Gathering Intel
(Y/N) had found his shelter, it was one of the many abandoned buildings in Arkham City. More specially an abandoned night club called 'Gotham City Olympus', previously owned by the now missing villain Maxie Zeus. Whoever this Zeus guy was, he's obsessed with mythology, in the upper rooms countless busts and statues. On the outside was a the name of nightclub in big neon blue, but also a statue of a God looking character holding a lightning bolt in their right hand.
(Y/N) had taken residence in what you could only call a penthouse, a run down, inside, mold and damp penthouse but it was something. He had perfect view of the some of the city, but the bloody statue of Zeus was blocking most of it.
Now was no time to reflect on luxury, according to Penguin some of Shark's men were held in up in the slums under the old freeway. This could either mean three things, this was the main base of operations most likely not always hope. Two, they were messing around with the political prisoners that tried to take refuge there. Or three, it was a scouting regiment of some sorts where the foot solider gathered and get info to their boss.
It was currently December 15th, a cold winters day. Not as if you'd know it's the as it appeared the sun never shined in Gotham.
Leaving the nightclub it was a short journey to freeway, less than a few minutes if that. Of course the political prisoners were screaming, yelling, running in fear. They all wore the same fluffy coat.
(Y/N) decided not to wear his mask, but was geared up with everything else as he didn't know what to expect. From what Penguin said, Shark didn't have many men, or weapons so they shouldn't be heavily armed.
As some political prisoners were running towards (Y/N) away from Shark's men, they turned and ran the other away, this time running away from (Y/N). His numbers seemed to be lacking as well, only 5 men (Y/N) could identify to be part of Sharks Crew.
It seemed Shark didn't really care for advertising his gang much, as all they wore were orange jumpsuits, with some white paint across their faces. If anything they looked more like Joker thugs than anything.
"They got nothing" the beefy voice of a thug complained as they searched through what little the political prisoners had.
"Doesn't matter" one said as he flipped a dirty mattress finding what looked like a packet of crisps and a small revolver. "Shark wants everything we can find, doesn't matter what it is".
"GREAT WHITE SHARK!" (Y/N) shouted getting the attention of the goons, many looked shocked or even surprised. "Tell me where I can find him and I'll let you live".
Saying this did cause many of the goons to laugh and chuckle, some pointing and laughing as if they were in a circus show. One goon stepped forward from the group and folded his arms trying to look tough, but with that goofy looking face paint it looked strange.
"Listen pal, it's December not Halloween. And if you wanna enlist in Shark's too bad, he's not currently accepting applications so you can go back to whatever dumpster you found that ghetto outfit of yours" this comment caused the goons to laugh again.
Having no time to play games, with lightning fast speed (Y/N) tug into a pouch and threw a throwing star right into the lead thugs chest. It a moment for the goons to register what just happened, even the victim looked down slowly at his now pierced chest. He then looked up at (Y/N), which he then coughed up blood. He began coughing violently then fell backwards, his eyes closing slowly as death took hold.
(Y/N) then stepped forward, menacingly looking at the group:
It seemed the goons got the message as it seemed fear struck at their core. You could see it in their eyes the conflict between the need of survival and loyalty. While many made fists thinking they could take the vigilante, others backed up not wanting to be a part of the conflict.
In an attempt to scare them further, (Y/N) took a step back and pulled out his bow. He then reached for an arrow and pulled out one with a steel tip, the perfect killing tool.
Without warning the one who looked under the mattress pulled out the revolver he found and aimed dow it sights.
"No way in hell am I betraying Great White Shark" he proclaimed and squeezed the trigger. While everyone expected a bang nothing happened, only a simple CLICK and the barrel moved along as it normally would. The thug looked shocked and terrified. His master plan had failed.
In an instant (Y/N) let the arrow go, the projectile flew towards the thug and stabbed right there his eye. His whole body spasmed slightly and he fell forward. As he hit the ground, the arrow stabbed further into the man's head stabbing right through the back.
(Y/N) simply raised an eyebrow, "Anyone else wanna grow a pair of balls?" he asked pulling back three arrows for the three remaining thugs.
One of the goons stepped forward, "Okay, okay I'll tell you just don't kill me. Shark has a small set up in a building just opposite the old GCPD building where Freeze is shut up".
(Y/N) pulled back on the arrow even more, "How will I find it?"
Another goon stepped forward, "You-you'll know, just yesterday we set up a big 'W White' in wooden planks".
'Really?' (Y/N) thought to himself. 'Either Shark has gone stupid or he's desperate for recruits'.
"If you're lying, well you won't be able to run away from me next time anyway" (Y/N) said with a smile as he released the arrows. The three arrows flew forward, each penetrating through a different leg. Blood sprayed to the floor, as the goons fell to one knee each yelling in pain.
(Y/N) slowly began to walk away, he knew the location now. Not long until the justice he's searched for all these has been dealt.
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