TW: Blood, gore, anxiety attacks, self hatred, being along, Transphobia, and probably some other stuff. Look this chapter the kids are doing something similar to what they did in "Sander Sides-Superheros" again read that book too.
Patton woke up the next day and was confused where he was. Then while looking the twin sized bed in the corner under a small window with a bedside table next to it that he was sitting in, and there was also 2 dressers for clothing, a bookshelf and a small desk with a chair. Looking to the right he saw the door that lead to a bathroom with a toilet and shower. he remembered that he was in his dorm at PH. Patton quickly got changed for school and placed his pansexual pride pin over his heart before walking out to the kitchen and seeing Logan.
Patton: Hey Logan what you making?
Logan: Good morning Patton. I am making toast. Would you like some?
Patton: No it's good I'll make some pancakes for myself. Do you think the others would like some.
Just then Roman entered the kitchen wearing a white long sleeved "Dear Evan Hanson" shirt.
Patton: Hey Roman. I was about to make some pancakes. Do you want some?
Roman: Yah sure *Yawn* why not. Nice pin by the way.
Patton: Aww thank you.
Roman walked over the the coffee maker and started to make a pot while Patton started on the pancakes. When the was coffee finished Virgil came down stairs and took the coffee pot out of Romans hands.
Roman: Well good morning sun shine.
Virgil: Whatever princey.
Roman: Ok hot topic. Just give me the coffee back already.
Virgil: Ahhhh you think I'm hot.
Patton: Now come on now lets not call each other names. And the pancakes are finished lets eat.
The three boys sat down and Logan, how had been eating his toast with Crofters and reading a book, looked up. He wanted to get better aquatinted with his new dorm mates and decided to start a conversation.
Logan: What classes do you all have.
Patton: Well don't we all have hero classes together?
Logan: Yes. All of our hero classes are together but our academic classes are different. For example I am taking latin, honors geometry, chemistry, and honors english.
Virgil: Wait isn't chemistry a sophomore class?
Roman: Yah it is. I'm in it too. I'm also in Algebra II, english and I'm taking Spanish. What about you?
Patton: WOW your in 2 10th grade classes. Thats AMAZING!! I'm taking ASL, geometry, and english. Virgil how about you
Virgil: Oh same as you Patton but I'm talking Spanish. Shouldn't we be getting to class soon. We have Power Skills or whatever it's called.
Logan: It is called Power Enhancement and yes it starts in approximately 10 minutes. If we head over now we should get there 3 minutes early.
The 4 boys walked into class, as Logan excepted, 3 minuets early too Power Enhancement. Their teacher was not there yet and the class room was next to empty so the boys picked desks next to each other and talked as the classroom started filling up. Soon the bell rung and everyone got quiet as a teacher with snake scales covering half of their face wearing a bowler hat and yellow gloves walked it.
Teacher: Hello there class. I am your Power Enhancement teacher. I am Janus Sander's or the hero Deceit He/him but for class you may call me Deceit or Janus.
Janus started going through the register calling every bodies names.
Janus: Patton Pepper
Patton: Here
Janus: Romani-
Roman: HERE
Janus gave Roman a skeptical look. He did not appreciate being yelled over. Roman cringed as he saw Virgil give him a confused look. Janus quickly continued with the attendance and snapped his book shut when he finished.
Janus: Now that that is handled for todays lesson you will be working your greatest mental weaknesses.
Logans hand quickly shot up with a question.
Janus: Yes Logan what is your question
Logan: May I ask what our mental weaknesses have to do with out powers sir? This is Power Enhancement after all.
Janus: Yes this is. You might be surprised but your mental state has a lot to do with your powers. For example my power is Illusion. If I am calm and well rested I would be able to create large realistic illusions but if I am having a particularly stressful day I would have a much harder time making smaller and less realistic illusions.
Logan: Thank you for answering my question sir.
Janus: Yes now Infirm you may come in now.
The door opened and a young man walked in.
Janus: This is Infirm he will be helping me with todays lesson. I will call you out one by one for todays test.
Janus walked out the door and a few minutes later Infirm's phone went off.
Infirm: Great Deceit's all set time to send one of you in. How about.... You!
Infirm pointed directly at Patton and gestured for him to walk with him out the door. Patton got up and gave a small smile to his friends and walked out the door. Infirm placed a hand on his shoulder and started leading him to where Deceit was after pulling out his phone and sending a test.
Infirm: You nervous?
Patton: Yah just a little. I hope its not too bad.
Infirm: You have this. Here we are.
Infirm and Patton had arrived at a single door in an empty hallway. Janus was no where in sight. Infirm opened the door and quickly shoved Patton inside closing it behind him. Patton stumbled in the darkness before regaining his balance then suddenly there was a light in the corner of the room. In the light was his Grangran. His Grangran was on the ground in agony covered in blood and suddenly let out the most blood curtailing scream.
Patton: Grangran! Grangran I'm here I'm coming for you!
Patton tried to run forward to his grangran but found he couldn't move there was a wall blocking his way. He hadn't realized his was looking through a window till now. The window was firmly set into a wall and Patton desperately tried breaking the glass. He desperately tried to reach his hurting Grangran with no avail.
Grangran: Patton come here baby. Please
Patton: Grangran I want to I want to help you! I can't move we need someone to help you! HELP PLEASE SOMEONE!!
Patton looked up at the way and noticed an opening at the top. He started looking for foot holds to climb the wall but there were none. Patton attempted to scale the wall only getting as high as a jump. As Patton looked at his Grangran he remembered something. He remembered someone telling him to use his powers. Patton quickly activated his power and floated up to the opening and made his way though. Dropping to the floor he went to check on his Grangran. Then the lights turned on and his Grangran disappeared. Janus stepped out to the middle of the room.
Janus: Well done Patton. It didn't take you too long to remember your powers. Come on.
Janus led a shaking Patton to a door on the other side of the room and let him inside a classroom.
Janus: Wait here. The next student will come in a couple of minutes.
Patton: Ok thank you Deceit.
Then Janus turned on his heel and closed the door behind him leaving Patton alone.
Roman and Logan were talking in the classroom when Infirm walked back in. They were the only two left and it had only been a few minutes from the last time Infirm collected a kid. Infirm looked at the two of them and pointed to Roman. By now they all knew the drill so Roman got up and gave Logan a thumbs up as he walked out the room. He felt Infirm place a hand on his back and suddenly his smile looked strained. Infirm pulled out his phone and texted someone before leading Roman down a hallway in complete silence. When Roman reached the room Infirm was surprised to find Deceit outside the door.
Janus: Thank you Infirm. I would like to talk to this one alone for a moment if you please. I will text you when you can bring the last student.
Infirm: Ok... I will
Roman: What do you want to talk to me about sir. Did I do something wrong?
Janus: No you didn't do anything wrong but I did tell you to call me Janus. I wanted to ask why you interrupted me when I called your name today.
Roman: I... Ummm...
Janus: Romania it's OK you can tell me whats wrong.
Janus immediately regretted saying that seeing the kid cringe and watched as the young students face instantly fall.
Roman: My.. My name is Roman. Not Romania. I'm a boy not a girl...
Janus: Ok I can relay this to all the teachers if you'd like so no one else makes that mistake.
Roman: Yes please sir. That would be very helpful.
Janus smiled as he say Romans face light up. Roman's face portrayed pure joy and it made Janus feel he was doing the right thing. Janus then realized what he would have to do and his face fell.
Janus: I am very sorry about what I'm about to do Roman
Janus walked the two of them into the room and closed the door. Roman found himself in complete darkness before all the lights turned on. The room was so bright it hurt his eye's and the all white room that reflected the light did not help. Roman's blood turned to ice once he heard a voice behind him.
David: ROMANIA YOU IDIOT! You failed! Why would we ever think that you could ever amount to anything. YOUR WORTHLESS
Roman: Wh-w-what are you t-t-talking about David! I-I haven't d-d-done any th-th-thing w-w-wrong!
Romans Mother: Romania don't you ever speak to your brother that way! You are just a failure that could never live up to him. Now get up girl and fight.
Roman: M-Mother p-p-p-please. I d-d-don't know what y-y-y-our talking about!
R.Mother: Sop your stuttering. You know what you did and you failed. You have let down the family Romania.
Roman couldn't breath. The walls around him were getting closer and closer with every time his mother yelled at him. He collapsed to the floor and curled up into a small ball.
David: Look at her Mother. She can't even stand up for herself.
R.Mother: She is useless.
Roman couldn't take it anymore. He was not a girl, he was not useless, he was not a failure. He wanted to yell it in their faces so bad it hurt. But Roman couldn't move. All he could do it sit there and cry as his family yelled at him.
After 10 minutes of watching Roman on the floor Janus called it. He couldn't handle watching such a young boy be so hurt and not be able to get up and do anything about it. He quickly made the illusions disappear and walked up to Roman.
Roman felt a pair of arms wrap around him and held on to him till he stopped crying. He felt so useless and pathetic as he had done nothing. He couldn't pass the test and it was only the first day. Wich only made him feel worse. Eventually the arms let him go and Roman faced Janus.
Janus: Roman are you ok. I'm sorry I had to do that to you.
Roman: I-I-I... It's ok S-sir. I'm fine
Roman knew his acting wasn't very convincing but couldn't muster the energy it took to act alright and started fiddling with his sleeves. Janus gave him a look of concern and helped him up.
Janus: How about you go to the med bay till your feeling better. That way you wont have to talk to anyone. I'll say you got a headache or something. Just come back when your feeling better.
Roman gave him a small smile while Janus lead him out the door. Janus watched as Roman started down the hall towards the med bay then pulled out his phone to tell Infirm to bring in the last kid.
Logan was starting to get worried. Most of the other students had taken at most 10 minutes from the time Infirm had taken the student out of the classroom to when he walked back in. But the 10 minutes had already passed and Infirm was no where in sight. After 5 more minutes Infirm finally walked in. Logan didn't need to be told what to do and stood up walking over to the door. Infirm patted Logan on the back when he passed. Logan and Infirm walked down the hallway in silence till they reached the room. Infirm gestured for Logan to walk in and closed the door behind him.
Logan tried to see through the darkness but it was no use. He was about to call out when a light went on. He looked and saw a classroom just like the one he was sitting in earlier. Suddenly everything lifted off the ground and started to swarm around the room. Creating a tornado of desk and chairs and books all spinning around Logan with him at the center. Logan looked in terror as the tornado started to get smaller and smaller. Books started hitting him as he tried to avoid the larger desk and chairs. Logan needed to find a way out or else he would get hurt. His brain went flying with ways to escape. He fell to his knees as a chair hit him in the back. Logan looked through the flurry of school supplies and took a breath. He needed to get out now. Logan closed his eyes and tried to steady his mind. He quickly grabbed hold of the energy that always surrounded him and pushed aside the wall of desk blocking his way without lifting a finger. Logan stood up as a dark blue glow surrounded him, the tornado of desk and chairs started to glow the same color before slowly stopping. Logan stood there for a moment with everything floating mid air before dropping them. Logan dropped to his knees panting from the effort.
The classroom quickly disappeared and was replaced with a bare room with Janus standing in the center clapping his hands.
Janus: That was pretty impressive kid.
Logan: Mr. Sanders what was that?
Janus: Your weakness is chaos. When things go wrong you lose your head. So a little tornado of trouble felt like a good test.
Logan just sat on the floor trying to catch his breath. Deceit held his hand to Logan and helped him off the floor before leading him to the door to the next classroom full with the other students. Logan gasped as someone hugged him.
Patton: LOGAN! I was so worried about you. It's been so long since the last person came in. Was you test hard? What took you so long? Romans the only one left right was he after you?
Virgil: Patton give him a second. He probably needs one to process what just happened.
Logan: I'm fine Patton. What do you mean Roman isn't here. He was before me. Did he not come in?
Janus: Roman had a headache after his test so I sent him to the med bay that's why he never came in. Now all of you sit down so we can talk about todays test.
All the students quickly settled into their seats and Janus started talking about how everyone needed to work on their weaknesses.
Janus: For some of you I portrayed your greatest fear and you would freeze up. For others I would mess up how you think or pushed you outside of your comfort zone...
Janus continued talking but Virgil tuned him out looking at the empty chair where Roman would have sat.
OMG THIS ONE IS LONG. Longest chapter yet and it took me a bit longer to make. Honestly Logans part was the hardest to write.
Just wanted to tell everyone you are loved, you are valid, and you are perfect as who you are. If your parents don't support you wether it's your sexuality, gender, or anything else you are perfect and valid. You are real. Also I'm adopting you so you now have a Gender Fluid parent that is sending you millions of hugs.
Take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. :)
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