♡︎instagram lives♡︎
Age: 3
"Good morning and yes it's Ariana-"
"AND AALIYAH" Aaliyah butted into her moms instagram live, sticking her head in the way. Ariana giggled a little, "Aaliyah if you don't move you're big ole' head out the way" Ariana smushed Aaliyah's head out of the camera's frame.
Aaliyah climbed on top of Ariana, covering Ariana's eyes with both her hands. "MOMMYYY!"
"Does ANYONE wanna babysit???" Ariana groaned. "This kid is a trip y'all, help me" Ariana spoke, her daughters hands still hiding half her face. She rolled over the opposite direction, talking to her fans about her new makeup line until she was interrupted again by Aaliyah laying right in front of the camera, her head blocking Ariana's entire face.
"Hi guysss" She said with her lisp. "I'm going with my Nonna to-day and we're going shopping" Aaliyah rambled causing Ariana to laugh, clenching her teeth. "Yeah I can't wait for you to go with Nonna"
Aaliyah continued to talk to the live and after awhile, Ariana started to get uncomfortable. "Baby i can't breathe" She gasped tickling Aaliyah's sides to get her off of her. "Why you always gotta interrupt my lives Li?"
Aaliyah got up and started jumping on the bed, running around, screaming.
"I made the mistake of letting her take a nap yesterday. She's got so much energy. Wayyy too much" Ariana whispered. "AALIYAH! Sit down!"
Ariana moved Aaliyah to the fluffy couch that was against the wall of her bedroom. "You wanna hold my phone while mommy makes the bed? Yeah?" Ariana handed Aaliyah her phone "Two hands please, don't press anything"
"Hi everybody, it's Aaliyah-"
"AND ARIANA" Ari shouted mimicking what Aaliyah did earlier.
"Mom I'm talking!" Aaliyah facepalmed herself shaking her head at the camera. "I seriously can't with her sometimes." She let out a sigh.
Ariana strained her jaw to keep herself from saying something she shouldn't, and went back to making the bed.
"Anyways sorry about my hair" Aaliyah moved some loose pieces of her ponytail from the night before out of her face. "My MOM didn't brush it today. I don't know why." She looked at Ariana, "WHY?"
"Aaliyah!" Ariana took back her phone "Like I said, we just woke up." She told the live, and then made a face. "Only 30 minutes into the day and she's already putting me on blast" Ariana muttered as she left the room.
She made her way to her bathroom and went to close the door and jumped when she saw her Aaliyah who'd followed her. "You know I actually came in here to remove myself from you, but you followed me in here..."
"Hey that's mean!"
"No I'm telling you the truth. You're annoying as hell" Ariana ran a brush through Aaliyah's hair and put it up in a bun to keep it out of her face. "I still love you though" She kissed Aaliyah's pouted lips.
"What's this?" Aaliyah picked up a glass cylinder, shaking it. Ariana was quick to stop her."Oh babe that's my body glitter. You want some?" Aaliyah nodded her head trying to open it herself which probably wasn't the best idea cause it immediately went everywhere.
"No don't-" Ariana squeezed her eyes shut "Oh my god."
Ariana took it from Aaliyah's hands, picking up her phone as well. "Stay there. Don't you move." She ordered before running off to get something to clean it up with. "Badass child..."
Ariana sighed when she stepped on a pile of legos. She scooped some up in her hand, showing the live. "These right here, hurt like hell"
"That's not nice!"
Ariana's head snapped up hearing a familiar voice. "Aaliyah I told you to- you're getting it everywhere!"
Aaliyah just grinned at Ariana and began to giggle, her dimples appearing on each of her cheeks. Ariana laughed too. "You and that lil' cheeky smile," She grabbed Aaliyah's hand. "C'mon you're helping mommy clean"
"I'm sorry mama" Aaliyah apologized as Ariana helped get all of the glitter of her hands and face.
"It's okay bubba, everyone makes mistakes"
"Even you?"
"Yup, even me"
Aaliyah's eyebrows went up, "Oh yeah! Like when you're trying to cook food that taste good but then it doesn't?"
Ariana's shoulders dropped. "What?! Aaliyah I thought you liked my spaghetti??"
Aaliyah shrugged "I like macaroni better"
Ariana looked at the live, pointing to her daughter "You see this?"
Ariana put Aaliyah on the counter while she cleaned the floor. "You lied to me, Aaliyah. You said it was good!" She whined.
"I didn't wanna hurt your feelings mama"
Ariana's heart squeezed at that. She smiled, "Aww thank you babe, but please don't lie to me. Especially when it comes to my cooking" Aaliyah nodded in understanding. "You do make god Mac n cheese though mama"
Ariana tickled Aaliyah's stomach "Oh I see. Is that what you want for dinner tonight? I got you"
Aaliyah clapped her hands "YAYYY"
"Look at you, looks like you're going to be sparkly for the rest of the day huh?"
Ariana carried Aaliyah to the living room. "I'm sparkly mommy!"
"I know-" Ariana covered her face and sneezed. "Goodness"
"Mama do you have the 'bless you's'?" Aaliyah asked making Ariana giggle. "Nah I think it's just all that glitter, you wanna answer questions off the livestream with me? Yes, okay" Aaliyah climbed on Ari's lap laying her head back on her mother's chest.
user: ari u got a personal trainer?
Ariana squinted her eyes at the screen all while trying to hold Aaliyah still."Do I have a personal trainer? No, but I have a kid. She eats all my food and doesn't let me sit down so same."
user: awww look at aaliyah being a angel 🥰🥰
user: aali is so cute y'all fr
user: hi liyah babyyy
"Bubba they're saying hi to you, wanna wave?" Ariana asked and Aaliyah waved shyly. "Hi"
"Why you so quiet now? You had a lot to say earlier when you kept interrupting my live."
user: aaliyah is her spaghetti really that bad 😭
Ariana read the question out loud, glaring at Aaliyah for her to answer.
Aaliyah sighed sadly "Yes, it tastes like sorrow"
Ariana instantly frowned "Okay now you're actually hurting my feelings." Ariana covered her face.
"B-but you said you wanted me ta be honest wif you" Aaliyah said in confusion.
Ariana sniffed "I know, it's my fault."
Ariana ended the live and decided to post a small part of it on her Instagram.
arianagrande she kills me😭
view all 366.012 comments
courtneychipolone Aaliyah's on a mission to ruin your life ari
victoriamonet every time she sighs 😭😭 baby been working all day
mtv she's a mini comedian
arianagrande @mtv quite the character isn't she?
nickiminaj ariana you better do her hair!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣
arianagrande @nickiminaj i was going to i promise !
thejoshliu "my mom didn't brush it today, WHY?" why arianaaa we need answersss
user58392 Omg she is so damn cuteeee 😂🥺
mileycyrus this made my day
user34 baby just wanted some attention lol
user89 helpppp she literally exposes you every time you get a camera in her face 😭😭😭💀
user102 "i can't wait for you to with nonna" you can hear the pain in her voice
lizgillz why why whyyy is she so energetic??
that's it for today
don't forget to vote! comment!
sorry for errors.
1225 words.
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