♡︎the babysitter♡︎
I literally cried when I saw my schedule for the month.
Yes. I cried. Actual tears.
Dalton has work, I have a overflowing schedule, my mom's busy, no one can watch my daughter. And on top of that I absolutely hate leaving her with people I haven't known for at least two years. I don't trust her with many people. She's my baby, and I'm very protective over her.
But I was left with no choice. So I hired a babysitter.
Now I just wasn't going to let anyone look after my daughter. Oh no, no no. That's not happening. Dalton told me not to go overboard but this is my little girl we're talking about. I want her to have the best care.
So I ran background checks on everyone that was considered.
Yes. I ran background checks.
I'm not leaving my daughter with a murderer!
And then my mom gave me a idea, just to make sure I knew I was getting the perfect person for the job. They had to go by Aaliyah first. If she didn't like them, then it was a automatic no.
"You seem like a good fit Vanessa." I smiled at the babysitter that me and Dalton were leaning towards hiring, she was 23. And I felt like I could trust her.
"Wait mommy I have a question!" Aaliyah raised her hand and I sighed resting my head in my palm, "Go ahead baby."
"It's for Vanessa"
Vanessa smiled at Aaliyah, "Cutie, throw it at me."
"Okay now it's a very hard question."
I buried my face in my hands, "Oh god"
"Spaghetti OR macaroni? Hardest question in the world."
Vanessa looked at me and back at Aaliyah, "Oh wow, yes, very hard. You're tough, um let me see...spaghetti is a very good entree but macaroni seems like a good one too..." She looked Aaliyah in the eye, "Macaroni?"
"Yes!" Aaliyah squealed. "Mommy can we hire her? Pleaseeee"
I giggled at how cute she was, "Yes we can. Vanessa you're hired, I'll send you a email in like five minutes."
I got out of bed and went into Aaliyah's room still in my pajamas. I had to fly out today, all the way across the country. I don't like being away from her but unfortunately it comes with my job.
She was knocked out, legs spread, her back turned the other way.
I picked up one of her stuffed toys off of her bed and brought it to her neck. "Aaliyah...wake up" I whisper soothingly waving the toy around. She moved around a bit. "Aaliyah" She rolled over towards me and I saw those beautiful brown eyes open.
"Good morning" I smile.
She exhaled blowing her hot air onto my face. "Hi."
I let out a laugh, "Mommy's gotta leave today bub" She nodded sadly reaching out for my hand taking the stuffed animal from me. "You like that toy huh" I say with a grin as she held it up over her head.
"Mhm." She then took her eyes off of it and looked at me. "Do you like it?"
"Yes, that's why I bought it for you"
I tapped her nose and she gave me a wide smile showing her dimpled cheeks. I had to take a moment to take in her beauty. Everyday I wonder how I birthed something so beautiful.
"My pretty girl. Come on get ready, Vanessa's gonna be here soon."
Two hours flew by fast and before I knew it, Vanessa had arrived and it was time for me to leave.
"Bye mommy" I gave my mom the biggest hug I could give. She placed multiple kisses on my cheek. "Bye Babygirl. I love you so much. I promise to call to check in okay." I pecked her on the lips, "Kk mommy"
Her phone went off. "Roshad's here."
I threw my hands in the air, "RORO!"
"Yes RoRo and I gotta go go so I'll call you tonight."
She left out the door and awhile later daddy came into view all dressed and ready. "I gotta head out. I'll be back before dinner." He placed his hands on the top of my head and kissed it. "Vanessa, I'm assuming she already sent you the email with some information and everything."
Vanessa looked up from her phone, "Yeah she did."
"Well then I must get going. Bye princess."
"Bye daddy" I waved with a yawn as he walked out the door.
"Do you wanna come see my room?" I ask following Vanessa to the couch.
She sat down, "Oh no, I'm fine here."
Toulouse appears at the bottom of the stairs, I pat my legs calling for him, "Goosey come here!" He runs in jumping on the couch next to Vanessa.
She raised her eyebrows looking up from her phone, "Your mom let's him on the couch?"
I nodded, "Mhm. Also in mommy's room, Myron ate mommy's chairs."
She laughed a little going back to her phone. "Wow"
I yawn again and Vanessa speaks, "You seem tired. You should go take a nap."
*2 hours later*
I woke up to some noise in the house. It was around 2 o' clock. I then realized Vanessa was here. I decided to see what she was doing. The noise was coming from mommy and daddy's room. Why would she be in there?
I walked inside saw her doing what looked like looking through my parents things.
"What are you doing in here" I yell out rather arubtly.
She jumped and turned around. "Nothing just looking around."
I walked over and closed a drawer that looked like she had been in. "Going through my mom's things?" I say not convinced.
I'm 6. Not stupid!
"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"
I crossed my arms. "It's 2pm. I'm wide awake"
Alright. What do you want?"
"I'm hungry"
"I'm supposed to make lunch?"
I tapped my foot against the wood floor, "You're supposed to make me food. You're supposed to take care of me? That's what my mom hired you for didn't she?"
"Oh right, well go on I'll meet you there"
I eyed her leaving the room. I waited at the kitchen table, minutes had passed by and she still hadn't come down yet. "It can't be that hard to make lunch myself." I slid off of the chair and opened the fridge.
I couldn't really reach anything, even standing on my toes. I felt around one of the shelves for anything that I could possibly eat. I grabbed ahold of a jar, "Got it." I attempted to take it down but it slipped from my hands. Falling onto the floor. Breaking. Glass everywhere.
I gasped covering my mouth. Not because I was shocked, but because of the smell. I had dropped a mayonnaise jar that I'm pretty sure was expired.
"What was that?" Vanessa came running in. "Uhhh you little brat! Look what you did. Clean it up!"
I carefully back away from the broken glass. "I'm sorry."
"Pick it up now!" She shouted at me.
"I can't. I'm now allowed to touch broken glass."
"Fuck your mother and her rules, you shouldn't have been in there anyway." She grabbed a paper towel and started to attend to the mess on the floor.
After everything was clean. I was still hungry but she refused to make me lunch. I didn't really like her too much anymore, I didn't mean to break the glass. I just wanted to eat.
"What do we do now?" I ask hesitantly. My hands behind my back, rocking back and forth on my heels.
"I don't care! Just leave me alone."
I frowned but didn't say anything else. Instead I used the landline phone to call mommy, I would've called daddy but I only ever memorized mommy's number. It rang three times and then she answered.
"Um hello?"
"Aaliyah what have I told you about playing with the phone? Where is Vanessa?"
"Mommy I'm not playing with the phone. Vanessa is acting weird. I asked her to make me lunch and she didn't, so I'm hungry, also-"
"Baby hold on, I gotta go the plane is about to leave. I'll call you later okay? No more playing with the phone."
She hung up and I wanted to cry. It's only been two hours and I miss her already. I make my way back upstairs and started to go to my room when I heard Vanessa in mommy and daddy's room AGAIN. I just ignored her this time, I didn't feel like getting yelled at.
The front door opened and my eyes shot up from the tv. "Daddy!"
"Hey princess did you have a nice day?"
Vanessa interrupted me, "It was great, we didn't do too much. Played a few games. She's a sweetheart."
Daddy smiled, "She is, I'm gonna go settle in, then I'll make dinner. You are welcome to stay." He headed upstairs and it wasn't long before I heard; AALIYAH ARIEL!"
I flinched jumping out of my seat and taking off up the stairs. I ran into his room to find the whole thing a mess. Things were thrown everywhere. Vanessa was definitely in here all day, doing who know's what.
"Did you make this mess?"
"No daddy I didn't!"
"Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I meant to clean this up. Aaliyah was in here playing earlier, I was gonna get it sorted before you got home." I turn around and see Vanessa in the doorway.
I see," Daddy got down to my level. "Aaliyah. What have me and mommy told you about lying?"
I protested, "But daddy I-"
"I want it cleaned. I want it cleaned before mommy get's home tomorrow okay? She's already going to be exhausted from flying out and then flying back in tomorrow so I don't need her coming home to this."
I huffed picking up a pile of clothes, "Yes daddy."
I stomped down the stairs and over to the backyard door. I started to open it when I heard that annoying voice,
"Excuse me? Where do you think you're going?"
"Outside, I wanna go play."
"No, not until you finish cleaning up that room"
I crossed my arms. "That's not fair, YOU made the mess YOU clean it up" I stated.
"I don't like your tone. Go clean it now before I call Ariana and tell her you aren't following directions. Besides, I'm in Ariana Grande's house and you expect me not to look around?"
I stomped my foot, "You're a liar. I'm gonna tell my mom what you did."
"Upstairs now!"
"No." I'm not a idiot. And I'm definitely not going to be taken advantage of. I don't care how old I am.
"Did you not hear me? God, how the fuck did the one and only Ariana Grande give birth to the most ugliest, annoying, bratty child in the world. Let alone love you, do you ever shut up?"
I gulped, "I'm not ugly, mommy says I'm the most prettiest girl in the world." I mumbled as tears rolled down the side of my face.
"Well she lied. Save the tears and go and clean that mess up so I don't get in trouble."
"I want my mom."
She yanked my arm and landed a hard smack on my butt. And then again, and again. I cried the whole time, I didn't think I did anything wrong. Mommy never spanks me unless I actually did something to make her upset, and I try my hardest not to.
She let me go and I fell onto the floor, "Go now!" She yelled pointing to the stairs.
I pushed myself up off the floor. "Now. Or I'll do it again."
I spent a couple hours in mommy and daddy's room doing my best to clean the huge mess Vanessa had made. After awhile I got tired, and hungry, so I went downstairs and started off to the kitchen. I heard Vanessa's voice. And what sounded like someone else.
"No I'm not a actual babysitter duh. Yeah, it's Ariana Grande's kid. She's a complete brat by the way...I only accepted the job because of how much I get paid. Duh, I faked the interview to get the job. This house is huge too-"
I fully entered the kitchen to see Vanessa and some guy talking. "Who is that?"
Vanessa's head shot over to me and she rolled her eyes. "My boyfriend."
"Mommy said you're not allowed to have people over."
She gritted her teeth, "I don't care about your mother and her rules. Get out of my face, or I'll beat your ass again."
"I'm hungry" My eyes trailed over to what she was eating. "What's that?"
She took a bite. "Food."
"Can I have some?" Her and her boyfriend exchange glances. Vanessa smirked, "Have at it kid."
She handed me what looked like a granola bar and I took it upstairs with me and into my room. My body rested on the floor eating my snack as I played with my favorite stuffed animal.
Everything was fine until I felt like I couldn't breathe. I began to cough hysterically as I felt my throat start to close up. Sweat running down my forehead. I planted my hands on the floor as I started getting dizzy, seconds later everything going dark.
Vote for 2.
Sorry for errors.
2230 words skjdkjksm
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