Chapter 6
I saw Garrett Sitting on the roof watching the sun set once again, Hmm I didn't even notice how fast the day went. I walked over to him and sat down beside him resting my head on his shoulder, he broke out of his trance and looked down at me and Smiled."I see Jasper Role you I was waiting for you," I Smiled at him before answering sassily,"Why else would I be up here?" He smiled and shook his head before pulling out a gorgeous, red rose and handing it to me."Something Gorgeous for A gorgeous Girl," I swear if I could blush people would think I had A fever. He grabbed both my hands in his and said," Fall I was wondering if you wanted to join me on a.. date?" He scratched the back of his head awkwardl,"I realised I never actually took you on a date and Its just I've never felt like this about someone and I don't wanna loose this feeling and if you don't want to I-" I cut him off by placing my lips on his gently, then pulling away and answering," Of course I wanna go on a date with you, I mean It gets pretty lonely after the first 500 years." He grinned and pulled me into a warm hug. It was then that I realised just how much I like this man, I feel safe and happy in his embrace and I know once this is all over I would do anything for him. He pulled out of the hug, instead wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to his side. I smiled up at him and he looking down at me affectionately before getting up and saying,"Better get ready I'm taking you out in 2 hours." I jumped to my feet, kissed him on the cheek and hunted down Rosalie, Alice and Kate, who luckily where all in the same room. I took a quick glance outside to see Garrett messing around with Jasper, Edward,Emmett and Eleazar. "Guys! Please I need you help, Garrett asked me on a date And I don't know what to wear!" At this Alice gasped, stood up and dragged me to her room, with a chuckling Rosalie and Kate following us. Alice sat me down on a chair in front of a vanity table and sent Rosalie to pick out a dress, while she did my makeup and Kate curled my hair lightly. My makeup ended up as a light cut crease and dark lipstick and my hair was in beautiful waves.
I fell absolutely in love with the look and let out an inhuman noise of excitement. I turned and pulled Alice and Kate into a bone crushing hug. But when I saw that dress..... I was blown away.
Its was beautiful, I added Rosalie yo my bone crushing hug before releasing them, grabbing the dress and entering the bathroom to put it on. When I came back out and looked in the mirror I was shocked, I've always had a lot of self confidence and thought I was pretty but Right now I felt gorgeous. I smiled widely at the girls before checking the time and widening my eyes. I said my goodbyes to the girls and they all wished me good luck before I sped down the stairs and into the living room where all of the boys were waiting. Emmett saw me first and let out a wolf whistle, platonicly of course, he is like my big brother. Garrett gave him a confused look before he Turned around and saw me there. I smiled at him and waved sheepishly. His eyes widened and his mouth agape. I smirked and remarked,"Close you mouth Garrett your gonna catch flies." He chuckles deeply before appearing in front of me and placing his hands on my hips." Ready to go?" I nodded and he smiled and grabbed my hand before we sped off. After A while of running we appeared at a fancy restaurant. I turned to him and Smirked ,"So what's on the menu tonight,A, B, AB or O type?" He laugh and said,"Whatever want my love." We walked inside and sat down at a candle lit table, with rose petal. I smiled brightly and looked at him,"Did you really do all this? For me?" He nodded his head and Smiled proudly. Suddenly a deep voice that I recognised cut through the air, I turned my head to see Emmett, Edward and Jasper walking towards us, Emmett being the one that spoke. I giggled at the sight of them all in waiter outfits, Edward came over and started setting out tall wine glasses then handed me a rose with a note attached before walking off. Meanwhile Emmett and Jasper where taking our orders, Emmett turned towards me and said in an awful English accent,"And for you fair lady, What might you wish to have?" I burst into a fit of giggles before saying,"I'll have type O good sir. Thank you very much." He nodded and walked off with Jasper beside him, while I turned my attention to the note on the Rose.
'Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I don't ryhme,
But I like you.'
While I was reading the note Garrett was getting help from Edward and Jasper who had been keeping an eye on my thoughts and feelings. Making sure I like everything, when I looked down to read the note they had turned around and given the thumbs up to Garrett making him sigh in relief just as I looked up."Are you ok?" He jumped at my voice and said,"Me? Pffffttt, Yea I'm fine, just slightly nervous is all." I looked at him and giggled before replying," No need," I grabbed his hand in both of mine before continuing," I really love this, thank you." I kissed the palm of his hand moments before Emmett cane up and poured the blood into our wine glasses, bowjnf dramatically and saying,"Fair Lady, Good sir, I hope you enjoy your meal." I giggle as he walks away and lift my glass, climbing it against Garrett's glass,"Cheers." The Night went well and after the meal we walked along the beach, and just got yo know each other better, sealing the night with a kiss. I know very Mundane but that's what we need everyone and again.
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