Dangerous Liaisons (1)
Ariel wakes to see the sleeping Caroline next time her. She frowns remembering how her mother kept herself busy to distract herself and her sister had been crying for the past few days while she did her best to comfort them both. She sighs and grabs her phone from the nightstand, looking at her recent texts from Katherine.
You sure you don't want me to come back Mystic Falls?
Live your life
I fought to get you those 500 years
You cussed Klaus out and once he was out of sight you passed out😏😂
You're not supposed to speak of that!🤫
Texting not speaking😂
Just let me know if you need anything
She glances at her sister once more and gets up from her bed.
"Sis?" Caroline mumbles sleepily.
Ariel shushes her. "Get some more sleep, okay? I'm going to go to the grill and buy us break-"
She is interrupted when someone knocks on the door.
"I'll be right back. If it's Elena or Damon, I'll just shut the door in their face."
Ariel smiles, happy getting a giggle from Caroline. She then leaves the room and heads downstairs. Opening the door, she frowns seeing Damon holding two big gift boxes wrapped in ribbons. She closes it but he vamp speeds inside.
"You do remember that I'm a vampire, right?" He sighs after not getting a response.
"No more silent treatment, okay? I'm sorry for compelling Jeremy again, okay? I will do whatever you want." He pleads.
"Fine. Wear a little mermaid t-shirt."
"Deal. Now mind telling me why the Mikaelsons sent you gift boxes?"
"Oh and here I thought that they were your apology bribes." Ariel says sarcastically taking the boxes from him and puts them on the kitchen table. "I can tell you want to ask how I'm doing. I'm fine or as fine as I can be... I just need to get my mind off of it."
"...Wanna change Stefan's hair products as payback for your fallen burger?" He asks and smiles at his success of making her giggle.
She then frowns when she sees Caroline coming downstairs. "I thought I told you to stay in bed.
"I heard all about your deal and I can't wait to see the old stud in a little mermaid t-shirt." Caroline teases earning a glare from the older vampire. "What are those?"
"Of course you got them too. The Mikaelsons are throwing a ball." Damon informs them as he holds up the invitation.
Caroline picks her card up to see "Save me a dance. Fondly, Klaus." written on it.
"Seriously?" She then opens the box to see a beautiful blue and white gown.
"Wow that's really beautiful! Is there something you like to tell me?" Ariel teases, nudging Caroline's arm.
"Like what?"
"Since when did Klaus start liking you?"
"Oh please! All I did was complain to him about how he threw a better party homecoming than me after all the hard work that I did!"
"Oh yeah! He made sure there was cotton candy that night... It was so beautiful!" Ariel wipes away a fake tear making Caroline glare at her. "What? You forced me to help with the decorating and didn't even allow me any cotton candy in return! Klaus was at least being thoughtful of my needs!"
"Traitor." Caroline mutters.
"...So did something happened that night that I need to know about?" Ariel asks, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Absolutely nothing! Now stop it!" Caroline throws a kitchen mitten at her younger sister, causing her to giggle.
"It would be a waste not to wear it. You always did say that you wanted to go to a ball like the one in Cinderella. And don't forget that you're Miss Mystic Falls! You can show off and you might meet some very important people, like get you some connections." Ariel attempts at persuading her sister.
"...It...would be a waste not to wear it." Caroline repeats and Ariel happily fists pump. "Now what's in your box?"
Damon reads aloud Ariel's card that has written "I've missed you very much, sweetheart. If you come tonight, I'll sneak you into Elijah's room so that you mess with his closet. Your favorite blonde, Rebekah."
"Favorite blonde?! WHAT?! Did you replace me?!" Caroline yells, grabbing another kitchen mitten and throwing it at her sister.
"I would never! Rebekah made the decision to fight for that position!" Ariel raises her hands up in defense.
"Yeah. You're not going." Damon informs Ariel, interrupting the sisters.
"What?! Are you trying to get the silent treatment again?!" Ariel snaps at him.
"Because their dead mother came back to life and I don't trust that Mikaelson around you." He explains.
"Wait... The old hag rose from the dead?" Ariel asks, making Damon almost laugh and Caroline smacks her shoulder.
"Ow! What?! From what Klaus told me about the woman, I can't stand that her!" Ariel rubs her shoulder then turns back to Damon. "And which Mikaelson are you talking about?"
"The brooding one you were ogling last night." Damon replies, sounding annoyed. His response makes Caroline freeze.
"Hey! I admit that he's hot but I was not ogling him!" Ariel looks away but Damon still noticed her blushing. "I'm going. I'm not missing the opportunity to mess with Elijah's closet."
Before he can respond, Ariel's cellphone rings and she rolls her eyes after reading a text.
Meetup at the grill
Need to talk
Got invited to Mikaelson Ball
"Elena wants to meet up at the grill. She wants to talk about the ball... Yeah, not going." Ariel mutters.
"Yes we are! I get you're upset with Elena but you've got to confront her at some point! Last time all you did was give her the silent treatment. Say what you actually need to say to her this time. About Jeremy. About Rebekah. Whatever you need to." Ariel sticks her tongue out, making Caroline roll her eyes. "Now go get ready or no burgers for a week!"
"Meanie!" Ariel yells while going upstairs. "She's lucky I can't fight her..."
"I heard that!" Caroline sighs. "I swear that girl..." She mumbles before opening Ariel's box to see a white and gold gown. "Hmm... Rebekah has good taste."
"You need to talk her out of going. She'll listen to you."
"I don't have to do anything. If she wants to fun with the Mikaelsons, let her." She says, putting the lid back on the box. "As much as I hate to admit it, they really do care about her. Besides, how is it any different from hanging out with you?"
"Have you forgotten what kind of people they are?" He asks with a look of disbelief.
"You really shouldn't be a hypocrite when with all the bad things that you've done. You pretty much on the same level as them and you don't see Ariel judging you, do you?" Caroline retorts, shutting up the eldest Salvatore. "Now you can leave and let the door hit you on the way out."
Unknown to the eldest Forbes sister, Ariel giggles as she sends Klaus a text.
Guess who has a date to the ball?
I'm getting you a cotton candy machine
Ariel almost screams and quickly covers her mouth.
"He spoils me so much. What did I do to deserve him?" She whispers to herself and sniffles.
Caroline told me
Send me a pic of Salvatore's punishment when it happens😏
Of course😊
As Elijah and Finn get fitted for their suits, they chuckle watching Rebekah fixing an annoyed Kol's bow tie.
"Kol, come on! You love parties!" She begs.
"On one condition... Tell me how handsome I am." He tells her with a fake smile.
"Ah, Kol... You know that I can't be compelled." Rebekah teases.
Kol rolls his eyes and stops moving, letting her finish fixing his bow tie as an angry Klaus walks in.
"You went after Elena?" An angry Klaus asks the only Mikaelson daughter.
"Oh here you go." Rebekah mutters, rolling her eyes.
"What is wrong with you? Do you want another-"
"What? Is it going to be another dagger threat? Can't you think of anything better? You haven't changed. Still want to be the one in control, I see." Kol asks, gently pushing his sister behind him.
"Were you expecting an apology? I'm not sorry for what I did. You left me no choice, Kol. You were a danger. Not only to us and everyone else but to yourself. Ever since you lost-"
Finn and Elijah rush over to their younger brothers, separating them. Elijah glances at a frightened Rebekah and gently places his hand on Kol's shoulder.
"Brother please calm yourself. You are scaring Rebekah." Elijah whispers making Kol look at Rebekah.
Kol takes a deep breath and glares at Klaus. "Do not ever speak of her again."
Kol leaves making Klaus watch him a guilty look on his face while the others watch worriedly.
"Did Damon tell you anything about him and Elena?" Caroline asks as they approach the grill.
"Like what?" Ariel retorts, almost bumping into her sister who suddenly stops.
Caroline turns around and holds up her pinky. "Promise me that you will not order pancakes so that you can bitch slap Elena with them... No matter how tempting and funny it is."
"...Can I order French toast sticks then?"
"...Fine. What did she do now?" Ariel pinky swears, rolling her eyes.
Caroline sighs. "...Bonnie told me that Elena kissed Damon."
Upon hearing her sister's response, Ariel just stares at her sister for exactly thirty seconds then marched into the grill.
"Angelfish, remember what I said! Talk it out! Don't order pancakes!" Caroline yells, chasing after her sister.
On her way over to Elena, Ariel secretly signs to Matt about wanting a burger making him shake his head amused. Elena smiles seeing the Forbes sisters and is about to speak but Ariel beats her to it.
"Nope! We're not talking about the ball. We were all invited. Moving on! So you kissed my best friend while you still have a technical boyfriend?!" Ariel snaps, shocking the Gilbert.
"I was gonna tell you guys. Just after everything happened with Mr. Forbes..."
"Did you miss the part about your technical boyfriend? Did you guys breakup?" Ariel questions as Caroline forces her to sit in the booth.
"Things with Stefan are complicated right now... Whatever Stefan is feeling, he's channeling it all against Klaus. Besides there's nothing to worry about. Damon told me to never do it again... He-" Elena explains but is eventually cut off by Ariel.
"Elena. Whatever Klefan has got going on, I don't care. You talk it out with Stefan and stopping dragging Damon into it." Elena tries to speak but Ariel continues. "Oh, I'm not done! When were you going to tell me that you daggered Rebekah?!"
"Wait, what?! You daggered Rebekah?! I was wondering where she had went." Caroline asks in a surprised tone.
"Ariel, I'm sorry." Elena tries reaching for Ariel's hand but she pulls back. "I know that's she your friend but I was afraid she ruin the plan to kill Klaus. Besides, how can you be friends with her?"
"Because she's a meaner version of my sister!"
"Hey!" Caroline yells, feeling insulted.
"I mean that in a good way. You know I love you."
"She tried to kill me last night!" Elena reveals.
"Who's fault is that?! Maybe if you hadn't daggered her, she never would have done so!" Ariel retorts.
"And what about Jeremy?! You once again had Damon compel him! You took away his choice again! You broke your promise! And I didn't even get to see him before he left!" Caroline sees Ariel's hand reaching for the fork and quickly grabs her hand, bringing it back down to the seat.
"I'm sorry but you would've told Jeremy the truth!"
"Oh you didn't want your brother to find out that you've become a lying backstabber!" Ariel snaps making Elena's eyes widened.
"Shh. Calm down. Good job." Caroline rubs Ariel's back before moving that same hand to the side her sister's head and pulling her closer. "You feel a bit better now?" Ariel lets out a deep breath and nods.
"She's right." Rebekah walks up to them and smiles at Ariel, her eyes thanking her for defending her. "Caroline, you should be careful too. It's all good and well until she stabs you in the back."
"What are you doing here? I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals."
"Shut up, Elena." Ariel snaps, causing Elena's jaw to drop.
"Get over yourself. It's not all about you. I'll see you at the ball, Ariel?"
"I'll be there. Thanks for the dress!"
"Good and anything for my bestie." Rebekah smiles.
"Hey. You do know that I'm her favorite blonde, right?" Caroline asks while narrowing her eyes at Rebekah.
"Well you have competition now." Rebekah smirks at Caroline before walking over to Matt and giving him an invitation to the ball.
"Do you know how long it took me to tolerate Katherine? Why are you making me put up with her too?" Caroline complains to her younger sister.
"...Because now I have protection against you because you know I can't fight you." Ariel teases making her older sister roll her eyes.
"What time is this stupid dance?" Caroline groans then her eyes widened when she sees a server place a burger in front of Ariel. "Don't you dare eat that burger."
The sisters have a staredown until Ariel grabs her burger and runs out of the grill.
That evening, the Forbes sisters arrive arm-in-arm at the Mikaelson Mansion. Wearing the dresses they were gifted. Caroline even decided to wear the diamond bracelet Klaus gave to her for her birthday. Damon and Klaus notice the sisters and are stunned by the gorgeous women respectively. The sisters then notice Klaus walking over to meet them.
"Good evening." He greets them while keeping his gaze on Caroline.
"...I need a drink."
Caroline walks away as Ariel pokes Klaus' cheek.
"You're welcome and I'm rooting for you." She gives him a thumbs up making him chuckle.
"Thank you, sweetheart. I'm glad you came, you look beautiful." He compliments her, offering her his arm which she happily takes.
"Thank you. Now where's Rebekah? She promised that she would sneak me into Elijah's room so that I could mess with his closet." She tells him as she looks around.
Klaus holds back a laugh. "What is your problem with his wardrobe?"
"Even though he looks good in a suit, he wears too many. And he still hasn't given me a nickname so I'm going to annoy him."
"You will do no such thing." Elijah walks up to them and kisses Ariel's cheek. "You look lovely, Miss Forbes."
"Thank you, Eli. But you see what exactly I'm talking about?" Ariel wags her finger in Elijah's face. "Stop being so damn proper all the time and give me a nickname!"
Before Elijah can respond, Rebekah comes up to them.
"Ariel, sweetheart. You look divine." Rebekah pulls Ariel into a hug.
"Thanks, Becky! You look hot!"
"Come with me. I had the workers make a cotton candy mocktail." Rebekah smiles, grabbing Ariel's hand.
"Ooh, thank you!" Ariel squeals. "Don't forget the cotton candy machine, Nicky!"
"I've already ordered it!" Klaus responds.
"You promised her a cotton candy machine?" An amused Elijah asks Klaus who chuckles in response.
As the friends head towards the snack and drink table, Ariel stops when suddenly feels a dark yet soothing presence. She looks at the stairs to see Kol Mikaelson walking down them. Feeling that pull again, she lets go of Rebekah's hand and slowly makes him way towards him.
"Ariel?" Rebekah calls out to her, confused by her sudden behavior.
As if in a trance, Ariel continues walking not hearing Rebekah. Kol feeling someone staring at him, looks around and before he can see Ariel, Damon steps in her path blocking Kol's vision of her.
"Did you really have to come here?" Damon asks in an annoyed tone.
Snapped out of her trance, Ariel is confused as to why she's there and not with Rebekah.
"Damon? Where did Becky go?"
"Right here." Rebekah says, walking over to them. "Are you alright?"
"Uh, yeah..." Ariel replies, avoiding Damon's concerned look.
Before Damon can question Ariel more, he sees Elena arriving, making him roll his eyes.
"Go get you a mocktail and some snacks. I don't think you have enough sugar in your system." He gently pushes Ariel into Rebekah's arms and walks away. "I've got to deal with someone annoying... You better look after her Mikaelson or you're dead!"
"It's the most beautiful thing I've seen in my life." Ariel says holding the cotton candy mocktail in front of her face while rubbing the glass.
"So are you going drink it or..." Rebekah is about to take a sip of her champagne but pauses when she hears a sniffle. "Wait, are you crying?"
"How can I not? Look at it!" Ariel whimpers as her eyes glisten with tears.
"If you're not going to drink it, I'll take it off your- Ow! How dare you smack my hand!" Rebekah glares at her friend.
"No one gets between me and my cotton candy and burgers! No one...except my sister."
"No one gets between me and my berries!"
"...What am I going to do with you?"
"Becky? Earth to my third favorite vampire!" Rebekah blinks seeing Ariel waving her hand in front of her face. "Where did you go?"
"Huh? Oh..." Rebekah shakes her head and smiles. "Just remembering a fond memory... Wait, what do you mean third favorite?!"
"Look people are fighting for favorite blonde, favorite vampire, favorite witch, favorite Mikaelson, etc. Klaus is lucky that he doesn't even have to fight for favorite hybrid. Be grateful that you're in the top five, okay? But if it makes you feel any better, you would definitely be my favorite human."
"...I guess that does make me feel a bit better." Rebekah takes a sip of her champagne. "So your middle name is Claudine?"
"Don't start. That was punishment from my biological mom for kicking her so much while she was pregnant with me." She explains with a look of annoyance making Rebekah laugh.
"Getting on your mother's nerves before you were born... Yes that's definitely believable." Rebekah teases getting an eye roll in return.
The girls are surprised when Kol comes over to them.
"We're needed at the staircase. Elijah is making an announcement." Ariel nearly shivers from his voice. After informing his sister, he glances at Ariel and takes his leave.
"I'll sneak you into Elijah's room later." Rebekah whispers and winks before hurrying after Kol.
Not even paying attention to Rebekah, Ariel continues watching Kol who turns back around, giving her an unreadable stare. Their staring contest is soon broken up by Damon who steps in front of her.
"And just why is the most amazing person here standing by herself? You should have a hot date by your side." Damon asks, offering his arm. "Oh wait! I'm the only hot guy here."
"Sure, you're clearly the hottest guy here." She jokes, wrapping her arm in his making him smirk.
How about we go to the grill after this and get you some ribs?" He asks, leading them to Elena and Stefan.
"What? No burgers?"
"Didn't you eat three at the dinner last night? And Vampire Barbie complained that you ate another today. Take a break. Go for your second favorite food."
"I can't help it! I'm pretty sure that burgers and cotton candy are tradition in my bloodline!"
When they reach the complicated couple, Elena gives Ariel an awkward smile.
"Elena." Ariel mutters, rolling her eyes.
"Welcome, thank you for joining us."
Everyone looks up to see Elijah standing on the staircase with Klaus, Rebekah, Kol and Finn. Ariel notices Kol staring at her again with another unreadable expression. She looks away only to see Esther nearby her children, staring at her with blank expression causing an uneasy feeling. However the looks between Ariel and Kol didn't go unnoticed by Damon.
"You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old-waltz, so if all of you could please find yourself a partner, please join us in the ballroom." Elijah announces.
As Esther heads back upstairs, Elena goes to follow her but Ariel and Damon stop her.
"Don't even think about it."
"Ariel, she wants to see me."
"Well sucks to be her then. Was I not clear this morning?" Damon says, backing up Ariel.
"I was invited, Damon!"
"There's no way you way you would survive a horror movie! A thousand-year-old witch responsible for the creation of vampires comes from the dead back to talk to you? You excuse yourself to the exit not accept the invitation for a casual chat that could turn into your possible death because of you choosing to be a dumbass!" Ariel rants making Damon cough to stop himself from laughing.
"Elena, I am warning you right now, let it go. Stop causing more problems for everyone." Ariel snaps making Elena jump back.
Before Elena can defend herself, Damon steps in front of her and offers Ariel his hand.
"May I have this dance? It would be rude not to." Shocking Elena and Ariel.
Ariel snaps out of her shock and accepts his hand. "Eli did say that it's tradition. It's just like my burgers and cotton candy obsession so I get it."
The two head for the ballroom, leaving behind the shocked doppelgänger.
Everyone takes their places in the ballroom. Stefan and Elena are behind another couple that's behind Damon and Ariel, while Klaus and Caroline are on the other side. Everyone begins the waltz.
"Has anyone told you how stunning you look?" Damon asks, not even glancing at Ariel.
"Hmm. Sis called me hot, Klaus called me beautiful, Elijah called me lovely and Rebekah called me divine. So nope. No stunning." She replies, shaking her head.
"Well you do as if it wasn't obvious." He says as he spins her around.
"Thanks you're looking pretty hot yourself... Why didn't you dance with Elena instead? I heard that she kissed you." She says making Damon sigh.
"Was hoping that you wouldn't find out about that... It didn't mean anything to me. Besides it makes sense for us to do this dance together considering I was your Miss Mystic Falls partner." He stated, pulling her closer to him as they dance.
"Wait... Are you passing up another opportunity to dance with Elena because you're rebelling?" She teases.
"I'm passing up the opportunity because someone better came along." He reveals, shocking her.
She gasps. "You finally got some standards?! Who is it?! Who's the lucky girl?! Dang it, no time! You're gonna have to tell me later, time to switch!"
He twirls her and she ends up in Kol's arms... Once again, the two are left staring at one another as if they're the only ones in the room...
I'm splitting this episode into two parts because it's becoming too long!
So how are we feeling about the newest version of this chapter? Some things did remain but I added and changed a lot!
I'm excited for Ariel and Kol's new love story! It's going to be so much darker and twisted this time!
Did you like that twist where Damon mentions he was Ariel's partner in the previous Miss Mystic Falls pageant?
How are you feeling about how Damon is treating Elena now? And him asking Ariel to dance with him instead of Elena?
Revealing why Ariel's middle is Claudine is one of my favorite parts. Baby Ariel was getting on her mom's nerves!😂
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