Journey Away From Home
Bdubs' Perspective-
"Come on, it'll be fun!"
"Are you sure?" Bdubs sighed, "It sounds like it'll be stressful. Traveling is already a lot during December, but traveling to a different state? One that's generally very packed during winter? That's a living nightmare."
"It'll be fine!! Me and Grian can pay for the tickets. It'll just be a quick visit over the holiday where all of us can hang out, and we can show you around the town. They get huge into festivities here."
Bdubs grumbled and Scar chuckled.
"So- are you gonna come down?"
Bdubs hummed before shrugging.
"Sure, why not?"
Bdubs stepped off of the plane, taking off his headphones and wrapping them around his neck.
"Hey Bdubs!!"
He glanced around and saw Scar, who waved a sign in the air.
"Hey dude, you made it!!" Scar fist bumps his brother.
"Yeah I actually survived." Bdubs yawned and stretched.
"You hungry?" Scar asked, taking Bdubs backpack to take some weight off his shoulders.
"Cod yes." Bdubs' stomach grumbled almost as if on cue.
Scar chuckled and they walked out.
"So how was your flight?" He asked.
"It was alright. Had some bad turbulence when we came in since it's so windy."
Scar nodded.
"So where's Grian?" Bdubs asked.
"We're gonna meet up at a diner, you okay with that?"
"As long as I get food I'm chilling."
Jimmy's Perspective-
Jimmy walked downstairs and saw Lizzie organizing the shelves.
"Morning." He nods.
Lizzie smiled, "Hey! Joel's still asleep if you're wondering."
"Yeah I assumed." Jimmy snickered, walking over to the other door and opening it, propping it so it wouldn't close.
Inside was a pretty good sized room full of comics and a big table near the back.
Jimmy owned a comic book store that was connected to Lizzie and Joel's toy store. Jimmy worked at a ranch over the spring and summer but during autumn and winter he came back home to work with his sister and brother in law.
Jimmy walked behind the counter and took out a pretty big box, putting it on the table. He opened it and inside laid graph paper, loads of DnD books, cases of pencils and pens and most importantly, Jimmy's extensive dice collection.
He took out a little bag full of cyan dice, smiling as he remembered the guy that gifted them to him.
"Sup Jim." Joel ruffled Jimmy's hair and Jimmy grumbled, rolling his eyes.
"Shut up, I'm taller than you." Jimmy said and Joel shrugged, blowing on his coffee before taking a sip.
"You setting up your comics again?" Joel asked, "Gonna have the guys over for more DnD?"
"Yeah probably. Tango always liked setting those up, and he told me he finished this big storyline."
"You're not gonna be here for that long though, are you?" Joel asked, "They kept you this fall to help with the pumpkins."
"Yeah but they're letting me come back during May now since I kept working through November."
"Oh really?" Lizzie peeked her head in, smiling, "That's great!"
Jimmy chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah! And it means I have time to see that concert." He chuckled, his cheeks flushing red.
Joel coughed on his drink.
"Wait- are you still simping over that guitarist?"
"Shut up!!" Jimmy swiftly kicked Joel's leg and Joel chuckled, rolling his eyes.
"Cod and you said I was the love sick one."
"You are!"
"At least I finally asked Lizzie out and didn't wait years."
"I- It's been hard, alright? I haven't been here all the time and he's been busy on tours."
"Well I heard he's back here until summer." Lizzie said.
Jimmy's eyes widened.
"Yeah, they own that record shop down the street." Joel said, nodding his head to the right.
Jimmy perked up and he walked out, looking down the sidewalk to see another building with the lights brightly shining.
"Try not to spend all day there, we got plans to go to the diner tonight for dinner." Joel said, patting Jimmy's back.
Gem's Perspective-
"Thank you guys so much." Gem said, petting Winnie once more before handing her leash to Pearl.
"No sweat! Winnie isn't a problem at all." Pearl said, scooping her up. "Plus I bet Tilly and Bubbles miss her."
Gem laughs, "Yeah, they're always so sweet together."
Pearl and Gem walked out back and saw Sausage playing with a couple of the other puppies.
There were two tugging on a toy rope, the little Weiner dog trying to prove its strength. Most of the other dogs were playing together and Sausage was throwing a frisbee for one of them.
Tilly was sitting and watching as Sausage threw the frisbee before laying down.
Bubbles barked and Tilly turned towards her, seeing her trying to dig in the flower beds.
"Hey! Bubbles stop that!" Pearl ran over and gently set Winnie down before grabbing Bubbles.
Bubbles squirmed and immediately brightened as she saw Winnie. Pearl put Bubbles down and she ran towards Winnie.
Gem smiled and said bye to her friends before driving down to the studio. She stepped inside the record studio and saw fWhip and Impulse working on the sound and Scott was chatting with a dirty blonde in the break room.
"Is any of the tech broken?" Gem asked, seeing fWhip struggling a bit.
"I think's glitching out pretty bad and the mics aren't picking up Impulse's drumming and when he plays louder we can't hear you guys."
Gem frowned and Scott overheard.
"You know, Martyn told me he was coming down here with his boyfriend to install a machine in the new arcade." Scott said.
Gem looked over, "He is? That's great! We can fix this and record everything and have a stress free break."
Gem sighed and Impulse chuckled, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Chill Gem, we'll be prepared."
She grumbled and Impulse smiled.
"Come on either chill now or face Skizz's wrath later."
Gem laughed, "Oh yeah he'd be mad when he sees I'm stressing about this."
"So chill! It's December, try not to worry about it."
Gem takes a deep breath and nods. fWhip smiled and he elbowed her.
"Yeah stop thinking so much."
Gem snorted, "I wish it was that simple."
Impulse laughed at the siblings and smiled.
Mumbo's Perspective-
"Can you pass me the hammer?"
"The hammer? Why?" Mumbo asked.
"So I can bash my head against it- WHY IS THIS NOT WORKING- " Martyn huffed, coming out from behind their machine.
He wiped his hand against his forehead, huffing and looking exhausted.
Mumbo frowned and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend.
"Do you think something went wrong when we drove here?" Martyn asked, grabbing his water bottle.
"I'm not sure." Mumbo muttered, stepping behind their machine.
He tinkered around for a second before seeing that Martyn had accidentally mixed up the wires.
"Ohhh, I see." Mumbo said.
"What? What happened?" Martyn asked.
"Babe, what did I say about leaving the wires for me to do?" Mumbo smirked, fixing the machine.
Martyn blushed and he mumbled something as the machine lit up and sound started playing.
Mumbo chuckled and planted a soft kiss on his cheek.
"There, see it's fine." Mumbo said, stepping out from behind the machine. The two pushed it back against the wall and Mumbo stepped onto their dance machine.
"Are you sure about this?" Mumbo asked.
"It'll be fine. Kids love Just Dance, they'll love our machine." Martyn said.
Mumbo shrugged and booted up one of the songs to test it out. He tried it and failed, not doing well.
He grumbled, "Ugh I hate this."
Martyn chuckled and stepped on.
"Let a pro show you how it's done." He smirked and played the song, getting it perfect.
"Show off."
"Wha- hey!"
Mumbo laughed and Martyn rolled his eyes.
"You suck." He said, booping Mumbo's nose.
Mumbo laughed and smiled, watching as Martyn took out his phone to check the time.
"Wanna get some food at the nearby diner?"
"Sure! I'm starving."
Martyn smiled and they packed up their tools before walking out.
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