Saturday morning, she stood on the edge of the sidewalk, with her purse on her shoulder and her laundry bag in both hands. Her mom's car appeared and drove into the parking lot, and halted at the curb. Alyssa yanked open a back door and tossed her stuff inside, and sat down into the front.
"Well," her mom asked, as she drove around a corner, "how was your week?"
"Fine," she said, and looked at her phone.
"Just 'fine'? That's all I'm getting?"
Alyssa switched on the radio, and they drove home.
When they pulled into the driveway, she grabbed her laundry bag and followed her mom to the porch. They went in to find her dad in front of the television, watching baseball or whatever. Alyssa dropped her stuff and went to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and closed it again. "Do we have anything to eat?" she asked, as her mom stepped into the room.
"There are oranges in the fruit drawer."
She looked. "But don't we have any foods that were invented by humans?"
Her mom laid the keys on the counter. "You can go get something if you want."
Alyssa grabbed the keys and her phone, went through the living room, passed her dad again and didn't speak to him again. Outside in the driveway, she got into the car and backed out into the street.
As she drove, she thought. She thought about Sam, and wondered why she had lied to him in the first place. It was normal to lie during that stupid party game, but why couldn't she have told him the truth when they were alone together? Why had she created this long-running deception? This was the first good thing that had happened in such a long time, and she'd totally, totally screwed it up.
She arrived at a discount grocery store, and parked in a space. She grabbed her purse and went in, and walked up and down the aisles. When her arms were full of heavily-processed junk wrapped in crinkly bags, she went to the counter to pay.
Back outside in the parking lot, she dug into her pocket, but didn't feel the keys. She got to the car and set her paper bag on its hood, and searched the rest of her jeans. She peered through the window, and... oh damn. Her phone was on the seat, and the keys stuck out of the ignition. She walked around the car and checked each door, and they were all locked.
Well, she thought, she could walk home. It would be a long walk, and she didn't have on the shoes for it, but it seemed to be her only option.
And as bad as it would be, telling Sam the truth seemed to be her only option.
Just then, an SUV pulled in and parked beside her. A guy got out and slammed his door, and started across the pavement. Then he halted, took a few steps back, and said, "Hey, don't I know you?"
Alyssa looked up. "Um...."
"Alyssa, right? From Harrison High."
Oh my god if it wasn't... but play it cool....
"Logan," he said. "Logan Moutrie."
"Oh, yeah," she said. "I remember."
She looked through her window, and said, "I seem to have a bit of a dilemma."
"Oh? What?"
"I locked my keys inside. And my phone."
"Oh," he said. "Can you call someone?"
"No, my phone...."
"Oh, yeah." He laughed. "Well, you can use my phone if you want," and he pulled it from his pocket.
"Thanks," she said, "but, um.... I don't know my mom's number. I don't have it memorized...."
He laughed. "Yeah, I never memorize them either.... Well, I could drive you home."
"Are you sure?" she asked, and he said, "Yeah, it's fine."
"Well, okay."
She lifted her bag of food into her arms and followed him to his car. He clicked open the doors and Alyssa got into the passenger seat. Logan - the actual Logan - got in beside her, turned his key and started the motor.
"Where to?" he asked, as they pulled out of the parking lot and drove down the street.
"On Dewhurst. Do you - "
"Yeah," he said, "I know where that is."
They drove forward, and he asked, "So, what do you... are you in college?"
"Yeah," she said. "University of Indianapolis."
"Oh. Well, I'm doing an apprenticeship. I'm going to be a carpenter."
"Oh," she said. "That's nice."
She paused, and then came right out with it: "Are you seeing anyone? Do you have a girlfriend?"
"No," he said. "Not anymore. Not as of last weekend."
"Oh. Did she dump you?"
"Yes." He laughed.
Alyssa noticed his arms, and his muscles, and how his veins stuck out.... "You know, I kind of have this problem," she said. Logan turned onto Avery, and asked, "Oh? What is it?"
"Well, I'm seeing this guy. And I told him I wasn't a virgin. But I actually am. And now I want to do it with him. But...."
"He might be able to tell."
"Uh-huh." See, Alyssa? The truth just feels better, doesn't it?
"Well, I can't really help you," he laughed. "Unless you want me to...."
He stopped at a corner, and glanced into her face.
"You mean you want to.... Are you serious?"
She nodded. "If you want to."
"Well, we could," he said. "No one's home at my house. My mom won't be home until six."
Alyssa felt a quiver all over her body. This was really happening; she was really going to do it. Life was falling into place....
"I'd have to stop and get some condoms," he said.
He drove past Dewhurst, back out to Emerson, and pulled in at a drug store. Alyssa waited while Logan went in, and felt her body getting more and more aroused. By the time they got to his house, she thought, she was going to be so ready that he would be able to slide right in.... He came back out, got into the car, and dropped a plastic bag into her lap.
"I just live over on Lind," he said, and started the car.
The drove to his house, and he parked in the driveway. He wrenched out the key and said, "This has got to be the weirdest day of my life."
"Yeah, well," said Alyssa, "life can be weird sometimes."
"I guess so."
They left the car, and she followed him to the porch.
When they got inside and to his room, she noticed that his bed wasn't made, and the room was a bit of a mess. He must not have been expecting to run into a girl he barely knew from high school, or expected her to request that he relieve her of her virginity. He pulled the top sheet off the bed, moved some things around, and Alyssa set down the plastic bag.
"So, um...." he said.
"Well," she said, and took off her sweatshirt. "Let's just do it."
Alyssa got fully undressed, and lay down on her back. Logan took off his clothes, and she noticed that he was already ready. He ripped open the box of condoms and took one out, rolled it on and lay on top of her. "Now?"
"Mm-hmm," she said, and bent her knees.
He plunged it inside, over and over. And it did hurt, but it wasn't too bad. And with every thrust, she felt her guilt decrease... decrease... and decrease....
When it was over, he pulled out and stood up. He rolled off the condom and dropped it into the trash. Alyssa stood up, and hurried back into her clothes. She felt terribly wet, but didn't look to see if she was bleeding. "Well," she said, "I guess I should say thank you."
He laughed. "It was my pleasure."
They left his room and went back out to his car, and Alyssa told herself that from then on she would never lie to anyone, never ever ever again.
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