Moment of True Fantasy
Warning, this chapter will include an obligatory lemon
Returning to the plant infested hotel was not so troublesome. Many of the thugs on rooftops not spotting, or either paying no attention to (Y/N). Hell if it wasn't Batman or one of his many sidekicks why would you pay attention to someone jumping from rooftop to rooftop. With every leap his grip on the plant tightened, making sure not a single grain of dirt to spill out. Who knows what Ivy would do to him if the plant got smashed or destroyed, a fate worse than death that's for sure. As his eyes could see the hotel, it seemed the three man guard squad were back out, slowly walking around with rifles in hand. Like before, they all had jade eyes, and a small amount of green gas clouding around their head. A sign of Ivy's control.
Landing on one knee, the three guards seemed to notice (Y/N) but payed him no attention. Not even looking in his direction and continued on their patrol. As he walked onto the metal walkway, the vines seemed to part for him, slowly revealing the door to him as whispers could be heard. Which (Y/N) could only assume to the plants themselves, Ivy is known to mutate plants. Stepping through the door and it closing behind him, the plants and vines covering it instantly. (Y/N) would be on guard but he was too weak, his wounds opening again and leaking droplets of blood.
"So, you have come back to me" the femme fatale voice of Ivy echoed through the plant infested room. (Y/N) took notice of the flytraps that had vanished, with no mind controlled goons in sight. The flowers parting to reveal the goddess of green herself. "With my prize" she smirked, eyeing up the potted plant, eyes narrowing. "Place it down on the floor" she ordered as she vines made a small staircase for Ivy to walk down.
Begrudgingly (Y/N) placed the potted plant down the ground. Quickly other plants flooded into the pot, pulling it down and absorbing it into the jungle that was the room. He turned to Poison Ivy, was walking towards him with a sway to her hips, hair blowing beautifully.
"Fix me" he said, which came out more like a beg than an order. His whole being was split, while his body was close to shutting down from blood loss and tiredness. His mind was slowly being stormed with thoughts of the seductress approaching him.
"Oh darling" she placed her arms over his shoulders causing (Y/N) to look to her arms then back to her. Her jade eyes piercing into his, while Ivy's smile was intoxicating. "You kept your word, now let Ivy take care of you" she whispered, bringing her lips towards his.
(Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes glossed over in jade, "Yes Mistress" he whispered back as their lips met. It was a moment of pure ecstasy. It quickly escalated and her tongue slithered into his mouth and wrapping around his own. It was hot, scorching even, Ivy moaned as (Y/N) kissed back with a lust filled passion. Though as the two swapped spit, (Y/N) was too high off pheromones to notice the vines slithered around his body and locking his arms to his sides. She separated from the kiss and his body was covered in green of plants. A small strand of saliva connecting their lips.
"Such a proactive tongue" she said as (Y/N) looked at her dreamingly. "When you're healed, we'll talk more" she said as (Y/N)'s whole body was consumed in a flytrap similar to that of the other thugs. With what weapons he had being stripped from his person. As all of this happened, (Y/N) could only think of Ivy. Her body, her lips, that kiss, her tongue, perfection incarnate, thoughts of her overwhelmed his mind as a glowing green liquid seeped into the flytrap. A flower attached itself over his mouth, acting as a respirator. Only pumping a mixture of oxygen and pheromones. As the liquid filled the flytrap completely, it slowly melted away his Prometheus uniform, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. His wounds, slowly, starting to seal up.
(Y/N)'s eyes shot open, realising his surroundings were completely different. He was actually comfy, soft relaxing bed and his head resting on a pillow that felt like a fluffy cloud. His mind felt like cloudy, not able to to make a thought right and he sat up holding his head in confusion. His surroundings were that of a classic, bedroom with peaceful sunlight bleeding in through the half open window. Warm pale blue walls with an assortment of books littered a few of the cases from classic novels to novellas. He noticed that a figure was stirring next to him, gently taking more of the blanket away from his person.
"(Groan) morning" a groggy a female voice stirred and turned to face (Y/N). Lowing flowing red hair, perfect pale skin and breasts hidden by the blanket. Her jade eyes half open, indicating she was still waking up. He knew instantly who this was from the facial features, his wife, Pamela Isley.
"Morning" he said warmly with a smile as his mind became clouded once again. "How did you sleep?" he asked as he stood up from the bed, getting ready for his day and grabbing his nearby nightgown.
"Like a log" she said as Pamela sat up and moved the blanket to still cover her body. "You heading to the office?" tilting her head ever so slightly.
'The office?' the man thought to himself as he tied the gown up and bit he inside of his lower lip, thinking of what to say. "No, I think they can manage without for one day" though his response caused Pamela to giggle, pushing a strand of her behind her head.
"I was joking, it's a Saturday" he continued to giggle slightly and (Y/N) also laughed, playing along. "You better not, we've got that dinner with your parents in Metropolis" she added.
"My parents" he repeated puzzled. "Yeah of course" he continued to carry to smile. "I'll go put come coffee on" he said as an excuse to leave the room, twisting the golden door knob and gently closing the door behind him. Pamela giving a wave as he left.
Going down the stairs was like a hallways of mysteries. All sorts of framed pictures showcasing the lives the two had lived together, each holding a different story behind. The typical romantic couple photos, some of Pam with her friend Harleen who she met in college. Group photos of friends and family. Towards the end of the stairs there was a photo of (Y/N) with a latino woman, eyes narrowing, questioning the photo, (Y/N) recognised the woman as his friend, Larissa Diaz. The house itself could be belong to a nuclear family, everything was perfect and nothing out of place. The kitchen was white marble, with the sun beaming in from glass doors which lead outside to vast garden, with trees, flowers and a pool. (Y/N) held his head once again, a throbbing headache hitting him hard and his vision getting extremely hard.
"Hey you okay?" an older, voice asked. Opening his eyes (Y/N) found himself in a posh, lavish, upper society restaurant sitting at a table for 4. To his right was Pamela, who looked concerned. In front of him were the two people he's wanted to see for years, his parents, (F/N) an (M/N), (L/N).
(Y/N)'s eyes lit up with emotion as he could only stare in disbelief, while his parents stared in concern at the strange behaviour their son was showing.
"You okay (Y/N)?" his mother asked, (Y/N) almost teared up. Able to hear her sweet, innocent voice after all these years. It took him a minute to register that he actually had to respond to what she was asking.
"Ah yes of course" he cleared his throat briefly brushing himself off. "Just something went down the wrong way is all"
That night, the four adults talked and laughed their way through the night. Eating, drinking, telling embarrassing stories of the past, recent events and opinions. (Y/N)'s work at Wayne Enterprises and how he's managed to turn a crumbling department, profitable and one of Wayne Enterprises most valuable assets. Pam's work with plants, developing mutant plants in order to soak up more Carbon Dioxide.
It was all going good until, (Y/N) saw it. His green Prometheus, floating in the distance like a spectre haunting him. He looked around and saw that time had come to a standstill. No one blinked, breathed or moved a muscle as (Y/N)'s breathing increased dramatically at the sight of his costume.
"No please, I don't want to" he stated with genuine fear to be held in his voice. The costume simply floating closer to him, silently with nor a whisper or word to be heard. "Please I'm- I'm happy" he stated, standing up from his chair against the floating costume. His fear and sadness turning into that of anger and hatred. Flipping the chair and standing tall, "I dedicated my life to you!" he shouted, not only at the costume but his parents. "Trying to find the one thing that would bring me peace, bring me happiness!" he repeated. A flood of emotions filling his mind as he had no idea what was happening around him. The costume and people remained still not saying a word.
"And what will you do after?" a dark, tormented voice asked. It was like his own voice, though deeper, like a demon had possessed it. The voice emanating from the costume itself. "You swore to a code, to kill those who turned their back on justice" the voice carried, causing (Y/N) to stagger backwards in slight shock. As (Y/N) walked backwards the floating costume advanced. "You will adhere to the code after your business in Gotham is concluded" it commanded, hearing that (Y/N) put his foot down.
"I've always adhered to the code! Its controlled my life, all because I saw the world was corrupt and once I took down the corrupt then the world would improve" this time it was (Y/N) who walked forward and the costume that floated backwards. "But I've seen it, experienced it. There's nothing wrong with doing things for myself, the world has taken everything from me so why can't I do things my way? Kill who I want? For fame, wealth or just for the hell of it?"
"The code-" before the spectre like costume could continue (Y/N) cut it off.
"Fuck the code" he swore, taking control. "Fuck truth and justice, this world only understands the strong and weak" channelling all of his aggression into a powerful right punch that went straight through the costume, causing it to blink in and out of whatever this dream scape is. "And I intent to be the former" (Y/N) whispered into its ear.
(Y/N) eyes shot open, his body contained in a pod like object. Over his mouth was a flower which he tore off himself and attempted to break free from the pod. His hands piercing through the pod and the green liquid starting to leak out. As the other hand dug into the soft substance the pod was made out of, both hands joining together tearing through the pod and creating a big enough hole that he could bring his left leg through. As (Y/N) moved the rest of his body through the liquid flooded out of the pod, with the rest of his body stepping through and fresh clean air made its way into his system. Even though (Y/N) was still in the plant covered hotel, it was almost like the first time he had breathed in. The freshest, cleanest air he had ever breathed in.
He as changed, new man. Once (Y/N) had finally tied up his business in Gotham, he can do whatever he wants. Who's gonna stop him?
(Y/N) looked down at his once injured body, was no completely healed. Months, worth of healing had be done, his once bloodied wounds were now sealed up, only visible through faint scars. Breathing a heavy sigh of relief his head turned towards the ceiling.
"Well seems like someone had a nice sleep" the feminine voice of Poison Ivy called out, the flowers and leafs parting to reveal as they did before. Sitting back in a large pink/red flower which was large enough to be used as a bed. Crossing her legs Ivy looked at (Y/N), "Did you have sweet dreams?" she asked rather flirtatiously.
"It was-" (Y/N) matched her own flirt look with his own, looking her body up and down finding everything about her arousing. He didn't know why, but he felt as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, he wouldn't do just a thing before. "-Rather thought provoking". He stepped to the centre of the room as to properly speak to her. "And you inserted yourself into said dreams?"
"A small side effect of the pheromones the were included in the rejuvenation" Ivy arose from her flower bed, allowing (Y/N) to soak in her full divine figure. "Sometimes it's simpler to do that to potential slaves rather than have them simply stare at me for hours" she remarked brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
"Well I do find these chats entertaining, but I have some business to finalise here in Gotham" (Y/N) did he realise he was almost naked but he could easily find some clothes. "I bid thee a good day Poison Ivy" he dual finger saluted and turned to the door.
"Would that business happen to involve one Warren White better wise known as Great White Shark?" coyly asked causing (Y/N) to turn his head in intrigue. "I thought as much".
"And you would know this?" he fully turned around to face her.
"Word travels throughout the grapevine" she quipped, (Y/N) taking a step closer to Ivy. "I even know where he happens to have made his new base, the green has suffered greatly in that area" her eyes slightly falling to the side in-distress.
"I'm guessing you want me to do something in return for said location?" (Y/N) made sure to take a stern stance, letting Ivy know he was starting to get tired of her shit.
"It's something that I would like you to test, a special type of pheromone" vines stirred beneath Ivy, slowly joining together and harding. More and more vines were brought together, where stairs soon formed though Ivy didn't walk down them.
(Y/N)'s eyes narrowed at the plant controlling woman. "So you can just put me under your control? No thanks" he stood his ground, which only seemed to amuse Ivy more as she slightly giggled.
"If I were to make you my slave I could have easily done it when I was healing your human meat. I assure you, it will be beneficial for both of us"
(Warning Adult Scene Ahead)
(Y/N) cursed to himself, knowing he was playing as someones pawn yet again. But as bad as things seemed, he had a good reason to trust her and her reasoning seemed true. She beckoned (Y/N) over with a flirty one finger, and if by his own arousal or the pheromones in the air/in his system already he soon stepped up stair vines to join Ivy. Both were now face to face and (Y/N) could smell a strong scent originating from Ivy, all the while she held that devious smile. Ivy gently moved both her arms to (Y/N)'s shoulders, rubbing them as to ease the mans nerves.
"That's right darling" she sewed though, startling (Y/N) slightly Ivy used great strength to push the male back onto the flower bed. (Y/N) struggled as vines quickly wrapped themselves around his arms legs, muscles bulging as he tried to break free but to no avail. "Ssshhh darling" Ivy soothed as in the palm of her left hand was a yellow like pollen. Ivy waited until (Y/N) had calmed down, then blew into the pollen. He took a deep breath then licked his lips. The pollen melted, tasting, like clover honey on his tongue. The pollen clung to length of his lashes and glistened on his cheeks.
At first nothing
Then it was like (Y/N) had the wind knocked out of him. Lust spiked through him stealing the breath from his lungs. His heart into tripped into overtime. Overwhelming, needy heat raced like wildfire through his entire body. It concentrated in his cock. His flagging erection got so hard, so fast, it was painful.
"Oh shit" he whispered, leaning his head back into the soft flower in an attempt to ease the throbbing pain in his lower region. Ivy all the while, looked down at her test subject with a sinister smile, seeing such an arousing man wither beneath her was empowering. (Y/N)'s eyes shifted to Ivy and her perfect, mouth watering body. His muscles bulged, attempting to break free from the vines, all the while his cock continued to harden, pushing the fabric of the boxers to the absolute limit.
Poison Ivy continued to smile, slowly lowering herself to straddle (Y/N) though holding her body just above his so they weren't touching. As the two locked eyes, (Y/N) wanting so desperately to touch the goddess of green, Ivy herself used her abilities. Commanding the leafs which made up her panties to slowly vanish, revealing her womanhood with dark green lips to the struggling man.
Ivy then began to slowly lower herself to (Y/N)'s manhood which was at the peak of breaking free. Ivy's womanhood then covered the still trapped penis. (Y/N)'s breathing increased dramatically through his nose, her dampness teasing his covered cock being unbearable. The more (Y/N) struggled against the vines, the stronger they seemed to get, and Poison Ivy wasn't done with her teasing. Both her hands ever so slowly moving up her smooth body, her continually locked with his the entire time. Her hands found their way to the one metal strap which held her chest together and out of sight, with the slight move of her fingers the strap become undone, Ivy tossing the red jacket aside, leaving her bare chest for (Y/N) to view. Could be F Cups, with dark green nipples, the breasts jiggling and bouncing with her movements. And that was it.
Both (Y/N) and Ivy threw their hands back in silent groans as (Y/N)'s cock tore through his boxers and pierced into Ivy's core which she wasn't prepared for, falling onto it fully in shock. (Y/N) was harder than he had ever been in his life, and Ivy squeezed him tightly enough that it was a mixture between pain and pleasure. It was a warmth that was intoxicating, much like how the pheromone she had blown at him induced a similar intoxicating heat. Though Ivys' warmth was indescribable. Ivy herself was struggling to get accustomed to his length, as it stretched her insides with it's impressive length and girth.
Ivy then leant down, pushing her breasts against his chest, while throwing her arms around his neck, keeping vermouth next to his left ear. Slowly Ivy raised her wide hips, then slammed them back down causing her to sweetly moan into (Y/N)'s ear. While (Y/N) groaned out loudly, breath being forced out of his chest, unable to comprehend the pleasure coursing through his body.
As Ivy repeatedly raised her hips and slammed them back down, her left hand moved from behind (Y/N)'s neck to cup his right cheek. Turning his face to look at her and slam to her lips onto his to stifle the sweet moans she was creating. (Y/N) closed his eyes in bliss, forcing Ivy's mouth open and shoving his tongue into Ivy's mouth and around her tongue. Ivy actually put some passion into the kiss, moving her other hand to hold his face in place. Though as the two exchanged in spit swapping, (Y/N)'s arms and legs managed to wrestle free of the vines. Using his superior strength, (Y/N) flipped the two over making sure he was on top.
Not caring about dominating and teasing, Ivy locked her legs around (Y/N)'s waist and locked her arms around his neck once again. (Y/N) roughly pushed his cock into her folds, deeper, harder, creating louder moans. (Y/N)'s hands journeyed over Ivy's perfect, smooth body, then finally, his right hand grabbed hold of her left breast. It was big enough as he couldn't probably grab the flesh orb. As he fondled with her chest, (Y/N) leaned in and began kissing/sucking on Ivy's neck in an attempt to find that sweet spot.
As (Y/N) did so, the heat created by the pheromone was still present in his system. Still driving him into Ivy's arms, still driving him to find some form of release.
(Y/N) slammed into Ivy hard, actually rocking the flower bed slightly.
"YES" Ivy screeched, her hair becoming wild and loosing control of her powers slightly. Flowers blooming all around them. (Y/N) had found both spots between her legs and her neck. Another pull back, and he slammed in once again, the deeper he went the tighter she became. "Right there, yes, yes" she moaned, the persona of a seductress becoming undone under the intensity of pleasure. (Y/N) moved his mouth from her neck, to take in the breast he was fondling. Sucking on it as a newborn would, with his tongue dancing around the nipple would had the desired effect. "YESSSSS" Ivy screamed, her back arching and her core tightening with juices gushing out.
(Y/N)'s face became red as his dick and entire body twitched with pleasure. With one final push, he released waves of cum into Ivy's womanhood, piercing her womb and covering it. Though due to her transformation she was unable to bare a child.
The two remained locked for about a minute, (Y/N) unloading wave after wave, causing Ivy's own release to stretch out and carry on as each wave hit. His face was covered in thick layers of sweat, and he collapsed atop Ivy, both exhausted from the love making. (Y/N) breathing hot air against her ear as he shifted to lay flat on the flower bed, while Ivy moved her body to lay against his own. Moving her right leg over his waist, as a mixture of their juices gently flowed out of her core. Both looked at each other one last time, contempt with the action they had committed.
The flower closing in on the two, who were slowly drifting off to sleep.
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