Hit and run.
The car drove a little irate, as the group inside the car was obviously boozed up.
"Come one Aiden, I know this car can to faster"! The petite Burnett looked at him From the passenger seat.
"Well I ain't going any faster"! He yelled back.
"Come on! Drive it like you stole it"! The blonde, very well lit with booze, starts to holler, and sticks is head out the back window.
"Grant, get back in here"! Aiden yelled
A couple in back are making out, a young gay couple, Passionately kiss. Ignoring the others being loud.
"Why is eveyone so loud? Can we quiet down, you guys are ruining the vibe"!
"Please Willow, stop trying to be the hippie of the group, you don't even smoke weed".
"You don't have to smoke weed to be a hippie you stereotypical prick". Everyone laughs as Grant sits there, looking dumb.
"I guess you don't really know everything, Grant"! They all laugh, except the girl in the pasenger seat. Her eyes were glued to the road, like super glue on concrete.
"What is it, Regan"? Aiden asked, trying to see what she saw. But her scream turned his attention from the road, to her, then back to the road.
There was a figure, and it was to late to stop. There was a bone-crunching sound, and it slams against the windshield, and is thrown a good five.feet in the air, and slams onto the concrete with a thud.
The car spins out of control, and fishtails into the nearby ditch. The ass end of the car slams Into a dirt mound, throwing dirt chunks into the air, and slams down.
There is silence.
Nothing but the sounds of clunking metal, the steaming engine, and the distant sound of nature.
"Is everyone ok"? Aiden asked, looking around the car. Everyone, to shocked to answer, nods.
"What did we hit"? Willow asked, sort of dazed. The two guys, broke away from their kissing, looking around confused.
"I don't know. A feet maybe"?
Aiden slowly climbs out the front seat, and into the darkness.
He grabbed his cell phone from his denim Jean jacket, and turned the flashlight on.
"Be careful". Regan yelled to him, as he walked away from the car.
He scanned the road side, seeing nothing. As he was about to give up, he saw something reflecting in the distance. It took him a minute to realize it was reflectors from a bike.
His heart skips a beat, And his blood turns cold.
He approached the mangled mess of metal, and twisted chains.
Then he saw something that induced his fear...
A blood trail, leading up to a mangled body of a young male. Maybe around his late teens.
"No way". His voice silently breaks, and the boys eyes open, and he gurgled on his blood.
'he...he...help... M..m.me". His voice sounds haunting, and somewhat distant. The boy then lowers his head to the concrete...dead.
"Shit! Shit"! He runs back to the car, and gets in. His.mind was racing, and the others were curious about his stance behavior.
"What's wrong"? Willow asked, her voice filled with concern.
"I can't say, but we need to get out of here"! The engine finally turns over, and the car, though mangled and dented, drives away without any problems.
If only they knew someone was there...watching
If only they knew someone knew their secret, and soon they would find out the hard way...
What lying does to you!
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