(*Le gasp* New Pov!?)
Sapnap Pov:
I'm sprinting down the hallways of TDA. I run past people who either make a surprised gasp, look in my direction to see what the commotion is, yell a curse at me, or just ignore me to mind their own business. I know it's not exactly allowed to be running at the agency, I might get scolded later, but it doesn't matter right now. I need answers. If what I just heard from some agents is true- then that means... no. No no no no. It just can't be true- right? There's no way- how would anyone find out? How is it possible that such a thing would happen outside of a mission, in the real world? Actually- I have a guess... but I can't let myself think that way! Skeppy told me to trust him, so I will.
I finally get to the boss' office. Due to my panic, I almost do something rude by busting the door open. But I manage to come back to some of my senses and actually knock the door first in an attempt to be as polite as I can, even though the knocks could almost be confused as banging on the door as I make hurried actions. I stand quietly, as patient as I can. But due to my impatience, that one second that takes for a response feels like an eternity. Eret calls out behind the door, "Come in!"
I hurriedly open the door frantically and shut it behind me. I then scream out, "BOSS IS IT TRUE!?"
Silence. I immediately smack my hand over my mouth. F*ck- that was so loud. I didn't even let Eret greet me properly or anything, nor did I greet him. I'm too anxious for this sh*t- Eret just stares at me with wide eyes as he is too stunned to speak due to my behavior. I take a deep breath and then clear my throat before saying in a calmer and more formal tone, "Sorry- didn't mean to yell, boss. I'm just anxious right now."
Eret blinks the shock away from his face and gives me a sympathetic smile. He says, "That's fine, Sapnap. Welcome either way. Sorry, I was too focused on your outburst that I didn't even pay attention to what you said. Can you repeat yourself?"
"Is- is it true what I've heard...?"
"...Are you talking about Agent Skeppy?"
"Yes...! It's not true- right? What I've heard are just rumors- Skeppy's actually just taken some sort of break or vacation or something? That's why he hasn't been here the last few days, right? He isn't actually kidnapped?"
I hate the look Eret is giving me. He looks at me with such pitiful eyes. I don't want pity. I want answers! What good will pity do if it doesn't help you reach your goals or do the things that you want to do? Pity won't help you make plans. It won't help you get through tough times or make you stronger. I don't need it. I hate it when I'm pitied. Eret lets out a sorrowful sigh and says, "Unfortunately, we have found out that Skeppy has indeed been kidnapped by The Demonic Organization a few days ago. We're currently trying to locate where he is being kept as prisoner. Right now, we have to hope that he's alive and well and actually hasn't been- killed..."
I freeze at the mention of TDO. Great- it just had to be them, right? Out of all of our enemy agencies, it just HAD to be them! The fact that it was them does not further clear my suspicions of mine on how Badboyhalo could- or could have already betrayed Skeppy! I need more information to somewhat clear my head. I ask, "So, you have no idea of where Skeppy could be held captive?"
"Actually- we did find something... but we're not sure if that's where he's being kept. Rest assured, we're trying our best to find the confirmed location of Skeppy. I honestly have a feeling that they have him in some type of warehouse... TDO sure has a knack for owning random warehouses and renovating them for their own use."
Alright- well... at least that's something. ...I really hope that there's a definitive answer for my next question to have my nerves eased due to the situation that Skeppy has told me secretly in which he is in. I ask, "...Do you- know- or have an idea of who kidnapped Skeppy or how they even managed to find him?"
"Sadly, no. We have no leads on that whatsoever, regardless of how much we want to know. TDO is hiding really well on who even captured Skeppy and how they even got any sort of information on Skeppy or how they found him, since it's pretty clear that they kidnapped him somewhere in the real world due to the fact that he was seen leaving our agent headquarters but never returned nor answered any calls from us. I really wish we had an idea of the full picture... something to help us realize the context of what actually happened and is going on..."
I stand there dead silent. Should I say something about... what Skeppy has told me? About his relationship with Badboyhalo? God, I'm going to feel so guilty if I do. Plus, I did promise Skeppy that I won't say a word. But then again... Skeppy's life is being put in jeopardy right now. And according to what I know- from my perspective... it would make sense that Skeppy's disappearance has something to do with Badboyhalo or is relevant to him anyway- (to be fair, that is lowkey true-) Surely Skeppy would understand my perspective right now- right? I mean- it's not like I know much. Plus, I don't even know Badboyhalo properly. I'm not capable of telling on my own accord if the guy actually has had any good or bad intentions. F*ck- I don't know what to do- Suddenly, I'm broken out of my thoughts when Eret says, "Sapnap? Are you okay? You've been spaced out there for a moment."
I just stare at him in awkward silence. But he seems to see right through me because he asks, "You know something... right?"
My breath gets caught in my throat. Sh*t- now I can't get out of this. I have to say something, or else he'll start thinking that I have something to do with Skeppy's disappearance. But I don't want to betray Skeppy's trust in me... F*ck- but I have to say something. I can't stay quiet in a situation this serious. I'll just... state one simple fact of what I've been told. I don't need to give out any more information or say more of what Skeppy has entrusted me with. Just state one thing... and that's it. I say, "Skeppy has- mentioned something before that could possibly, but not definitely give us an idea of the picture."
"...Go on."
I take a deep breath before saying, "Skeppy is dating a TDO agent."
(Would you do what Sapnap did? 🤔 I'm genuinely curious. I know most of ya'll are probably like, "Oh no! Why'd you do that, Sapnap?!" But keep in mind of the things Sapnap does and does not know and how things could be seen in his point of view. Do you think what he did was reasonable?)
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