Cloud castle out of pillows
"Kirishima, it's literally not hard to understand" Bakugou says frustrated "I want to be gay with you"
Kirishima's eyes widen and then go back to normal "I mean we are"
"I'm gay, you're gay, Kaminari is bi. We are technically all gay together. Oh and lets not forget Mina, she is also lesbian" he says with confidence. Bakugou was ready to cry. He fell in love with an idiot.
"Give it up, Bakugou. He is just too oblivious"
"Shut it, dunce face"
Kaminari shrugs, but was actually hurt inside. His own friend, insulting him like that, betrayal. "You made Bakugou cry, bro" Bakugou was indeed crying in the corner of the room by now "Bro, do you actually not understand?"
Kirishima looks at Bakugou and then at Kaminari "I am ready to cry, because I don't understand what is going on!?"
"No, I don't need two disaster gays crying here. Do that some other day"
Kirishima rolls his eyes "However, how's Shinsou doing?"
Kaminari smiles at the thought of Shinsou. They went on multiple dates after their first one, and got a lot closer. Cuddling, kissing, everything that couples do, only they are still not official. And Kaminari is too much of a twink to ask.
"He's fine"
"You look worried. Did he do something? Do we need to beat him up?"
Kaminari reacted fast "NO. After what you did to Mineta, I don't want you to beat up even my biggest enemy" bad memory. It was funny, but still painful to watch. Mineta deserved it though.
"If you say so"
"I'm going over to his today"
Kirishima smirks "Ha, get some"
"We are taking things slow"
"You are basically a couple"
"You are no one to talk" he looks over to Bakugou, who was now know kneeling and looking at the ground like a toddler. "Doesn't matter. I just hope you'll understand soon. I'm starting to pity Bakugou" he shakes his head "Poor man"
After some time, Bakugou stands up and walks over to Kirishima "I hurt myself here" he holds out his hand "kiss it better" Kirishima does so, like it's a completely normal platonic thing.
"What" Kaminari was confused
Bakugou walks up to him after that "My plan worked. Dunce face, I need you to punch me in the face" he says. Eyes still a little red from all the crying.
Kaminari was tempting, it was dream of his, and he doesn't want to miss it. But Kirishima tried to stop him. And Bakugou hit Kirishima, but he stopped himself in time.
Kaminari left in time, before Kirishima would anything to him because he wanted to punch, like he said, 'his best bro he would die for'.
So yeah, Kaminari left early and went to Shinsou's bookstore.
"Good morning sunshine" he walks in with a smile
"It's afternoon" Shinsou was in the middle of selling a book to an old lady who would come in a lot
"Good afternoon sunshine" Kaminari corrected himself
Shinsou tried to hide a smile, but the lady saw, and she rarely sees Shinsou smile, so she knew something was going on. It made her also happy to see Shinsou smile. She went to this bookstore lot, since the times Aizawa still worked there. And she plans to always go there.
The lady left and the two idiots were alone.
"Why are you here so early?"
"Bakugou and Kirishima had some complications again" he made a pause "And well, I almost punched Bakugou" Shinsou face palmed "He asked me to"
"Whatever pretty boy. New books just got delivered, can you help?"
"Sure" he smiles and follows Shinsou to the back, where he was often. He helped sometimes in the store, sometimes he and Shinsou were alone, and sometimes Hizashi was also there. At first it was weird for Kaminari to see one of his professors, but he soon got used to it.
They started to get the books out of the boxes, but ended up making out in the back. At some point Kaminari questioned if he was in a fan fiction, but then thought that it's a weird thing to think about while making out with someone.
"Gross. Never thought I'd see my son making out with someone" Shinsou and Kaminari stop and look at the other side of the room. Aizawa.
The two idiots quickly got red "Daaaad, what are you doing here?"
"I just finished a book, so thought and check up on the store" he explains with absolutely no emotion
"On the store, not on me. Wow you can hear my heart break" he says ironically while rolling his eyes
Aizawa also rolls his eyes, and Kaminari was shocked by how similar Shinsou and Aizawa were. It clicked, him and Shinsou are the younger version of Aizawa and Hizashi. He doesn't know if he wants to cry or laugh about it, maybe both.
They all walk back to the front, giving up on taking out the new books. "When do you close?"
"I never changed the opening and closing times, dad" the two of them held eye contact "In about two hours" Aizawa nods and then looks at Kaminari "This is Kaminari, I've told you guys about him"
"Yeah, you won't shut up about him, when you visit us" that made Kaminari blush "I bet Hitoshi told you a lot of scary stuff about me?"
Did he? Kaminari suddenly got a really bad memory of everything he ever remembered "No, nope, don't worry about it" Kaminari was indeed a little scared of Aizawa though
Aizawa raises a brow "Don't worry, I was just joking" he said in a not at all jokingly tone
So time went on, the three of them managed to get the books out at some point. Aizawa once got Kaminari aside and gave him the typical dad talk. And another time he took Shinsou aside and said something along the lines of "I've told you to not fall in love with a loud blonde, and look at you, made the same mistake as me" of course he loved him husband, but he can be loud sometimes.
Once the day came an end, they closed the store and left. Aizawa back to his home, and Shinsou and Kaminari back to Shinsou's.
When Shinsou opened the door, Kaminari attacked Taxi with hugs and kisses "Who is my second favorite boy in this world? Who? Taxi, it's youuu" he loved this cat a lot b now
"Wanna watch a movie?" Shinsou was leaning on the wall and admiring his two favorite boys in the world
"Sure, have something in mind?"
"I was thinking Guardians of the Galaxy?" (Just a head-canon, but Kaminari would totally love Guardians of the Galaxy)
Kaminari smiled "I see you have good taste"
"Want to change in more comfortable clothes? I can give you some of mine"
Yes. He loved wearing his clothes. It was heaven "I'd love to, darling"
While Kaminari was changing, Shinsou prepared some snacks, which doesn't include him, I know some of y'all wanted to pull that joke. After he was finished with that, he also changed in something more comfortable.
Kaminari made them a pillow and blanket castle on the couch, it was basically like lying on clouds. He took Taxi in his arms and the lied down in Shinsou's arms. Shinsou was trying not to die of all this cuteness "Kami"
He reddened at the nickname "Yeah"
"You are really handsome"
Kaminari became really shy "You're not so bad yourself"
Shinsou chuckled and pulled Kaminari closer "Kami" Kaminari hummed in response "Do you want to be my boyfriend?"
Of course he wanted to. He was waiting for him to ask. He probably needed a reality check. The most handsome boy asking him to be his boyfriend in a pillow/blanket castle while they're watching Guardian's of the Galaxy? The most perfect scenario.
He turned his head around, to face Shinsou and smiles "Yeah" they stayed silent for a while, Shinsou relieved that the other said yes "Now kiss me, Sunshine"
"Wow so needy" Shinsou said while chuckling, but proceeds to kiss him softly. Not it really felt like they were flying in some cloud castle.
They hoped it was the beginning of something big, but it my also be the beginning of some troubles. Not that they caused it, or will have troubles with each other, no, but some troubles were on their way to them.
So I disappeared for a short while? Sorry y'all.
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