The School Entrance
As Roman pulled up to the entrance of Power High he did not except there to be other people there. The three brothers had gotten to school earlier than expected and Roman was confused why so many families would choose to come a whole 45 minutes early. Romans thoughts were distracted by a loud snore from Remus who had fallen asleep sometime during the ride. David rolled his eye's at his younger brother and parked the car. He turned around expectantly and looked at Roman before speaking.
David: Don't mess this up.
Roman: I w-wont. I-I promise.
David: If you do you'll officially be the broken link of our family line
David let out a hearty laugh seeing his brothers face fall and turned around. Roman quietly reached forward and shook Remus awake knowing his brother would want to see him off.
Roman: Remus wake up. I'm leaving now.
Remus: I am never doing this again its way to early
Roman laughed at his brother and they both got out of the car and hugged each other good bye.
Remus: Good bye for now my prince.
Roman: And a good day to my duke.
Roman smiled as he watched his brother climb back into the car and drive away, watching till the car turned the corner and he could no longer see it. He then turned around, picked up his bags and headed towards the entrance of the school
Virgil had insisted that he get to school early. Blame it on his anxiety. So when he arrived at 6 o'clock he felt both relief and suddenly became more anxious. His father noticed his sudden change in mood turned around to look at him.
Tall Father: Hey Virgil you got this. No matter what we have your back and plus your super powerful. Power high won't know what hit em.
Little Dad: Yah. Now lets get out to the entrance. Looks like there are already some families here. Looks like your not the only nervous one.
Virgil: Yah, thanks dad. Lets go
Virgil stepped out of the car with his duffle bag and fixed his purple bangs. After making sure his hair looked good he started walking towards the entrance. While walking his little dad put an arm around his shoulder and smiled at him. Once they got to the small crowd of people Virgil survived everyone who looked like they were a student. There weren't that many people there but one boy caught his eye.
He was tall with golden brown skin and light brown hair and eyes. His hair was a red on his bangs that matched his long sleeve shirt that he was wearing. He was definitely good looking, there was no doubt about that, very strong and masculine even though his face could be described as almost female. Virgil watched as the boy stood there fiddling with his sleeves and wondered where is family was. Everyone had been told that they could bring family to help with unpacking and getting settled in but it looked like this boy's family had left him. The boy noticed Virgil watching him and Virgil quickly averted his gaze.
The boy in the red shirt: Well hello there. I saw you were watching me. May I ask why?
Virgil: Umm... I was...
Roman: It's ok it doesn't bother me at all. My names Roman Príncipe he/him.
Virgil couldn't help his laugh.
Virgil: Wait your last name in Príncipe. Like the Spanish word for prince?
Roman: Haha. Yah it is. Don't have a clue about how that happened but I think I fit the bill. Who wouldn't want a handsome hispanic prince to come to your rescue.
Virgil: Oh boy princey your last name definitely suits you.
Roman: Wait what did you call me.
Virgil: What princey? Did I offend you or something?
Virgil started to panic. He was only 5 minutes in and he was already insulting people but Roman just laughed
Roman: No it's good. Thats just a nickname my brother calls me. I honestly was surprised to hear someone else say it.
Virgil relaxed and they two of them lapsed into an moment of silence.
Roman: Hey I never got your name.
Virgil: Oh yah sorry. It's Virgil He/him.
Roman: Virgil. I like that name it's different and unique.
Virgil: Oh.. umm thanks I guess.
Just then little dad walked over from the conversation he and tall father were having with another set of parents to see his son talking to another boy.
Little dad: Hey there Virgil. Who you talking too?
Roman: Hello there sir. Roman Príncipe he/him at your service.
Little dad: Well aren't you formal. I'm Virgil's Dad. Are your parents here or are you supporting a sibling?
Roman: Oh no sir my parents aren't here. My brothers dropped me of a few minutes ago.
Little dad: Oh could your parents not make it.
Roman started to get nervous and started fidgeting with his sleeves. He didn't know wether or not to tell this man the truth. He didn't know how this man would react to hear that his parents didn't care enough about him to take the 3 hour drive to his new school. Luckily he was saved by Tall Father walking over and placing a hand on Virgil and his husbands shoulders.
Tall father: Hey you two. Making new friends
Virgil: Yah. Father this is Roman
Roman: Hello sir. It is nice to meet you. I was just getting aquatinted with your son and husband
Little dad: He's a very kind boy. I can already tell you would like him. He's also here to become a hero.
Roman: Why thank you sir.
The 3 of them smiled at each other before little dad noticed his son's anxious fidgeting.
Little dad: How about we leave you two to talk for a bit. Virgil how about we meet up here in 15 minutes?
Virgil: Yah that sounds good.
Roman: It's was very nice to meat you two.
The two walked away leaving the two boys to talk. They stood there awkwardly before another boy dressed in a light blue polo with a gray cardigan wrapped around his neck. He was wearing light blue circle glasses and had a back pack on.
Boy with the blue polo: Hello there! I'm Patton he/him. Who are you guys?
Roman: Hey. I'm Roman he/him and this is Virgil also he/him.
Virgil: hey.
Patton looked delighted at his potential new friends and took his back pack off. He took out a few cookies he and his Grangran had made the night before.
Patton: Hey do you guy's want some cookies? I made them last night.
Roman: Oh yah. Those look good. Thanks.
Virgil and Roman reached forward and grabbed a cookie. Patton watched as Virgil took a bite and looked over to Roman who seemed to be studying the cookie for a second before taking a bite.
Roman: WOW! This is really good.
Patton: Thanks! It's my Grangrans secret recipe.
Just then the principal walked out of the main entrance and the crowd fell to a silence. The 3 boy's said good bye and left to find their families while Roman made is way closer to the front, even with his hight he wanted to get closer to see the principal better.
Principal: Hello their potential new students and families. Today is the first day at Power high.
The crowd cheered but Roman noticed something strange the principal had said. "potential" not new, potential. He looked around and noticed that very few others had released this including a boy with dark brown hair with blue highlights. The two of them made brief eye contact but broke it when the principal started talking again.
Principal: I am Principal Max and as some of you might have noticed I did speak right. Potential new students. We have decided that today instead of a sort of field day to show off your powers we would hold a test. Those who fail the test will not be allowed to continue at this school.
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