Wanna go out?
Just so you know, sometimes I disappear for a short while, but I always come back.
So, I actually finished writing this chapter, but I didn't like it, so now I rewrote it.
Trigger warning, you'll see where.
"Haha" Kaminari's self-doubt took over "I'm just joking" it was very clear that he panicked and backed away, even Shinsou noticed. Kaminari still continues to awkwardly laugh, and chokes on air
"Wow, wow, Kaminari are you okay?" Shinsou thought it was cute, well chaotic cute. He comes closer to him
Kaminari turned completely red at this point "I'm fine" he got his shit together and took a deep breath
Shinsou sits back where he sat before "You know" he starts "You are horrible at covering up your panics" he smirks a little
"I was totally not panicking and backing out of the situation" he says sarcastically.
Kaminari regrets taking his words bad, he just fucked the situation up. He usually was confident in such things, well not that it always worked. He got rejected each time. Shinsou is different though. This time he for sure meant it seriously. Yet he said he was joking. Dumbass.
"Kaminari, you know, I'm not an idiot"
Kaminari hides his face once again, this time he falls face first on the couch "This is so embarrassing, I swear to god"
"No need to swear to me" Kaminari rolls his eyes "Also it's kinda cute"
"Is it?" Shinsou nods "No, no, it's embarrassing"
"You are gonna stand by that, aren't you?"
Kaminari nods, he knows he makes things just awkward, but that's the only way he knows "Yes"
"You are sure stubborn"
"I know that, people tell me that all the time" Shinsou raises a brow "Okay now, they don't, but I know I am"
Shinsou rolls his eyes and sits up "So"
"So. Do you like actually want to go out?"
Kaminari's heart skipped a beat "Haha, usually I'm the one who's joking" he laughs, he chokes on air instead
"Wow, is it such a big deal to you?"
Kaminari thought back to the time with Jirou. She was his everything. It's scary to lose someone you love, and then just to move on.
Well for Kaminari, it has already passed some time, so it isn't just 'to move on'. Now it's just for him to be old enough to let it go.
He scratches his neck "You know my ex, she was important to me" they stay silent for a second "But that was a long time ago and I need to let go"
"Yes, I'd love to go out with you sometime" this times he smiles like a decent human being, without awkwardly laughing, or choking on air, or just in general embarrassing himself
Shinsou smiles back "Great. I'll text you the details later, if you give me your number" he takes out his phone and holds it out to Kaminari (i don't remember if they already have each others numbers, but lets pretend they don't)
Kaminari takes the phone and types in his number "Damn Kaminari finally be getting dick" he whispered to himself, Shinsou still heard it, but decided not to comment on that.
The wannabe Pikachu gives Shinsou his phone back, and then Shinsou looked to what Kaminari saved himself as in his phone, he was not surprised.
He glances up from the phone "I'm not surprised"
"Can you blame me?" he couldn't, it was Kaminari after all.
He may not know him for too long, but he knows him enough for this kind of thing. Shinsou was still a little bit surprised how fast Kaminari went back to his normal idiotic self. Just a minute ago he was all red and embarrassed, and now, well you get the point.
Kaminari was also surprised, not because of the 'personality switching', but how fast he already got a date. Just the other day he was ordering a book and a little bit flirting with Shinsou, thinking that after that he will never see him again. But now he will have a whole ass date with the gorgeous man.
Kaminari thought Shinsou was weirdly attractive, and not in some sort of insulting way. The thing is, Shinsou looks like he hasn't slept for ten days, and only lives off of coffee. All in all, Kaminari is surprised that he can look so good, and at the same time look like he is dying.
Must be some weird magic shit.
After Kaminari gave Shinsou his number, they decided to watch some TV, more specific an anime, and to be even more specific 'my villain academia'. It's a great anime, but the people seemed weirdly familiar.
However, they started watching it, but after about five episodes, they started talking and didn't pay attention to the anime.
They talked about everything they just could. From their favorite color, their everyday struggles, to weird deep topics. But still, Kaminari didn't tell him about everything about his family. He doesn't need to hear about this abusive fucks. He thinks that this would make things more complicated.
Most people are overwhelmed when someone tells them about their struggles. They mostly answer with "Oh it will be okay" or "Don't worry". And it is true, it should and will eventually get better, but that doesn't help them with their emotions.
They need someone who will understand, give them advise, and be truly there for them. It's good to hear a "Everything will be okay" but at least also support me a little, don't disappear after you get the story of their private life.
"So and that's why you should never say 'we don't have Coke, is Pepsi okay' when you pretend to be a drug dealer"
Shinsou was silent for a while "How are you still alive, Kaminari?"
"Once you ignore time, you are practically immortal and you fear nothing" he smiles at himself. He is a genius once it comes to theories and memes "Speaking about time, what time is it?"
Shinsou rolls his eyes and takes out his phone "The all mighty immortal Kaminari who doesn't care about time, wants to know what time it is. It is" he looks at Kaminari again "Time for your class" he finishes
Kaminari's eyes widen and he practically jumps up and collects his things. Then he rushes to the door and puts on his shoes "See you around, Sunshine" he smiles and leaves
"See you, pretty boy" Shinsou say to himself since Kaminari isn't there anymore, and turns off the TV.
Kaminari still made it to his class, without any school supplies of course, but what are strangers for, right? Yes, he lend paper and pen from a random dude who is awfully small and wears too much purple.
He survived through the day, and before he headed home, he met Kirishima, so they stopped and talked for a while.
"How did you even get thought the day dude, my head is killing me" Kirishima says, in a suffering tone obviously
"Shinsou just can take better care of me that all my friends" he says laughing, laughing at Kirishima
"Haha, very funny" he says sarcastically "So, did you fuck?"
Kaminari crosses his arms "I could ask you the same about you and Bakugou" he raises a brow
Kirishima scratches his neck "It's not like that" he clears his throat and gets quieter "he doesn't like me like that"
"You, my dude, are dumb, but that is a conversation for another time. So, Shinsou and I didn't fuck, but I have a date with him"
Kirishima's mood brighten up a bit, seeing his friends doing well, makes him happy "Really, when?"
Kaminari shrugs "I don't know, he'll text me the details"
"Alright then. Get some"
"Oh shut up. Well, I need to go, or my parents will kill me. I didn't contact them for over a day"
Kirishima frowns instantly "Oh, I hope nothing serious will happen"
He smiles lightly "It's alright, I#m used to it" he waves goodbye and heads home.
He really didn't want to go, and normally he would go extra slowly, so he can have some alone time. But in this situation, it's better for him to have his ass home as soon as possible.
When he arrived, he first took a deep breath before opening the door.
Trigger warning
"Denki, is that you?"
He walks in "Yeah mom"
A women walks out of another room and rushes angrily to Kaminari "Where the hell where you? Didn't you think about telling me where you are? You know you have work to do, right?"
"Sorry mom" Kaminari's smile was long gone. He was just looking at the ground, too afraid to look that women, he calls his mom, in the eyes
"Sorry won't fix your carelessness" she sighs and places her hands on her hips "Take off your shoes and come in" she still stood there, watching her son "Faster, Denki" she rolls her eyes
Kaminari took off his shoes and walked in further in the house, his mom still behind him "Do you have an excuse for yourself?"
He turns around and slightly looks up at her "I went out early to study with my friends"
"Those friends of yours won't help you with this, they will only distract you and drag you down in life!" her voice got more stern. She comes closer to him "Denki, hun, those friends of yours are bad for you, they don#t even care about you like I do"
Kaminari looks now completely up at his mother "Mom, no, they are great people"
She raises her hand and swings it across his face "Don't" Kaminari's face froze in place "Don't talk back to me" she finishes
"I know better than you"
"But-" before he could say another word, she grabs him by the hood and drags him up to his room, choking him with his hood
"Denki, my love. I know they are bad for you, it' my instinct that tells me" she throws him on the floor "I do all this because I love you, you know that right?"
"Yes" he answers with a shaky voice
"Good" she smiles "Because i love you, and you need to know that. Now study and then go to sleep"
Kaminari slowly sits up "What about dinner"
"Oh honey, eating makes you fat, and we don't want that" she slams the door and goes back downstairs.
Kaminari wanted to cry, but if his mother would hear him- no he doesn't want to know. In the past she would hit him on the mouth if he cried.
So he places his hand over his mouth to hold it close and not to let out any noise. But tears still kept falling down. A lot.
He was scared to move, so he just stayed on the floor until he calmed down. Then he slowly stood up and lied down on his bed. He didn't have the energy to do anything. So he tried t fall asleep.
He wanted to block out reality, at least for the rest of day.
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