Pretty boy and Sunshine
Finally, on the weekend, Kaminari slept in. No stress in the morning. No worrying about coming late to class. And finally relaxing, until eleven in the morning. He loves weekends, and he would love them more, if he cud spend them without his family.
After he woke up, he stayed another hour in his bed and scrolled through his phone, then he went downstairs to get some food.
"Good morning Ma'. Where's dad?"
"Working" like always. His mom was sitting in the living room and watches some show, middle aged moms watch "Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah" Kaminari forced a smile. She always acts as if everything is completely fine and nothing happened, in the next day. Honestly, it kind of hurts him.
He walks in the kitchen and makes himself something to eat. After he ate something, he joined his mother on the couch. She was watching TV and he was looking at his phone, again.
Kaminari wanted to be angry at her, he wanted her to know that he is hurt, but there is no point. If he would show his pain, his mother would just simply brush it off and tell him that he is not the victim. "You could be an actor, by how dramatic you are" if you would quote her.
"Do you have an plans for today?"
"I'll go to a study group later" he lied, everything but to stay in that house
She turns around to face him "Really? You usually don't go to those"
"Eh, we decided with the class to try it out, you know. To help each other and stuff"
She slowly nods "Aha, okay, have fun then"
He quickly made himself some breakfast and took it up with him to his bedroom. After eating his breakfast, getting ready and try to look like human, he decided to pay Kirishima and Bakugou a visit at the dorm. He couldn't care less as to what they're doing.
So he packed a bag with unnecessary stuff, so when he will walk past his mom, it will actually look like he will go to a study group. He walks down, says bye to his mother and heads to his college, a place where dreams get fulfilled, created, or simply crushed.
Once he was there he knocks on the door and then walks in, Kirishima's door is most of the time unlocked.
"What's up you disaster gays" he always invites himself in
"Hey, what are you doing here?" the redhead asked, while Bakugou just growled by his side because he wanted to be alone with the oblivious boy
"You know, spending time with my friends" he lets his bag fall on the ground and sits down on a chair
"You basically live here dude"
"I basically live in every dorm here" Kaminari always crashes in others peoples dorm for a couple of hours, sometimes he spends the night, and of course steals their food
"You don't say. What does you mother think?"
"She thinks I'm in some study group"
Kirishima nods "How are things with Shinsou?"
Kaminari flushes red at the thought of Shinsou "Oh you know, he is handsome as ever" Kirishima sighs "Okay, okay. I don't know, I haven't talked to him since I left that one last time"
"Ey Baku, have you heard, Kami has a date"
Bakugou looks down "We could too you know"
"We can't just go with them, man"
"Wait no" Kaminari and Bakugou exchange looks, both facilitated by Kirishima's obliviousness
"Bakugou" Kaminari begins "He is a lost cause"
"EHH, YOu are the lost one"
Kirishima puts his hand on the angry boys chest "Calm down"
Kaminari furrows his eyebrows "Hey wait" they both look at him "This story is about Shinsou and I, stop this KiriBaku thing"
Now Kirishima and Bakugou are the one exchanging looks "The what?" Kirishima asks
"Nothing" he clears his throat "Do you know where Mina is? I heard she ordered some books and needs to get them at his bookshop, and I wanna go with her"
"You sure you didn't fuck the night we were out?" Bakugou asks bluntly
Kaminari turns red "No"
"Always fuck boy until it gets serious" Kirishima chuckles "I think she is at her dorm,I think. Run over before she goes"
"Nice, thanks. So ya" Kaminari stands up and walks up to the door "Oh and Bakugou" he looks up "Don't lose hope, just be more, I don't know, specific"
Bakugou turns his head to Kirishima "I like you, Kirishima"
"I would be concerned if not. Who hangs out with people they don't like"
Bakugou once again looks at Kaminari. Kaminari mouths him 'Sorry' and then leaves.
Their, Mina's and Hagakure's, dorm isn't that far away, so it didn't even take him five minutes until he was there. He knocks on the door and, once again, invites himself in "Wassup gaymers"
"Use that phrase again-" Hagakure starts, but couldn't finish because Mina interrupted her
"Was good man" she stands up fro her bed and hugs her friend, Hagakure just sits on Mina's bed shaking her head "What are you doing here?"
"Wanted to go with you, to pick up your books from Shinsou's"
She nods "Right, I almost forgot about them. Wait a second" she turns around and searches for something under the pile of clothes on the ground and then on the table "Lemme get my wallet"
"And they say I'm messy" he rolls his eyes "What's up Hagakure?"
"Nothing much, essays and essays, you know"
He knows "Yeah. Still can't believe you actually write them without copying everything from Wikipedia. Copy-paste is my best friend by now"
She shakes her head "I will never understand how you got into college"
"A wise man once said 'If you can't blow the away with you brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit'"
"Aha and where did you hear that?"
He shrugs "Some person said that on tumblr"
Mina walks up to Kaminari with her things "Alright let's go" she tuns around and waves goodbye to her girlfriend "I'll be back in like half an hour" Hagakure nods smiling and goes back to doing what she has been doing on her phone, it was some sketchy shit.
Mina and Kaminari went to Shinsou's talking and crackling up if one of them told a joke.
"-that's why I didn't eat soup until I was eleven"
"You are always going to be a mystery to me, Mina" Kaminari says laughing
They walk in into the bookstore and head t the register. When Shinsou looked away from the computer, he smiled seeing Kaminari "Hi pretty boy"
"Hey Sunshine"
Mina looked grossed out at them "Not even boyfriends, but act as if they're married"
The two of them turn red and look away from each other "Shut up Min', you and Hagakure aren't any better"
"Actually we are, we are at least girlfriends" she shut him up with this
"I guess you are here for your books?" Shinsou asks, she nods. He takes the books out of the bookshelf for orders and scans them. Mina gives him the money and puts the books in her bag "And why are you here, pretty boy?" he leans on the counter and smiles at his 'pretty boy'.
"He came to see his 'Sunshine'" Mina answers for him "So I'll go get some groceries, and you two please don't fuck on the counter, this is a public place" she leaves so Kaminari can't hunt her down
"So" Shinsou starts, Kaminari turns to face him "You came to see me?"
Kaminari scratches his head "No" he looks at Shinsou who was raising a brow "Maybe" he looks down "Yes"
Shinsou chuckles, angelic noises for Kaminari's ears "I was about to text you about the date" at the word 'date' Kamainri's head shoots up "Are you free next Friday at around eight pm?"
He nods "Yep. Dress-code?"
Kaminari nods "Alright. Well, I look forward to next Friday"
"I hope so, pretty boy"
"Don't worry about it, Sunshine"
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