I stride my way down the empty hallways of the TDO agency. It's quite late now, so practically everyone has left already. This place is going to be mostly empty. But I know for a fact that Technoblade always stays behind for a while even after working hours in order to catch up on stuff. Soon enough, I find myself in front of the door to Technoblade's office. I don't even bother knocking. I don't care if I'm being respectful or not to someone who literally kidnapped my boyfriend.
I open the door and step inside the room swiftly, quickly followed by me slaming the door behind me. It doesn't even make Technoblade flinch, as he's just sitting down by his desk as usual, nonchalantly clicking and typing at his computer, which annoys me. He glances at me for a second and then back at his computer before saying, "I've been expecting you."
"Where is he?"
Technoblade pauses for a moment before glancing at me. He does it for a long moment before sighing in a disappointed way. He completely turns to face me and places his hands gently on the desk. Despite his calm composure, his eyes look serious, almost menacing. He then says, "You really aren't trying to act sly about it or anything, right? You're just completely exposing yourself, not even trying to hide your intentions."
I scoff and say, "What's the point of trying to hide anything at this point when you know everything? Plus, why should I try to act and pretend like I'm cool with this when you kidnapped my boyfriend?"
"Hmm. It wasn't actually me. I ordered a few agents to do it, which knows that you've betrayed us by having a relation with a TDA agent."
So that's why George heard some agents talking bad about me. I ask, "How did you even find out?"
"Hmm... where did it even start? Oh, yeah. I started becoming skeptical the moment you danced with Skeppy on that mission. Though at that moment, I didn't know that I was right on my abandoned guess that Zoe Dyson was one of Skeppy's covers. After some careful monitoring of you and your new, different developing behavior, I started to guess that something must be happening with you in the real world. That was proven further to me when I talked to you for the first time about your performance. (If you don't remember, check out the chapter called "Warning") So we decided to follow you around once you left the agency, to see what was up with your life, because a gut feeling told me there was something deeper going on, and I was right. We found out that practically daily, you would meet with a person whom we found the name to be Zak Ahmed. I thought that he looked quite similar to Zoe Dyson. So after some digging and reviewing past missions of random people who got suspected once of being Skeppy, all turned out to have similar physical qualities to Zak Ahmed. And soon, after confirmation, it was found out that Zak Ahmed is Skeppy, who also turns out to be your boyfriend, and you knew. I wanted to test out your loyalties when I asked back then if you knew anyone from TDA (check the chapter "Interrogated" if you don't remember), but you have clearly made them obvious now."
"...Well I was going to keep staying committed to TDO while also being with him-"
Technoblade cuts me off by asking, "And how long did you think that was going to last?"
I stare at him, blinking. He says, "How long were you going to keep sparing people just for him? Because that's not how we do things here. Did you really believe that you were going to miraculously keep that way of living forever with THAT big and risky of a secret? Because if you did, then that's stupid. Sooner or later, it was going to be found out."
I stand there in silence. Of course, I knew that. I was aware of that risk the moment I decided not to expose Zak's identity as Skeppy and yet continue to hang out with him. I knew subconciously that I was going to end up fighting a losing battle. But I've been too determined on the idea that everything will end up working out fine, that I will protect Zak... and I still am. I just... couldn't bear the thought of losing someone I love for the first time after I just learned the concept of it. But in this job, it's the only place I've been accepted and respected in, the only place I can really nurture my talent, the way I learned to live for the longest time. Technoblade leans his head over a hand and says, "I'm quite disappointed in how such talent is being put to waste like this."
After a moment of silence, I completely ignore the statement and say once more, "Where is he?"
Technoblade looks up at me but doesn't say a word. He then sighs and opens a drawer for something. He then pulls out a gun and places it on his desk. He looks at me and says, "I guess I'll just go ahead and say this since I'm going to end up killing you either way. Your boyfriend is at a private abandoned warehouse that has been renovated by us. It's one of the biggest we've got. Most likely, during the span of a few days, TDA is going to find out that Agent Skeppy has been kidnapped, do some digging and find the location of where he is being kept at, make a rescue plan since Skeppy is an important part of their agency, launch the rescue plan, and then fail. On the odd chance that they do rescue Skeppy, it won't happen without suffering from a major loss of losing a bunch of their agents."
Technoblade finishes off with a grin. I raise an eyebrow and ask, "Are you using him for bait? Because it seems like you want them to find him, like you have some sort of plan up your sleeve."
"Of course I do."
That unsettles me. I think for a moment. I should be careful about what I say next. If I play my cards right, I'll get out of here alive. I need to stay calm and rational, hence the reason why I wasn't completely lashing out on Technoblade the moment I stepped into this room. If anything, you can't lose yourself to your emotions when dealing with Technoblade. I ask, "What if we make a deal?"
Technoblade raises an eyebrow and asks, "What kind of deal?"
"It is clear that due to the situation, you dont trust me, which is perfectly reasonable. But believe it or not, I have been loyal as can be to this agency, and I want to prove it to you. So, what if I help you out in that plan of yours by killing as many agents as possible at the warehouse for you? Prevent them from rescuing Skeppy? Will that be enough proof to you that I am loyal to TDO?"
"...You don't care if your boyfriend doesn't escape or if he dies?"
"Well- I was planning on coming here to negotiate either way. Because sure, I would like it if he escaped and is alive. But do you really think that that's more important to me than my job? Or my life? I never said anything about him because I like to be risky and wanted to enjoy the experience of having a boyfriend, something I liked all to myself for a moment. Well, not everything lasts, and I had my fun with him. So, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make if I get to keep my position in the agency. I can always find some other lover who isn't actually an agent. There's plenty of other fish in the sea."
Technoblade stares at me with an indescribable face. Though it almost looks like he's shocked. He puts a finger to his chin for a moment as he thinks. He then says, "I'm willing to do it since you're good at killing, but with restrictions."
"What would those be?"
"First off, you will NOT ever receive the information of where Skeppy is actually being held. Secondly, you will be assigned to be around a certain region of the warehouse, which you will stay at and never leave. Finally, you won't enter any rooms, only stay in the hallways or ceiling or whatever, unless you specifically see a TDA agent enter a room, in which you will kill them."
"Alright, sounds fair enough."
Technoblade narrows his eyes at me and studies me for a long moment. He then says, "Alright then, I'll spare you if you do this mission correctly. You'll receive information and be dispatched in a few days. Don't disappoint me. Leave now."
"Thank you for giving me a chance... sir."
I turn around and open the door to leave the room, shutting it closed behind me. I know he doesn't trust me yet, but he's a fool for thinking that there's a possibility of having trust in me and for giving me this opportunity. Because he should know that the moment that he decided to mess with my boyfriend, knowing well that he is my boyfriend, kidnap him and put his life in jeopardy, was the moment that I lost all loyalty to this agency.
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