender, but I don't really identify with the name Prometheus anymore. Are you even worthy of the name?"
"Aaahhh" Prometheus charged once again. While (Y/N) went to grab the assault rifle on his back, he accidentally hit a bonze slot. Grabbing hold of it and holding it up, a new weapon presented itself.
A sword extended from the bonze hilt. Smiling up at his new sword, (Y/N) held it up to face Prometheus blade to blade. Quick jabs and slashes were the strategy to use, (Y/N) knew from last time not to lock blades with the electrical current flowing through it. Blocking a strike coming to his right, and pushing the baton away with his own blade, (Y/N) head butted Prometheus causing both to yell out in slight pain, though Prometheus felt it more. His knight shaped helmet was slightly cracked.
Prometheus charged once again, hoping to end this. Even though (Y/N) didn't want to, hr brought his sword up to bloke the oncoming blow, both locked in place as Prometheus pushed down. (Y/N) felt his hands starting to shake, the electricity working on his hands and pain soon coming. But he had to work through the pain, he noticed Prometheus's left leg was completely straight, he had an idea.
"You are nothing but an ant, trying to face a dinosaur" Prometheus mocked, pushing down harder. "You are a spec of dust" he called out again. "You are-"
"Oh would you shut up!" (Y/N) yelled out, kicking the straight leg hard. A loud crunch could be heard, Prometheus dropping his weapon and screamed out in pain as his leg bent in a way it defiantly wasn't supposed to. His leg was broken. Quickly grabbing the baton as it fell, (Y/N) used Prometheus's own weapon against him. Getting slight jabs across his enemies body, (Y/N) pressed the advantage. (Y/N) bashed the knight helmet to the side, and stabbing Prometheus in the chest. Standing for a brief moment, Prometheus fell to his knee, blood seeping from his mouth piece.
"You have no honour" Prometheus muttered, as (Y/N) snatched his old mask from the hip and stuffed it on his own.
Throwing the baton to the side and placing the sword back onto his back, (Y/N) pulled the weapon out from his right chest. "Honour, you protect a known criminal and you insult me with honour?" he then pointed the weapon at Prometheus' chest. "Fuck honour, and fuck you" he swore, then;
A large portion of Prometheus's chest was created, blood spewing all over (Y/N) and Prometheus fell to the ground dead.
Great White Shark looked on in horror as one his last lines of defence was killed in front of him. Though he quickly composed himself, smiling?
"Well, that was quite the show" Shark remarked, reaching into his inner pocket for something and (Y/N) stayed in guard.
"You can thank Tyger for leaving such good armour laying around for anyone to find" (Y/N) smiled, though his eyes narrowed when he saw what Shark had pulled out was a syringe filled with green liquid.
"I've got nothing to lose at this point" Shark said with dread in his voice. Before (Y/N) could react, Shark injected himself with the liquid. His body immediately spasmed as the syringe was dropped to the floor. (Y/N) could see one word in bold red letters on the syringe;
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