The Test
Hey I just wanted to let you all know. Here is where there is some obvious influence from "Sander Sides-Superheros" Go read it. I really enjoyed it. I just wanted to give them some credit because their story inspired me to write this and I used some of their ideas. Some were copied like Roman and Deceit's powers but I had always planned on their powers to be the same. I do not directly copy anything but there is some influence and I would recommend reading "Sander Sides-Superheros"
Logan wished he for once had been wrong. He head heard the principal say "potential new students" and looked around to make sure he heard right. One look from the hispanic boy in the red shirt and he knew he was correct.
Principal: I am Principal Max they/them and as some of you might have noticed I did speak right. Potential new students. We have decided that today instead of a sort of field day to show off your powers we would hold a test. Those who fail the test will not be allowed to continue at this school.
The crowed roared without outrage. All of these kids had already been though intensive testing and now they were being told that they still might not get in.
Principal Max: QUIET
Principal Max's voice boomed over the crowd. They're power of loud voice was perfect for a school where kids often got rowdy and helped to keep order.
Principal Max: Now I'm sure you all have some disagreements with this but society is changing. Becoming a hero is harder then ever and we need to make sure that everyone we take in is prepared to face the hardships in the future. If you have a problem with this them leave. If not follow the teachers to the gymnasium.
Just then everyone noticed the other teachers had excited the building and were waiting off to the side of the crowd. The teachers soon started walking towards the gymnasium and the potential students and their families quickly followed. Once they got to the gym the parents were sent to the bleachers with their kids bags.
Logan dropped off his bag with his father and looked around seeing everyone doing the same. Except for the boy in the red shirt he had seen earlier. He quickly walked up and confronted the boy.
Logan: Salutations. You seem to be confused about where to put your bags. Do you need assistance?
The boy in the red shirt: Oh well... My family already left and I don't want to just leave them.
Logan: My father could hold on to them for you if you'd like. I'm Logan he/him by the way.
The boy in the red shirt: oh I'm Roman he/him. Thanks that be great.
Logan lead his new acquaintance to his father and explained the situation to him. Roman dropped off his bags and the two of them quickly left to join the crowd of students. Logan watched as a boy with purple bangs and a boy with a blue polo walked over to Roman.
Roman: Hey guys this is Logan. Logan this is Virgil and Patton.
The 3 boys exchanged greetings when the principal started talking again.
Principal Max: Now there will be a series of test you all must complete. Fail more then 2 of them and you have to leave. The first task is to run to the front entrance then back in under 45 minutes and your time starts... NOW
Everyone started sprinting towards the gym exits. Soon everyone was outside and running to the entrance. The walk there had seemed long but now if felt even worse. Some students didn't even make it to the entrance before slowing down. Roman was confident in his abilities. He felt the fire that constantly burned in his stomach grow larger as he used it to quickly reach the entrance. When he got there he saw Virgil coming up with Patton right behind him. Roman knew he didn't have time to try to spot Logan so he started his sprint back to the gym.
When Patton made it to the entrance he felt his legs getting tired and knew he would never be able to sprint back. He decided now would be a good time to use his powers. He quickly grabbed on to the the gravity pulling him down and started to float. The principal never said anything about using powers. Patton quickly propelled himself forward keeping a steady pace towards the gym.
???: How are the little punks doing?
????: AH! Remy you scared me!
Remy: Well it's not my fault. You should be paying better attention to your surroundings. We are hero's Emile.
Emile: Well your one to talk. You shouldn't be showing up this late. The first test already started.
Remy: Well I needed my Starbucks. You do not want to see me without coffee. I'm a total bitch.
Emile laughed at his old friend and coworker. The two teachers looked over the small group of kids who had finished and watched as it steadily grew.
Remy: Who's that one?
Remy pointed to a boy with dark brown hair with blue highlights.
Emile: Logan Frank. His powers are telekinesis and mind reading.
Remy: Oooh a hybrid kid. Those are always fun. How'd he get back to fast? The little biatch isn't even sweating
Emile: I think he found a shorter route. When walking the kids here we took them the long way to the gym. Guess the kid had a map or something and found the short way.
Remy: So he's a smart one. What about that kid.
Emile: I think that one's Virgil Gray. He controls shadows.
Remy: Thats pretty creepy but sounds like it could be useful.
Remy surveyed the crowd looking to see if anyone stood out. He saw two boy's talking they both looked as if the run was nothing. He pointed to them
Remy: How about those 2?
Emile: Patton Pepper is the one in the blue shirt. He can make himself and anything he touches float. The one in the red shirt is Romania Príncipe. She has fire powers.
Remy: WAIT that's kids last name is PRINCE. He must be a real extra bitch.
???: How many times have I told you to stop cursing around the students.
Remy and Emile turned around to see a man with snake scales on one side of his face who was wearing his signature bowler hat and yellow gloves.
Remy: You know I can't Janus. It's just who I am.
Janus: Well you better get your act together or-
Remy: Ah SH! Look Principal Max is about to end the test.
The 45 minuets were up and only about half the kids were left. Thats when everyone knew this was going to be a long day.
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