Punzie's Perdicament
Punzie's POV
Ok, here's the thing. My birthday is in 3 days and I wanna go see the floating lights the coolest concert ever! Mother has never let me out of her sight even for school cause she's the choir teacher. Otherwise I'm locked up in my tower (I lied when I said I live across the street from Elsa. Really, there's this secret grotto and a tower inside) I guess I under stand that it's because of my hair. (It has healing powers & people would want to kidnap me) but I can't live like this! Locked away, I have to come up with so manny things to do to not go insane. Or maybe I have. I mean, my best friend is Pascal, a chameleon that always likes to sit on my shoulder. Luckily my hair hides him during school, but I'm not apart of Hiccup's club. Don't get me wrong, I totally respect the animal rights club but it's kinda... dorky. Anyway, I've been dreaming of seeing them my whole life! My mom and I had a big fight about it but then she left for awhile leaving me almost stranded up here.
Eugene's POV
Ok, I am in soo much trouble! I pulled the biggest robbery ever! With my "best buds" the Stabbington brothers I stole the "lost princess" crown. pfft, yah like they're gonna need it cuz like she'll magically return. We were climbing up a wall and after they helped me up I ditched those suckers! But I needed to run, fast. I got on a horse and thought I was gaining speed. Suddenly, the horse just, stopped. No really, it was like he was out to get me! I really don't want to get into this but we fought over my satchel (NOT A PURSE!) and I hid behind a rock. I leaned against another rock and I fell through it. What the heck! I'm not a ghost (but that if you ask me that Jack guy looks like one, but u didn't hear it from me) so I checked it again and it was just a bunch of vines and it hid this huge tower! I have to check this out. I climbed up the tower and was finally safe, "alone at last". black. out.
Elsa's POV
I got invited to a sleep over! What am I gonna wear? Oh gosh! What if I freeze something? I need to push that away, it'll be like practice for the dance. We're going to Merida's house. I thought it would be easier if it was at Punzie's but I don't want to force her & I could tell she wouldn't like it. I'm getting a text......What? Awe, Punzie can't come, and her birthday is so close. I was close to canceling too but I still think I will have fun just Mer & me. Hmmmm, blue or purple eye shadow? Today I'll go with blue (I know she has purple eye shadow in the movie but I want it to be realistic like she doesn't always wear the same thing) Then I put on a purple tank with a black skirt. Not the most fashionable, but it'll do for this hot weather that seems to scream, "It's still summer!" Went on the bus, this time I sat on the seat next to the driver while Anna sat next to her boyfriend cooing over him in the back.
I got off the bus and headed to the library where I quickly found out that's where the outcasts sit aka: Me, Merida, Hiccup, and Punzie. I don't mind that cause we're together and not just separated. Hey, where is Rap? As class went on she wasn't in choir and we had a sub who said she'd be here for 3 days. She's a lot nicer than Mrs. Gothel. Her name is Mrs. Musie. Still, I don't think a single person wouldn't be there on the third day. Already though, I've picked up some stuff about each of my friends and a few of the others that aren't:
1) Merida likes Hiccup but thinks he likes Astrid
2) Hiccup likes Merida but thinks she's not interested (I kinda like that drama)
3) Punzie has been frustrated about something for awhile
4) Punzie keeps looking at the bad boy table over and over again
5) Hans is bad news waiting to happen but Anna will never listen to me
6) Jack doesn't want to be Toothina's boyfriend
Ok, ok, I'm not 100% sure on the last one. Its more of a hope
Punzie's POV
Eeek! Strange person in my tower! First instinct, hit him over the head with a frying pan. Not a very good instinct but it worked. Now I have to hide the body! (Cue music 'will you help me hide a body') I managed to shove it in my closet. I have a person in my closet. I have a person in my closet! Ah! I heard my mom! I let down my long hair to let her up. She came in and said she was going to make my favorite dinner but I wanted to show her I could handle my self out there so I pushed that aside, "you think I'm not responsible enough to go to a concert"
"Oh I know you aren't"
"But if you just see that-"
"Enough with the floating lights! You are not leaving this tower! Ever!"
Suddenly I had an idea"I just wanted to ask if I could have some special ordered paint"
"That is a long trip to England, almost three days away"
"I just thought it would be better than the concert" that worked! She's leaving for three days! I watched her leave and then I pulled out the body to examine it. Flynn? as in Flynn Rider!?!?!? Oh my G. O. S. H! (Lego movie!) Pascal woke him up by sticking his tongue in his ear (I'll skip the whole bargain thing)
"All right! I'll take you to go see the concert!"
"Really?!?" And I accidentally tipped over the chair. Oops!
Jack's POV
Just enjoying one of my favorite pass times, "hey look! It's Arindalle's mascot the Kangaroo!" Benny came up to me steaming mad in his costume and said, "I'm a bunny" Sometimes we're up at each other's throats but we always stay friends in the end. Honestly, I'm kinda jealous. I mean, he gets to spend a lot of time with the cheerleaders being the mascot. It's PE if you must know and I'm da bomb!
Football players are always depicted as meatheads but I'm not completely clueless. For example, I think Toothina is loosing interest in me:) maybe if she breaks up with me then it won't be so bad. Or maybe I'm making up fantasies to help with reality:( Never mind, that wasn't a good example.
Back to PE, As usual I start out pretty awesome then it gets to super awesome, this time though, I only started out pretty awesome then that new girl Elsa comes in, she even looks good in her gym suit. Then, it hit me. No, really, I got a mouthful of leather and most likely a black eye.
"Dude! What happened there?!?!?" Eric questioned "I mean you were doing fine till- that new girl showed up! Oh, man! Thia is not gonna like that! (I just came up w/ Toothina's nick name!)"
"You wouldn't tell her right?" This is not good! Eric is gonna tell everyone!
"Nah, so what now?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, sooner or later Thia will find out and I would not want to be you when she does"
"Good point" a really, really good point
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