She stared out the window, gripping her pillow. Her mom had left to probably go and get a drink at the bar. She already knew she wouldn't be back till the late hours of the night.
She grabbed her cell off her tabletop and flipped it on. She clicked on her Facebook, and went to photos. She saw a picture of her and Aiden. She begins to tear up, but fights them. She knew what happened to him wasn't right, but she wouldn't have forgiven him about what he did to that guy on the road that night.
She hears a faint sound downstairs. She had a faint image of her mom being drunk and hurting herself. She gets up, and enters the hallway. She gets to the foot of the stairs, looking down as a figure goes by the bottom of the staircase.
"Mom"? She calls down. There is no answer. "Mom, are you home"? Another sound alters her attention.
She slowly walks down the stairs, into the living room.
"Mom"? Her voice is a little softer. But still receives no sound. She gets close to the kitchen entrance, and the figure tackles her into the living room, and falls onto the couch.
She rolls off the couch, to avoid the swing of the pickaxe. She dives under the coffee table, as the blade slams throw the wood, stopping a mere inch from her eye.
As the figure pulls the coffee table up, still attached the the pickaxe, she gets to her feet. She sprints down the entrance hallway, and tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge. She turned in time to avoid another swing.
She rushed past of the figure, and up the stairs. The figure close behind. As she reached the top of the stairs, she feels a sharp pain in her shoulder as the blade slices across it. She staggers against the wall, but regains herself. And continues down the ball, tipping a shelf in the process.
She gets into her room, and slams the heavy wood door, and flipped the lock. She rushes to Her cell on the bed, and calls 911.
"911... What's your emergency"?
"I have a intruder in my home. He's trying to kill me".
"Database says there's a squad car about five minutes away".
"I don't think I got that long". She runs into the bathroom, as the pickaxe blade rips through the frame. She closed the bathroom door, and grabbed a can of hairspray off the countertop, And waited.
The door begins to open, and she sprays him right through the mask, he staggers back as she rushes past him. She runs down the stairs and throws the door open, and sees two officers in her porch. She points up the stairs, and As they did a check through the house, they see there's no one in the house.
He was gone.
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