♡︎the coolest mom in the world♡︎
kinda a P2 to "what did you call my mother"...)
Age: 13
Father: Pete Davidson
꧁Authors POV꧂
"Okay so that is your project for the week and it is worth 67 percent of your grade this semester so please do your best and use whole week and not just one night. I'll send a email to your parents, make sure they know the times to be here."
Aaliyah sat in class wondering how the hell she was going to complete this project. She had been assigned to write and present a essay on one of her parents and what they do for a living and how much they appreciate them. Easy right? No. Everyone's parents were doctors, lawyers, engineers. At first she thought about writing about her fathers career but she knew who everyone expected her to focus her project on, her mother with a net worth of over a million dollars.
Ariana was Aaliyah's inspiration for everything, she was her best friend, they were each other's therapist at times, Aaliyah thought Ariana was the coolest and most interesting mom in the world.
She made up her mind and the second the bell rang she began texting Ariana about the project when she was harshly bumped in the shoulder causing her phone to fly out of her hands,
"So which one of your famous parents are you doing your project on? Grande."
Aaliyah slammed her hand down on the desk turning around. "My mom if you must know." She then bent down to pick up her phone, her eyes widened when she saw a crack across the screen. "Mom's gonna kill me. Jessica! You made me crack my phone!"
"So? Your rich parents can buy you another one stop complaining."
Aaliyah growled under her breath. She hated when people said that. "Oh don't be all mad you have money right?" Yes they do but Ariana already screwed up with how much she spoiled Aaliyah when she was younger. And the second she saw Aaliyah starting to turn into a spoiled brat she caught herself.
"My mom still holds me to certain standards. I just bought this!"
Jessica pushed some of her long blonde hair behind her shoulder, "Whatever. But seriously you're making your project about your mom? If we wanted to learn about her we could just look up her biography online. She's not as great as you make her out to be you know."
Aaliyah narrowed her eyes, "Don't you dare start talking shit about my mom again." She gave a bitchy smile, "I see your black eye has healed, I'd be happy to give you another one."
"Go ahead, and my dad will successfully sue you again."
"You know what- maybe you can read as much as you want about my mother on the internet, but none of that is going to go into detail on how she is as a person. At least not as much as I can. As far as I'm concerned, the way you talk about my mom makes you sound completely uneducated Jessica. You really know nothing about her."
"The point is, my dad owns a business. And you're mom poses in front of cameras to make her money. Even I could do that. That's not even hard work. If you don't mind me asking, did your mom even go to college?"
Before Aaliyah could answer Evan interrupted, "Sorry to interrupt but Jessica, try walking in Aaliyah's or even her mother's shoes for a day. You wouldn't survive a hour."
"Oh really? I'd love to. You have it so easy Grande."
Aaliyah looked down, Jessica knew nothing about her. She thought she did, but she really didn't. Aaliyah had been through so much these past few years including Ariana. But no one knew that, all they saw was what went on from the outside. Not behind closed doors.
The girl quickly began packing up her things tossing her backpack over her shoulder, and left the classroom in a rush. Evan at her heels. "Come on Aaliyah don't let her get in your head. Leave it alone."
"Im fine it's just, people are always making up their mind on how they feel towards my mom by what they see on the outside. They never actually take the time to get to know her as a person. She's a really good person she really is."
"Are you trying to convince me? I already know your mom personally. She's the coolest person ever I swear."
"No, I think it's more so myself I'm trying to convince than everyone else. I've heard so many things, true or false and I'm starting mix up fake from real."
He made Aaliyah come to a stop standing in front of her "You know your moms a good person. You know Jessica is and has always been wrong about her. Prove her wrong."
Aaliyah chuckled, "I'm Aaliyah Grande. I don't have to prove myself to anybody."
As Aaliyah walked farther away from him she hears him shout, "We love a confident queen!" She playfully rolled her eyes raising her hand in the air dismissing him.
"Hey girly" Ariana smiled as Aaliyah came into the kitchen.
"Do you think you could drop me off at dads later?" Aaliyah asked suddenly. She didn't mean to be rude but that project was all that had been on her mind the whole ride home.
Ariana stopped what she was doing, "Well a 'hi mom how was your day, oh! Here's a a box of donuts!' would be nice."
Aaliyah let out a heavy sigh, "Hi mom how was your day, oh! Here's a box of donuts!" She said with absolutely no expression what so ever.
"Much better. And you were over there all weekend. I want some mommy daughter time." Ariana pouted jutting out her bottom lip while batting her eyelashes.
"Mommy" Aaliyah whined. "Please?"
"Alright. What for?"
"I have a assignment and I need his help."
"Oh is it math because I suck at that. In that case yeah go ahead I'll drop you off in 30 minutes."
Aaliyah groaned "No mom it's not math!"
Ariana rested her elbows on the counter and giggled. Every time Aaliyah spoke her dimples decide to come out and say hey. "Then what is it miss cheeky."
Aaliyah stared down at her feet "I have to write about what one of you do for a living." She said in a low tone.
"Baby I can't hear you speak up. Look at me."
"I have to write about what one of you do for a living." She repeated loud enough for Ariana to hear.
Ari frowned "And you wanna write it on him."
Aaliyah nodded slowly "Yes..."
"That's fine, it's fine. Yeah you can go." Aaliyah could tell Ariana was disappointed. "Mommy I'm sorry it's just everyone already seems to know everything about you."
"I understand bub." Ariana unlocked her phone going into Pete's contact.
"Mommy, if I did choose to make my project on you, would you even be able to come the day I present it? You're really busy." Ariana placed her phone face down, "So is your dad...what day is it Li?"
"It's at the end of the week so, Friday."
"Done. I'll be there."
Aaliyah sighed "Fine i'll do my project on you."
Ariana clapped her hands excitedly "Oh my god this is going to be so fun, okay so what do I do? Do I have to like dress up or anything because then I should probably-"
Aaliyah shook her head at how excited her mother was, "No mommy I just have to interview you. But you have to promise that you'll be there on Friday."
"Yes of course I'm reliable." Ariana had now went into business mode and was processing everything Aaliyah told her like a machine. "Just give me a time and I will be there." She went over to Aaliyah kissing her cheek before exiting the kitchen. "YOU'RE MY FAVORITE DAUGHTER!"
Aaliyah turned off the kitchen light, she sure had one heck of a mom.
On Friday Aaliyah entered her class to see everyone talking with each other about their presentations. She felt as confident as she could be about hers. She sure put a lot of work into it, and she made sure to place Ariana in a positive light so Jessica could finally get off her back.
She sat in her seat going over everything in her head. She never got nervous talking in front of people, except for when she was at school. teenagers were so judgmental at times.
"My dad is so cool. His business is doing so great right now."
Aaliyah rolled her eyes as she heard Jessica's annoying ass voice rambling on and on and on. Now she knew exactly what Ariana meant when she'd tell her that she talked too much.
The teacher closed the classroom door. "No Jimmy your late. Go to the office."
"So we're going to go ahead and get right into it, Evan! You're first." Aaliyah gave Evan a high five, "Good luck."
"Liyah you know I don't need that."
Jessica glared at the two best friends, why did Aaliyah ever even hang out with Evan anyway?
Aaliyah slumped down in her seat resting her hand in her palm, after 2 or 3 students watching people present was just getting boring. "Jessica, you're up." Aaliyah felt a tap on her shoulder. "Where's your mom?" Jessica hummed with a smirk. "She's coming. And don't touch me." Aaliyah turned back around in her seat sneaking her phone beneath her desk. Sending Ariana a quick text.
"Mommy i'm waiting."
"Aaliyah put you're phone away please."
A wave of "ooo's" filled the room.
Aaliyah shot them all a hard glare turning her phone face down on the desk.
By the time Jessica was near done Aaliyah saw her phone buzz. She followed her teacher with her eyes as she slowly traced her hand over to it and snatched it from the desk. Ariana had texted her back,
Babygirl, I am so so so sorry. I was on my way but I got a call from Scooter about a emergency meeting. Please don't be upset with me I'll make it up to u I promise🤍
Aaliyah's jaw became tight "I knew I should've chosen dad."
Typing bubbles appeared at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds but they soon disappeared. Aaliyah put her phone away trying to hide her anger. "Reliable? Yeah right."
The class clapped amazed at Jessica's father's occupation. Jessica's dad eyed Aaliyah suspiciously and Aaliyah gave him the death glare in return. He may have successfully sued her parents for 598K but Aaliyah didn't care. No doubt she'd do it again.
Aaliyah walked in front of the class room. "So instead of focusing my project completely on my mom's job in the music industry, I decided to lean it more towards her job and role as my mother. My mom is the coolest mom in the entire world. I don't just say that because of who she is to everyone else, who may see her as a object, or maybe even something imaginary, I say it because she loves me more than anything and she makes sure to remind every single day. Weather it's showing me, or just telling me, or just straight up annoying the heck out of me for her own entertainment. She makes tiktok's with me, even when I know she really doesn't want to, she comes to me first when there's something on her mind, even when she's tried and exhausted she'll stay up just to help me with my homework, even if she doesn't know what she's doing, she'll try."
Aaliyah took a breath and continued, "I admire her because, of how strong she is...she's been through a lot but right now I've never seen her more happy and I'm really proud of her. I always admired her kindness, unconditional love and patience. She always puts herself last because she is the most caring one in the family. She takes her job as a mother very seriously and is pretty overprotective at times but at this point I don't really care. I'm just grateful for a mom like her."
Aaliyah shrugged, "It might not be as good as everyone else's but it means a lot to me." Aaliyah told her teacher with a simple smile.
"That was actually very, very, good Aaliyah. I think you've got yourself a A." "Thank you Mrs. Rayne." "Now where is she, I'm sure she'd love to hear it."
The teen dropped her shoulders, "She's actually not going to be able to make it but-"
"Aaliyah! Does you're mom even have time for you?" Jessica shouted from her seat.
Aaliyah licked her lips thinking of what she would say, god that girl was so immature.
"Yes she does. She might not be here but that doesn't mean she doesn't make time for me. I can't begin to tell you how many shows she's cancelled just to come home to me because I missed her so much. Or how many people she's fired because they worked her so hard as if she didn't have a child to come home to. Every day when I wake up she's there, and every day when I come home she's waiting on me. Why don't you ask your father why he sent a nanny instead of picking you up himself after I knocked the wind out of you last week Jessica." Aaliyah cocked her eyebrow at that last part.
"Then if she makes time for you, then why isn't she here?"
The class was interrupted by the door opening, "Hey I'm sorry to interrupt your class, I'm not sure if this is the right one but I'm looking for my daughter she's.."
Aaliyah's eyes widened at the sound of Ariana's voice. "Mommy!"
Ariana saw Aaliyah and felt relieved that she'd got there before the class period had ended. She motioned for her to quickly meet her out in the hall. "Hey baby."
"Mom I thought you had a meeting."
Ariana slid her hands into her back pocket. "I did but after what you said...I knew that being here was more important."
Aaliyah hugged her mother "Thank you, but you really didn't have to."
"No I did. I made a commitment. You come first over everything else bub."
Aaliyah pulled away biting her lip "What did Scooter say?"
"Um he's not too happy about it, but he'll get over it. I can worry about that later."
Aaliyah's teacher came out of the room "Aaliyah, I know you already presented but you can go again if you'd like. Now that she's here."
"Really? Okay!" She grabbed Ariana's hand guiding her back inside, "okay mommy, I think you're really going to like this."
I'm gonna stop being lazy and actually put the ages now.
Their on my older chapters in this book but like I said,
I'm very un consistent.
Don't forget to vote! Comment!
Sorry for errors.
jessica's not even a real person but istg i be wanting to fight her.
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