Totally Safe
Hey publishing early because I wanted to make up for sucking at keeping up my schedule. Also I am demi-romantic and ace so I'm sorry I really suck at writing crushes just work with me please.
TW: Talk about potential kidnaping, being/feeling sick, blacking out, light cursing, food mentions, drugging food
The four boys walked into Power Enhancement class and saw Janus standing at the front of the classroom. Roman tugged on Virgils sweatshirt sleeve and pulled his shoulder down so he could whisper in his ear.
Roman: Whats De doing here this early? He usually doesn't show up till the start of class.
Virgil: How would I know.
Roman just shrugged and the four boys walked to their seats and sat down. The class was silent unlike usually due to Janus's serious expression as they all waited for everyone to get to class. Once everyone sat down Janus walked to the middle of the room and a bit closer to the students.
Janus: Recently there has been a threat against some of you students by the villain Chaos. You all know about Chaos, he can be unpredictable and unstable. He is a very powerful villain too so we are taking precautions for your safety but we don't want you to worry. Yah I understand that that sounds stupid because "Oh hey there's a super powerful super villain out to get some of you but don't worry" but we really are going to protect you guys. We also don't even know if Chaos is actually going after you. So just follow the new safety precautions for the Hero Course and you should be protected and fine.
Janus went on to list the new rules before asking if there were any questions. Logan(Of course) raised his hand. Janus sighed and pointed to him.
Logan: Sir. Is this just for the hero course or the entire school.
Janus: Actually this is just for your class. Chaos was only threatening the Freshman in the Hero Course.
Logan: What do you mean Sir.
Janus: I told you to call me Deceit or Janus ok Logan. Chaos gave the threat directly to Remy and Emile. They are the only teachers who only teach your class and the way Chaos works in a lot like the Joker from Batman. You trust he'll do what he says and he wants to watch the world burn.
Logan: Thank you Si-Deceit.
Janus: Any more questions... Yes Patton.
Patton: Do you have any idea which kids Chaos is going after.
Janus: No. We just know he's going after 4 boys and that they are Freshman in the hero course but thats it. Thats why we're being so protective of the entire year and not just a specific group. But again follow the new rules and you all should be totally safe.
Patton: Ok thank you
Janus then got started with the day's lesson and the four boys started talking. Or 3 of them did and dragged Logan into the conversation.
Roman: Who do you think it is?
Logan: Deceit has already stated that they only know it is four boys in our class.
Roman: Well duh I know that but. This is one of our classes that EVERYONE in our year is here. So whoever Chaos is after is in this room.
Patton: I hope whoever he's after will be safe. I mean Chaos is really...
Roman: Yah I understand. My mother and David have fought him before and always have had a hard time. I know we don't "Rank" villains but Chaos-
Patton: Would definitely be at the top of that list.
Virgil: Just who is it? Who would it be? I mean-
Janus: BOYS! Would you like to share you're discussion with the class or pay attention you little shits.
Logan: Sir should you be cursing in front of students?
Janus: No but what the fuck are you going to do about it
Janus smirked at Logan as he quickly shut his mouth. The rest of the class was trying to suppress their laughter.
**Time skip brought to you by me falling down a flight of stairs**
Roman and Virgil walked over to their table and sat down across from Patton and Logan setting down their trays.
Roman: So let's get down to business
Virgil, Patton, Roman: TO DEFEAT THE HUNS!
Logan: Oh god...
Patton: Ok sorry hunny. What do you mean Roman.
Roman: I mean about who Chaos is looking for. I mean what would the countries worst super villain want with a couple of Freshman.
Logan: Well Power High is the most prestigious school around and many students become the best hero's. Maybe there are some kids who he thinks has the most potential and take them to become villains or maybe make a statement about his power.
They boys just sighed and took started eating their lunch. Roman had just taken his last bite of his sandwich and noticed it had a slight bitter taste too it. Not enough to worry him, maybe just the cheese(Am I the only one who thinks some cheeses can have a bit of a bitter taste especially if there is more of it then the rest of the sandwich) it was subtle and it looked like the others didn't notice anything. Patton finished his sandwich and started eating his cookie leaning his head on Logans shoulder.
Virgil: Maybe it's Mason.
Roman: huh?
Virgil: I dunno I mean he's a big shot in class and pretty cocky(Is that how you spell it) easy villain traits
Patton: No. Mason's obvious but really isn't all that brave. Villains often are overly confident and arrogant but not in the way Mason is. Masons really big about it and it feels more forced. Villains really are confident and have had time to develop who they are.
Virgil: How do you know all that?
Patton: Uh. I don't remember just one of those things I know but wasn't really specifically taught at any time, you know?
Logan: Actually I haven't learned that before. I knew some of it but you seem to have a more in depth knowledge.
Roman: Yah. I just learned that though my family how did you learn it?
Patton: Oh I don't...
Virgil: Hey it's ok. Plus we need to go to our next class now.
Patton: oh right! Bye guys!
Virgil: Bye Padre
Logan: Come on Roman we don't want to be late for Chemistry
They boys all walked off to class. Roman watched as Virgil walked away and smiled. He hated to admit it but... He thinks he might have a crush on emo. He had started to notice his small crush on Virgil was starting to grow especially since Patton and Logan had started dating. They had been spending more time together.
Logan: You should ask him out
Logan: I can hear your thoughts remember
Roman: Uhh! I hate you
Logan: Falsehood
Roman: ok but HOW! How do I even know if Virgil likes me?
Logan: I didn't know if Patton liked me but I still asked him out so can you.
Roman: Damm you Logan and your logic
Logan just smirked at Roman and walked into their chemistry class.
**Time skip brought to you by Virgil trying to skateboard**
Virgil walked into the kitchen and saw Roman laying on top of the counter table and Logan and Patton laying against each other at the table. Virgil flopped on to the counter next to Roman and sighed.
Virgil: I feel like shit
Patton: Language and yah
Roman: Join the club
Logan: What club? Do we have a club for those who feel si-
Patton: It's a figure of speech hunny calm down.
Logan: Oh thank you Sirius(Thats the brightest star in the sky not Sirius Black from Harry Potter) Then yes I too am not feeling well.
Virgil: Great then does that mean we can just eat something and go to sleep without forcing anyone to act like a human.
Roman, Logan, Patton: Deal
Roman: I'll make dinner don't except me to make any 5 star meals though
Roman slipped off the counter and went to the fridge to start dinner. Virgil watched Roman and pressed his head against the cool counter closing his eyes. He started to smile when he heard Roman groggily humming and opened his eyes, Roman smiled at him when he saw Virgil watching.
Virgil(Head): Man sometimes princey can be real ho-NICE I MEAN NICE CALM DOWN GAY THOUGHTS
Logan(Head): I have a flashcard that says smooth on it. Would that work in this situation?
Virgil(h): AH LOGAN
Logan(h):*Chuckle* Sorry Virgil but don't worry there is no reason Roman would not like you back.
Virgil(h): Doesn't mean I'm not anxious about it. What if-
Roman: Can you guys set the table I'm almost done
Patton: Sure thing kiddo
The three boys stood up and Patton stumbled suddenly and Logan caught him.
Logan: Sirius are you ok?
Patton: Yah sorry just got a bit light headed. I'm ok
Logan felt like his head was pounding and could barley hear the others thoughts. He pushed his fingers against his temples trying to relive the pressure in his head but it wasn't working
Virgil: I feel like I'm going to die
Logan: Same. We should all probably head to the infirmary in the morning.
Roman: Hey Pat you ok you're really not looking so good.
Patton: mmm
Patton shook his head and starting swaying. The room was spinning. Why was the room spinning? Patton suddenly found himself in Logan's arms. How'd he get there? Patton felt the edges of his vision getting dark.
Logan: Patton. Patton! Pat-
Logan broke off into coughs and sunk to the floor no longer being able to support Pattons weight. Roman stumbled over to the counter next to Virgil who was also being over taken in a coughing fit. Logan felt himself blacking out and looked down at Patton who had passed out at some time before slipping under and into the black.
Virgil stumbled and crashed into Roman about to black out too.
Virgil: What... The...*Cough* Hell...
Roman: Virgil. V-virgil c-come on.
Virgil blacked out and Roman completely caught him when he felt himself starting to fall. He moved so he wouldn't fall onto Virgil and felt his eyelids start to get heavy as he curled up into a ball as his headache grew. Just as he was passing out he looked up hearing laughing that sounded far away and saw an orange silhouette.
How did you guys like that cliff hanger?
So yah I have had 2 crushed in my life and only one of them was big. IDK how to write crushes helppppppppp. Also THAT NEW SANDER SIDES EPISODE! I WANT ALL THOSE JAMS BUT KNOW I WILL NEVER GET THEM BECAUSE IM BROKE AF! THOSE COMMERCIALS YES!!!
Take it easy guy's, gals, and non-binary pals!
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