CHAPTER 15: Long May He Reign | Maeve
TODAY WAS an auspicious day for the Kingdom of Arcerea. But for Maeve, today was nothing but an superfluous display of extravagance and subservience to the flawed system that she had been trying to challenge. If she were still a monarchist, she would be rejoicing with everyone else. But now, she would dread seeing the crown placed on the head of Prince Alphonse de Arcerea—soon to be King Alphonse I.
Every important person in the capital city of Polarcus convened in the Cathedral of the Church of Arcanus. Since there had been a number of attacks in the past few weeks—from the murder of the late king up to the suicide of a terrorist in the downtown district—the security became the strictest in recent memory. Capitol constables were stationed within the perimeter of the cathedral. City garrison was deployed to assist in maintaining peace and order. Only those with invitation were allowed entry to the sanctuary and witness the historic moment that would only happen twice or thrice in a century.
While most attendees donned their most glamorous gowns and fashionable suits, Maeve chose to wear her usual navy blue coat. Not only her, but also her fellow republican senators. Dressing for the occasion might sent the wrong signal of support for the monarchy. She, as the newly elected leader of the opposition, could not be seen as either an enabler or a sympathizer. Striking a compromise with the Crown Prince and the Senate president in the Evergreen Gardens was already too much for her. She even wondered how she managed to stomach it.
Maeve stood at one of the galleries in the Cathedral, looking down on the monarchists and royalists below who wore crimson dresses. She easily spotted the blue republicans in a sea of red. Her eyes raised their gaze and stared at the giant statue of the hooded Arcanus for a minute. She had been here before, when she was a student in the academy. She was skeptic of the Arcerean supreme deity, but she respected the lore and beliefs of her fellow citizens.
"Does the opposition leader mind me asking some questions?"
Maeve's lips curled into a smile before turning to the woman who asked that question. Patrische, wearing a scarlet dress, stood before her. "Are you on duty today? Shouldn't you be enjoying the glorious crowning of our new king?"
Patrische rolled her eyes. "As much as I want to appreciate this momentous event, my editor has ordered me to write an article about the coronation. What a killjoy! But I'll make up for it by enjoying the cakes and wine later."
"Take as much as you can. We paid for the food and drinks here after all." Maeve darted her gaze around the cathedral. "Well, we paid for everything. The Senate president had to strong-arm us just to get the funding for the coronation approved."
"I wish I could write about the taxpayers shouldering the cost of this celebration and not being invited. But my editor will only censor that part."
Maeve meeting Patrische in a public gathering was such a rare sight. Patrische was mostly stationed in the Palace, waiting for any bit of news worth reporting. As much as she wanted to be assigned in the Senate so she could see Maeve more often, she chose to stick to the Palace beat, her comfort zone.
"So," Patrische took out a pen and paper, "what can the opposition leader say about the coronation? How do you feel about it?"
"It's costly and unnecessary." Maeve's tone became serious. "We could have alloted that half a million mercs to fund a short-term social welfare program than spend it on a one-day indulgence."
"Hmmm . . ." Her lover paused from writing as she looked up to her. "This is a biting and a valid criticism, but my editor will probably strike it off my article."
The lady senator chuckled. The Archives had been always on the side of the monarchy.
"Can you tell me something positive?" Patrische asked. "They want the article to be more hopeful, more optimistic. If you say something not nice, they will only censor it out of existence. It's their call, not mine."
Maeve shut her eyes close and let out a sigh. If the one interviewing her was someone else, she would have scolded that writer. "How about . . . We may fundamentally disagree with the monarchy and what it stands for, but we acknowledge the tradition that may potentially bring hope and unity among our fellow citizens in these dire times. We do not support it, but we respect it . . . Is that enough?"
"It's not enough. It's more than enough!" Patrische beamed at her. "That will do. You reiterated your position and you said something a bit nice. Hit two birds with one stone."
Words held as much power as an arcaster's magic, so Maeve had to be careful playing with them. A verbal gaffe could create commotion within their ranks or give ammunition to their monarchist rivals.
"They will only give you one line for the sake of fairness, so that's enough for a quote." Patrische moved closer to her. "Thank you for your cooperation, lady senator. Enjoy the show."
Maeve returned her gaze to the crowd below as her lover left her alone in the gallery. More monarchists and royalists arrived in the cathedral.
"I hope you're not thinking of jumping from up here just to ruin the event."
"Why would I? I still have to fight the monarchists on the Senate floor." Maeve looked over her shoulder and was greeted by Renoux's smiling face. She looked at him from head to boots, observing that the young monarchist was not in his most lavish suit. He wore his regular crimson coat with a merlion pin on the lapel. "You're not appropriately dressed for this occasion. Amidst the red sea of monarchists, you will stick out like a sore thumb."
"You have no idea how much I love my uniform!" Renoux leaned on the balustrade. He also watched the arrival of the other guests. "Victor told me the same thing. I got some scolding from him when we met below."
Maeve looked at one of the front row pews and spotted the leader of the Senate conversing with his fellow monarchists. "Shouldn't you be down there? I assume you're delighted that your prince will finally be crowned today."
Renoux leaned his back on the balustrade to face the republican, resting his elbows on it too. "You think I'm a big fan of Alphonse?"
"Aren't you?"
"I'm a bigger fan of his younger sister, Hermitiana. I met her when I was still in the academy. She's a gentle soul. What this kingdom needs is a scalpel, not a hammer. Just like the late King Bennett."
Maeve chuckled. As much as she despised the monarchy, she would rather have anyone else than Alphonse as the monarch. She did not like his tone during the confirmation hearing. "So you prefer Queen Hermitiana than King Alphonse? That sounds like treason to me." She twitched at the mention of the royal titles. She was becoming allergic to them.
"I just want to see women in charge for once. We've had kings, but never a queen." Renoux's eyes had a dreamy look in them. He snapped back into consciousness as he turned to Maeve. "Hey, don't tell the future king, okay? He might have me executed as soon as the coronation is over."
"I'm curious how your head will look on a pike," Maeve jested. The penalty for treason was beheading. She had not seen an actual execution since she got in the capital city. Renoux would be the first, if she chose to rat him out.
"Hey, don't say that! Remember, I saved your life!"
"But I didn't ask you to save me. So I don't owe you anything."
Maeve giggled. She appreciated this light moment with him. Among the monarchists, perhaps it was only Renoux whom she could have honest conversations with. Was that really surprising? They both entered the academy at the same time and they both came from the blessed province of Darsche.
"Do you think he will be a good king?" she asked, throwing a sidelong glance. "Do you think he can be better than his father?"
Renoux shrugged as he blew off some air. "Who knows? We'll have to wait and see. Even some of my monarchist colleagues don't know how he's going to govern the Kingdom. He can be better. He can be worse. He can be so-so. Regardless, we the Senate are here. We won't let him do something crazy, will we?"
"Of course, we won't. But if he does, a bipartisan effort will be much appreciated."
"We should work together." Renoux pressed his right hand on his chest. "I may be a monarchist, but I am not the enemy here. Some of my Senate friends aren't, too."
But in Maeve's eyes, they were the enemy. They enabled the system that perpetuated the injustices in their great nation. If they would not change course, they must be held equally accountable.
"Maybe I should greet some of your republican friends." Renoux excused himself and approached Sumeria who was also in the same gallery. The two exchanged pleasantries. Maeve was left alone again. She looked down. Every other important person must have already arrived. The ceremony would start soon.
"You must despise this day."
Maeve made an about-face turn to the person who spoke behind her. This time, a man with swept-back gray hair and large build walked in the gallery. He stood out from the rest of the attendees. He wore neither deep red nor navy blue attire. Instead, he donned a grey military uniform—long-skirted coat, waistcoat and breeches. He pinned neither merlion nor griffin brooch on his lapel. Instead, he got a metallic bull with large horns.
"Ambassador Adelbert," Maeve greeted him. She stared at the bull brooch before raising her gaze at the man's clean-shaven face. He looked as young as her, but he must be a few years older. "Shouldn't you be down there, with the other dignitaries?"
"The ceremony hasn't started so I decided to roam around this magnificent cathedral. Quite the design, huh?" Adelbert clasped his hands behind his back. His towering figure casted a shadow over the lady senator. "Then I found you up here."
Since the war among the three superpowers broke out, the Kingdom of Arcerea had become the neutral ground. They served as a mediator and provided an avenue for diplomacy. Each superpower sent an ambassador to the capital city of Polarcus where they could discuss any terms and conditions related to the war. If one side wanted to call for a ceasefire, they could meet with the other nations' ambassadors in the Hall of Peace and resolve the issue immediately.
Adelbert Schneider hailed from the Camerian Federation, the nation that controlled the entire continent southeast of the Arcerean Islands. Maeve had heard before that he was the youngest son of a tycoon over there.
"I hope it's not yet late to congratulate you on your election as the leader of the republican faction in the Senate." Adelbert offered his right hand to her. "You have big shoes to fill, and I wish you nothing but the best."
"Thank you." Maeve had to tilt her head up just to look him in the eye. She shook his hand firmly. It felt strange to have a conversation with an ambassador, the representative of a global superpower. She had never gotten this opportunity before. Only the chairperson of the Senate committee on foreign affairs usually enjoyed that privilege.
Adelbert stood before the balustrade, looking straight at the golden statue of Arcanus. A hint of wonder sparkled in his eyes. "I'd like to think of us as kindred spirits, you know."
"How so?" She raised a brow. What did he mean by us? Me and him? Or our countries?
"We are a republic." Adelbert glanced at the republican senator over his left shoulder. "You want to be a republic. We hate the idea of one man having all the powers to himself. We loathe the idea of letting power be passed down from one generation to another by right of birth."
Personally witnessing a king being crowned was the last item on Maeve's bucket list. But could she do anything about it? No. The citizens of Arcerea were supportive of the monarchy, that's why they always elected an overwhelming number of monarchists to the Senate. If they had supported the idea of a republic—where the people held the power, not just one person—then there would have been more republicans in the chamber. That was not the case, as of today.
"I also hate the idea of people beating around the bush." Maeve thought the ambassador must have a reason for talking to her. He would not waste his time just to engage in an idle chatter. "I have to be blunt, ambassador. What do you want from a senator like me?"
"It's true what they say about you. You're straightforward." Adelbert's lips twisted into a smirk. "I heard that special senatorial elections are about to be held to fill the vacant seats in the Senate. Condolences, by the way. Since we're cousins in ideology, maybe we can help you. Because that's what cousins do, right? They help each other."
Cousins? Her forehead creased. The ambassador's words alarmed her. "You want to interfere in our elections?"
"You and your faction are at a great disadvantage. Our assistance will level the playing field."
"You think we can't handle the monarchists on our own? That we're helpless in front of them?"
"No, that's not what I meant." Adelbert shook his head slowly. "I know that you can handle the monarchists, though it's going to be an uphill battle. But we find it unfair that you're on your own while they have some outside help."
Maeve's brows furrowed. Their conversation was taking a strange turn. "What do you mean?"
Adelbert nodded in the direction of a foreign dignitary below. Maeve stood close to him so she could see who was being pointed at. "Your Senate president has been receiving the ambassador of Yuan Empire in his office."
"And?" Her eyebrows furrowed further. "Victor's the head of our government. It's not unusual for him to receive an ambassador. It's one of his many duties. As much as I don't like him presiding over the Senate, I fail to see what's wrong with it."
"Is it not unorthodox for him to meet a dignitary after session hours? And weekly, if I may add. I only got a chance to meet the Senate president a month ago. Scheduling an appointment with him has never been easy for me. But the Yuan ambassador, for some reason, seems to have no difficulties with it. Just one note, the Senate president clears his schedule for him."
Maeve blinked at him repeatedly. That worried her. She had always believed that the Arcerean government stood by the late king's decision to be neutral in the ongoing war. But the Yuan ambassador having easy access to the Senate president, if it were true, could raise some concerns in the Kingdom's foreign affairs policy. It might upset the balance that they had been painstakingly maintaining.
"H-How did you know about this?"
"We keep an eye on anyone and anything of interest to the Federation."
"You're spying on them. On us."
"Not without a good reason," Adelbert said, lowering his voice. He paused for a second to look around them. "If something's going on between the Yuan ambassador and the Arcerean monarchists, you and your faction are doomed. You won't get a chance to win the majority, let alone win more seats in the Senate. That's why we're here to make the playing field much more competitive."
Meave looked down. If the intel from the Camerian ambassador was genuine, then the Yuan Empire could pour money into the campaigns of the monarchist candidates. Worse, the monarchists might have struck a deal with the Empire and offered them something in return for their help.
"In exchange of what?" The first question that popped up on Maeve's mind. Given the intense political climate, the so-called help would not come without any cost. Nothing was free anymore. Everything came with a price tag.
"Nothing," he answered with a smile, also flashing his white teeth.
"I don't believe you."
"Can't you trust your cousin?"
"We're not cousins."
"No." Maeve shook her head firmly. There's no way they won't ask for anything in return. "Be honest with me and tell me what the Federation wants. What's in it for you?"
"I've told you. We want nothing."
The lady senator sighed. If the ambassador refused to talk, then she would have to guess what they desired. "Do you want us to push for your proposal to build military bases on our island? Is that what this is all about? But you do know that we don't have the numbers."
Adelbert chuckled. "We've long abandoned that request since the late king turned it down. We understand that it's not good optics for a neutral nation to let the Federation build a base in their own territory. It may appear as a provocation to other superpowers, especially the Empire."
"So what do you want now?" Maeve was persistent. She would not just fall for the "nothing" answer. She knew that there was a catch to it.
"Fine!" Adelbert finally budged. "Let's just say . . . should the day come that we will need your help, we hope that we can count on you."
"That sounds like a blank check to me."
"We won't force you to give us what we want," the ambassador tried to assure her. "If you can't deliver, then no problem. We won't take it against you. We only want to let you know that you can rely on us, the Federation. Whether you reciprocate our generosity or not, it's ultimately up to you."
But Maeve was not buying any of that sweet talk. She was thankful for not being a fool. "I'm not fond of the monarchy and any of the monarchs. But if there's one thing that I admired about Bennett, it's his policy of neutrality. If we accept your offer of help, the day may come that we will be forced to side with you. And that makes us no different from the monarchists whom you've alleged siding with the Yuan Empire."
"Unlike the Empire, the Federation has no ambition of conquering the world." Adelbert clutched on the balustrade and looked down where the ambassadors were supposed to be seated. "They attacked one of our protectorates. They left us with no choice but to retaliate. We haven't provoked them in any way before that incident. They provoked us first."
Maeve needed not to be lectured. She was fully aware of what had happened on the islands under the protection of the Federation. Early this year, the Empire launched a swift invasion of the said territory without any warning, killing Federation troops stationed there. And that's how and why a superpower like the Federation that was miles away from the areas of conflict joined the world war.
"You may be neutral for now, but that doesn't guarantee you protection. Your neutrality won't make you immune from being targeted by a nation that attempts to rule the known world. Would you rather be allies with them than us?" Adelbert stood face to face with Maeve. "It's only a matter of time before the Empire declares war on you and invades your islands. Who would be there for you when that happens? Us. So let's be friends as early as now."
Maeve had always dreaded the thought of war. Nothing good would come out of it. There would not be any real victors. Just survivors and victims.
"Announcing the arrival of Crown Prince Alphonse, first in line to the throne of Arcerea!"
"Think about it, senator." Adelbert excused himself with a bow and promptly left the gallery. Maeve observed the attendees below as they positioned themselves in their rightful places. Even the people in the gallery, mostly republicans, stood by the balustrade as they witnessed the most historic moment of the year so far.
Flanked by four royal knights side by side, the Crown Prince entered the Cathedral. The choir sang the national anthem of the Kingdom as Prince Alphonse, in his crimson robe, walked down the aisle leading to the raised platform before the statue of Arcanus. The head of the Church, His Eminence Lord Gillespie, was waiting at the foot of the statue. One of his churchpeople held a cushion where the golden crown was resting.
The music stopped as soon as the prince stepped onto the platform. Everyone in the cathedral went silent. Lord Gillespie asked Alphonse a series of questions, to which the latter repeatedly answered, "I will." The prince was then asked to kneel before Arcanus as the head of the Church lifted the crown from the cushion.
"By the power vested in me," Lord Gillespie spoke as he gently placed the crown on the prince's head, "I hereby proclaim you Alphonse of House Arcerea, King of this Realm by Grace of Arcanus and Protector of the Arcane. Rise now, Your Majesty."
Former prince and now King Alphonse rose to his feet and turned to the cheering crowd. The choir began singing "Long Live the King!" while the attendees erupted in applause.
Maeve stood still on her spot. She neither sang nor clapped. She only watched as everyone was rejoicing for their new monarch.
When the applause died down, King Alphonse took a step forward. "Today is the beginning of a new age, of a new era. I vow before you all—and before Arcanus himself—that I will not live and rule in the shadows of my predecessors. That my reign will be different from the last one."
Maeve scoffed. Nothing will fundamentally change, no matter who sits in the throne. It's just a cycle that repeats every time the wheel is replaced.
"For the past weeks, we have lived in terror. We have feared the shadow creeping into our walls, into our homes. I do not want my people to live in constant fear. I do not want these terrorists to claim victory over us. No, something must be done."
Maeve squinted her eyes. What is he up to?
"That is why, I would like to ask the esteemed members of the Senate present here . . ."
She gulped. I don't like where this is going.
". . . to grant me, the newly crowned king of Arcerea and protector of this Kingdom . . ."
Her lips slowly parted. D-Don't tell me—
". . . dictatorial powers to maintain order not only in the capital city but in the entire Kingdom, and to quell any attempts at destabilizing the peace that we've always loved and enjoyed."
That can't be! Maeve's eyes went wide. A king becoming a dictator? That was unheard of in decades!
"If my humble request is granted, I assure the senators that I shall return the said powers to the Senate after sixty days. Two months. That's all I ask to bring peace back to the Kingdom."
"No!" But Maeve's objection was drowned out by the applause of people around her. Only the republicans refused to clap and cheer with the crowd.
"Dictator! Dictator!" the people chanted joyfully, raising their fists in the air.
The word "dictator" rang in Maeve's ears.
For those who read the first version in 2021-2022, the language of the entire chapter has been translated to English. I have also added a scene between Maeve and Patrische.
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