Mirkwood Spiders
Ariana's POV
"The path turns this way" Thorin says as Dwalin uses the end of his ax to feel the ground for the path. We continue to follow the path as night fell. We can't even see the sky anymore. I'm sure it's near sunrise.
"Air, I need air" Bofur says.
"My head, it's spinning! What's happening?" Oin asks as Nori leads us now through the forest. Thorin tells us to keep moving. Suddenly Nori stops walking.
"The path, it's disappeared" Nori states.
"Great" I grumble.
"What's going on?" Ori asks.
"We've lost the path!" Bofur shouts.
"Find it, all of you look" Thorin orders. So that's what we did. I made sure Bilbo stayed close to me as I didn't want to lose him again. Like in the mine. I start to feel dizzy. Bu I shake my head and continue my search for the path using the end of my sheathed sword. To move leaves.
"I don't remember this place, none of it's familiar" Balin says.
"It's go to be here" Dori says.
"What hour is it?" Thorin asks as we take a break from searching.
"I don't know, I don't even know what day it is" Dwalin tells him.
"We have to find the sky" I state and look up at the tree canopy.
"She's right, we have to find the sun" Bilbo agrees with me. But the dwarves are to bust arguing amongst themselves. I grab Bilbo's attention and point to the canopy. He nods his head. I give him a leg up and follow him up the tree. When we break through the top my head clears and I can breath again. I see butterflies around us.
"They're beautiful" I say as I hold my hand up and one lands on my finger.
"I can see a lake" Bilbo says looking at the horizon. The butterfly flies away and I look at the horizon also.
"I see a river" I tell him smiling.
"And the Lonely Mountain!" we say together and chuckle.
"We're almost there!" I shout to the dwarves below. But hear nothing in return. I share a look with Bilbo.
"Can you hear us? We know which way to go!" Bilbo shouts. Still no response. I signal for him to be quiet. We start to climb down. When we reach the forest floor we see no sign of the others. "Where are they?" Bilbo asks me.
"I don't know, take your sword out" I tell him. He does so and I draw mine. I notice drag marks on the ground. "Follow me and keep quiet" I instruct him. We follow the drag marks deeper into the shadows. We soon come upon giant webs.
"Ariana, look" Bilbo whispers pointing up. I look up to see thirteen dwarf sized webbed cocoons and giant spiders. I curse under my breath as we hide behind a tree. "What do we do now?" he asks me.
"We have to free the others" I tell him. He nods his head in agreement. I look around trying to come up with a plan. "Ok, here's the plan. You go up and free the others. I'll distract the spiders" I state.
"You can't take that many on by yourself" he tells me.
"Do you have a better idea?" I ask him and he remains silent. "Besides it won't be for long. A couple minutes max while you free the others. Just signal me once you're in position" I tell him. He nods his head and I give him a leg up. Once he disappears from my line of sight.
I move further from the cocoons but still in view of them. I notice the shine of his blade. I make a do it yourself torch. "Over here you over sized maggots!" I shout. The spiders head my way. I see five of them and swing my sword. They hiss at me. I notice the first cocoon fall. "Come on!" I tell the spiders. As they circle me.
One tries to lunge and I stab it. I the set another on fire. The dwarves join me and we deal with the last five. "Where's Bilbo?" Bofur asks me.
"I'm up here!" Bilbo shouts.
"Do you see anymore spiders?!" I ask him. Before he can say anything a pack of spiders appear. I share a look with the others and we attack them. I get separated from the others. I'm tackled by a spider and lose my sword. I roll to avoid it's stinger. I grab my knife and swing at it. But it dodges. When I finally stab it, I feel something stab my stomach.
I gasp in pain and look down to see it's stinger. I push it off of me and clutch my wound. "Help!" I call to the others. But I hear them still fighting the rest of the pack. My vision becomes filled with black spots and I pass out.
Third Persons POV
"Cóon Legolas, mín found a adaneth" an elf soldier says as he appears holding an unconscious Ariana. (Translation: Prince Legolas, we found a woman). The dwarves see her and go to run to her. But the elves stop them.
"Mana happened na hen?" Legolas asks him. (Translation: what happened to her?)
"Mín found a firn fling, he appears na -o been stung. Before he could belth- ha" he explains. (Translation: We found a dead spider, she appears to of been stung. Before she could kill it).
"Mín will take hen na i healing car" Legolas states. (Translation: We will take her to the healing house ).
"Im will gar- i prisoners escorted na i cells. Ir ho takes hen na i healing room a cin take hon na i aran plural erain or erein" Tauriel says nodding to the company. (Translation: I will have the prisoners escorted to the cells. While he takes her to the healing room and you take him to the king). Before pointing to Ariana, then Thorin. Legolas nods his head in agreement. They all head back to the kingdom.
Gif above of the butterflies around Bilbo and picture on the external link of Bilbo facing the spiders.
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