sour feelings.
Later that night. The group of friends meet at Maddies house. A pile of movies sit on the coffee table, and the kitchen counter is covered in heavy and light alcoholic beverages.
"Now this looks like a party". Quinn says, as she enters along with Quentin. Troy and Tony are romantically dancing, and kissing each other at certain parts of the song.
"Get a room". Eric says, and Seth laughs alond, as they break from their kiss.
"Leave them be Eric". Maddie sips a glass of wine. And Regan sits there pondering.
"Penny for your thoughts"? Tony looks at him, and smiles.
"I'm ok". She struggles to sound brave. Though she failed epically. Truth was, She was far from "ok".
"We're here for you. Don't forget that". Maddie rubs her leg in assurance
"I know. I should get going". She stands up, and though they all protested against her leaving, She Did anyway.
"I'll call you later, Regan". Quinn waves to her As she walks out the door. Regan waves back and smiles.
She made it home in a out a hour. The Sun was completely gone by now, and as she entered her house, she turned and locked the door. She set her keys on the entrance ways table stand.
As she enters the living room, a figure embraces her in a hug. She gets ready to swing, when a familiar voice sounds in her ear.
"Hey honey. I've missed you". The figure pulls back and we see it's her mom.
"When did you her home from your trip"? She looked at her mom as she smiles back to her.
"About a hour ago. I saw you weren't home, so I figured you were at Maddies".
"You would guess right. Wish you could have been here".
"I'm sorry about that. There was No flights back till Wensday. Didn't get home till Friday night. The flight took 16 hours itself".
"You could have called. You could have video chatted me. I have Skype, messenger. Or was the bar to important"?
"Now that's not fair". Her moms tone becomes offensive.
"I'm sorry Mom, but family should come first".
"And that I agree". Her mom starts to tear up.
"I know you miss grandpa. But It was over eight months ago. Give it a rest".
"Death isn't a feeling you can put on the shelf and hide when you want".
"Great mom. How about stick me on your shelf for when I get killed". She rushes off.
"Regan". Her mom calls to Her, but she continues to run up the stairs.
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