Charlie don't surf
It's time for the Yanese (and Lungmenites) to shine.
The screen begins with the Rhodes island emblem popping up. The satellite then tracks them still in the southern mountains.
Suddenly, the R.I emblem changes into a gold emblem that contains a familiar dragon shaped logo with the world behind it.
The audience realized that it was Yan's symbol. Then the inscriptions "YANESE MARINE CORPS" was shown on the bottom. The name was then shorten as another inscription appear which is a name of a person that the Lungmenite girls are familiar with.
Sgt. Lin Yühsia
(A/N: I am aware that the YMC is almost like YMCA)
"Oh, that rat is here too, ey?" Swire said.
"Appears so. Guess we'll be seeing on her perspective now." Hoshiguma stated.
"Wonder how she'll perform." Ch'en thoughted.
"This music sounds awesome!" Blaze said, admiring the music in the background.
"Agreed." Greythroat replied.
"By the way, does anyone know what the term Marine corps mean?" Noir corne asked, turning to Dobermann for an answer, so did the rest. She is former bolivar military.
"I don't know." Dobermann responded, surprising them. "I never heard of a branch called Marine Corps in my time in the Bolivarian army."
"Maybe they are an alternative name for the army?" Fang thoughted.
"But aren't Marines also a term for underwater creatures?" Folinic said.
"Or the Ægir?" Doctor joined. "They do breathe underwater like fishes. Maybe the Y.M.C. are an Ægir force."
"But Lin is not an Ægir, she's a Zalak." Ch'en said.
"Well let's wait and see." Amiya said turning back to the screen
The satellite then shifted from the Ursine Southern mountains into a strait that was between the lands of Minos and Sargon. It then tracks a fleet of Yanese carrier ships, each were carrying helicopters similar of the Blackhawk.
"Wow, those are a lot of ships." Amiya commented.
"And it looks like they are using them all to invade Drudge's nation." Liskarm said.
"Finally. Justice has arrived." Blaze said with a grin.
The helicopters begin to take off as a female voice spoked. "Outlaw, this is Deadly. Refueled and fully loaded."
"Roger that." A male voice replied, possibly Outlaw. "Bachelor Two-Seven, let's get those 99s to the front."
"99?" Folinic said, raising her eyebrow.
"Maybe it's some sort of vehicle." Lava said.
Spot scoffed. "Who would call their vehicles a '99'?"
The camera shifted from the fleet into a coastal town nearby. "Marines! Spotters have a possible fix on Drudge Tulla in a building at the west end of this town."
A female voice spoked, this time it was recognized by the audience, mostly the Lungmenites.
"Was that Swire?" Hoshiguma spoke up after hearing the familiar voice.
"It seems so." Ch'en said.
"Yeah! I knew they had to add me aswell." Swire said, happily.
"And with the tone of her voice, it seems that she is also leading this operation." Dobermann stated which made the Feline to smile in glee.
"With her also here, it further denies that the Marines aren't an all-Ægir force." Liskarm said.
The screen then pinpoints the target building that Drudge was assumed ti be hiding there, along with two blocking positions down the roads.
"We're gonna secure the perimeter and grab Tulla. Hooah? Lock and load!" Swire continued as the screen quickly shifts to the squad of helicopters moving in to the city with the camera descending below to one of them, presumably the one with Lin in it.
"Guess this means you're not the only leader here, Ch'en." Swire smirked as Ch'en rolled her eyes.
"Speaking of that. If Swire's here too, then that means there is a chance for me to appear." Hoshiguma said with a smile of her own.
"Though how will her role effect the story here?" Yato wondered. "As far as i can see, she is playing a role of a regular soldier and not special ops like Amiya was."
"Well, unlike Amiya - She is leading Lin and all of the Yanese marines to take down Drudge." Noir said. "That seems enough to play a major role."
"Though it would be nice if i was with Amiya aswell with the rest of Rhodes Island in this story." Swire said. "Maybe we can take down Reunion together."
"After Drudge's eventual defeat, maybe there's a chance you'd be joining us." Ch'en said.
The screen was black for a moment before it shows the world now through Lin's eyes. The audience could see the squad of Harbin Z-20 helicopters flying above the waters and to the coastal town.
They could also see some weird giant structures on the background that was on the waters, unknown to them are called "oil rigs".
"Now what are those buildings supposed to be?" Dylan asked.
"Something to extract resources, possibly." Folinic said.
"If it is, then it's must be important." Sesa said.
"Important enough for a country to send their forces to take it." Noir joked.
Lin was then seen readying her own weapon, which is the T91 assault rifle accompanied with an ACOG scope and a foregrip.
"Shore line coming into view." One of the Harbin pilots said.
"Copy, Striker Six-Four." A female voice replied.
"Feet dry in ten seconds." Striker Six-Four added.
The Harbin Z-20s reached the shorelines and they were immediately fired upon by Drudge's soldiers from below.
"Taking fire here." Striker six-four said.
"Roger that, we got RPGs down there." The female pilot replied.
Like what the female pilot said, the audience could see several rockets hurling towards the choppers from Drudge's men, though they kept missing the aircrafts.
When the rockets didn't work, most of them resort on shooting the chopper with their rifles, but of course it did no effect.
"Again, all of those ammos wasted." Rangers said.
"If they're lucky, or smart, they could shoot the front of the choppers and take out the pilots." Dylan remarked.
"But won't it have no effect too?" Fang asked. "If Arrows weren't strong enough to penetrate a windshield, neither do bullets."
"Remember that these guns aren't powered by Originium, that means they are more powerful." Vulcan stated. "It is possible they can penetrate the glass of the cockpit."
The Harbins continued flying over the city while still being shot at. Then Lin's chopper went pass a pickup truck with a machine gun as the latter was firing at it. Of course it too did no effect.
The choppers went far to the city, passing by more taller buildings. More RPGs were fired from the soldiers, one of them almost hitting Striker Six-four.
"Shit, that was close!" He exclaimed.
"Got a visual on the target." The female pilot said as the Harbins made it to the designated area they were dropping by, with the building that they assumed Drudge was hiding in it.
The choppers then spread out and stopped in different spots of the area. "Five seconds." Striker six-four said. After five seconds he spoke up again. "Standby for green light."
Then the light inside of the chopper went on, prompting the Yanese marines to go.
"Down the ropes, go, go!" Swire ordered as Lin looked to the Yanese marine beside her. The brown furred Anthromorphic Perro dropped the rope as he rappel down with Lin joining him followed by Swire and another marine rappelling from the other side.
"Go! Go! Go!" The Perro said as they all reached the ground.
As they landed, the Marines rushed in to the streets and heading towards the target building.
The audience could see a clear view of the Yanese marines and their uniform and gear. The marines are wearing desert camo uniforms since they are going to fight in Sargonian deserts. They are made up of mixed races like Yan has, but surprisingly none of them seems to be Ægir.
"So...these are the Marines?" Noir spoke up
"They look like regular soldiers to me." Spot said, crossing his arms in a disappointed matter since he expected something more interesting with these 'Marines'.
"Well, i still like their name for it though." Cardigan said. "Marines sounds like a cool name."
"And i looked pretty cool too." Swire said, after seeing her with the desert uniform.
"Still on style as usual." Hoshiguma commented.
"Second squad on me to the target building, move!" Swire said as she along with a few other marines turned left. Lin could see the rest of the marines pulling out some barbed wire across the main road.
"Move it! Move it!" A marine said.
"Set up the blocking positions. Let's go!" Another marine followed
"Now where are Drudge's forces?" Rangers asked.
"Probably still back there." Noir answered.
"Gotta say, the Marines are pretty smart to deploy their soldiers from the back side of the town." Dobermann said.
"But why they didn't assault from the front?" Popukar asked.
"One. There were too many hostiles. Two - the target building where Drudge is possibly located is closer." Spot stated to the cautus, the latter acknowledging it.
Lin then went to the left alley, catching up with Swire and the other marines to the target building. They then reach another main road where the audience could see the building up close.
"There's the target building. Left side door breach. Stack up!" Swire said as she, Lin, and her squad of marines prepare to breach the door.
Lin look over to the main road as another squad of Marines are stacking up to the other door.
The audience then saw the Harbin helicopters leaving the area, with a few of them surrounding the city.
"Do you think Drudge's in there?" Catapult asked.
"I don't think so." Spot said. "It'd be too early for a villain to be defeated that easily."
Lin and Swire then stack up to the door with the Perro marine accompanying them - in which Lin and the audience notice that his name is Massey.
The latter then went over to the doorknob and placed a breaching charge at it while Swire gave him a nod.
As Massey returned to his position, Swire spoke up. "Blow the charge."
Massey then activate the detonator as the charge explode the door.
"Breaching Breaching!" He shouted.
"Go go go!" Swire followed.
Both of them entered the room where there were two of Drudge's men in it. Since they were caught off guard from the explosion, Massey and Swire manage to kill them with ease.
"Clear!" Massey said. Lin joined in to the room as she saw the bodies of Drudge's men now dead.
"Two down, more to go." Blaze said with a smile.
Another explosion was heard outside, implying that the other marines from the second door has breached in to the building.
The audience then noticed a TV next to the table, which shows Drudge during Picale's execution.
"That crap is still on?" Noir said.
"They seem to enjoy it." Yato responded in a disgusted matter.
Lin, Swire, and Massey then head over to a set of stairs that leads to the basement. "Yühsia, take point." Swire ordered.
"Rats go first." Swire smirked, while also imagining how Lin would react when she's being ordered around by her.
Following her order, Lin went down to the basement with her rifle ready. When she reached the door, she saw a few of Drudge's men by a table.
Lin opened fire, managing to kill two of the men while the others flee to cover. She then walked in to the room as Swire and Massey followed her.
By the table, Lin could see there were dozens of guns and equipment that Drudge's men were using. The guns were in different variety - ranging from Assault rifles to rocket launchers.
Sesa let out a whistle. "They are armed to the teeth."
"Reunion really supplied them well." Amiya said.
"Still, why are they supplying Drudge?" Franka asked.
"Maybe so that the Yanese will deter their attention to Sargon than what is happening in the Ursine Civil war." Doctor theorized. "If the Loyalists are allied with Rhodes island, then so does Yan."
Swire was seen moving up to a set of crates as she exchange fire to more of Drudge's men. Lin assisted her as she take out one of them.
As Lin move forward to the next area, she was suddenly hit by a stray bullet to the shoulder. She quickly turned to the direction as there were two more of Drudge's men by a room she missed.
Seeing this, Massey took action and killed one of them as Lin sprayed her rifle to the other one, making his blood splattering to the wall.
"Another close call." Ch'en said.
"Good thing those guys have shitty aim, otherwise Lin would've been dead." Swire commented.
"I'm glad that 'Massey' guy helped her." Hoshiguma said.
Lin, Swire, and Massey then move up to a few doors that lead to another room filled with various crates.
"Yuhsia, throw a flashbang." Swire ordered, knowing that Drudge's men were waiting for them with guns raising. Massey was then seen switching to his shotgun.
Lin nodded and threw a flashbang in to the room. It exploded as Swire and Lin move in and kill the blinded enemies, where as Massey decides to go to the second room. Lin could hear Massey's shotgun blast, implying that there was lone hostile in that area.
Lin and Swire move up behind the crates while engaging any of the remaining hostiles. Lin went to the corner and spot a hostile with a shotgun. She quickly sprayed him before he even got a shot. The Zalak then turned to the corner and saw three more hostiles.
She fired her rifle again but suddenly she was out of ammo. Quickly, she took out her sidearm - the T75 pistol, and kill two of the hostiles.
The last hostile was about to fire at her before he was shot to the back by the second squad of marines which had entered from the door behind.
Another shotgun blast was heard as the last enemy in this building was seen flying out of the second room, their body riddled with holes from Massey's shotgun.
As the coast is now clear of hostiles, Swire spoke up. "All callsigns, check the bodies. We need a positive ID on Drudge."
The marines start to check the bodies, but none of them are Drudge.
"Negative ID over here, sir." Massey said after checking out a body.
Another marine replied. "No sign of Tulla here, sir."
"I knew he wouldn't be there." Spot said.
"You got that right." Catapult said.
Swire then went to the radio to inform command. "HQ, this is Red Tiger. Target building is secure but we don't have Drudge Tulla, over." She waited a few seconds before responding. "Roger that HQ. Out."
"New objective?" Beehunter asked.
"Seems like it." Folinic said.
"Assuming that Drudge is in another building?" Closure said.
Swire then turned to the marines. "Heads up! I just got word that Drudge Tulla is broadcasting half a click east of here at a TV station. We're gonna move out on foot and take down the package there. Move out!"
"I don't think he's gonna be there aswell." Spot stated.
"How could you tell, dear Spot?" Midnight asked.
"Only an idiot would broadcast a message when they're in the middle of a battlefield, even if you're an HVT."
"Do you think it's probably bait?" Kroos asked.
"Seems so, probably." Lava said.
With that, Lin, Swire, Massey, and all the marines exited the building through the stairs. They then walk out from the second door as Lin and the audience could see two dead marines.
They all then make their way to the main road where the audience could hear gunfire, assuming that the Marines are now engaging with the bulk of Drudge's men in the city.
As they are heading over to the main road, a few MiGs were seen flying above the city. Due to the aircraft not attacking the Marines' position, means that they belong to Yan.
"Nice, they too have MiGs." Bagpipe happily said.
"Guess Drudge and his men won't survive the invasion." Dobermann said.
"Don't they also have MiGs?" Chard reminded, when he remembers that Drudge's forces had about three MiGs in disposal during 'The Coup'
"I'm sure Yan has more of those fast aircrafts than Drudge." Vulcan respond.
The Marines continued on as they reached the main road of where the blocking positions were. When Lin made it, gunfire were everywhere in the main street, both from the Marines and Drudge's forces.
The barbed wire weren't there blocking the path anymore as their objective is now to get to the radio station.
But first they had to take care of the enemy forces blocking their way.
"The OpFors sure are putting up a fight." Dobermann said.
"OpFor?" Kroos asked, raising her eyebrow.
"Opposing Forces." The instructor stated. "We don't have a name to reference all of Drudge's army, so it's best to just call them OpFors."
"Huh, Opfor...i like the name." Cardigan said.
Swire's squad then joined in to help their fellow Marines against the OpFors. Lin opened fire at the OpFors by the main road. She saw that there were already several dead bodies of them from the Marines.
She then shift her aim right to an alleyway where Massey was taking cover behind a car with atleast three OpFor soldiers ahead.
Lin aimed her rifle and shoot two of them to their heads. Massey peeked out of his cover and kill the last one. He turned to Lin and thanked her before moving towards the alley with two more Marines.
Lin decides to push down the main road since Massey had the right area covered. She then saw Swire in a close combat fight with one of the OpFors. The Feline manage to overpower him by grabbing the arm and slam him to the ground. Swire finished it by taking out her pistol and shoot his head two times.
"Never knew you were that strong." Ch'en commented.
"Hey, i work out sometimes." Swire said.
Swire, Lin, and a few other Marines begin to push to the main road. Various OpFor soldiers were seen firing at them on the second floor of the buildings, but the Marines took them out with ease.
"Friendly reinforcements comin' up." called out a Marine. Lin look back as two squads of Marines had arrived to assist them. Seeing that the Main road was being covered, Lin decides to go right to where Massey was, see if she could flank the OpFors from there.
When she arrived, she saw that there were some metal bars that was built in like some sort of house. The audience were confused on the look of the 'structure' and what even it is supposed to be.
"What the hell is that?" Vulcan asked.
"Some sort of house, but unfinished?" Steward thought.
"It looks damn ugly." Sesa said.
"Do those exist in Sargon?" Midnight asked.
"Nope." Spot responded.
Lin then saw Massey by the metal structure. The two Marines that were with him got killed so it was just him. Seeing that he needs help again, Lin joined in the fight.
She glanced to the other side of the structure and saw that there were about ten OpFor soldiers firing at her and Massey.
Lin went back to cover and thought that this a good time to use her grenades. She then took out one of her frags - cooking it for a few seconds, before throwing it to the OpFor group.
Unknown to her, Massey had also threw one of his grenades to the group.
The audience then heard two explosions from each of their grenades as Lin look back and saw that six of them were already dead.
Lin glance to Massey as he give her a nod before both of them went out of their covers and took out the surviving OpFors.
"Now that was some cohesive team work." Dobermann acknowledged.
"Lin and Massey make a pretty good team." Hoshiguma said.
"Not to mention of how handsome he looks." Franka said, looking at Massey's appearance with a smirk.
Lin looked to her left as two more Marines came to assist them from the main road. Swire was also seen in the distance, pushing forward with several more marines.
Lin and Massey move up to the street while managing to kill two more of Drudge's men that rushed to them like total idiots.
They then reached the end of the street where a wall stood infront of them. As they were about to leave, one of the marines that were with them was shot dead.
"Man down!" Massey exclaimed as they immediately search to where the gunfire came from. Lin then heard it coming from the second floor of the building near them while looking up at it.
Knowing that there are still more enemies, Lin, Massey, and the other marine went in the structure to take them out.
Massey stopped by the stairs as the other Marine went up first with Lin following him. She saw that the Marine went to the second floor and fired his rifle to the OpFors.
Suddenly, the Marine was gunned down by a shotgun blast, causing Lin to abruptly stop by the stairs. Some of the audience were surprised from that shot.
"Wow, Lin was lucky that she didn't went first." Swire said.
"Or that Massey soldier." Popukar said.
"You mean 'Marine', dear Popukar." Midnight corrected.
"Same thing." Spot interjected.
Lin could hear a shotgun pumping right above her. She knows that the OpFor is waiting for her by the stairs. So she thought of a plan by using her flashbang.
Knowing what is about to come, Massey stood by her side - waiting to strike. Lin then threw her flashbang into the room. When it exploded, the two rushed up to the stairs and took care of the hostiles that were still blinded.
Lin went for the shotgunner while Massey went for the two OpFors by the windows.
After they cleared the area, Lin and Massey regrouped with Swire and the rest of the Marines by the main road.
The OpFors were already taken care of as they all move up to the next town over, separated by a long road ahead.
Before they were about to cross the road, the technical from earlier had showed up as the Gunner begins to fire at the Marines. Luckily Lin, Swire, Massey, and the rest of the marines manage to evade the bullets by proning under the road.
"Hey, that was the truck from before." Noir stated.
"It sure has some good firepower." Barty said.
"But the guy using it has shit accuracy." Closure said.
"And the gunner lacks any protection. There is a good chance he will be hit by a stray bullet." Castle-3 pointed out.
As soon as he said that, Lin had her rifle aimed at the gunner of the technical. She waited for the vehicle to turn back, letting her getting a clear view of the gunner.
With a burst fire, she manage to kill the gunner as his body then fell from the moving vehicle.
"Yep, as expected." Castle-3 said.
Despite the gunner is now killed, the Technical was still moving into the second town until it was out of sight.
The Marines tried to push forward from the road, however more of Drudge's men appeared from the roof of a building.
The Marines had to stay in their position as they engaged with the OpFors whom were hiding behind the cinder blocks of the roof. Though a few of the Marines, including Massey, manage to cross to the other side.
Swire and Lin got up to a crouching position as they were going to cross the road aswell. The latter then look back to the hostiles by the roof to give the former some cover fire.
Suddenly, she saw that one of the OpFors is wielding an RPG, in which the audience notice.
"Oh shit, she better run!" Franka exclaimed, seeing the rocket launcher.
And ran away she did. Lin quickly bolted across the street and to where Swire was as the OpFor soldier fired the rocket from her previous spot, killing three of the Marines that were with her.
"That was a close one." Amiya commented.
"Those poor marines, though." Doctor said, seeing their dead bodies after being hit by a rocket.
Avenging them, Lin took out a frag grenade and throw it to the roof to where the RPG OpFor was, along with his comrades.
She heard one of them shouting grenade in Sargonian before it explodes, killing atleast a few.
When that was done, Lin joined with the surviving Marines as they kept pushing through the street towards the radio station.
They met fierce resistance from the OpFor soldiers.
Swire threw a flashbang in which she manage to blind atleast three OpFors before she and the Marines kill them.
Lin kept firing her T91 at the hostiles, then she noticed that the technical driver from earlier had disembarked the vehicle and joined the fight. Though the way he was shooting his gun looked pretty embarrassing, not even a single bullet hit her or the marines.
Some of the audience cringed at his performance. Holding a gun right next to your hip is not the way to use it.
Lin finished off this embarrassment by shooting him to the head. After that, they continue to push on.
Suddenly one of the Marines was shot down by the back of his head. Lin and Massey turned to where there are still surviving OpFor soldiers that was by the roof.
Both of them quickly took care of them with one of the bodies fell down from the stairs.
The Marines reach the end of the road where there's a roadblock ahead. However, there is still a path to their left. And good news, the radio station was just close by. The audience could see a glimpse of the structure from where Lin is.
"There's the radio station." Steward stated.
"Nice. They're close to get Drudge." Blaze said.
"Or what they assume he's located." Spot pointed out, still doubting that Drudge is in the station.
"Well if he isn't there, i hope the sacrifices and deaths of those Marines are worth it." Amiya said, feeling bad when the NPC marines got killed.
"Heads up! Friendlies at your six!" A marine spoke up, prompting Lin to look back and see that two more squads of marines coming to assist them.
The marines then head left where the remaining OpFor members were gathered beside an unfinished house made up of concrete. A lot of them are using it as cover.
Massey along with a squad of marines went to the first alley behind while Lin, Swire, and the rest of the marines are at the second alley near the roadblock.
As they were fighting, one of the OpFors threw a grenade from their position.
"Grenade!" A marine shouted before getting out of his cover to throw it. Unfortunately, since he was now exposed, the OpFors manage to kill him.
Lin fired her gun and killed two of the OpFors before getting back to cover. She then threw a flashbang at them, blinding a good chunk of them.
Seeing this, the Marines rushed in and quickly deal with the enemies. Those that were inside the concrete structure were taken care of by Massey and his marines.
While Swire move up front to flank the OpFors, Lin decides to go left and assist Massey.
"Is it me or does Lin here really likes helping that Perro?" Ch'en asked about Massey.
"Can't blame her, though. Massey looks pretty fine." Hoshiguma commented.
"I know right?" Franka said.
Lin then joined in with Massey as they dealt with the rest of the surviving OpFors. There were still three more by the end of the alley. Lin was going to shoot them, but they were then shot down by the marines that flank them from behind.
Seeing that the area is now clear of hostiles, the marines make pace to the radio station. There the audience could see several more marines arriving and surrounding the structure. The Harbin Z-20s were also circling around the structure.
"Target building in sight." Swire spoke up before going over to the marines that were already by the station first.
"We've got the TV station locked down and surrounded, sir." A female liberi marine said to Swire.
Swire gave her a nod. "Good. Get in position to breach."
"I pity to those OpFors that are in the station. Surrounded by a more powerful army." Closure said.
"Drudge should've think twice of broadcasting that execution." Greythroat said.
"And now it's gonna bite him in the ass." Blaze said.
The marines then stack up to the far right door. Though, six of the marines decide to stay outside and guard the station from any incoming hostiles.
Lin, Swire, and Massey then stack up close to the door. Like what happened earlier, Massey placed another breaching charge to the door with Swire giving him a nod.
After he went back to a safe position, Swire spoke up. "Do it."
Like before, Massey activated the charge which blew up the door. "Breaching breaching!'
"Go go go!" Swire exclaimed as she and Massey went into the room. Though they didn't fire a shot since there were no hostiles nearby.
"Huh, didn't expect no resistance." Liskarm said.
"Maybe they're all inside." Vulcan said.
Just when they are moving up to the hallway, they were met by gunfire from an OpFor soldier by the door far ahead.
"Yep, they were." Lava acknowledged.
"They better be ready for Close quarters combat." Dobermann said.
Swire and Massey returned fire, but the OpFor wasn't there anymore. Swire then took point with Lin behind her as they cautiously move up to the hallway.
A shotgun round was shot off inches way from hitting Swire as the latter shift her aim to the Opfor by the other door, killing him.
"That was close." Swire sighed in relief. "I almost got hit there."
"Even if you got hit, plot armour would still protect ya." Spot muttered.
Swire and Massey continued to the hallway where as Lin decide to go the door. She was now inside a room filled with chairs and tables. And then the next two rooms over, there are computers and other electronic devices used for radio broadcasts.
Right by the window, she could also see the OpFors. After Swire and Massey made it to the room with her, they all engaged the hostiles.
The trio took cover by the windows as bullets shattered the glass. Swire peeked out and fire bursts of shots to the OpFors. While that was happening, Lin glanced to Massey as he is now switching to his shotgun.
Massey look back to Lin and gave her a nod, implying that they are gonna flank the OpFors while they are distracted with Swire. Lin then reload her weapon as both of them move in to the door.
Massey fired his shotgun to the nearby OpFors as Lin dealt with the ones by the windows. The audience could see one of the OpFors attempting to charge at Massey, but was met with a shotgun blast to the face.
Vulcan couldn't help but facepalm from that action. "What was that guy thinking?"
"I didn't know Drudge hired morons in his army." Spot chuckled.
"That aside. I wish Lin had a shotgun like Massey." Beehunter said, intrigued of how powerful the shotgun is.
"Yeah. And maybe Amiya should have her chance on using that aswell like my alternate self did." Bagpipe said.
Before they go to the server room - the one filled with big electronic devices, Lin went ahead and threw a grenade in. After the grenade exploded, Lin went in while taking our her pistol.
Given its light weight, it gives her an advantage for close quarters. Lin turned to a corner and saw two of the hostiles. She quickly took them down with only six shots.
When she's reloading her pistol, she can see Massey taking down the rest of the hostiles with his shotgun. She move up between the big devices before spotting another enemy and then shoot him down.
After that, the room was now clear.
Lin switch back to her T91 assault rifle as she heard footsteps coming to them. She look back to the computer room and saw Swire with three other marines.
The group then stack up to a doorway that leads to the central news room. Lin took a peek and saw that the room is very large and filled with desks and computers.
"That's a large room." Closure said.
"They could be pretty exposed." Melantha said, concerned.
Swire then signaled them to move in. Massey nodded and took point followed by a Marine and then Lin herself.
As they entered, they were immediately met with gunfire by the OpFors that are in the room with them. Though they manage to evade them by ducking down behind the tables.
Swire and the other two marines entered and return fire at them. Massey switch back to his rifle and fired aswell.
Meanwhile, Lin was moving up to one of the office rooms with a marine. Though she had to stop midway when she was under fire by the OpFors. Lin got up and assist her fellow marines on dealing with them.
She also saw that there were more OpFors from the second floor. She shift her rifle to them and took them out. Suddenly, she saw a rocket zooming by to the door as it then exploded, killing one of the marines.
Though that rocket got some reactions from the audience.
"Who the hell would fire a fucking rocket indoors?!" Sesa said, flabbergasted.
"A maniac that is!" Blaze exclaimed.
"That poor marine..." Amiya said.
"It really sucks to go out that way." Noir said.
Swire was then seen firing her gun up towards the second floor. Moments later, Lin and the audience could see the RPG soldier falling to the ground.
With that out of the way, she made her way to the office with the Marine trailing behind her. Lin then saw there were a few more OpFors at the office aswell. She and the marine took care of them with ease.
The Marine then took point as they both move in to flank the OpFors. However, when the Marine was about to enter the third room, he was suddenly kicked to the ground by an OpFor ambusher.
Lin didn't manage to save him when the OpFor took out his pistol and shot the marine dead. Though she quickly avenged him by running up to him and put a knife on his throat.
"Oooh...that was brutal." Folinic commented.
"I've seen better." Ch'en said, remembering their time in Dossoles where she demolished those delinquents.
Lin move up to the room that leads out to the main area. She peeked from the window and saw there were a group of OpFors by the exit.
Seeing the opportunity, Lin threw her last flashbang to the group. When it exploded and blinded the enemies, Lin peek out and started spraying her rifle until it was out of ammo.
Though she did not manage to kill all of the OpFors, she did killed most of them. When the surviving OpFors turned to her, Lin quickly ducked down as she was under fire again.
Luckily, Swire came in to help as she rushed to the OpFors and put so much lead to them.
"If that rat was here, she should thank me." Swire smirked after her alt self saved her.
Lin then reload her rifle and move up to deal with the rest of the OpFors. Losing so many of their comrades, two of Drudge's men tried to retreat, but they were shot down by the female marine and Massey.
After that intense fighting, the central room was cleared. "Room clear! Move up. Drudge Tulla should be on the second floor!" Swire urged as they all move up to the door that leads to the reception area.
Swire then opened the door as they all went in the reception room, which of course was in a pretty bad state. Windows were broken, the couches were thrown around, and there was a destroyed truck blocking the main entrance.
As they move up, the audience could hear the sound of tracks. They wondered what it is or where it's coming from. It was answered when Lin looked outside as she saw Type 99 tanks rolling down on the main street.
"Ooh, so Yan has those weird armored vehicles aswell?" Blaze said.
"Looks like it. And if i recall back at the intro, those are the so-called "99s" that the guy on the radio talked about." Yato stated.
"Still. Why call it a 99?" Vulcan wondered.
"Yeah, there goes our boys!" Massey said to the tanks rolling by.
"Hooah." The female marine said.
The squad of four continued on until they hear a voice coming from the radio. "Hold your fire! Friendlies coming out!"
"Wait..." Ch'en spoke up, recognizing that voice. "Was that Hoshiguma?"
It was answered when the door near the stairs opened, revealing Hoshiguma and two other marines. Hoshiguma stood out different than the rest of the marines. Instead of a full uniform, she was only wearing a vest making both of her arms exposed.
Needless to say, she looked pretty hot though.
"I knew i would be there aswell." Hoshiguma said with a smile.
"This is great!" Swire spoke up. "With you, me, and Lin - we can sure to bring Drudge to justice."
"Might i say, lady Hoshiguma. You chose a rather interesting attire." Midnight said, observing her MW appearance.
Catapult let out a chuckle. "That helmet doesn't help, though." She said noticing that her horn stick out of her helmet given of how long it is.
"Love the gun she is holding." Sesa said, pointing at Hoshi's T75 light machine gun.
"No sign of Drudge Tulla, sir." Hoshiguma informed to Swire, in which she gave her a simple nod.
"Alright. Fall in Marines. Stay frosty." Swire said.
The seven-marine squad then move up the stairs to the second floor. They then walked into a break room and head over to the roof. As they proceed, shouts and gunfire were heard from below.
Lin looked from the window as she sees OpFor reinforcements coming in to the parking lot. They begin to fight off the marines that stayed outside to guard the station.
Seeing that they need their help, Swire's squad took action. Hoshiguma went to the roof and placed the bipod of her T75 LMG. She then open fire to the enemy reinforcements.
Meanwhile Lin break the window of the break room and fired her gun from there. Though, on her right, she saw there was an RPG-7 and a Dragunov sniper rifle just sitting by, waiting to be used.
Sesa smiled, thinking of what she may do. "Oh she is gonna bring them a taste of their own medicine!"
Kroos raised an eyebrow. "Uh, what does that mean?"
"It means that Lin is going to use that RPG and use it against the OpFors." Fang explained.
"Ohhh." Kroos acknowledged.
And like they said, Lin switched her rifle with the RPG. She aimed the rocket to a group of OpFors gathering infront of a car. She fired a rocket at it which exploded the car and simultaneously killing the OpFors around it.
She then reload another rocket and fired to another group of OpFors. The audience could see their bodies flying off from the blast.
"Now they know how it felt." Blaze smirked.
Lin loaded her last rocket and aimed it to where the OpFors are coming. She fired the rocket managing to kill three more OpFors. She pick her rifle back up and deal with the stragglers.
After about a minute, they saw that no more OpFors are coming, implying that they were all killed off. With that out of the way, they continued on.
"Aww, i wanted her to use the sniper rifle." Kroos said, disappointed
"Yeah, i agree. I want to see how strong it would perform." Adnachiel said
"Watch your six, Devil dog." Hoshiguma said, possibly to the Marines outside before they all move up to a set of stairs to the third floor. As they went around the ventilation shafts and radars, the audience could hear two more MiGs making a fly by above them, letting out an ear-piercing sound.
"Shit man, i forgot how loud they could be." Chard said covering her ears much like the rest of the operators.
"I still can't believe how an aircraft can fly at such speed." Closure said.
"This Modern warfare universe are always filling me with surprises." Hellagur said.
"Well said, old man." Blaze said.
The Marines then proceed to the broadcasting room where they could hear the voice of Drudge inside. "I think he's in there. I hear him." Hoshiguma said.
"Or that could possibly be a recording of him." Spot said.
Swire nodded her head before glancing to Massey, Lin, and the female marine by the door. "Do it." After she said that, Massey fired his shotgun three times at the door locks before kicking it open.
The female marine went in first as Lin and Massey catch up. The trio then search the entire broadcasting room for any signs of Druge. However, it appears to be empty with the only sign of life was the broadcast from earlier.
"Yep, i knew it. Drudge may be a maniac, but he is no idiot." Spot stated.
"Yeah, it was pretty obvious from the start." Dobermann said. "I don't get why the Marines decide to go through that urban fighting just to get tricked like that."
"Whoever is giving them these 'intel' should get their brains check." Blaze said.
"Clear!" Both Massey and the female marine exclaimed as the rest of the marines walked in. Massey continue to check every nook and cranny if the room is fully cleared, which it is now.
"Room clear!" Massey declared.
"He's not here." The female marine added.
Then one of the marines from Hoshiguma's squad checked the TV. "It's on a loop. The broadcast is a recording." He stated.
"Yeah. Score one for military intelligence!" Hoshiguma sarcastically said, with a hint of frustration.
"I'd be frustrated aswell if the target was all but a decoy." Hoshiguma said.
"Especially when you lost several of your comrades." Doctor said, remembering how many Yanese Marines were killed during the attack.
Swire let out a sigh. "Hoshiguma, turn that off." She pointed to the recording room where it was playing the broadcast.
"Roger that. I got something better anyway." Hoshiguma said before going in to the recording booth.
Swire then went to her radio. "Command, this is Red Tiger. The TV station is secured, but there's no sign of Drudge. The broadcast is a recording, over." She informed to Command.
While that was happening, Hoshiguma had change the broadcast recording and puts on a rap song. She was seen bobbing her head from the beat. The audience could hear what the rap song is with some enjoying the beat of it.
"That's a nice choice of music." Spot said.
"Agreed. Not too bad." Dobermann replied.
"I didn't know you like rap music, Hoshi." Swire said with a smirk aimed to the oni.
"Well, i enjoy a few..." Hoshi said with a slight blush, rubbing the back of her head.
"Roger that, Command. Out." Swire said before turning back to the marines. "Marines! Rally up! We got a new assignment. Get your gear, and get ready to move out! Let's go!"
And with that the screen went black, ending the scene
"Well, that was awesome." Closure spoke up.
"Indeed it was. Those Yanese Marines were pretty capable in the battlefield." Amiya said.
"Drudge and his forces are gonna pay after what they've done." Blaze declared.
"But Drudge still has lots of forces in disposal." Folinic said.
"Well as we saw in this mission, most of them are Morons or Maniacs. I doubt they have the skills that the Yanese has." Doctor stated.
"I'm still wondering what does the term 'Marine' even mean." Rangers said.
"Like Spot said, it's probably just a cooler name for soldiers." Dobermann said.
"Whatever it is, i'm glad that me and Hoshiguma are part of it. We did great back there." Swire said.
Hoshi nodded. "Not to mention that as soon as we're done with Drudge, there's a good chance we'll be joining with Ch'en and the others."
"The LGD reunited once again." Ch'en said with a smirk where as Swire rolled her eyes from that.
"I thought for sure that Massey guy would get killed easily since he wasn't one of the main characters." Bagpipe said.
"Glad he didn't." Franka said. "Besides, that Perro looks pretty hot~"
"Really?" Liskarm deadpanned when her partner brought that up.
"She's not wrong." Kroos said.
"And the team work between him and Lin was pretty great." Yato acknowledged.
Spot snickered. "Shame he's a fictional character."
"Hmm... say, Spot. If i or you are fictional characters in a different world, you think we get fans aswell?" Midnight asked, liking the thought of him being loved by beautiful women which are fans of him.
"Probs, but i feel like i would be more popular than your vampire ass." Spot smirked.
"Wha-?" Midnight was shocked from that remark. "Now how could you say that?"
"Believe me. If some Ægir-like creatures in an alternate world sees me in a picture or in person, they would drool all over me like total freaks."
Spot and Midnight then turned to the readers with a disapproving glare.
"Well, shall we continue to the next scene?" Amiya suggested.
"You will after you tell me what we missed." A voice spoke up from behind. The operators turned back to see Kal'tsit standing there with another operator by her side.
It's W.
"Hey, fellow operators." W greeted. Most just ignored her, while Adnachiel quickly looked away from her.
"Ah, Kal'tsit. You finally made it." Doctor said to the lynx. "I take it you finished with your work?"
"I would've complete it sooner if you'd helped." She said with a glare aimed at them.
Doctor put both of their arms in defense. "Hey, i already finish with my own work, and i deserve a break."
"And i assume you met up with W?" Folinic asked pointing to the Sarkaz girl.
"Yeah." W replied. "After i returned here, I've heard some commotions about this whole 'alternate world' watching thing that this you guys are hosting. Wasn't intrigued by it until i heard about guns and equipments that go boom boom and bang! Kal'tsit said that to me. Is it true?"
"Yes it is, girl." Sesa said with a smirk, having a similar interest with explosions.
This cause the Sarkaz girl to smile very widely (almost similar to Alastor from Hazbin). "Well count me in!"
"Alright then." Doctor then turned to the lynx woman. "You joining aswell?"
"I just said i was about to." Kal'tsit said before sitting down to the couch with Amiya, Doctor, Closure, and Folinic.
W meanwhile wasn't joining with them. Instead she walked around the area for any fitting spots, until she manage to find a couch to sit on.
The one that has Adnachiel sitting on it.
With a bitch-ass smirk, W sat on the edge of the couch beside the Sankta, the latter trying his best to ignore her.
"Hey, Adna~" W greeted. "How you doing?"
"Good." Adnachiel simply replied before looking away again. 'Why does everyone call me that?' He muttered as he hears Cardigan giggling next to him.
"Now tell me what happened while i was busy." Kal'tsit said to Amiya or Doctor, wanting an abridged explanation.
"Alright." Doctor said, rubbing their palms as they began.
Looks like W will now be joining us. Let's see how she'll react to this universe.
So, i have replaced a lot of things for this chapter. Most noticeably the weapons and vehicles. Since Yan is supposed to be China, it'd be weird for them to have American-made weapons and Vehicles.
I was planning on using the equipment from PRC China, but then i realized that Taiwan is also technically China, being the Republic version of course.
So i decide to merge both Chinese and Taiwanese equipment for the Yanese to use, just to make it easier. To give a short insight for this chapter, the weapons belong to Taiwan while the vehicles belong to China.
Anyways, i hope you liked the choice of characters i used. Swire being Vasquez, Hoshiguma being Griggs, and Lin being Jackson. They are Yanese after all.
Oh, and one more thing. Massey will play a more major role in this story.
See you in "The Bog"!
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