A Monstrous Conclusion
(Y/N) could only watch in horror as Shark's body mutated and shifted. Bones ripped from his skin as muscles grew immensely to the size of refrigerators, Shark's laughing turning into growling. Shark's body shook, his left arm growing in size while his right became more bones, as they stuck out like spikes. Shark's form was growing, his height increasing and clothes ripping. (Y/N) thought it was the best idea, and began to ran back the way he came. Shark took a step forward after the vigilante, his body still shifting and ripping. While Shark's face was monstrous before, now it was unrecognisable, perfect for his new body. Taking another, the ground beneath Shark broke and cracked, he was now more monster than man.
(Y/N) heard a loud monstrous roar which shook him to his core. Each step caused the sewers to shack like an earthquake, only increasing (Y/N)'s fear. Soon the shacks became more frequent, then another roar echoed through the sewers. Looking back briefly, (Y/N) saw that the monstrous Shark was now running after him, stumbling slightly and hanging onto the wall but he was catching up quickly. Pulling out one of the chest weapons, (Y/N) fired some of the projectiles at Shark. As they hit the hulking monster, small puffs of smoke were creating on impact and they did cause Shark to struggle through them, they ultimately did nothing. (Y/N) was about half way to the nearest manhole, he had spotted it earlier. Though firing multiple shots at Shark did very little to stall the gaining monster. (Y/N) switched tactics, reaching for the assault rifle and coming to a stop.
Opening fire at the charging Shark, (Y/N) unloaded everything he had into him. Shark swiped his left arm across to push (Y/N) away, though the armoured vigilante ducked under it. Seeing the necessary opening, he managed to get a few quick shots at the monster's face. By they seemed to simply bounce off the muscles and do nothing. Again Shark swiped at (Y/N), this time he didn't manage to dodge and was bashed into the brick wall. (Y/N) blinked rapidly trying to compose himself, while Shark talked towards him.
Shark grabbed (Y/N)'s face with his swelled arm, brought it forward, only to slam his head back into the wall. Shark once again let out a loud roar in (Y/N)'s face, salvia getting all over his helmet.
"Get yourself a breath mint" (Y/N) whispered to himself as Shark was ready to attack again. Just as Shark was going to finish (Y/N), he managed to roll out the way reaching for both chest weapons. Dual wielding both weapons, (Y/N) unloaded shot after shot at Shark, this time they seemed to actually do something and Shark had to bring his boney hand out to block the shots. (Y/N) held his ground as he continued to rapidly fire everything, walking backwards to get some distance from Shark. Though Shark managed to pull a huge chunk of bricks out from the wall, and hurl the object at (Y/N) who started running backwards.
Seems as if Shark was ready to start running after (Y/N), something rose up from the sewer water. Something that matched Shark in size, and looked even more monstrous. With green scaled skin, a chain around it's neck that trailed down its chest, and teeth that matched daggers. It glowing yellow eyes, which would stick out in the dark.
This was the creature of the sewers of Gotham City, Waylon Jones, Killer Croc. And he was less than happy that someone was making a mess of his stomping grounds.
Croc leaped out from the dark water, and punched Shark clean across the face with a left hook which actually caused the Titan enhanced man to lean against the wall for support. Even (Y/N) was surprised that Killer Croc managed to land such a blow.
"You're not welcome here" the deep, distorted, monstrous voice of Croc called out as Shark picked himself back up, punching the ground and causing it to crack. Croc breathed out of his nose heavily, ready for a fight.
As the two charged at one another, (Y/N) saw this as an opportunity make his leave. The two beings clashed, attempting to push the other back, both growling and roaring putting everything they had. Killer Croc opened his hideous mouth, and chomped down on Shark's left shoulder. Which caused Shark to yell in pain and his strength falter, allowing Croc to push him back and sink his teeth in deeper. Blood seeped from the wound, and using his muscled arm Shark landed a clean punch across Croc's face. It was clear by the expression on his face, Croc felt quite a bit of pain from the blow. As Croc went in to bite once again, Shark used his sharp boney arm to block the shark teeth.
As Croc tried to bite down deeper, he found that he couldn't. And Shark delivered one final blow to Croc, which knocked the sewer dweller back into the water. Shark growled, looking down at the water waiting for Croc emerge though no nothing happened. Shark growled once again, this time in victory. He turned his attention back where (Y/N) was before, seeing that the enemy had ran away.
Back with (Y/N) he was just about at the ladder ready to climb up the ladder into Arkham City. Though he noticed something strange, there was rumblings coming from above. They were quite frequent, what sounded like explosions caused him to contemplate for a brief second if he was safer up there or down here. Though he found his answer as he could see mutated Shark charging his way.
"Up there, up there" he repeated to himself, climbing quickly to whatever street he would end up at.
What he saw above shocked (Y/N) to his core, corpses, dozens of them littering the streets. Blood spewing from wounds, multiple Tyger helicopters were in the air, flying back and fourth between streets. (Y/N) spotted several thugs atop a rooftop, all wielding weapons and assault rifles, firing upon a nearby Tyger helicopter. As the bullets simply bounced off the chopper doing next to nothing, it turned into position. The thugs couldn't take cover quick enough, as the machine gun mounted on the chopper spun up. Every thug was instantly cut down, with no mercy what so ever. (Y/N) looked up at Wonder Tower, where Hugo Strange looked down at his institute. A missile came flying from atop the tower, leaving behind a trail of fire behind it and
The missile collided with the roof of the museum, causing destruction and fire to reign on top of the building. Whatever Strange and Tyger were doing was insane, they were killing everyone within Arkham City, who knew why? But it was a slaughter, no one could stand in their way.
(Y/N) was snood out of his trance, looking back down the man hold and seeing Shark trying to burst his way through the hole was clearly too small for him. Shark punched the manhole, more cracks and concrete being uprooted as Shark was trying to get above ground. Opening the compartment on his left wrist, (Y/N) fired the grappling hook as it locked into a roof of a nearby building and it pulled him up. Good thing too, as just as (Y/N) left the ground Shark burst through the ground and stepping onto the pavement, breathing heavily like the monster he had become. As (Y/N) reached the rooftop, Shark noticed him and becoming charging towards the building he was a top.
Desperately, (Y/N) hit every bronze spot on the armour hoping to find a secret weapon or something that would prove useful. Most were prove useless, capsules and ammunition magazines that wouldn't fit his rifle. Shark was now climbing up the building King Kong style, his hands digging into the wall and causing it to crumble slightly. (Y/N) hit a compartment on his right wrist, and a small weapon flipped open. Just as Shark's head was poking up on the roof, (Y/N) made a fist and pointed said fist and weapon at Shark, flames the erupted from the wrist mounted weapon. Shark's face was then set ablaze, causing the monster to loosen it's grip on the building. As (Y/N) continued to pour on the flames, Shark moved one of his arms and bashed aside making him hit his head against the chimney of the building, Shark then starting to climb onto the fully. As (Y/N) recovered, he noticed something that hopefully prove to be his saviour, a Tyger helicopter, shining it's light down upon the Titan mutated Great White Shark. The helicopter immediately opened fire against Shark, the mounted machine spinning up and spewing out bullets onto Shark and his surroundings.
Again it seemed Shark was distracted, now (Y/N) had to come up with a plan to take him down. Pulling off the chest guns once more, (Y/N) looked at them closely and noticed they were like a jigsaw. The two could fit together, and (Y/N) pushed the barrel of one into the back of the other. The guns instantly folded and unfolded certain parts, becoming slimmer though at the same time bulky. They had formed into a miniature rifle, and (Y/N) there was still room for improvement. Pulling out the useless parts from earlier, it seemed they fall fit together.
Placing one piece on the top of the newly assembled rifle caused the barrel to extent, the useless magazine from earlier made it easier to grip. A small pod attached to the muzzle caused it to begin o spin up like a motor.
Aiming down the sight, (Y/N) could feel the power this weapon possessed. There was quite a bit of resistance as he pulled back on the trigger, and just as the helicopters machine gun seemed to cool down, (Y/N) opened fire on Shark's muscled back. When the first shot was fired, (Y/N) lost his balance and his legs felt like jelly. The force was powerful and immense, and when it hit Shark it actually harmed the giant. Yelling in pain Sharked turned around and looked his enemy in the eye, preparing to take down the pest.
(Y/N) fired, again, again and again. Multiple shots firing from the constructed weapon, each more powerful than the last. Each shot caused (Y/N)s body to shake and stumble backwards every so slightly. Just as Shark came close enough, (Y/N) threw the assembled weapon aside, reaching to his back and unfolding the sword ready to end this. Shark raised his fists in the air and slammed down into the building, (Y/N) dodged and noticed that Shark's fists were stuck in the building and saw an opening. (Y/N) jumped into Shark's back, gripping around the monsters neck. Shark removed his fists from the tailed roof, and flailed his arms around trying to remove (Y/N) from his back.
Shark walked around the rooftop like drunk. Bullets littering his front from the chopper as (Y/N) tried to find a balance on his back. Gritting his teeth, (Y/N) flipped the sword to hold it in a reverse grip, and stab said blade into Shark's more boney shoulder. (Y/N) then jumped back from Shark, needing to catch his breath. And it seemed, his prayers had been answered, while the Tyger helicopter pulled back from the rooftop, he heard and spotted something firing from Wonder Tower.
Another missile
While before the missiles was striking buildings and certain parts of the city, this one seemed more concentrated. It was coming towards them. Grabbing the assembled rifle from before, (Y/N) started to run off the building onto a another nearby rooftop while Shark ran after him. As the missile inched closer, (Y/N) barley managed to jump off the building. The missile colliding part of the building, consuming Titan mutated Shark in a ball of fire. (Y/N) was hit with part of the shockwave, hitting his back and altering his jump. His torso hit the nearby metal fire escape, his leg then scrapped against it. (Y/N) landed hard against the fire escape, falling flat. His body was aching all over, luckily he was healed up thanks to Ivy or he would be dead by now.
Pulling his mask off (Y/N) rubbed his forehead as he must've had some form of concussion. Though he knew he was so close to accomplishing his goal, so close. Wrapping his left hand around the barrel of the assembled gun, and his right on the trigger. (Y/N) slowly began to climb back up the building, not hearing any growls or roars from Shark. Reaching the top, Shark was still alive, but barley. His monstrous form was burnt and scorched, layers of skin melted off with more bones and ribs visible than before. Parts of his face were all bloodied, breathing heavily and unable to pick himself up.
(Y/N) proceeded to stand over Shark's body. Pointing the muzzle of the gun at Shark's face, it began spinning up as his finger pulled back on the trigger. Shark slowly came to, but was unable to move, his eyes landing on the gun that was now in his face. (Y/N) didn't think of any phrase to say, no speech of vengeance and justice, no line that would show all the wrongs Shark committed that through his actions he caused his own demise.
"Save me a spot in hell" was he whispered, pulling back on the trigger. Shark's face then vanished, replaced by a horrific sight of brains and bones are mangled up. His body twitched though quickly ceased.
It was over, Great White Shark, was dead.
The mission (Y/N) had spent his entire life trying to complete was done. He had dedicated his life to a code which he now saw as useless, learnt self defence, how to kill, how to survive. Everything he had learnt had lead him to this one moment, and now that he had done it, he felt empty.
(Y/N) slowly walked towards the edge of the rooftop as the Tyger helicopter slowly flew back, shining it's light on the victorious killer. He breathe out into the cold, winter air. He accepted this, he had done his mission, if he died here, he would accept it. Though, after a brief moment, nothing happened. Opening his eyes, he saw that the helicopter, just like all others were flying away back behind the walls of Arkham City. Looking up he saw that Wonder Tower was in flames, whatever happened, whatever Tyger were doing killing inmates, it was now over, stopped by who could only be Batman.
(Y/N) looked down at his old green Prometheus mask that was still attached to his hip throughout all of this. He held it in both of his hands, smiling at the memories of his old costume.
"Prometheus was known to be a champion of the people" (Y/N) out loud to himself. "But now I'll be a different kind of champion, a champion for no one else but myself" he then threw the mask into the air, watching it blow away in the wind, not caring where it ended up.
He didn't know what he would call himself. Though he knew that with this armour he would be unstoppable.
"Time for a career change"
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