Chapter 1
~Third Person~
Sendak walked slowly through the underbrush on the strange planet. He heard something off in the distance, and started to go towards it.
"What's happened?" Haxus asked.
"I-I hear a child." Sendak said, it came out a lot softer than he had hoped it would.
"What if it's a trap?" Haxus asked, putting himself in front of Sendak.
"Then the locals will be no match for us." Sendak said. "You saw what happened at the other villages." Haxus rolled his eyes.
"I guess you're right." He mumbled. Haxus followed Sendak as he carefully walked over to the noise. Sure enough, there was a small, black, squirming bundle in a tipped over basket. Sendak shot a quick glance to Haxus, and walked towards it. He crouched down to the thing. It's face was covered by the blanket. Sendak carefully pulled the blanket away with the tips of his claws. A small pale, furless face was revealed. Sendak looked down at it. He cocked his head to the side. The child continued crying it's lungs out as Sendak watched it. He wasn't sure what to do with it. Then an idea popped into his mind. What if he raised the child? Then it wouldn't be like the locals and would be on the galras side. He turned to Haxus.
"Hey, Hax." He started. "You know how we've always wanted a child?" He asked. Haxus knew exactly what Sendak was hinting at, and he didn't like it.
"No, absolutely not." He said, shooting down the idea.
"Why not?" Sendak said, in almost a whining tone.
"Why not? Because it's the ENEMY! Why in Zarkon's name would we raise it?!" Haxus yelled. The child stopped for a second, then a new wave of tears went down its face. As if saying his name summoned him, Zarkon walked through the bushes and over to the couple.
"What's going on? Why do I hear demons screaming?" Zarkon asked. Sendak cursed under his breath and looked up at his emperor.
"We found this child." He started.
"WE?! I had nothing to do with it!" Haxus yelled. Yet again, Haxus upset the poor little creature and made it cry even more. Zarkon looked down at the bundle and crouched down with Sendak.
"Are it's parents around?" He asked.
"No sir." Sendak said.
"Do you want to raise the child?" Zarkon asked, his voice low enough for Haxus to not hear him.
"Yes sir." Sendak said with a nod. Zarkon stood back up.
"I will allow you to raise the creature within the galra empire, as one of us. Any time the child acts out, you will be given a strike. Too many strikes, and the child will be taken away from you, do you understand?" Zarkon said.
"Yes sir." Both Sendak and Haxus said in unisine. Sendak picked up the child and cradled it in his arms. He got up and followed Zarkon back to the ship, Haxus close behind him. Sendak had found a way to shut the child up, and did so. He gently bounced it and shushed it. Soon after, the child was fast asleep in his arms.
They walked up the ramp and onto the ship. Lotor was waiting with his mother, Honerva. They noticed Sendak holding a bundle.
"What's that thing?" Lotor asked.
"It's Sendak and Haxus' new child, be respectful." Zarkon said, with his dad-tone of voice. Lotor nodded and proceeded to look at it.
"It's kinda freaky looking, don't cha think?" Lotor asked. Zarkon opened his mouth to say something, thought for a minute and closed his mouth.
"It kind of is." Haxus said, looking at the child. Sendak nodded absentmindedly. They weren't wrong. The little thing stirred. It let out a soft noise and rolled over in Sendak's arms. That made him smile. Sendak knew he had to take care of it, and he knew that was going to be difficult. He thought for a minute.
"What should we name it?" He asked Haxus.
"How the hell should I know?!" Haxus exclaimed. "This was your idea!" He added.
"True enough, but don't you think we should decide on this together?"
By now Lotor and his parents have left the couple on the bridge and went somewhere else on the ship.
"If you want to give it a name, I will not stop you. Just don't give it a super cheesy name, like Storm Takeda." Haxus said. Sendak looked up at him.
"I found something on the child." He said. Haxus glanced at him.
"What is it?" He asked.
"It's a name tag or something like that." Sendak said and took a piece of paper off of a cord around the child's neck. He handed it to Haxus.
"I can't read this." Haxus said and put it in the palm of Sendak's hand.
"Do you know who might be able to?" He asked.
"Maybe. But it depends entirely on if she's busy or not." Sendak said.
"She?" Haxus asked. Sendak nodded and went to Zarkon.
"Sorry to bother you, your lordship, but do you know if Trigel is busy this afternoon? I have a question for her." Sendak said in a respectful manner.
"What's the question?" Zarkon asked.
"I want to know if she can read this." Sendak said and handed Zarkon the piece of paper.
"I sure can't." Zarkon said and handed it back to Sendak.
"Where did you get it?" He asked.
"It was around the child's neck." Sendak said. Zarkon went 'Hmmmmmm' for longer than he should have. After a while, he sounded like a microwave. Sendak noted this and proceeded to stare at his emperor.
"We can ask her next time she comes to a banquet." Zarkon said finally.
"When might that be?" Sendak asked.
"Well, our monthly check up is next week. And it's being hosted on Altea this year." Zarkon said.
"Wasn't it there last year?" Sendak asked.
"Yes, it was. But Alfor just had a daughter and he's afraid she'll get hurt on Dibazaal." Zarkon admitted. Sendak nodded to the side.
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