[Chapter IIII]
honestly that monoma picture makes me 😳😳😳 okay sorry sorry skskks
anyway have you noticed that you're the only person that calls Monoma 'Monoma'? Everyone else calls him Neito. That's a little easter egg i put in hehe~
anyway! i hope you enjoy this chapter. it will be soft to make up for the last one sksk.
oh wait... oopsi. there is a gore trigger warning, but it's just in a dream so don't worry!
anyway, enjoy~!
What happened last chapter:
"Oh, right." He blushed a bit. "Well the truth is—"
I cocked my head, awaiting his answer.
He only blushed more.
Was Mina right? Maybe he did like me...
Him speaking again brought me back to life.
"God, this is harder then I thought. Okay! Neko, I love you. I'm not going to say 'like', cause that's some 5th grader 'I date you cause you're popular and pretty' shit.
It was partially obvious, I saw that Mina noticed it. Kendo noticed it too, apparently." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.
"That's why I wanted to stick with you. Why I denied you trying to get me out of it. Why I said 'We'll go' when we went out to the restaurant. Why I came to check on you because I felt something was wrong."
He's talking too much.
Is he worried I don't love him back?
I felt the urge to kiss him.
So I did.
I leaned closer to him and he blushed more. "Uh— N-Neko—?"
Before he could say anything else, I pressed my lips into his.
I could tell he was shocked at first, but he melted into it.
He tasted like buttercream frosting. (Yum 😜)
I was the first one to part it, because having to breath is kind of necessary to live. My face was
as red as Kirshima's hair. Monoma looked the same.
He struggled to put together a real sentence. It was honestly adorable.
I leaned in and cuddled him, laying back onto my bed. It felt more comfy with him here.
"So w-we're a–"
"Yesss, Monoma. We're a thing now. Do we tell the bakusquad tomorrow at school?"
(Just pretend You, Neito, Kendo, and Shinsou all hang out with the Bakusquad now.)
"S-Sure, whatever you want." He smiled sheepishly. He was so cute when flustered
"Alright." I yawned a bit and nuzzled into his chest. He blushed a hue of pink. "I'm going to sleep, Monoma G'night.."
"Goodnight, Neko~"
Nightmare, Begin.
I blinked my eyes open. I had a decently nice sleep for today.
I looked to see if Monoma was there, but he wasn't.
But there was something off.
A figure in the hallway, coming closer, holding a knife.
I tried to get up and run.
I couldn't move.
I tried to scream, yell, anything.
I couldn't talk.
The figure came closer and closer and closer..
I could finally make it out. Monoma..
He crawled onto the bed, still holding his knife. He had a tormented grin.
I tried to move, talk, do something, anything. I couldn't.
"You know what they say, right? The best way to person's heart is through their stomach~" He smiled and stabbed, making a large puncture wound.
I was in so much deep pain, I wanted to scream, but again, I couldn't.
He pulled out my organs, trying to get my heart and take it.
He paused halfway though, looking at me with worried eyes.
"Neko! God—! We're gonna be late..."
How... How is he doing this?
"Neko! Wake up! Please! You're dreaming!"
I tried to open my eyes to escape this real world.. but I couldn't.
"Agh! Neko, can you hear me? Look at your hands! Count!"
I looked at my hands, then specifically my fingers.
Nightmare, end.
I remember this. It's like Deja Vu.
Neito right above me, same worried expression. Expect this time no worried Mina... No worried Kendo.. No worried Shinsou... and no worried Kaminari.
"God, Neko! Thank god.." He mumbled and sighed. "We're gonna be late to school!
Right, it's disappointingly not the weekend anymore.
Monoma was already dressed in his uniform, guess he woke up before me.
I bounced off my bed, quickly dressing.
Then it hit me.
Did I just undress in front of Monoma?
I'm not used to having people over at school morning.
I quickly finished changing and looked back at Monoma.
He had a smirk.
He gets comfortable in relationships astronomically fast.
"M-Monoma-! Gosh that's embarrassing.." I blushed and shuffled to my fridge, grabbing an apple to eat on the way there.
He giggled. Now that was adorable.
"Not really. Come on!" He bounced up from my bed and walked next to me.
~Time skip to lé school~
I frowned as we reached the school. Why did Monoma and I have to be in different classes?
Monoma turned to me. "I'll see you at lunch, 'kay?" I nodded and he smiled. "Alright, see ya Neko~" I waved bye before he walked off to class 1-B. I sighed and made my way to my class.
I sat in my usual seat, with Mina on the right and Denki on the left.
"Hey gurl! What's up?" Mina looked at me with a smile. "Oh, nothing much." I shrugged a bit. "Aw, lame." She pouted.
Like I said, I will tell them at lunch.
~Time skip to lunchhh~
Mina and I were making our way to lunch, and I heard a shout behind me.
"Hey! Nekooo~! Wait up!" Me and Mina both turned around to see Monoma jogging towards us. "Oh! Hey Monoma!" I smiled and waved.
He caught up, and stood next to me. Mina nudged me. "Copy boi seemed like he had a mission to catch up to you." She whispered and laughed. "Whatever, shut up! He's right here!" I whisper shouted.
We got to the lunchroom and got our lunches, before sitting down. We all sat in the same position as the restaurant, Kendo, Shinsou, Monoma, Then me. And on the other side, Kirishima, Bakugou, Kaminari, Sero, then Mina.
I realized that telling them me and Monoma were dating would be way harder then I thought.
I knew Mina would scream it as soon as I told her, so I might as well tell her so she can tell them. That's kind of easier... for me, at least.
I leaned over the table and whispered it to Mina. She immediately screeched. "OH MY G O D! MY OTP! ACTUALLY BECOMING REAL! EEEEEE!" She was undeniably happy.
Kaminari gasped. "Otp?! As in-?!!?" He looked at me, then Monoma, then Mina.
I leaned over to Monoma. "I told Mina we were dating." I whispered to him. He laughed a bit. "Yeah. Well at least she told them. I was way to nervous to." He sheepishly laughed.
Mina stood up, slamming her hands on the table. "OK! Listen up, you people that don't know my O-Fricking-TP!"
God, is she really doing this?!
"These two, Neito and Y/N, are DATING!" She was excited like a fan girl. Kendo and Shinsou were SHOCKED.
"Neito? Getting a girlfriend? Wow that was unexpected." Shinsou laughed a bit.
"Yeah–! Definitely unexpected! But I'm happy for you, Y/N is such a nice friend." Kendo smiled at me and I mouthed her a 'Thank You'.
"Wow Neito! So manly!" Kirishima cheered.
Then Bakugou.
His face said, bitch ew wtf.
"Uck. Two little stuck-up bitches dating each other now? It's like the power-couple of puny little f—"
"God, can you shut the fuck up?" Monoma interrupted him. "Don't like you're a little stuck up bitch. You're the reason for Neko c—"
I slapped my hand over his mouth. I knew what he was going to say.
Mina gasped. "No... Really?"
I guess she saw my scars when she came in.
"Y/N, can I talk with you?" Mina walked over and grabbed my hand.
"Y-Yeah— Sure—? I'll be back, Monoma." You looked at him.
He mouthed a sorry to you.
It wasn't his fault.
Hey! Sorry I didn't get a real chapter out until now! I promise I'll try to get two out tomorrow! Also, this time we got 1411 amount of words to make up for the short chapter last time. (Sorry again!) Anyway, I hope you have an amazing day and I hoped you liked this chapter. Chapter V is sure to be... entertaining ;). Bai Bai!
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