My Career
I am Zak Ahmed, but I am known by the agent name of Skeppy in the spy world. I am a part of The Diamond Association, or TDA, which is a spy organization that just wants to protect the world from the plots of secret threats as much as they can. There are multiple spy organizations, though most of them are, unfortunately, those that aim to either bring the world to ruin or somehow conquer it. Our biggest threat, though, is The Demonic Organization, or TDO. Sometimes, we even call them the Demons from how dangerous their agency is.
Not only them, but multiple enemy spy organizations hate me, Skeppy. Why? Well, only because of my amazing impersonation skills. The easier way you can call it is acting. I have always successfully fooled enemy agents and bystanders into believing that I am somebody else who doesn't even exist. It's called putting up a cover. Being able to put up a good cover is a key part of being a spy as you don't want anyone to find out your true identity. You pretend you're a whole different person when carrying out missions, or maybe even when you're just in public, as some agents are only their true selves when they're in the walls of their agency's headquarters.
Even though having a good cover is important as a spy, some spies actually don't have to put up a cover often as they are regularly sent on missions that involve in fighting other's head on or invading a certain area to stop a plan. Some agents aren't even dispatched on missions as they only either hack into systems or help prepare other agents that are getting dispatched on missions. Personally, I actually haven't been dispatched on many missions where I am expected to fight it has only been like- 3 or 4 missions in my whole career? But I was never a big part of those missions, I was mostly just backup as I wasn't expected to do much since I'm not really considered a very 'dangerous' agent.
My expertise is missions where I have to dress up and act as some made-up character. I have pretended to be so many different people that I have lost count after, like the 15th person. I have attended so many events (which are always just giant fancy parties or dinners for rich, important, or famous people) dressed up to either gather information, steal something from an undercover agent, intervene an exchange of items, or to offer some sort of backup or support.
My acts are so good that I have never gotten caught by any agent as Skeppy. I always have them fooled, which irritates the enemy organizations, making me a big threat to them. Nobody even has an idea of what I look like from all the different disguises I've had. They only know the fact that I'm a boy. Other than that and the fact that I'm a good actor, they don't really know anything for certain about me, which is good as there is almost no chance that anyone will find my true identity soon.
You may be wondering how I became a spy in the first place. Normally, spies are taught in secret spy schools or are recruited as they caught the interest of an agency with their skills, so they are watched for a while until it is decided that they would make a good agent. But me? My family has actually worked with TDA for generations. My family and the majority of my ancestors have all been spies, working for The Diamond Association. Me and my older sister, Samira, learned about the agency from my parents at a young age as we were entrusted enough with the information of its existence.
Though, our parents probably just wanted to get us interested so that we could grow up as spies as well. Though both my sister and I did learn self-defense at a young age, and our parents taught us how to use some weaponry, I actually didn't want to be a spy at first. But my sister did, and she was very good at it. She became an agent once she was 18, and she was one of the best. She worked alongside my parents for a few years. I was set on making my own life and staying away from the spy world as much as I could. As soon as I turned 18, I got my own little house.
It seemed like everything was going well for me as I was happy with the life I was getting for myself. My family was happy and successful with their own lives as spies. Everything seemed to be going great. That's at least what it seemed until only just a few months after I moved out when I was 18.
One day, I got a visitor at my house. It turned out that it was an agent from TDA sending me a message. That day, I was informed that my whole family got killed during a mission together. Nobody knows what exactly happened to them, but all they know for sure is that their death has to do with The Demonic Organization. The mission was specifically meant to target TDO after all. Worst of all, their killer was never caught. Nobody knows who it was other than that they're a part of the Demons.
After that day, I only had one thing in mind. Revenge. I was set on my own mission to help bring down the Demons once and for all to avenge my family. That's the only reason why I'm an agent for TDA. For my family. If I successfully help in taking down TDO, then the person responsible for the deaths of my family will also be either brought to ruin or be killed as well. Honestly, if I die without the agency taking down TDO, I hope that at least the one who killed my family died in some way on a mission. I most likely will never get to kill them, but I hope someone else does.
That's really my biggest goal, to make enough of an impact to maybe not kill, but help kill or bring down as many TDO agents as possible as I help bring down their whole agency. I aim to be successful in as many missions as possible so that The Demonic Organization doesn't get any chance of victories for any plans that they have to bring the world into ruin. I don't enjoy my life as an agent, but I need to do this for my family, or else I wouldn't rest easy knowing that their killer is out living their life proudly even with the weight of knowing that they took the lives of innocents, and that I didn't do the best that I could to help bring that person into ruin.
Sure, practically every agent that exists has killed someone, but those that work for The Diamond Association kill only the worst people alive to defend our planet and keep peace around us for as long as possible. The agents that work for TDA and die basically sacrifice their lives in an attempt to protect everyone else that lives on this planet, as they only want to protect the innocent and defeat the evil that tries its best to corrupt us all. Not only my family, but it feels like all those agents' deaths are in vain if evil agencies such as TDO continue to exist and try to conquer us all.
Though I am mainly doing all of this for my family, I hope that what I'm doing does make some of the agents that died to defend this planet rest easy as their killers die and that the agencies they fought against are brought into ruin at some point. Though I'm not necessarily happy with this life that I have, constantly having to put up covers, as it seems to be what the life of a spy is all about, I push through for the sake of my family.
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