Age: 2
Father: Dalton Gomez
"Aaliyah are you helping mommy pack?" I laughed as Aaliyah came into my room with a pile of clothes in her arms stacked so high that it covered her face completely.
"I helping you pack mommy" She said dropping the pile on the floor in front of me.
"Thank you babygirl, now can you go get the things that you wanna take please?"
"Mhm" Aaliyah left a quick kiss on my lips and ran out of the room.
I sat criss-cross folding up clothes and placing them in my suitcase. Since Aaliyah just turned 2, i decided it's about time we have a mommy daughter vacation. Just the two of us. Dalton didn't mind much, it started out as a family trip at first but we then found out he would be unable to go due to work.
We're going to Paris, upon Aaliyah's request. Even though I'll already be up there in a few months during my tour, I couldn't say no. I'll never pass up a chance to spend some time with my baby.
Aaliyah came toddling back into the bedroom with some of her things. "I wanna take dis dress mommy" She states firmly tossing the dress in the bag before I could say anything.
She's been so excited for this trip ever since I told her about it, she's taken a sudden interest in travel lately and I don't mind at all.
"Oh yes," I begin to neatly arrange the items in the case. "Great choice bub"
Dalton came in soon after with more of Aaliyah's clothes. "Here we go," He sat down on the floor with us, helping Aaliyah pack her suitcase while I finished up mine. I let out a heavy sigh, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I wish you could come with us, this is my first time taking her out of the country." "You'll have fun with her, she loves spending time with you"
We're interrupted by the sound of a snore. I roll my eyes seeing Aaliyah sprawled out on the rug, completely knocked out. "She's finally given in, she's been trying to hang with me all day"
I go and scoop my baby up and lay her on my bed, tucking her under the covers. "Go ahead and sleep bub, we've got a long day tomorrow."
liked by saturns7rings__ and 3.218.021 others
arianagrande my babygirl asked me to take her to Paris, and i simply couldn't say no
view all 29.075 comments
joangrande she's off to see the world!!
courtneychipolone aweee cuties
user484 damn u should really try saying no sometimes 😭
arianagrande @iamskot okay, okay !! don't yell at me
nickiminaj she could probably fit in that suitcase 😂
user690 that child is so spoiled 😒
user09283 @user690 ya u got a problem? 😑😑
user11 @user690 ya'll keep calling her spoiled yet if u had the money you'd do the same😭
bbygrande26 i wanna be that baby so bad😩
user829 me over here excited cause i live in Paris🌝
"Damn Nicki was right, you really could fit in that suitcase" I chucked chasing after Aaliyah who was trying to push her suitcase all by herself. You'd think with her legs being so little you could outrun her, WRONG.
"Baby watch out there's a step!" I shouted scooping her up just in time with my free hand, the pink suitcase falling down the hotel lobby's stairs. "That was close wasn't it?" I say bouncing Aaliyah up to my hip.
"Mon dieu! You look like you've got your hands full, would you like some help?" A hospitality worker asks, lifting Aaliyah's bag from the floor and bringing it to me.
"Thank you so much, yes actually. I'm trying to get these bags up to my room"
"Done. Let me get a cart for you"
I swayed Aaliyah side to side while we waited. "What are you most excited to see my love?"
"The tower mommy"
"Good thing that's one of our plans for while we're here" The gentleman comes back with a bell cart for our luggage helping us up to our room.
"The door's so big mommy!" Aaliyah tells me out of amazement.
I nod with a hum going into my purse taking out the key card. "Guess what?" I waved it around, giggling at my daughters wide eyes that followed. "Mommy has magic powers see?" I scan the card and the door unlocks, leaving Aaliyah in shock.
"Wow! Do it again mommy!"
I smile at her cuteness "Go inside mama while I get everything settled."
I turn around just as he's about to leave, "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't get your name" He shakes my hand "Raphaël, if you need anything let me know" I thank him before going inside to find Aaliyah exploring the space. "Roomy huh?"
"Look mama!" She ran over to the large window, pressing her hands up against the glass. "We're so high"
I laugh at her excitement but pull her away from the window, I've heard horror stories about the glass breaking and children falling.
"Wait till you see the view from outside," I slide open the door to the balcony walking out, breathing in some fresh air while taking in the breathtaking view. "Isn't it-" I look behind me to see Aaliyah still inside.
"Bub come on, you're too short to fall over" I joke bending down and she comes up to me.
She gasped holding onto the rails. "It looks pretty!"
My lips form a pout kissing the top of her head. "Not as pretty as you babygirl"
liked by CAMSTAP and 9.313.227 others
arianagrande "take my picture right here mama" okay baby !
view all 71.020 comments
victoriamonet love how she's stopping traffic while she has her moment
frankiejgrande no no no it's okay, these streets belong to the queen😌💅
nickiminaj I taught her that pose, i'm very proud
arianagrande @nickiminaj i know😭 she won't stop doing it.
scooterbraun she's a natural 🌟
user350 the fact that i can already tell she's just going to become more,
and more like her mom as she gets older 🥺🤍
user346 Aaliyah and that head full of hair🥺
mtv 😍
user00 @mtv okay seriously!!! Who runs this page?!?!
kyliejenner she's such a model
"WAKE UP MOMMY!" I feel a hard slap against my stomach. "Ahh fuck!" I squeal jumping up coming face to face with my daughter.
"Did that hurt?"
"Hell yeah! Why would you-"
"No bad words mommy!" She shouts slapping my hand. Something I do to her when she starts to be a bit too much. I guess she though it'd work on me as well.
I fan my face, wiping my eyes. "Sorry mama," I slid myself off the bed. Aaliyah sitting near the edge swinging her legs. "How about some breakfast, yeah?"
"Yeah?" Aaliyah repeated mimicking my voice.
"Are you making fun of me child?"
She giggled shaking her head "No!"
"Mhmm, I thought so."
I arranged for me and Aaliyah to have breakfast on the grass near the Eiffel Tower. On the way over, I can't even begin to count now many times people came up and asked for a photo, not with me but with her! I still find it unbelievable that she's only 2 and already know's how to greet her 'fans'. She's so cute.
"Aaliyah don't run too far baby" I yell out to her as I straightened out the picnic blanket.
"Mommy can you take my picture?"
"Yes bub but let's eat first, come on!"
Aaliyah came running toward me at lighting speed throwing her arms around me, taking me down to the ground. "Wow!" I caught my breath "For a 2 year old you sure are strong huh?"
"I'm strong mommy!" Aaliyah blew a raspberry on my cheek before resting her head on my chest. I let out a heavy sigh a couple minutes later when my stomach growled. "Let me up, Aaliyah" I huffed patting her back. "Mommy's hungry"
I could tell she was annoyed, wanting to lie on me a bit longer but she got up and sat herself between my legs. "Can I have dat mama?" She asks pointing to the small plate of croissants.
"You want one of these?" I hand her a napkin along with the pastry. She picked it up with her small hands taking a bite. "It's good. You wan' taste it?" Aaliyah stood up pulling off a piece for me. "Here you go," She fed it to me and then patted my head "Good mommy."
I smiled trying not to laugh at Aaliyah who was squinting her eyes because of the sun that was shining in her direction.
"You're so fucking beautiful." I mumble to myself watching her stand there eating the rest of her croissant.
liked by dalton_jacob and 9.041.432 others
arianagrande my mini best friend
view all 20.153 comments
normani she's so small❤️🥺
courtneychipolone can i have her? please 🥺
arianagrande @courtneychipolone you'll have to pry her off me
theshaderoom not her trying to stick a whole croissant in her mouth💀
user043 CWASOINT!
user1800 what's ur secret to have such cute kids wtf😫😭
kimkardashian SO CUTE!
"Do you see one you like bubbly?" I hummed holding Aaliyah up letting her get a view of the many rows of rings. She loves shiny things, my rings in particular so I brought her in here, just to see if she saw anything she liked.
"That one mommy." She said pointing out a medium sized open one. "It looks like yours!"
"I see you like twinning with me" I chuckled setting her back on her feet. "Can I look at those please?"
"Oui, oui," The Jeweler rambled to himself with a smile pulling the velvet organizer from the case, placing it in front of me.
"Hmm bub I think i'll have to get the diamonds made smaller for your baby little fingers," I knelt down sliding the ring onto Aaliyah's middle finger. "Oh wow that's stunning, you like?" Aaliyah grinned widely, nodding her head.
I take a quick photo and send it to Dalton. "Yes, yes, that one."
"Aaliyah what are you doing?" I narrowed my eyes at my daughter, sitting across the table from me eating her lunch.
Aaliyah shrugged her shoulders picking up yet another fry with her fork. She pursed her lips cocking her eyebrow at me as if she was saying 'what do you think?'
"You are so extra- baby!" I laugh as she continued to eat each one of her fries one by one with her fork. "You don't have to eat it like that just pick it up with your," I gave up "Never mind, as long as you're enjoying it."
"You're so silly mommy" Aaliyah says wiping her mouth with her napkin, just like I taught her.
"Why am I silly bub?"
"Cause you're posed' to eat them with your fork mommy"
"Oh." I raised my eyebrows "I am?"
"Mama's do you want dessert or are you already too full on your fries?"
Aaliyah's eyes widened. "Dessert!"
liked by sofiasousaa and 12.021.853 others
arianagrande eating her fries with her fork
view all 11.785 comments
chloexhalle okayyyy
frankiejgrande isn't that how you're supposed to eat them?
arianagrande @frankiejgrande oh my god-
victoriamonet i'm done with her🤣
tbhits wine glasses and forks 😭
niyahwrites__ i mean... i guess that's one way to do it
user000 it's the water in the wine glass for me😌
"Do you know what this is?" I ask as I cut into the dessert, Aaliyah's curious brown eyes staring up at me.
"Iss a cake?"
"We'll kind of, it's a soufflé."
I held my fork up to her mouth, my other hand cupped underneath. "Here you go," I feed it to her "Is it good bambina?"
Aaliyah licked her lips "Iss so good mommy!"
My free hand flies up to cover my chest "Oh my god stop!" A soft smile comes across my face "You're so cute! Why are you so cute?"
Aaliyah took my fork going to get another bite like it was nothing. "I don't know"
"You're just so damn beautiful. Why is that?"
"Because you're my mommy"
"Damn right."
We arrived back to our hotel room to find a sweet little surprise on a table near the window. "Look mommy!" Aaliyah pulled herself up onto a chair to get a better look of the arrangement of flowers and chocolate covered strawberries.
"What is all of this?!" I questioned Aaliyah who shook her head in response. "Now who could've..."
I unfolded a note attached to the vase; Wanted to send you guys a little something, I miss my girls -Dalton
My cheeks flushed red "Goodness. Aaliyah, your daddy is something else" I pushed some of my hair behind my shoulder reading the note that was attached to the box of strawberries.
Aaliyah, share with your mother.
I snickered absentmindedly running my fingers through my daughters hair. "Both of you two are cute. Seriously."
liked by yourlyingletmesee and 2.735.129 others
arianagrande 🌫
view all 5.992 comments
dalton_jacob i wonder who got you those??
arianagrande hmmm i'm not sure. the card had the name Dalton on it, do u know?
dalton_jacob i miss u
dalton_jacob MY WIFE
user228 can someone send me some flowers pleaseee😩
user1800 @user228 i gotchu 😉
user228 @user1800 ew no, not you
user6747 hi i'm a a 15 year old singer and my mom said that if i reach 1,000 followers she'll buy me a professional mic! follow me! You won't be disappointed!
courtneychipolone me over here turning my neck a whole 360
tell me why i struggled so much with this
don't forget to vote!
sorry for errors.
2290 words.
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