Just a little flirting thing
"You here to get your book?" Shinsou watches Kaminari walk in
"Jup. My wallet is crying" he walks up to the counter
Shinsou smiles and gets the book from the shelf, full of books, behind him "I believe you. I'm happy I decided not to go to college" he scans the book
Kaminari takes out his wallet and gives him the money "You should be. No essays to write, no all-nighters, no exams-"
He cuts him off "Wow, wow, calm down, I get it, that's the exact reason why I didn't even wanna go" he counts the money Kaminari just gave him, and gives him back the change and book "I also looked inside this book, and let me tell you, I didn't understand a word"
Kaminari sighs "This is just repetition and a summary of the things we need to know"
"Good luck then, you'll need it"
"Hey but if you need help, my dad's a professor. He can help you sometime?"
Kaminari nods "Would be nice. But he must be ready for a whiny bitch"
Shinsou chuckles "Did you just call yourself a whiny bitch?"
"Sure I did, honey" he winks at the other
Shinsou just rolls his eyes "You want me to give you my number, if you want to contact him?"
"Oh yeah" he takes out his phone and gives it to him. He puts in his contact and gives the phone back "Thanks"
"No problem" he smiles lightly "By the way, in which semester are you?"
"My last" he smiles like in those anime you see
"Any idea what you wanna be after college?"
"Hopefully your future" he winks at him again
Sure, Shinsou is annoyed of other people flirting with him, he always is. And Kaminari is not different from the others. But Shinsou lets it slide, because he seems like a nice guy.
Shinsou expects Kaminari to actually never show up after this day. After all he just needed a book. And with the help of his father thing, he may text him just to flirt again, but in that case he would just block him. He wants to keep his life as simple as possible.
"So, I'll be going then" Kaminari says
"Bye" Shinsou looks up at him and smiles
Kaminari smiles back and waves goodbye while walking out. Now, Kaminari was rather happy that he met Shinsou. He seems like a simple person, who isn't one of those drama people. That's good. He himself was one of those people who would be involved in drama, and it was annoying.
Today Kaminari will help Kirishima bring his things in the dorm. He didn't really knew what to do, so when Kirishima asked, he just agreed. He could prepare himself for the semester, but this is Kaminari we are talking about, he is the last person to do that.
Kirishima told him that he will be waiting for him in front of the building he is staying in.
Once he spotted the red haired boy, he ran up to him. Kirishima's things already were out of the car. He had a lot of things.
"Are all these things yours?" his eyes widen a bit
"Hi to you too. And yes, Mina and Bakugou already bringing some things up to m dorm"
"There is more?" Kirishima nods "Oh man. Alright what should I take?"
Kirishima gives him a couple of boxes and they walk up to his dorm, not bothering at all about all the things that just lay around without anyone looking that no one would steal them. Careless people.
"So do you have the books or class. I'll never forget how you went the first semester only stealing from others" he mentally face palms
"Yes I have them. And how dare you, it's called lend something"
Kirishima laughs "Keep telling that yourself. I bet you still have those books in your basement"
Kaminari shrugs "Maybe, but at least I don't have bodies in there like Bakugou" he shivers
"Dude, for the last time, Bakugou isn't scary, nor has he bodies in his basement" he says somewhat confused "Why would you even think that?"
"You wouldn't know. Bakugou is always nice to you"
"That's not true"
"It's so true"
They arrive at the dorm and Kirishima opens the door, Mina and Bakugou just sit around and talk.
"Hey Kaminari" Mina smiles
"Sup gays. What have you been talking about?" he puts the boxes down
Mina smirks "Oh you know, about Baku's crush, you?"
Kaminari smirks back "Oh, about Kiri's crush" they couldn't be more suspicious
"Shut up nerds"
"Says the one who goes to sleep at eight" Mina rolls her eyes
Kirishima leans on the table "As if you don't have crushes" he crosses his arms
"Man, I have a girlfriend" Mina says while shaking her head, disappointed that her friends couldn't remember that
"Sorry, forgot that" Kirishima laughs "Then what about you, Kaminari?"
"So I met this dude from the bookstore" he smiles
Mina smiles once again "Did you get his number?"
"I did. But it's only if I need help to study, then he'll inform his dad" he shrugs
"You're an idiot" she says
"We knew" Bakugou says
"Rude" he crosses his arms "But it's not like something will get out of this. Just a little flirting like always and that's it" he smiles sadly and looks down
Mina exchanges looks with Kirishima and Bakugou "Come on Kami, I'm tired of seeing you alone. You always just flirt, you've gotta let the past go"
"I know. Just commitment issues you know, after her"
Kirishima speaks up now "We know how much you loved Jirou, but you can't hang on her for long. She wanted to stay friends, right? So why did you break contact with her?"
He looks up "I can't see her love another. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy she figured out herself, and found this girl she is happy with now. But it's the girl she is in love with, not me" he scratches his neck "Maybe some day I'll build up the friendship again, when I'm over her" his voice gets quieter as he speaks "I just need time"
They all stay quite and stare at Kaminari with sad looks on their faces.
Since he broke up with Jirou, or well, Jirou broke up with him, he hasn't been the same. They have been together for almost five years, they were happy, yeah. Jirou just figured that she is attracted to the same gender.
It's not like she didn't love Kaminari. At first the two were head over heels for each other, but later on things changed, feelings changed.
She wanted to stay friends. Kaminari too, he just needed time, he accepted her, but his heart got broken, that needs to be understood. She did, so she gave him the space he needed, well still needs.
But he will get over it. He will build up their friendship, maybe become friends with her girlfriend. And he will be happy too, alone or with a partner, he will be happy.
"We know" Mina says "But it's been a year"
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