Toys & Joys
Lizzie's Perspective-
Lizzie flicked the switch and the open sign on their window lit up.
"Alright, prepare for the storm." Lizzie said, tying her hair up as she walked over to the counter where her husband stood.
Joel chuckled. "It's not too busy in the morning."
"You'd think that, but Christmas is getting closer and so do the last-minute customers." Lizzie said, fixing one of the penguin plushies so he faced more out towards the people.
Jimmy propped open the door to his section of the store and Lizzie smiled.
"Everything ready?" She asked.
"Mhm, and Tango said he'd be over in a minute, he's waiting for someone to take his shift." Jimmy said, watching as Lizzie straightened out the collar to the polo shirt he was wearing.
Lizzie poked her head out when she heard the little bell chime, and she smiled as she saw a mother and her daughter walking around. The little girl dragged her mother over to the shelf full of dolls, looking excited.
"Mommy, look!" The little girl pointed at the doll that sat a bit higher than her. "She does ballet like me!"
The mother smiled and gently picked up the box, kneeling down so her daughter could see.
Lizzie smiled fondly and welcomed the next customer that had walked in.
A little while later, the store was bustling with families and quite a few teens who were checking out Jimmy's part of the store.
Tango had arrived and was setting up a DnD campaign that would be running before Jimmy went back to the ranch in the spring. There was a semi-circle table that sat about five people, not including Tango.
Lizzie's eyes caught onto the familiar face sitting next to Jimmy.
"'s so hard to choose what to be." Scott mumbled, flipping through the character sheet.
"I think you'd be a good bard." Jimmy smiled, having already made his character weeks in advance.
"True, I do have amazing instrumental skills." Scott bragged and Jimmy laughed.
"Always so full of yourself, aren't you?" Jimmy teased.
Scott smirked and the two laughed.
Lizzie felt a warmth in her heart as she saw her brother's happiness. She walked back to her part of the store and helped Joel check out customers. Lizzie was in the middle of wrapping a toy that a father had requested to be wrapped there, and she saw two boys walk out of Jimmy's comic bookstore.
The little boy was tugging on his older brother's hand, whining and complaining.
His older brother looked irritated and kept tugging him towards the exit.
"But I wanna play the dice game!"
"No, we gotta go; now just be quiet and let's go get mom from the store next door." The brother snapped and the little boy stomped, not moving. Tears were in his eyes and he folded his arms, a pout on his face.
Lizzie finished wrapping the toy and gave it to the customer before turning to the scene that was about to explode.
Jimmy suddenly skidded out of his store and walked over to the boys.
"Here, take this." He handed the little boy a bag of black and gold dice.
The little boy gasped and smiled; his eyes sparkling.
"Wow, thank you!" He said, hugging Jimmy.
Jimmy chuckled and patted his head, watching as the older brother took his sibling's hand.
"Thanks, that would've been a disaster." The older brother muttered, watching as the little boy stared at the dice as if he had never seen anything like it.
Jimmy smiled and nodded, standing back up.
"Come back again sometime, I'd be willing to teach you guys about the game."
The brother chuckled.
"Maybe when he's older, he doesn't really appreciate RPG's that much."
Jimmy nodded in understandment, and the brothers left, walking to the jewelry store nearby to find their mother.
"You gave the kid your dice?" Joel asked, strolling over to Jimmy after the rush had mostly died down.
"I have too many." Jimmy chuckled, shrugging. "Besides, I still have my favorite."
Joel smirked and was about to tease him when Tango walked out of Jimmy's store.
Jimmy glared at Joel, who held his hands up in mock defense and went to help his wife restock some of the Legos.
"They finished building their characters, wanna get started?" Tango asked.
"Yeah, I'm excited to see what you have in store." Jimmy smiled, following Tango.
"Hey, guess what Scott rolled for his character's charisma."
"What?" Jimmy tilted his head.
Tango smirked. "He rolled a nat 20."
Jimmy sighed, staring over at the cyan haired guy he had forever been chasing.
"Yeah...yeah that makes sense." He smiled, sitting next to Scott.
Thanks to Juju for her DnD knowledge and helping me write the game in cause I had only a small idea of how to do it from like three years ago when I played.
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