Chapter One: Meeting Sam and Dean
I watched quietly as my grandmother loaded up the washer with all of our dirty clothes. I've offered to help dozens of times and she just refuses to let me. "Did you remember to replace the salt line near the front door?" My grandmother I asked. I nodded. "Always do" I gave her a smile. "Are you sure you don't want any help with anything? I'm more than happy to lend a hand" I asked for the one hundredth time. My grandmother let's out a soft chuckle and nods. "Yes my dear, I'm okay for right now. You go on and shower up and get ready for dinner, we have another hunt tomorrow" She said. Her face became serious and distraught. "These werewolves just won't stop coming" She said angrily. I let out a sigh and did as I was told. I'm currently sixteen years old and I never thought I would believe in vampires and werewolves and all that other supernatural nonsense but I was thrown into this life when I was suddenly attacked by multiple different supernatural creatures all at once. I was five years old when that happened. I walked into my bedroom and pulled out a simple white tank top and some grey sweats to wear for bed. I set them on top of my bed and grabbed my towel. "Dinner will be ready in about an hour sweetheart!" My grandmother called from upstairs. "Okay Grandma! Thank you" I responded. I've lived with my grandma since I was five years old. She and my father, who I met for the first time that very day, were the ones who saved me from the attack. I lived with my mother up until that day. My grandmother said she disappeared without a trace and we've been looking for her since. I sighed and walked into my bathroom and hung my towel on the towel rack. I looked in the mirror for a moment and looked at all the bruises I've received over the last two weeks from the recent hunts. I never wanted to live like this but someone has to protect others from these dangerous creatures. I'm proud to be one of them even though I hate it. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower after turning it on to a perfect temperature. About ten minutes into the shower I hear a loud smash followed by my grandmother screaming. I nearly fell with how quickly I rushed out of the shower. I ran into my room and threw my clothes on and grabbed my gun and ran downstairs. "Grandma?!" I yelled. I cocked back my gun to ready it and walked slowly into the kitchen. I found my grandmother laying on the floor with her neck slit open. My gun fell from my hands and my eyes filled with tears. "GRANDMA!" I screamed. I rushed to her side and placed my hands around the wound trying desperately to stop the bleeding. "I-it's no u-use my child." My grandmother said. I could barely make it out. "F-find the photo book i-in the closet and look for the two boys in the picture on the v-very last page" She said. "Grandma no! I can't let you die on me! Please stay with me grandma!" I cried. She was turning pale and my hands were drenched with her blood. "Hurry my child. I love you" She managed to choke out. She took one final breath and then she was gone. I screamed out and sobbed. I gave her one last hug before standing up to my feet. Still sobbing I rushed to the closet in the hallway and pulled out the giant photo book and flipped to the very last page. There was a picture of two older looking boys. One was really tall looking and had short/long hair and hazel with a hint of brown in his eyes and the other was shorter and short hair and green eyes. I turned the picture around and there was a note written on the back.
"Arielle, when the time comes where you have no other option, find these two. I knew one day I would no longer be able to be here for you. Your mother and I never wanted this life for you but she didn't realize that John, your father was a hunter a very well known one too. As soon as you were born, things began happening and she wanted you to be far away from it and your father couldn't agree more. However, everything caught up to her and they found you. I knew I would be next on their hitlist. You must find these two, these two boys are your brothers. Sam and Dean Winchester. In my closet is a bag full of everything you'll possible need for your journey. I've saved a lot for you just in case this happened. I love you my dear. Be careful out there and remember I'm always with you and keep on fighting. I believe in you,
I cried as I read the letter on the back. I took a deep breath and ran upstairs to my grandmother's room. I opened up her closet and saw the bag and grabbed it. I grabbed it and unzipped it then looked inside. There were files and a lot of money and a lot of really good weapons. There was also an outfit in there that I pulled out. A pair of black jeans, a white tank and a dark green zip up jacket. There was also a belt that had multiple gun holsters. I put that on too. I loaded each gun and put them in the holsters. I threw on the thigh length leather boots that were also in the bag and slide a knife in each boot. I zipped the bag back up after taking the phone out of it and threw it over my shoulder. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and hightailed it out of the house. I looked at the house one last time. "I'll miss you grandma." I said barely audible. A tear slipped my eye but I wiped it away. "I have to be strong." I said to myself. I turned away from the house and ran straight through the deep woods. I grabbed the flashlight out of my bag and looked around carefully and listened for any strange noises. When I felt I was save I continued on through. "When I found out what unlucky son of a bitch killed my grandmother, my father will be the least of it's worries." I said to myself. It was surprisingly quiet out tonight. It was almost too good to be true. I walked for ten more minutes and that's when I started hearing distant voices. It sounded almost like there was fighting going on. I trudged on quietly and quickly and got closer and closer to the voices. I came to a stop at an abandoned log house cabin. I heard loud screams and loud crashes coming from inside of it. I looked around and saw a car parked not too far away from the cabin. From the looks of this car it looked like a 1967 Chevy impala. I ran over to the car and went to climb into the driver's seat when the noises inside the cabin stopped. I looked up and saw someone coming out of the cabin and I quickly hopped in the backseat and hid on the floor of the car between the backseat and the two front seats. "Are you alright Sammy?" I heard a male's voice say getting closer to the car. "I'm fine Dean. Let's get out of here, I'm pretty sure this is the last werewolf nest here" Another male voice said. I sucked in a breath and tried to remain as quiet as possible. Both the driver's seat and passenger seat door opened up and unison and the car shook slightly as the two males both got into the car. The doors shut and the car started and to say the least, I was scared shitless. "Alright, we need to find a place to sleep and then continue looking for dad" The male in the driver's seat said. The male in the passenger seat didn't say anything. Someone turned on the radio that started blaring music. I accidentally jumped from the sudden loud sound. "What the hell was that?" The male in the driver's seat asked. One of them opened the door and got out to check outside of the car then got back in. "Probably nothing. We're exhausted, let's just get out of here Dean" The male in the passenger side said. I guess the driver whom must be Dean agreed. He began driving away from the woods. I laid still the best I could but something about the name Dean was very familiar. I carefully as I could took the picture out of my pocket and looked at the letter on the back. I quietly gasped. "They're hunters too.." I whispered out loud. The car immediately jerked as Dean slammed at the breaks. "You had to of heard that Sam." Dean said. Sam and Dean both got out and the backseat doors flew open. "We know you're in there. Get out and we'll give you ten seconds to explain who you are and why you're in my car." Dean said rather harshly. I sucked in a breath and carefully lifted myself up slowly with my hands up in defense. He was holding a gun and so was Sam. I climbed slowly out of the car. "What are you?" Dean asked. "Werewolf? Vamp? Demon?" He continued on. I took a deep breath and held back the tears and hid my fear. "I'm a human. A hunter like you." I said as confidently as I could. They both shared a chuckle. "Yeah right, you expect us to believe that?" Sam asked. I tried my hardest to continue holding back the tears but it sorta failed. I handed Dean the picture. "Read the letter on the back" I said. I leaned against the car and slid down to the ground and hugged my knees to my chest as Dean read the letter aloud. I heard what sounded like someone flipping through a book. "Dad mentions her in the beginning of his journal Dean." Sam said. "How old you?" Dean asked. He had squatted down to my eye level. "Sixteen" I answered. Dean looked at Sam and then shook his head. "When did you get thrown into this life?" Sam asked. "When I was five years old, I had no choice. I was attacked by multiple different creatures all at once, my grandmother and father saved me from the attack. From then on both of them trained me, my grandmother more than anything." I answered. "Get back in the car, we can talk more about this and who you are when find somewhere to sleep." Dean said. I looked up at him with my face lit up. "Really?" I asked. Sam had walked around the car and helped me up off of the ground. "Get in before he changes his mind." He said. I smiled slightly and climbed back into the backseat. I closed the door Sam had opened and Dean closed the other. Sam reopened the other door to the backseat and climbed in next to me. "You don't have to sit back here.." I said quietly. Sam just looked at me and shrugged. "I'm going to anyway" He said. Dean began driving again. I let out yawn and my stomach growled a little louder than I wanted it to and both Sam and Dean laughed. "Maybe we should stop for some food first" Dean suggested. Sam and I both instantly agree. "What happened to your grandmother?" Sam asked. " I don't even know. I was taking a shower when I heard her scream. I got dressed as quickly as possible but when I walked downstairs and into the kitchen she was laying on the floor with her neck slit open. I didn't see anybody there nor run into anything when I left. It's a strange mystery." I said with a shaky voice. Sam pulled me into his arms and wrapped them around me tightly. "I just recently lost my girlfriend in a very strange way" He said. "I'm sorry to hear that" I said. Dean turned the radio back on blaring music once again and again I jumped and Dean laughed. "You're an ass!" I shouted. "Oh, we're gonna get along great" Dean laughed.
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