Zoe Dyson
Turns out, I was given a new mission. But this time, I wasn't given a new cover to play. Today, I am roleplaying as someone who doesn't exist, but I've been pretending to be for a few years now. This is the only nonexistent person I've been assigned that I've acted as multiple times. Why? So that any enemy agencies can believe that this person actually exists as I make it seem that this person is their own individual with a real life. I've achieved this as I've made personal relationships as this character and made her well known in private high society parties. Why in only such luxurious parties? Because this character comes from a wealthy family as they own a business that has earned them enough status to attend such private events. Normally, these events have high activity for agents to roam around and make heists in the buildings that these events are hosted, or there are items exchanged.
I actually quite enjoy it a bit when I'm playing this character because of the friends I made when pretending to be this person. This made-up person I play is called Zoe Dyson. I wear a wig with long raven colored hair with colored lenses, making my eyes look a vibrant blue. I have my natural skin tone, and I'm always wearing a fancy dress when I'm pretending to be Zoe. As I enter the main hall where the party is being held, my gaze immediately lands on a table where 6 pretty ladies are sitting down at and chatting. I stride over to them, and just as I'm about to arrive at the table, I beam a smile and say cheerfully, "Why, hello ladies!"
The girls stop to chat and look at me. As soon as they realize who it is, their eyes light up. Audrey exclaims, "Oh, Zoe! I was afraid that you weren't going to make it this time!"
I let out a joyful laugh and say, "Sorry for making you girls wait for me. My chauffeur arrived a bit late today, and to make matters worse, there was traffic."
Odelia says, "Oh, don't worry, darling. If anything, it's your chauffeurs' fault for arriving late. But either way, we're glad you could make it. It's always such a blessing having you here with us."
"And I enjoy my time with you gals as well, but you know how it is. Sadly, I can't attend all these parties because I help out my father with the business."
The girls nod in acknowledgment. Lily then exclaims, "Oh, Zoe! We saved you a seat! And it's right next to me!"
I look over at Lily, who is smiling brightly at me and gesturing at the empty seat next to her. Jocelyn lightly shakes her head as she chuckles. She says, "Oh, Lily... you're making it too obvious. You're said that as though you didn't basically fight with us in order to be sitting next to Zoe."
Lily flushes up from embarrassment and exclaims, "I-I did not...!"
The rest of the girls turn into a fit of laughter. I just smile reassuringly at Lily, completely dismissing the idea as I say, "Thank you, Lily."
I take my seat in between her and Allison. Lily has a wide grin on her face. I bet she is feeling quite giddy right now. She has always been very fond of me and quite admires me- well- Zoe a lot. Though all the girls have high respect and admiration for Zoe, Lily has been the one to show it the most as she thinks so highly of Zoe. This is because I invited her to our group after seeing her so lonely in a few parties with no close friends. Her real name isn't even Lily. It's Lilian. But after she officially became a part of the group, we started to call her Lily. I think she thinks of Zoe so highly because Zoe was the first person willing to befriend her, which she is so thankful for.
Honestly, at first, Zoe was meant to be a character who was entitled and quite mean as she has great confidence and thinks highly of herself. She was also meant to mess around with guys a lot- in short, Zoe was meant to be a bit of a b*tch, but not the worst you've ever seen. After I befriended these girls, I at first thought that it was one of those girl groups that are all two-faced with each other as they say sweet things in front of each other, but secretly talk sh*t behind each other's backs. So, I was going to do the same thing as to fit in.
But soon, I realized that these girls are actually really genuine and aren't two-faced at all. Sure, they can be a bit entitled and rude, but it's only when they believe they are being mistreated or disrespected. But they are genuine to the people that they care about and look out for each other. Slowly, I also started to care about these girls, even if it's a little bit. So, I molded the character of Zoe to still be confident and quite entitled, and perhaps sometimes mean or have an attitude to strangers, but be genuine to those she cares about, which are these girls. I mostly did that since I didn't want to see these girls hurt as they are actually quite nice. But I know that if I ever had to choose between them or the agency, I would have to go with the agency. Which is why I haven't let myself care too much about them.
When I act as Zoe, I actually quite enjoy my time a bit as I'm mostly spending my time with the girls. Though, I still hate the fact that most of the time, I have to put up a cover and pretend to be someone I'm not. Though, the paper of Zoe is the only one where I can sometimes involve my own personal thoughts or opinions when acting as her, since I am basically creating the character of Zoe at this point. At first, I was told to act a certain way, but the agency has let me do whatever feels right to me when I play as Zoe.
I spend some time chatting with the girls a bit, secretly keeping an eye out for the target while doing so. Currently, the girls are gossiping about random people, mostly guys. They're either offending or fangirling a guy that caught their eye. I see Allison roll her eyes at the girls' behavior. She gives me a look that says, 'they're acting like children.' I just give her a shrug. I'm actually most fond of Allison because out of the bunch, she is the most serious one. She doesn't rant on about such little things, but she can also be quite carefree at times. Though, she mostly shows that side to Zoe as she is the closest with Zoe. I actually call her sometimes Ally because of how close her and Zoe are.
Suddenly, Lucretia pushes back her chair and stands up. She says, "Well, I don't know about you girls, but I'm ready to start this party. All of us lovely ladies are single, and I'm personally ready to mingle. It would be a shame for such beauty to go to waste."
The other girls nod in agreement. Jocelyn then turns to me and cheerily says, "I bet our darling Zoe is going to find a dancing partner before any of us."
In a playful tone, I ask, "And why do you think so?"
"You know very well why! Come on, Zoe, out of all of us, you're the one who has caught the attention of the most men. I lost count after the 20th man asked you to dance."
Lily then exclaims, "I mean, who could blame them!? Zoe has the beauty of a goddess, after all!"
The other girls nod in agreement. I would admit that I look decent when I'm dressed up as someone else, but these girls are just straight-up exaggerating. I say, "As much as I would love to hear you guys compliment me some more, I would like to do something other than sit down."
The girls let out fits of cheerful giggles. We all get out of our seats and part ways to find dancing partners. Though, I'm not exactly planning on dancing as I just want to locate my target. Tonight, I'm just a backup and won't really do anything, but it's still good to keep an eye on the target, just in case. Supposedly, they're going to rob something from the building. Allison accompanies me just near the edge of the dance floor. Allison raises an eyebrow and asks, "Aren't you going to find yourself a dancing partner?"
I say, "Oh, I think it's just as fun watching from the sidelines as the girls try their best to aquire themselves a dancing partner and actually dance."
Allison gently chuckles. After a moment, she says, "You know... I bet you're going to get a dancing partner by just standing here and effortlessly looking pretty, without even intending to."
I lightly scoff and say, "Oh, please, Ally. I think you're exaggerating a bi-"
I get interrupted by a man saying, "Excuse me, ma'am. May I please have the honor of sharing a dance with you?"
I turn, a bit shocked, to a man in front of me. I quickly fix my composure. I hear Allison quietly snickering from the coincidence. I'm about to reject the offer, but I quickly realize that the man in front of me is actually the target. An agent from TDO. This is actually a perfect opportunity. Just in case, I was given a small tracker so that I could place it on the target if I got close enough to him. This is so that they know when he leaves the party to start the heist. He must currently be trying to fit into the party by dancing, and by a lucky coincidence, he chose to do it with Zoe. I confidently smile at him and say, "Why not?"
I danced with the target for a while, and I managed to successfully put a tracker on him in the middle of dancing. Soon enough, I was heading to the original table with the girls. Jocelyn says, "As always, you found yourself a partner barely even trying, Zoe! And as always, you seem to outshine your partner."
Audrey then says, "It's quite obvious that we were all cheering you on, Zoe. But tell us, what did you think of the guy?"
I make a thoughtful face to make it seem as though I'm thinking. I say, "Hm... well, he's not bad of a dancer, but I've seen better men in general."
The girls nod in agreement. Lily then says, "Of course, you only deserve the best man, Zoe! Someone who perfectly compliments you and brings out the best in you! You deserve to be in a perfect couple. To be with someone just as gorgeous as you! But let's be real here, nobody could come close to your beauty."
The girls cheerfully agree. Once again, they're exaggerating. If they knew the real me, they would agree that I don't deserve anything. I let out a soft chuckle and say, "Oh my~ you girls praise me too much. But they're always appreciated, of course."
The girls laugh, and I join in. For the rest of the party, I spent it with the girls, and the other agents who secretly joined me in this mission managed to complete it.
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