♡︎Baby Love♡︎
Saturday's are my most favorite days. Their the days that I get to spend with my baby. I hardly see her at all during the weekdays because of my job. When I leave she's asleep and when I come home she's asleep. A baby's schedule is quite complicated if you ask me.
I was halfway asleep when I hear a small cry, I fully opened my eyes, sunlight flooding in through the bedroom window. Aaliyah's cries getting louder every second.
"Hang on baby mama's coming" I shout and she quiets down a little. I smiled, "That's my girl."
I put on my robe and headed to Aaliyah's nursery. "Good morning mama's" I cooed softly keeping my voice low. "Liyah" I whispered taking her out of her crib. "Did we sleep good?" I rocked her in my arms and she stopped crying.
"There we go, are you awake now" She stared back at me and blinked her eyes. "Yes? Okay,"
I laid her on the changing table and got her ready for the day, humming moonlight as I walked around her nursery. I stopped when I heard her giggle. I turned around,
"You like that?"
She giggled again behind her pacifier kicking her legs in the air.
"Are you going to talk today?" I gently removed the pacifier from her mouth, she can't actually talk, she's only 5 months but she tries. She makes the cutest little sounds and I know exactly what she wants. I can tell from her cries too.
"Say hi mommy!" All she did was wave. I shrugged, "Eh close enough"
I carried her into the kitchen and sat her in her high chair. "What does Li want hm?" I bent my knees so my face was at her level.
"Alright one "babanana" coming right up." I wasn't going to give her a actual banana. Never. She's not the best with solid foods yet but she's in love with bananas so I found something to substitute for it.
"Here you go baby love!" I poured some of the banana puffs on her tray. She went about picking them up one at a time with her tiny fingers and placing them in her mouth.
She held one out to me and I gasped, "Are you trying to share with mommy?" Her eyes went wide as she pursed her lips. "Yes? Okay let mommy have it." She placed it in my mouth, and cheese showing her two teeth. "Thank you baby"
She then proceeded to stick a whole three of those puff thingies in her mouth.
"No no no," I tried to pull her hand away but she already stuck them inside.
"Aaliyah only one at a time." Hey, maybe it wasn't that big of a deal, but I'm way too over protective with things like this. She could choke. I reached in her mouth to take the other two out and this bitch-
this bitch bit me.
She closed her mouth hard and her bottom two teeth sunk into my finger.
"Aaliyah!" I yell out of pain and she opens her mouth. "What the fuck! Do you wanna choke?"
Suddenly her eyes glossed over and she jutted her bottom lip out. My heart broke. I didn't mean to make her upset. "Li don't cry" I picked her up out of the high chair. "Shhh mommy's sorry she didn't mean to yell." I say softly blowing cool air on her face.
She latched her fingers onto my hair and closed her eyes. "Works for me." I let her sit in her bouncy seat in the living room so I could clean the kitchen. When I was done I found out that she was now wide awake. Watching the creepy ass Teletubbies.
She screamed when she saw me reaching her arms out my direction "Oh you wanna get out now?" I let her play on her play mat while I sat on the floor on my laptop checking my emails. "I'm gonna have to change this damn channel" I mumbled to myself pressing random buttons on the remote to change it to anything else.
Aaliyah let out a broken cry and I look over at her, "Don't you cry. I'm saving you. I don't need you having nightmares in 2 years..."
She butt scooted her way over to me and sat herself between my legs, "Babah"
"Babah" She repeated and started full on babbling stuff that I couldn't understand.
"What is it Li? Tell mommy what you want."
She kicked her feet at my laptop.
"You want me to move it?"
She repeated the action again and I nodded in understanding. "Okay there it's moved." She moved herself so that her whole body was now in my lap. "that's what you wanted?" She extended her arm out to a toy almost falling over. "OH! This?" I hand it to her and she sticks in into her mouth leaving drool all over it.
I curled one of her curls around my finger, "Wanna come with me to work tomorrow?"
She looked up at me and stuck out her tongue.
"I don't care you're coming."
liked by jamescharles and 6.296.124 others
arianagrande 'i tried to eat mommy's finger today' (she fucking tried to eat me😭)
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"Hey" I greeted to everyone as I entered the studio, Aaliyah's carrier in my hand.
"Hello mother."
I roll my eyes, "Damn would ya'll leave me alone? Hey Tommy."
Courtney gasped running over, "You brought my baby!" She pouted lifting up the blanket that was draped over the carrier revealing Aaliyah. "Hi Liyah" Courtney cooed making faces at her.
"Court stop she doesn't like that." I say as Aaliyah started crying.
Courtney's jaw dropped offended.
"Court it's okay, it's not you. She's hungry." I handed her one of Aaliyah's bottles, "Here, go in the hall. She's too loud and I gotta get to work." I kissed Aaliyah's chubby baby cheek, "You're gonna go with Coco okay? I'll see you in a minute."
I took a seat in front of the soundboard while Victoria opened up my files from last week. "How's mommy life treating you?" Tommy says making me I chuckle, "It's alright, it's alright."
"She's so tiny" Vic pouted and I scoff, "Yeah. Tiny but mighty. Not only did she bite me, this morning she pinched me."
Victoria and Tommy both started laughing like I said something funny. I shoot them a glare and they stop. "Fuck the both of you." I huff going inside of the booth.
We recorded a few backing vocals until I heard a familiar sound. My baby's cry. I saw Courtney come through the door with a fussy Aaliyah and shake my head. "Ariana someone's here to see you." Victoria said through the monitor as if I hadn't already saw Courtney come in.
"God Courtney, what did you do to her?" Victoria snickers and Courtney flips off.
She passed Aaliyah's bottle to me, still full. "She wouldn't eat."
"Well I guess we know which one of us she likes more." Victoria smirks.
"Bitch no she's mine."
I take Aaliyah out of Courtney's arms, "Please shut up."
"Mama's aren't you hungry?"
She tugged at my shirt and I sighed, "You too good for the bottle huh? You want mommy's milk." I lift up my top and she latches on, sucking away. "Eh your fine, mommy's boobs hurt anyway."
"Oh just pull out your boob okay." I eye my friends, "The 3 of you! Y'all done seen them already."
I sat myself down on a chair bouncing my leg up and down, "Carry on."
Vic goes over to the soundboard to play back what I had just recorded. "I like that, we'll see what Scottie thinks when he's in tomorrow." Scooter came in and our heads turn to look at him. "Good afternoon, I thought I'd stop by." I wave with my free hand.
"Ari are you gonna bring her every time?"
My head leans to the side, what kind of question is that? "Um yes, she's my daughter."
He huffed and nodded. I narrow my eyes at him, I have no choice but to bring her. The only time I get with her is on weekends. My schedule's too full, thanks to him.
Courtney whispers, "She's asleep."
I look down seeing that she had fallen asleep. I lower my top and pop a pacifier in her mouth. "You ready to take a nap? Ya okay." I placed her back in the carrier lowering the blanket.
"Okay now, where were we?"
liked by courtneychipolone and 17.836.511 others
arianagrande she's so sassy. it's going to become a problem in the future i swear.
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hm should i do more with baby Aaliyah?
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1477 words.
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